What You Should Know Before Creating a Cryptocurrency

Invest In Yourself
2 min readAug 20, 2022
There a blue motherboard in the baackground with a gold bitcoin in the centre.

Anyone can create a cryptocurrency, even for fun:

However, launching a successful cryptocurrency that gains value requires time, money, and other resources, as well as advanced technical knowledge.

The easy part is creating a cryptocurrency. Maintaining and expanding it over time is generally much more difficult. If you’re just curious about cryptocurrency, generating your token is probably no harm.

Just ensure that you avoid any activities that the US Securities and Exchange Commission might classify as an initial coin offering (ICO), as you don’t want to violate any federal securities laws inadvertently. With so many coins and tokens being released, you will not be the only person or organisation attempting to create your cryptocurrency.

Is it possible for me to create my own cryptocurrency?

You can create your cryptocurrency. Creating a new coin or token usually necessitates some computer coding knowledge, but you can also hire a blockchain developer to build a digital currency for you. Launching a token on an established blockchain platform, such as Ethereum, can be done with little technical knowledge.

What is the cost of creating a cryptocurrency?

The cost of developing a cryptocurrency varies greatly depending on how much customization you choose for the coin or token. Highly customised coins built on native blockchains are among the most expensive to create, whereas launching a standardised token on the Ethereum network can be done for free using apps like WalletBuilders.

Is it legal to create a cryptocurrency?

Although the creation of a cryptocurrency is generally legal, some countries and jurisdictions have partially or completely banned cryptocurrency. In China, for example, virtual currency fundraising has been illegal since 2017, and all cryptocurrency transactions have since been prohibited. Even in jurisdictions where cryptocurrency is legal, it is possible to violate existing securities regulations when trying to launch and promote a new cryptocurrency.


This was a very brief and generalised overview of the most commonly asked questions people have when they are considering creating a cryptocurrency. If you would like to stay up to date on Web3, Crypto, Metaverse, NFTs, DAO and Decentralisation, be sure to follow me on my social media platforms below. If you have enjoyed this article please be sure to give it a clap and share it with your friends, as it helps me out greatly! thank you.



Invest In Yourself

Hi there! My name is David and I am passionate about helping others improve their lives through personal development whether it be health, wealth or self!