What If Ted Kennedy Became President?

Wacky What Ifs
5 min readJul 29, 2023



Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was born on February 22, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the youngest of nine children and the brother of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Growing up in a politically engaged household, Ted Kennedy’s family values instilled in him a sense of public service and responsibility from a young age. He became a senator and made it through tragedy after tragedy. Losing his brothers, nephew, and many more way too soon. He challenged incumbent president Jimmy Carter in the democratic primaries in 1980 and put up a great fight before losing to him. But this scenario will depict history in a different way where we saw a hypothetical Ted Kennedy presidency.

The 1980 Election

A hypothetical Ted Kennedy victory over Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential election would have required a carefully crafted campaign strategy, strong party unity, and an emphasis on key policy areas such as healthcare reform, economic fairness, and foreign diplomacy. He would have to capitalize on Reagan’s vulnerabilities While Ronald Reagan was a charismatic and popular figure, he was not without vulnerabilities. Kennedy might have focused on criticizing Reagan’s economic policies, particularly the potential impact of Reaganomics on income inequality and social welfare programs. Highlighting the potential risks of Reagan’s proposed tax cuts for the wealthy could have resonated with voters concerned about economic fairness.

Ted Kennedy’s long-standing commitment to healthcare reform could have been a major selling point for his campaign. He might have presented a comprehensive and compelling plan for universal healthcare that could target dissatisfied voters with the current status of the healthcare system.

He would also have to motivate his base while appealing to many minorities that may not have been welcome to voting for Reagan in an alternative 1980 election.


A hypothetical economic plan under a Ted Kennedy presidency, often referred to as "Tednomics," would likely be grounded in progressive principles and focus on addressing income inequality, fostering economic growth, and expanding social welfare programs.

Ted Kennedy was known for his advocacy for income redistribution and a fairer tax system. His economic plan might have involved increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations while providing tax relief for middle- and lower-income individuals. This approach aims to narrow the wealth gap and ensure a more equitable distribution of resources. He might have pursued universal healthcare initiatives, increased funding for public education, and implemented policies to address homelessness and affordable housing shortages.

To stimulate the economy and create jobs, Tednomics might have involved substantial investment in infrastructure projects. Such initiatives could include upgrading roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, as well as investing in clean energy projects to promote sustainability and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Ted Kennedy was also a strong supporter of workers' rights and protections. His economic plan could have included a stronger focus on strengthening labor unions, advocating for fair wages, and implementing workplace safety regulations to ensure better working conditions for all employees.

Given Kennedy’s concern for environmental issues, his economic plan might prioritize transitioning to a greener economy. Incentives for renewable energy development, stricter environmental regulations, and investments in clean technology could be part of his strategy to address climate change and promote sustainability.

In response to the financial deregulation of the 1980s, Tednomics might have called for more robust financial regulations to prevent economic crises and protect consumers from predatory practices. Strengthening oversight of financial institutions and promoting responsible lending practices could have been integral to his economic vision.

The Cold War

Ted Kennedy was known for his emphasis on diplomatic solutions. His presidency might have led to increased dialogue and negotiations with the Soviet Union and other communist countries. Kennedy might have pursued arms control agreements and sought opportunities for cooperation on issues of mutual interest, attempting to ease tensions between the superpowers.

Ted Kennedy was a vocal advocate for human rights around the world. His presidency might have placed a stronger emphasis on human rights concerns in the context of the Cold War. Kennedy might have criticized Soviet policies on civil liberties and pressed for greater accountability for human rights abuses within the Soviet bloc.

As for more regional conflicts President Kennedy might have approached regional conflicts with a preference for diplomatic solutions and negotiated settlements. Rather than adopting a confrontational approach, his administration could have focused on mediating conflicts in hotspots like Afghanistan, Central America, or the Middle East, aiming to reduce tensions and promote stability.

Ted Kennedy’s presidency might have seen increased efforts to build alliances with non-aligned nations, seeking to strengthen ties with countries that did not align strictly with either the United States or the Soviet Union. Such outreach could have provided opportunities to foster cooperation and counterbalance the influence of the superpowers.

Kennedy’s economic policies might have extended to foreign affairs. He could have utilized economic incentives to promote positive changes in the Soviet Union and other communist countries, encouraging market reforms and engagement with the global economy.

Ted Kennedy’s Legacy

One of the most significant aspects of Ted Kennedy’s legacy would likely be his success in achieving comprehensive healthcare reform. As a long-time champion of universal healthcare, he might have overseen the passage of landmark legislation that provided access to quality healthcare for all Americans. This achievement could have transformed the healthcare landscape and improved the lives of millions of citizens.

Ted Kennedy was a staunch advocate for social justice and civil rights. As president, he might have continued to fight for equal rights and opportunities for all Americans, working to address racial inequality, gender discrimination, and LGBTQ+ rights. His commitment to these causes could have had a lasting impact on the nation’s progress toward greater equality and inclusivity.

Ted Kennedy’s emphasis on diplomatic solutions and his commitment to human rights might have shaped his approach to international relations. His administration could have sought to strengthen alliances, foster cooperation, and promote peace in regions of conflict. Kennedy’s foreign policy could have emphasized dialogue and engagement over military intervention, leaving a mark on the United States' global standing.

Tednomics, as previously discussed, might have focused on reducing income inequality, expanding social welfare programs, and promoting progressive taxation. His economic policies could have aimed to create a more equitable society, supporting the middle class and vulnerable populations.


Ted Kennedy's hypothetical presidency would likely be remembered for its focus on progressive policies, social justice, and diplomatic approaches to both domestic and international challenges. His legacy could encompass landmark healthcare reform, advancements in civil rights, a commitment to environmental protection, and efforts to promote economic fairness and opportunity. Kennedy's dedication to public service and advocacy for the less fortunate might have left a lasting impact on American society, contributing to a vision of a more inclusive, just, and sustainable nation.



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