How to talk to (cam)girls on the internet.

8 min readJul 2, 2017


I’ve spent fair amount of time (and tokens) in camland and I am continually surprised by how amazing the community of people who have congregated around various expressions of sexuality has become. Goofy is sexy. Arty is sexy. Being really weird is sexy. Just being hot is (more obviously to the normies) sexy. What is not often sexy is the tone, expectation, lack of basic manners, silent lurking for nights on end, or seeming inability to read a numerated list associated with the digital currency you are purchasing that states what the model has consented to allow. Given this is paid entertainment, it’s a good idea to understand what activities have allowed this community to exist in the first place.

Let’s be clear, this is these lady’s jobs and you should pay them what you can when you can; even if only out of appreciation. It means a lot to be nice to people in an industry that can be so cut throat in a medium that is inherently so intimate. These are real people with real feelings; rarely borderline sociopaths like I expect many of the dudes reading this might be.

If all you care about is seeing girls fuck things, then you probably won’t last for long and will be missing out on the much more interesting aspects of internet sexuality that exist. That being said, plenty of girls basically do nothing but that and you can go spam tokens at them like its a strip club. I’m just willing to bet you are going to be back on a “free” porn site when the novelty wears off or when you wander into a room where you are suddenly confronted with the fact that this real person is going to call you out for acting like an entitled shit.

If I read you wrong, check the ladies profile and see if they have videos for sale. That might be where you find the more overtly sexual content you desire.

Say hello to the smutterverse!

Have you worked retail before? Or a conference booth? Or been stuck at a public transit stop when the next vehicle is decommissioned and you realize you are going to be waiting for 30 minutes?

The first thing you should do when you enter a room is say hello. Why? Because it’s fucking nice. Also, this girl may be very busy. Perhaps right now you aren’t going to get much attention and its a good way to judge that (if that matters to you). Many of those guys who thought this was just another way to see sex on the internet for free are likely creating a high signal to noise ratio that might be taking its toll on the model. Perhaps nobody has been saying a goddamn thing for over 30 minutes and the person is starting to feel like they are in a glass box at a department store with people passing by on the street. Say hello, don’t expect them to acknowledge you unless you have already met, many people get freaked out by the fourth wall breaking before they are prepared.

Most models have a number listed on their profile for something like “favorite number”, “blow a kiss”, etc. You should at the least tip that if you find yourself hanging out for more than 5 minutes. If you find that you actually want this girls attention; it’s basically mandatory unless you integrate yourself into the room conversation.

You see, in the room there are a bunch of other people who might be interesting as well. They could have very similar interests. In fact, I’ll guarantee that if you end up finding a girl you like enough that you pop back once in a while that you almost certainly will find a group of interesting people who share stuff in common. That’s the whole nature of it being a community.

More often than not when I am online it is not because I’m trying to get off, but because I view this as an endless bar full of interesting dark corners where I can talk to people of all kinds. For someone who does what I do for a living this is great as a work distraction. Just like that dive bar in the corner in a quickly gentrifying city, if you don’t show your support (tip!) then you may find your bar vanish without warning. Perhaps you aren’t as sentimental as I am, but I want to know something goes away for a good reason and not because its no longer a viable business due to people taking it for granted.

Being a entrepreneur is hard

Don’t fool yourself, these gals are working for a living. Many of them do this as their sole job. There is very good money to be made if you want to hustle, but as always with client based work if you lose a customer who was paying a large monthly retainer then you suddenly find yourself in a terrifying situation. So again — fucking tip you cheap motherfucking slack-jawed dumbass. You are giving voyeruism a bad name.

I am not going to name models, simply because I don’t want to add bias, but many of them create videos for you to buy. If you want to see girls who are more interested in flirting and talking to you like a human when they are in their rooms instead fuck themselves crazy then this is likely how you can spend some money to show your appreciation. I can pretty much guarantee you the next time you pop in their room they are going to be very happy to see you.

