Dads, Daughters & Women in Tech

Deb Mills-Scofield
Finding Blue Lobsters
1 min readApr 30, 2016
My daughter (very STEAMy) & husband (Physics Prof) ~ Passover 2008

I was invited to Silicon Valley a few of weeks ago by a global tech firm to talk about mentoring women in tech. One woman shared how a male executive asked her to mentor his pre-teen daughter in all things STEM. How nice. So I started wondering…did he mentor any women at work?

What if we started a movement of Dads with Daughters mentoring women at work? If men want their daughters mentored in STEM by women that work for and with them, it would be great if they’d be willing to mentor someone else’s “daughter”?

Just an idea…. thoughts?

*Women should mentor men as well to help them see women’s talents, skills, insights and knowledge, and learn the value of each and every employee.



Deb Mills-Scofield
Finding Blue Lobsters

I make #strategy a verb, ask #Why #WhyNot & #WhatIf. I measure ROImpact. #VC #Entrepreneur #Mentor #Champion. @HarvardBiz author. Tide-watcher