The attempts to lucid dream

D Samuel Purantoro
3 min readApr 29, 2023


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I’ve been keeping a dream journal to try to lucid dream. Been doing it for years trying to own my dream, but the thing is I procrastinate. I didn’t record the dream once I woke up, even though I have to. Think of the many entries I missed.

But when I did, I got no closer in trying to lucid dream. There were moments when the penny dropped, but it was too late. It became the stuff of nightmares. Add it up to 11 when you’ve got fever.

Looking back at what I recorded, there’s so much space between the dates. I’ve never been to those places, yet I felt a belonging there. A melancholic feeling. Faces of strangers I’ve seen and feel friendship too. Warmth and coldness. Premonitions. Deaths. Make amends now. Be nice. Dreams do bring you to a strange place.

It’s also said that dreams are a window into the future. Of things to come.

From records I got, here are the entries.

21 July 2022

recently got my passport and was excited to be on my first international trip in more than two years. I was rummaging through my drawer when I found a pouch that contained my passport. The pouch was stained with dirt, so I threw it in the water beside.

As if my brain was on autopilot. Every fiber in my being stood, and I grabbed my already soaking wet passport out of the water. No surprises, pages were soaking wet.

Thinking nothing bad of it, I wrapped it in a towel, and dried it with a hairdryer. Minutes later, I checked and it was a stuff off nightmares. The cover’s inscription “Republic of…” was coming distorted with the letters “RA.S..”. The longer I stare, the more distorted it became. “JS…AD.F..” It’s gold inscription melting down, holes appearing. When I picked it up, it disintergerated into bits and pieces. Best I could describe my feeling was an amalgam of “how stupid can you be?!” horror, regret, pain, despair, terror…

24 Jul 2022

Robert Pattinson was voted the world’s most handsome man according to his facial features. Truly a gift of God. Well I had the privileged of him appearing in my dream.

We texted and texted. He said he was coming to visit me. We chatted about life, food, anecdotes, friends. He asks what do I do for a living. I could see visions of him coming. He was wearing an grey hoodie with black trousers, wearing a baseball cap and aviator sunglasses. When he came, we drank and drank. Did crazy stunts, like jumping off a building, flying through clouds.

22 Mar 2021

Saw Joe Biden while driving a Honda SUV. He looks younger, and wearing a tight white T shirt and extremely short shorts. So tight is white t-shirt that I can see he looks buffed. I waived at him, but he looks confused. After a delay, he says hi to me and smiled “hey man!”


A young curt smith, we were hanging out, jogging together. he was soaked in sweat all over. we hugged as he want to do something courageous. then he entered someone’s home and beat a guy up. they were cheering for him.


my sister gave iPhones 14 to my dad and me


seeing Ukrainian flags in Moscow. The flag was flying over the Kremlin. I walk to the red square and found lots of it. There were banners saying “Слава Украине!” and “Украине” over and over. It was also written in Ukrainian: “слава україні!” and “україні”

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