8 Dancing Baby GIFs & The Songs They Were Missing

Derek Shanahan
2 min readSep 11, 2015


Why are babies better dancers than adults?

For each song I share on Musicgeeks I comb through an extensive archive of dancing GIFs to find one that is the perfect match.

The real trick is to find synergy between the beat of the song and the attitude of the image.

You want the GIF to be the song’s spirit animal, and vice versa. When it syncs up it feels like a match made in heaven.

Is this art? Probably not in the least. It is, however, a fun way to introduce people to new music and artists.

Below are some favorites, all dancing babies, from the 200+ matches I’ve made:

1. A toddler busting a groove to Bag Raiders

How does someone have these moves at this age?

2. A baby leading three adults in an interpretive dance to Castle & Q

If you start the track just right, this match is so good it might as well be the official music video.

3. Gorillas dancing behind a crying baby to Lion Babe

Okay, so the baby isn’t really dancing but the gorillas are having a blast.

4. A baby in a carseat dancing to Milk & Bone

“This is my jam!”

5. Cute asian babies dancing to La Roux

6. Ally McBeal & Dancing Baby dancing to Halflife

The Dancing Baby was a recurring hallucination, suggesting a metaphor for the ticking of Ally’s biological clock.

7. A baby with a wacky stuffed animal dancing to Generationals

Wait for it… that headbang. All day.

8. A baby on a table in a diaper dancing to Nao & A. K. Paul

Zero f*cks given.

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