7 Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference With Your Startup

DSHG Sonic
4 min readMay 26, 2017


Beginning the journey of launching a Startup takes tremendous courage. Even though 9 our of 10 Startups fail, there are still 3 Startups that are launched every minute in the U.S. alone. In this day and age, Entrepreneurs are everywhere and they are solving the problems that still have yet to be solved. When your Startup is launched, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the weeds yet. You must support your company through the long haul.

Believe In yourself

You began your business for a purpose. You fully believe in what you love, and you’ve come here to find a way for it to make you money and also serve other people a purpose. It is essential in a Startup that you believe that what you are doing is truly beneficial in some way or another. The second you start doubting the work that you are doing your business can begin to suffer. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would you expect others to believe in you and your product?

Stay active on social media

I can’t stress this one enough. I believe that we have all come to terms with the fact that the internet is home to everything and anything we use in this day and age. It is a breeding home for businesses, social relationships, and growth. Thus, social media is a must in any business in society today. If you don’t have strong content and regular use online, it is extremely difficult for any customer to trust your product. Keep it active, blog often, interact as much as you possibly can.

Build Customer relationships

This extends on my last point. You may stay active on social media, but are you active with your followers? Comment on their posts and throw a couple of likes here and there. Reply to comments left on yours. Interact as much as you can. The only way to gain a following and gain trust is to make it be known that you are a real living breathing person who is trying to solve a problem for an audience. You have a passion that is why you built a startup. Don’t let laziness turn people who share the same passion away from you, and don’t stay in the shadows and just watch feedback.

Improve your Social Skills

So as popular as the Internet is today, Conferences in the market are just as popular. In order to be memorable, you must get out there and interact face-to-face with people that you want and need to build your company. In order to do so, you must make sure your social skills are well oiled. Networking in a Startup is crucial to it’s success. Without funding and partnerships, there is little room for your company to expand.

Team Support

So you launched your Startup because you have a strong passion for lemon picking. You need a support system that also strongly believes that lemon picking is unimaginably important for this world to survive. No matter what your Startup is, you need to make sure that you have a team working with you that is backing you up and working as hard as they possibly can to get you off the ground. They know x, y, and z about the reasons Lemon Picking can possibly save the world, and they want to back you up and help you let the whole world know why that is.

Time Management

Your 40 hour a week corporate job wasn’t doing it for you. You felt like you didn’t have a purpose in life. So you quit your job and started your own company where you get to wear pajamas and work from home. It might seem like this is the best possible scenario because you can work on your own time, but truly successful startups begin because CEO’s clock more hours then a 9–5. Your job is your life now, and it’s important that you learn how to manage your time for your newly insane schedule.

Find Time to Relax

Just because your passion becomes your job doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have time to stop the clocks for a while. An important factor of a successful startup is learning when to separate work and relaxation. Startup life is face-paced. If you don’t ever stop working, you are going to run out of steam and eventually your company will start to suffer because of it. Pace yourself.

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DSHG Sonic

Startup Advisory, Small Business Advisory, Startup Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Sales Strategy Virtual Operations and Technology Solutions