Prasat Baphuon Temple Photo Walk | Cambodia Travel Stories

Carl Hedinger
5 min readFeb 2, 2016


After spending the first part of our day at Angkor Wat, Christina and I move on and walk through Cambodia’s Prasat Baphuon or Baphuon Temple as its commonly known. The sun has largely retreated for the day and threatens to change into the flash rain that struck during our first day in the country. Temperatures are still hotter than I can ever remember but walking around the open spaces at Baphuon cool me off for a while. I feel like this place was something really important a long time ago and rightly so.

Prasat Baphuon Temple

In front of Baphuon Temple in Cambodia

Prasat Baphuon is a Hindu Temple which was built in the mid-11th century during the reign of Khmer King Udayadityavarman II. Unfortunately, the temple is a long way from its original form. It seems to be under constant restoration and hopefully someday will be completely accessible.

The Front from Above

View from the Baphuon Temple entrance

In front of Baphuon, you can stare out at the vast courtyard and imagine that kings and queens alike probably loved the peace and quiet that it offered. Ruins and massive trees now overlook the area. Imagine if this place was fully restored. I still think the walkway leading in is beautiful. The views improve as you ascend higher and higher but even from the entrance, it’s still cool to look back on the courtyard that leads into Baphuon.

Ruins Up Close

Baphuon Temple ruins

One man’s ruins is another’s treasure.

Black & White

Prasat Baphuon BW from outside

These Angkor temples are so colorful but still worth a look in black and white, don’t you think?

First Level

Inner courtyard first level of Baphuon Temple

This is the first level courtyard with some pieces in place. I keep walking but stop every five seconds to capture beautiful and flawed alike inside this place.

From the first level of Baphuon Temple

This is from the first level looking up to the top. I’ve still got a ways to go, huh?

From one of the first level doorways at Baphuon Temple

This shot of a first level entryway is one of my favorite photos from the whole day and who knows, maybe someday it will end up on my wall.

Walking around the Baphuon Temple first level

There’s so much to see on the first level, like this walkway, that I don’t want to move on and up.

Walking up to Baphuon Temple Level 2

Maybe this is why I don’t want to go up. Just look at those stairs!

Second Level

Baphuon Temple Level 2 Hallway

But there’s a reason we all do things, right? I love the cracks and details found inside this hallway on the second level.

Ascending to Baphuon Temple Level 3

These stairs really don’t get any more fun. Onto level 3!

Third Level

Walkway on Baphuon Temple Level 3

The neglect and decay get more obvious as I approach the top of Prasat Baphuon. Though I’m sure it’s dangerous to walk around some of these spots, I find the differences in structural integrity to still be pretty interesting!

The Top

The top of Baphuon Temple

The top of Baphuon Temple is unfortunately inaccessible due to structural collapses and restoration efforts. Maybe someday I’ll get back and reach the top.

View from Baphuon Temple Level 3

I knew there was a reason for climbing all these stairs, other than walking around and admiring Baphuon itself. Look at this view!

Carvings on Baphuon Temple Level 3

Carvings are everywhere, even at Prasat Baphuon!

Baphuon Temple Level 3 Walkway

Always love a nice, low walkway to get some knee exercises in!

The Temple Rear

Baphuon Temple Rear

After descending some of the scariest stairs of my life, I realize that the Baphuon Temple rear is pretty beautiful too!

Baphuon Temple Rear from the ground
Baphuon Temple Rear Wall

That’s a shot of the rear wall as we head out of Prasat Baphuon towards our man with the tuk-tuk.

Leaving Baphuon Temple

We leave Prasat Baphuon and move onto the next stops that will include Bayon, Ta Prohm, and Angkor Greatest Hits! I hope you enjoyed walking around this beautiful temple that holds so much promise, as it will hopefully be restored to a fully functional temple.

What did you think? Have you ever been to Prasat Baphuon? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments section!

