A word from yours truly

Dustyn Winder
2 min readSep 8, 2018


Hello to all of you kind — to subscribe — and hopefully — seeing as you’re still subscribed — satisfied readers.

I write this in lieu of crickets.

As you may have noticed, it has been a few weeks since my last installment, but fret not. I’m in the middle of switching newsletter providers, spurred on by my decision to make this little hobby into a weightier endeavor.

Beginning next week, you can expect a new format in your inboxes. A rundown of African tech/vc/innovation/science/economics/business/startup news along with my, hopefully somewhat insightful, quips will still be there. But now I plan to offer what I hope is a bit more value with a weekly “essay” on a topic obsessing me and the team at akili that week.

One week may be a screed on the quickly spreading plague of regressive internet taxes across Africa (*hint hint*). Another may be my take on strategic CVC (corporate venture capital) into a particular industry. If I’m feeling really ambitious, I may even fire an opening salvo around a theme driving our work (i.e. boomtowns, future of money, movement of people + goods, yada yada)

Bottom line is: I started doing this as an experiment and a means of sharing the stuff I’m already reading, thinking, meeting, talking and privately writing about. I’ve been blown away with how often I hear that subscribers find it valuable.

So here I go. One more step into the cold harsh world of “thought leadership.”

I’ll be back next week. Hope you enjoy!


P.S. If you share, feel free to have others sign up thru Nuzzel. I’ll be sure to port existing emails over to the new provider (Revue).

