How long should you cook pizza sauce?

5 min readApr 18, 2023

Pizza is undeniably one of the most beloved foods worldwide. From its crispy crust to mouth-watering toppings, it’s hard not to indulge in a slice (or more!). However, what makes pizza even better is the sauce that goes on top. Pizza sauce serves as a base for all other ingredients and can make or break your pizza experience. But how long should you cook pizza sauce? In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cooking the perfect pizza sauce and take your homemade pizzas from average to extraordinary!

What is the difference between fresh and canned tomatoes?

Tomatoes are the star ingredient in pizza sauce, but there are different types of tomatoes that you can use. The most common options are fresh and canned tomatoes — each with its own advantages.

Fresh tomatoes have a bright, sweet flavor that’s perfect for blending into sauces. They’re also rich in nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. However, they can be quite watery and require more preparation time to remove the skins and seeds.

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On the other hand, canned tomatoes provide convenience since they’re already peeled and seeded. They also tend to be less watery than their fresh counterparts which makes them ideal for thickening up sauces with ease. Plus, canned tomatoes typically have a longer shelf life compared to fresh ones.

When choosing between fresh or canned tomatoes for your pizza sauce recipe, consider your preferences regarding taste, texture, and level of effort required during preparation!

How do you make pizza sauce?

Making pizza sauce from scratch is easy and fun. There are a few different approaches you can take, but most recipes call for basic ingredients like tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and herbs.

First off, choose the right kind of tomato — canned San Marzano tomatoes or fresh Roma tomatoes work well. If using fresh tomatoes, remove the stems and core them before blanching in boiling water for 30 seconds to make peeling easier. Then chop into small pieces.

Next up is garlic — mince several cloves (use more or less depending on your taste). Heat up some olive oil in a pan over medium heat and add the minced garlic until fragrant.

Add your chopped tomatoes to the pan along with salt and pepper to season it. Cook down at low-medium heat while mashing gently with a fork or potato masher until you reach your desired consistency.

Finally add dried oregano leaves or basil as required by your recipe; then continue simmering for another 10 minutes so flavors meld together perfectly!

What are the best ingredients for pizza sauce?

When it comes to making the perfect pizza sauce, choosing the right ingredients is key. While there are many variations of pizza sauce recipes out there, using high-quality and fresh ingredients will ensure that your sauce packs a punch of flavor.

One essential ingredient for any good pizza sauce is tomatoes. While both fresh and canned tomatoes can be used, opting for ripe and juicy Roma or San Marzano tomatoes will give your sauce a deliciously sweet taste. If you’re using canned tomatoes, make sure to look for ones that are whole or diced rather than crushed or pureed.

Another important ingredient in pizza sauce is garlic. Fresh garlic cloves finely minced and sautéed in olive oil before adding it to the tomato mixture will enhance the overall flavor profile of your sauce.

Herbs such as basil, oregano, thyme can also add depth to your pizza sauce’s flavor. These herbs should be added sparingly since they have strong flavors that can easily overpower other ingredients if overused.

Selecting high-quality ingredients like ripe Roma or San Marzano tomatoes along with freshly minced garlic and a selection of herbs like basil and oregano all play an essential role in creating delicious homemade Pizza Sauce!

How long should pizza sauce be cooked for?

Cooking pizza sauce is a crucial step in making the perfect pizza. The cooking time of the sauce can vary depending on your recipe and ingredients used. However, as a general rule of thumb, it should be cooked for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

Cooking the sauce for this length of time helps to develop its flavors by allowing all the ingredients to blend together perfectly. It also helps thicken up any watery consistency and reduce excess liquid that may cause sogginess when baked with other toppings.

When simmering your pizza sauce, ensure you stir occasionally to prevent burning or sticking at the bottom of your pan. You can also adjust the temperature if needed, especially if you notice that your sauce boils too rapidly.

After cooking, let it cool down before adding onto your pizza dough so that it doesn’t make it soggy during baking. With these tips in mind and practice, you will cook perfect homemade pizza sauces every time!

Tips for better pizza sauce

To make your pizza sauce stand out, there are a few tips that can help you take it to the next level. Firstly, always use high-quality ingredients when making your sauce. Fresh tomatoes and herbs are key to elevating the flavor of your sauce.

Another tip is to ensure that you cook the tomato paste before adding in other ingredients such as garlic or onions. This helps bring out their flavors and also ensures that any raw taste from the tomato paste is eliminated.

When cooking your pizza sauce, try using a heavy-bottomed pan or pot to prevent burning and sticking. Also, be sure not to overcook your sauce as this can cause it to become too thick and lose its fresh taste.

Adding a pinch of sugar or honey can also balance out any acidity in the tomatoes while adding red pepper flakes can give it an extra kick of flavor.

Don’t forget about seasoning! A dash of salt and black pepper goes a long way in enhancing the overall taste of your pizza sauce. With these simple tips, you’ll have a delicious homemade pizza sauce every time!


Cooking pizza sauce requires attention to detail and patience. The key is to use fresh ingredients and allow the flavors to develop over time. While there are many variations of pizza sauce, it is important to find the recipe that works best for you.

When it comes to determining how long you should cook pizza sauce, it ultimately depends on your personal preference. However, allowing the sauce to simmer for at least 30 minutes will give it a chance to thicken and intensify in flavor.

Remember, making pizza from scratch can be a fun and rewarding experience. With these tips for creating delicious pizza sauce, you can elevate your homemade pizzas from good to great!



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