“Revolutionizing Mental Health Care: 10 AI Tools for Nurses to Streamline their Practice”

Dereck Tafuma
3 min readJan 21, 2023

As people who work in health care, we are always looking for ways to improve the care we give. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools in mental health are an area with much room for change. In this post, we’ll look at 10 AI tools that mental health nurses can use to help them do their jobs better and give better care to their patients.

Virtual therapy chatbots: Woebot, Wysa, and Replika are all examples of virtual therapy chatbots that use natural language processing and generation to give patients virtual therapy sessions. These chatbots can be especially helpful for people who live in remote areas or have trouble getting to therapy in person.

Mental health assessment tool: Companies like Mindstrong Health and BioBeats offer AI-powered mental health assessment tools to help mental health nurses analyse patient data and get automated assessments and diagnoses of mental health conditions.

Medication management platform: AI is used to help manage and keep track of medications on platforms like Medisafe, MedHelper, and MyMeds. This can help mental health nurses ensure patients take their prescribed medicines.

Electronic health record (EHR) system: EHR systems like Epic, Cerner, and AthenaHealth that use artificial…



Dereck Tafuma

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