David Yarde
4 min readJun 5, 2017


Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about success. Success in the terms of achieving goals and where it fits in within the bigger picture.

I ended up thinking about this after achieving a few goals I didn’t quite expect to achieve so soon. While grappling with the joy it brought, deep down my gut kept yelling at me to not get distracted. This is when the thought hit me. Often, when we achieve something that on a personal scale is awesome, we tend to get stuck.

How? By allowing ourselves to get comfortable in the success that now lives in the past. In this action we cause ourselves to lose sight of what could come next.

Focus + Preparation + Action = Momentum

Now don’t get me wrong. Celebrating your achievements is a crucial thing to do. In order for you to progress and move onward, you have to acknowledge where you’ve been. But it’s important to not lose sight of our why in the process. We risk losing momentum by never daring to move forward. Because we’ve grown comfortable with the feelings our past success.

Without a clear picture of what’s next, we try to extend the shelf life of our past success. Talking about it over and over again. Until we find ourselves feeling…



David Yarde

User Experience Designer, Developer, Speaker and Co-founder of @sevenality, passionate about branding, and creating more good.