Barebones Application Security

Dave Stevens
6 min readSep 29, 2015

A little while back, I gave a presentation for some folks who were setting up side projects outside of work hours, some of them fully fledged startups, some even at the point where they’d left to go full time to pursue their ideas.

The topic of the presentation was Information Security, or more specifically, (Web) Application Security. I worked as an Application Security Engineer for several years and having been exposed to the many different facets of this industry, the overwhelming trend I’ve noticed for the field is that:

a) Advice for the individual developer seems almost always written by a Security Professional who writes in a manner best understood by other Security Professionals; and

b) Everything seems to be written around the premise that you do ALL the best practices without fail, immediately, with a heavy lean toward Enterprise scale audiences.

I’m generalizing, of course. There are some fantastic people doing their bit to make sure sound advice is available to those who need it. However, publicizing where to look and finding a single, concise place to read up on all the relevant topics is difficult and oftentimes daunting for developers with little to no security exposure.

So, I threw together some thoughts on the immediate issues a budding new company will face in the sphere of Web Application Security and some practical Bare Minimum steps a small, new company/project can follow to protect themselves against some common threats.

I will continue to repeat a disclaimer throughout: This is a barebones, do this rather than do nothing set of suggested approaches. THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ROBUST, COMPLETE AND FOOLPROOF SECURITY. The goal of this effort is to provide non-security aware founders/hackers/developers/etc with a modicum of protection at a stage in the company’s growth where there are no budgets, let alone one for Information Security. The caveat is that as soon as the company experiences growth, one of their top priorities should be to mature in to a properly developed, professionally and thoroughly provisioned Information Security program, specific to their application, industry and environment.

Just as you scaffold certain items while doing rapid coding development, this is your scaffolded application security program. Think of it as the Twitter Bootstrap of web application security.

What I aim to provide

  • Simple, Actionable DOs
  • Easy, extensible DON’Ts (you’ll thank me in a year)
  • Real examples
  • Links to Free Tools and Services
  • An outlet for any questions/concerns you may have (Twitter me: @dstevensio)

What I intend to avoid

  • Preaching
  • Getting bogged down in details

This should be

  • Brief & Concise (within reason)
  • Useful
  • Empowering

Threats you should actually care about

(because you will probably face them soon)

These are the threats I’ll be covering. As we go over each, I’ll explain what they are and give you some ways to protect your application from them.

  • XSS
  • CSRF
  • SQLi
  • Spammers
  • (D)DoS

But first… general concepts

I’m avoiding going in to gut-wrenching, eyeball-straining, sleep-inducing detail, but let’s first cover some general concepts to bear in mind while launching something that is going to make you fabulously rich, or humanitarian of the century, or both.

In other words — if you forget the entire content of this except for these core concepts, at least you’ll be better off than the majority of hot new startups (and a huge number of established, sprawling corporations that really should know better)


Because you’re a cool startup, you’re going to trust your users (customers, sorry Jack Dorsey). This trust will be bred through the open communication you’ll have with them. They will feel like they know you and you will feel connected to them.

However, there are bad people in the world. So trust your users/customers but don’t trust the input they are providing. ANYTHING NOT HARD-CODED IN YOUR APP CANNOT BE TRUSTED AS SAFE. This extends to values pulled from your database, your NoSQL store, whatever datastore you use.

DO: Validate & Sanitize on the way in, Escape on the way out

DON’T: Trust anything that isn’t hardcoded


If you are handling your own user authentication, the submission of user credentials must always take place over SSL. There are freely available browser add-ons to sniff traffic on a network, so even rank amateurs can do man in the middle attacks to grab log in credentials. HTTPS protects you, and it’s cheap and achievable.

If you’re submitting sensitive information (anything personally identifiable, anything payments-related, etc) it should be submitted over SSL without a doubt.

DO: Send all sensitive/personally identifiable information over HTTPS not HTTP

DON’T: Use a self-signed cert (you don’t want to train your users to get used to accepting security exceptions as you’re making them less protected against future issues)


Every piece of information you collect about a user/customer adds to the value of collective information held in your data store. Collect whatever information you feel you need to provide a great experience to the user and to show value to your investors, protect that information, but if you have no current or (predicted) future need for a piece of information, don’t collect & store it. That introduces unnecessary risk.

DO: Collect necessary data and protect that data

DON’T: Store information for the sake of it


Relying on a third party is a dangerous proposition. If something as critical as logging in to your site is handled by servers, code and humans outside of your control, you may be in for heartache if one of those is unavailable or broken when a user tries to log in to your site.

However, if you feel a Facebook, a Twitter or a Google, for instance, has a greater availability record than you expect to maintain and you don’t consider having local user accounts essential, letting them take care of authentication and user credentials removes an area of risk for you.

If you are accepting credit cards on your app, do you need the granular control that having your own payment processing solution provides? Or could you let the likes of Stripe take care of that for you, negating the need for you to take on the responsibility of storing CC info?

You’ll make decisions based on your business need and what makes sense for you, your users/customers and your investors, but make sure you consider the benefits of letting truly sensitive data be handled by someone with the resources and investment to adequately protect that data with high level of confidence.

DO: Create your own software and services if required to meet your business needs, taking adequate steps to protect those systems

DON’T: Reinvent the wheel if your expertise pales in comparison to a provider of a service.


Hurriedly backtracking, I will attach one caveat to this though. This does not absolve you of the need to abide by the other concepts previously mentioned. DO NOT TRUST data from a third party as safe. They will likely (if they’re a reputable service) take care of sanitizing, escaping, validating, etc. But don’t leave it up to them. Validate the data is correct before displaying it. Escape it where necessary. Don’t submit data to a third party over HTTP if the data is remotely sensitive. Don’t let a Facebook or a Twitter store data on your behalf that you don’t need (think: permissions models, what data you’ll ask the user to grant access to, etc).

DO: Validate, sanitize and escape data from third parties.

DON’T: Snuggle up in the warm fuzzy blanket of Security by saying “oh, service X handles that for me so I’m not vulnerable…”

End of Part 1

That’s a lot of information in one fell swoop, and I did promise not to go in to information overload mode, so that concludes the first part of this series of posts.

In Part 2, we’ll get stuck in to the threats themselves — starting with Cross Site Scripting (XSS).

Your Feedback / Dissent

In creating this, my aim is to improve Application Security in the early stage companies that will often consider the topic “something we’ll get to when we scale”. As such, critiques, comments, dissenting opinions and any other type of feedback is welcomed and indeed, heartily encouraged.

Constructive feedback will be reflected in the posts themselves at the most relevant points.

If you’ve got feedback for me, or you have questions about how to apply this to your own startup / project, you can get in touch:

Twitter: @dstevensio


Originally published at



Dave Stevens

Software Engineer @WalmartLabs / javascript / node.js / react.js / hapi.js