DSC Cloud Fest 2019

Developer Student Clubs TIU
3 min readJul 28, 2019


Hey guys, meeting you all after a long time !

You must have visited any tech fest or the other (Devfest is just around the corner !); if not, you all at least know about tech fests. But have you ever heard of Cloud Fest ? Presenting you the first of its kind, DSC Cloud Fest 2019!

DSC Cloud Fest 2019 was co-organized by us, DSC TIU along with DSC TIB and DSC GCELT on 27th of July, 2019 at our campus Techno India University. Out of 120 applicants, we accepted 86 due to space constraints, out of which 15 were females(cheers to WTM Kolkata). We were honored to have Chirag Nayyar sir and Sumitra Bagchi ma’am as the chief guests.

Left: Sumitra Bagchi , Right: Chirag Nayyar

Here’s the agenda which was initially planned. But due to an unfortunate incident, it was not possible to have the session by Soujanya Ray and was replaced by a surprise session which will be revealed later.

Arunava Chakraborty

The event began with Adversarial Machine Learning by Arunava Chakraborty.
Adversarial machine learning is a technique employed in the field of machine learning which attempts to fool models through malicious input. The attendees were shown how ResNet-18, a convolutional neural network, was fooled by perturbing the input image by adding noise to it and hence wrong output was shown.

After a quick break came to the surprise session by Rajat Kumar Gupta on Augmented Reality (thanks to him for being the savior). Augmented reality is used to enhance natural environments or situations and offer perceptually enriched experiences. Since the session was unplanned, it was not possible to have the session in details, so a brief outline and some interesting facts were shared on the topic.

Then, came the star of the event, Cloud. Cloud Computing is a technology uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. A short introduction to Cloud was given by our chief guests Sumitra ma’am and Chirag Sir followed by Fundamentals of Google Cloud by Subhadeep Banerjee, Kubernetes on Google Cloud by MD Fazal Mustafa and a hands-on session using Qwiklabs by Abhik Banerjee.

Left: Subhadeep Banerjee, Middle: MD Fazal Mustafa, Right: Abhik Banerjee

The event concluded successfully with the attendees receiving a month of free access to some Coursera courses and cloud badges(thanks to Manisha Biswas Di for the swags and being the constant support) and the hope to organize DSC Cloud Fest next year too.

Signing off,
Atri Das
Student Lead
DSC Techno India University

The glimpse of this event is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UCJ53ZdnCpE

To know more, connect with us at:
Our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/dsctiu

Our website: https://sites.google.com/view/dsc-techno-india-university/home



Developer Student Clubs TIU

Developer Student Clubs train thousands of student developers globally and work with their communities to solve real-life problems.