What If You Could Change One Event In History?

Wacky What Ifs
6 min readNov 16, 2022


History has its collection of uprises, tragedies, and achievements made by different people, places, and perceptions.

However, there is no way you can go back in time and change it. You have to live in the moment and you can change history in your own way. Others have a greater potential to change the course of history than others, but everyone has the opportunity to make a change. Each person has their own unique areas of expertise and if they work hard and put enough effort into it they may be able to change the course of history in a certain field.

Like when Edison invented the lightbulb. (Allegedly). He transformed electricity for the rest of history, and his invention was a stepping stone for the future of lighting and potentially the history of technology entirely. Alexander Graham Bell laid out the future of communication that would later evolve into the internet which would have a multitude of different forms of communication and socialization from people around the world.

However what if you didn't want to make history? What if instead of making history and changing the future you had one chance to change history? Everyone may have a different answer to this question. Today we will be discussing a variety of things that they would change in our world’s history.

From wars to deaths, to a large abundance of events in the history of humanity. Now we are only looking at a scenario only you would change history and nobody else.

Here are some prominent events in history that people would change… I hope you enjoy it!

World War Two

In 1939 World War II would commence and for the next six years, Hitler and the nazis would kill numerous people from a large scope of different countries and the effects would be felt for a long time. On the other side of the world Japan and America were fighting another end of the war, and eventually to put an end to the war two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Resulting in an end to the war, but it would cost tens of thousands of lives.

However, what could you do to put a stop to this? Well, you could do a variety of different things to stop this war. However, you can only do one thing.

I think some people may prevent Japan from bombing Pearl Harbor and that wouldn’t commence America to go to war with Japan. This would make the US focus all of its attention on the war in Europe. Japan would probably expand its empire further into Asia without any US intervention.

This wouldn't be great for the Asian countries involved in the war, but this may cause a quicker end to the war in Europe if the US has its entire military force in Europe.

There will also be a few people that would have the guts to kill baby Hitler.

This will be a hard decision to make for some people, but no one in 1889 knew what this Austrian baby would do in fifty years. So it would be a conundrum for a person to actually do it or not. I mean it isn't difficult to take out a baby but to do it is very evil. However, this is Hitler the future grand chancellor of Germany and one of the major causes of World War II.

Others may be able to kill him off amid the Great War as it was referred to back before World War II. Maybe someone else could have survived instead of Hitler and we would be living in a world without a second world war.

Lincoln’s Assassination

On April 14th, 1865 president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater by actor John Wilkes Booth. He died the following night and his death signified the following presidency of Andrew Johnson, arguably one of the worst presidents America has ever had.

That has left many to wonder what would happen if Abraham Lincoln served another four years and how he would deal with reconstruction and the reunification of the United States.

Let’s see you would be able to kill baby John Wilkes Booth, or in this case, maybe you decided to stop him from going to the play that dreadful night. What if instead of Lincoln being assassinated Booth was assassinated himself?

I mean let’s look at this with four more years of Lincoln, but the rest of history will go down in a similar light. Some theorize that Lincoln was still in poor health and he would have died not too long after that night at Ford's Theater if he ended up leaving the theater alive.

Others will assume that another four years of Lincoln may put his legacy into jeopardy. We often give more sympathy to those who died in their time in the spotlight or for presidents during their presidencies. So we naturally give them an overall better light than presidents like Truman, Jefferson, or Reagan that are all legendary presidents in their own light. However, they would be given more sympathy and exposure if their presidency ended in an assassination or death.

If Lincoln lived to see the end of his second term we don’t know if he would keep his tenure of being that well of a president. It may be in jeopardy if reconstruction falls flat into his face.

Nonetheless, we don’t know the outcome of a full Lincoln presidency. We are only left to speculate what kind of president he would be in his second term in office.

Screw History! What About Me!?

Others may not change history in that light. They may go back and change something that has occurred in their own personal life.

Some people will try to attempt to change the outcome of a certain event that has happened to them or someone they loved. If you could change history others may use it for their own selfish pleasures. In a way, you can’t blame them because you can’t put yourself in their shoes most of the time.

Some hopeless romantics will go back and repair a broken relationship they had in their past. Like if they wanted to go back and restore a broken marriage and make things work with a past lover.

It would be hard to talk to them, so you may have to leave a note for them or something so it doesn’t break logic. Because if you are with your past self in the same room it may mess everything up and possibly take away your only chance to make things go in your favor.

Heartbroken individuals upset over a family member's death will attempt to go back and prevent that person's death. It will be more difficult to prevent someone from getting cancer, but in cases where the person dies from a murder, car crash, or anything sudden and in their control they may be able to change history in that case and just like that. That person will return to their life.

In other cases, it may be to get that limited-time job interview they always wanted, or maybe prevent a certain turning point in your life from never happening in the first place.

Think of one event in your life you would love to change, and how would you do it. You can tell me in the comments below.


People would change a variety of events if they could alter history. However, if they could only pick one event you would have a variety of answers. It depends on who you ask.

Some will prevent wars, some will prevent notable people from dying, and others may alter their own history to satisfy their own goals or self-interests.

In the end, this is where I end this article. Everyone has different answers to this question and I don’t want this to be opinionated, so in the comments below leave what you think people would change in history and why.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you check out the rest of my content! Have a nice day!



Wacky What Ifs

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