Top 10 Eclipse IDE keyboard shortcuts that will increase your productivity

4 min readFeb 23, 2022

Hello readers we welcome you all to this new article on Eclipse IDE top 10 keyboard shortcuts. Eclipse is an IDE for java development. It is there for many years and is the most popular IDE among java developers. There are many grate features about this IDE but in this article we are only going to cover top 10 keyboard short cuts. We are using Eclipse IDE for Java Developers — 2021–09 as our IDE version So without any delay let us start our countdown.

10 — Correct indentation — Ctrl + I

This short cut fixes the problem of wrong indentation in your code. Select the code to indent and then press the shortcut keys. Now your code looks great.

9 — Maximize code editor — windows + m

When you are coding and sometimes you need more space to write code you can use this shortcut. Use the keys again if you want to undo it.

8 — Global file search — Ctrl + H

If you want to search some text in whole workspace or a setoff selected sub resources you can use this shortcut. Searching may take time so be patient.

7 — Auto suggestion and code completion — Ctrl + space

If you want some auto completion for code while typing you can use this shortcut. You can select the appropriate code for completion.

6 — Rename variable — ALT + Shift + R

If you want to rename a variable in all places at once select the variable and then press the shortcut and after typing new name press enter.

5 — Search for a particular type — Ctrl + T

If you want to search globally to find a matching type you can use this shortcut.

4 — Add javadoc comments — ALT + Shift + j

Javadoc comments can be auto generated for your code by using this shortcut.

3 — Go to line number — Ctrl + l

When you debug a large file and you find the line at which your code breaks and then you want to go to that line you can use this shortcut. Enter a valid line number and you are good to go.

2 — Show all methods in a file — Ctrl + o

If you want to see all methods in a file and quickly navigate to them you can use this shortcut.

1 — Show all shortcuts — Ctrl + Shift + L

Use this to find all shortcuts that are available for you. You will get the complete set of shortcuts.

Thank you

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