There is another subset of girls who are using the medium to create porn that blurs the line between art and smut. It’s a genuinely beautiful thing and I personally appreciate it. If you don’t; chances are they don’t give a fuck and your feedback that they should do sex act X instead is probably not helpful. Expand your mind a bit and get into the strange. I’m betting you’ll figure out new things about your own sexuality in the process.

These people are not puppets (though some of them do have puppets)

If a girl wants to be directed to do something, it is in the line at the top of the video, getting spammed in chat by a bot or a moderator, or is in their profile (you know that already cause you read it, right?).

Do not go into chat telling someone to do something and then harass them when they don’t (unless you’ve arranged the forthcoming public humiliation with the model as your personal kink). Don’t tell them they would look better if they smile, or dress differently, or whatever you think really. Does that shit work with women in your real life? Never mind, you probably can’t even answer that question.

Most of all don’t dirty talk in public chat. We don’t want to read your erotic prose and the girl may not either. If they do, I guarantee it’s through a tip note.

Dirty talk

I think I’m known as a flirt at this point and I’m not writing this to give people examples. This is not the groudwork for a choose-your-own-adventure with my inner sexual fantasies that I choose to share with those who consent to receiving it.

I’ll say first, even if a girl says in their profile dirty talk in tip notes is ok, ask for consent. Unless you are tipping for overtly sexual things, don’t just start sexing a lady up without checking that it is ok first. They may not be in the mood and frankly I’m not sure what you’re getting out of it in that case and they are probably just feeling frustrated and objectified. That sucks.

If they aren’t responding to your personal whims and imagination then perhaps you are not compatible.

As things escalate (via tipping appropriately and saying the right things), a consent check is always nice. Consent is sexy. This will help you in the real world. Saying “You make my cock so hard I’m going to cum on your face right now you slut.” probably works with a small percentage of girls without preceding context but I’m guessing that percentage is low enough that you aren’t going to getting much attention afterwards. Ask if you can go down on them, ask if you can fuck them, ask them to get on top and fuck you, ask because it shows that you are engaged in this with them. Mutual masturbation is sex and can be quite intimate. If you are doing the right things in between pushing buttons; you will know.

Without writing some lines for you, i’d suggest you try and actually imagine what it is you would do if you were in a room with this person. Fingertips and nails, necks and lips, those soft bits that cause a shiver from the point of touch all the way to the crown of the head. Listening to the body through your eyes. Again, skills for the real world.


Girls commonly state if they take privates openly without knowing people and will mention it in the header of their videobox. Its also likely on their profile, but that may not mean what you think it does…

Most girls won’t do privates or say they won’t because they’ve had enough experiences with clients who want to tell them to do a bunch of things for 5 minutes and then disappear. There is a big opportunity cost to privates (re-doing makeup or custom makeup/costuming) and as such people want to know its worth it. In general, if you haven’t been around enough for a girl to know you then its not worth asking. If you haven’t been in a public cum show and know that the last sentence of the previous section applied to you in some regard; then you should work on that first. If you have managed to tease a girl to the point that it accidentally became a pubilc cumshow, you may feel a bit emboldened in asking but don’t get hurt if they say they are not into privates. Again, sex on the internet can be almost as intimate as sex in real life and you should take that to heart.

Exception being; kinky shit. They are in control and you are accepting of that. Or you are in complete control and they are really into that (though I think they’d still want to build up some level of trust first). I like my kink but I prefer to start elsewhere, so I’m not going to pretend to know the protocol here if you are diving straight in. Have fun you glorious sicko.

Life is short, show some respect and love

The internet has the amazing ability to connect people and also let people hide as much of themselves as they like. People putting themselves out there to entertain, find friendship, and express their sexuality should be given respect and treated kindly. Camland is not a place where you go to express your own personal fantasy to debase women without repercussion.

If you can’t be nice and don’t think what sex workers do is worth money; go get your porn from a free site. The last thing a community of sex workers needs is a direct line to people who would almost certainly get kicked out of a strip club in under 15 minutes.

