“Digital Marketing Strategies and Techniques”

Seele Motubatse
6 min readApr 25, 2024


  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing The possible success of a company or business with Digital Marketing is massive. By increasing brand loyalty and driving online sales, revenue will be on an exponential trend with increased success. When compared to traditional media advertising, converting customers with Digital Marketing is a simple task.
  2. Online customers are generally already aware of what they are looking for and what they are purchasing. With an advertisement relevant to what they are searching, it is more likely that the customer is already in the mind-state of purchasing or acquiring the product at a later time. Another benefit that ties into the first is the increased rate at which businesses are able to measure their marketing efforts.
  3. Using the plethora of tools offered by Google Analytics, it is possible to monitor the success of a marketing campaign in terms of what its reach is and what sort of impact it is having on your customer base. This, in turn, enables businesses to alter the campaigns and make changes on the fly to make their marketing even more effective.
  4. The first and foremost important reason why businesses need to utilize digital marketing is because of its financial benefits. The cost for an individual to reach a wide audience is very low relative to traditional marketing tactics. Large audiences can be reached in a way that is both more effective and measurable.
  1. Digital Marketing has opened up the doors for smaller businesses. 1.1 Benefits of Digital Marketing This type of advertising can be used in assorted ways, methods, and tools. Therefore, in order to gauge the success of any digital marketing campaign, it’s helpful to utilize a platform such as pay-per-click advertising, a web analytic, or an SEO/SEM service.
  2. Let’s take a look at the benefits of Digital Marketing and the importance to businesses that possess a strong online presence. Digital Marketing is a broad term that refers to various and different promotional techniques deployed to reach customers via digital technologies. Digital Marketing is embodied by an extensive selection of service, product, and brand marketing tactics, which mainly use the Internet as a core promotional medium, in addition to mobile and traditional TV and radio.
  1. 1. Introduction to Digital Marketing 1.1 Benefits of Digital Marketing 1.2 Importance of a Strong Online Presence 1.1 Benefits of Digital Marketing Digital marketing also caters to the convenience of the targeted customer. With the rapid incline of internet users, online shopping is becoming an activity that is performed consistently by a broad demographic of people.
  2. With the use of methods such as SEO and blog posts, consumers are able to research and purchase products when it’s most convenient to them. As opposed to shopping in-store during business hours, there are many businesses involving fixed expenses that create a barrier to customer purchase. Online marketing breaks through this for customers, making it easier to purchase products.
  1. Taking the example of Financial Services, it costs much to provide a professional with an office and receptionist compared to doing the same services online. This also applies to price and can often benefit consumers. The benefits of digital marketing far outweigh traditional marketing methods. In addition to the significantly reduced cost of a digital marketing campaign in comparison to traditional marketing, digital marketing also provides the added benefit of being able to track the return on investment in real time.
  2. With traditional marketing, effective tracking of a campaign’s success is near impossible, with digital marketing it’s as simple as tracking the traffic to a website. This all but eliminates paying for something that doesn’t work. Search engine marketing and paid online advertisements are methods that make it easy to see the ROI. If a consumer has clicked on a targeted advertisement, the marketer can see exactly how much was paid per customer acquisition.
  3. Paid advertisement methods are able to provide ROI and high conversion rate to customers. Email marketing is known to benefit businesses on a large scale, with the ability to reach mass amounts of people with minimal time and cost, the return on investment increases. This, and a number of other online marketing tactics, offer it ambitiously, with a higher ROI and more bang for their buck. 1.2 Importance of a Strong Online Presence An effective online presence not only makes it easy for customers to find you, but it also helps to build brand awareness.
  1. Brand awareness is a measure of how familiar your target market is with your brand. This is important because consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they recognize. Building brand awareness is an ongoing process, and using an online presence is a cost-effective way to promote your brand. For example, social media sites are an excellent way to build brand awareness.
  2. You can easily set up social media accounts, often for free, on various sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Through these accounts, you can share information about your company, your website, and your products or services. You can also interact with customers and participate in networking and advertising. By providing a consistent image and message for your brand, you can use these social media accounts to further facilitate brand recognition.
  3. Brand awareness is also facilitated when you can control what customers see when they do a search for your company. If they can find the official company website, the information they find there is what you make available to them. This is preferable to the possible case with no online presence or a minimal one, where customers may find information about your company from various sources, much of which you cannot control. Brand awareness culminates in top-of-mind brand recall.
  1. This occurs when a customer is in need of a product or service that you offer, and your brand is the first that comes to mind. Ultimately, brand awareness is about having your brand be a household name. An effective and properly maintained online presence helps to work towards achieving this goal. A good online presence is an essential element of a company’s success. In this day and age, the majority of consumers go online when searching for products or services.
  2. They go to the search engines, to comparison shopping sites, they may go to online stores. Even if they plan to purchase at a local store, often they will research the products online first. This means that they are likely to go to your website. Whether they will go to your website or to your competitor’s will depend on whether they can find you online, and what they will find if they do a search on your company.
  3. If they can’t find you online, they may form an impression that you’re not a legitimate business because you don’t have a website. If they do find information about your company and it’s negative, they may choose to go to a competitor. The first step is simply to have an online presence, but the type of presence you have is key in determining whether that presence will pay off.”

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