ISO 11611: 2015 Standards

dale tec
2 min readDec 28, 2019


ISO 11611

This guide deals with protective clothing which needs to be worn with all workers and companies using welding procedures or related techniques, occasionally or regularly. The processes related are surgeries that present risks similar to people of welding, such as oxycutting, flame or arc gouging, and also thermal spraying.

The range of those protective equipment must also care for work processes and situations. The ISO 11611: 2015 standard is developed on two classes of vulnerability, depending on the hazards risk. These courses ascertain the needs for protection based of these exposures from dangers, for Example, the volume of: sparks; molten metal; glowing heat that employee are vulnerable throughout the tasks.Class 1 protective clothes

Suitable for welding methods and work situations that cause small amounts of sparks and droplets of molten alloy and low heat.

Class 2 protective clothing

Resist more sparks and droplets of molten metal. They offer greater security against radiant heating.

To ensure that the garment conforms to the normal, BIGBILL ensures, among other things, that:

Where the evaluations are carried out by a subcontractor of the certificate body, that subcontractor must have demonstrated his competence and performance in executing those evaluations;

• the performance standards of every evaluation are admired;

• the design and manufacturing requirements of the standard are fulfilled; (Watch down there)

• the Company’s tags and directions provide all the data required by the standard; (See down there)

• producer maintains a quality system that ensures consistency and conformity of this product on an ongoing basis.

Even the ISO 11611: 2015 standard requires that protective clothing has a couple of labels that offer, at a visible and durable manner, Important information in their origin, their

Cleaning and features instructions. Mark another tag onto your own protective suit:

ISO 11611 Fabrics and substances:

The fabrics and substances which form the protective clothing are ISO 11611 certified and guarantee resistance to flame propagation, do not create inflamed or melted debris, and residual incandescence and fire allocation instances tend not to exceed 2 seconds. They withstand the heat of molten metal splashes and provide a barrier against radiant heat. The aluminum alloy does not abide by the materials.

The design of these protective clothes:This is your design part of this protective suit

1 ) The throat is protected with a mandarin collar with closure

3) The pockets are provided with flap wider compared to the opening

4) The negative pockets make an angle of not more than 10°

5) The cover all has negative slots, which might be provided with a closure means.

6) The sleeve is provided with a closed to reduce its own width. The closed and folds are then under the wrist.

More: All snap closures are covered with fabric by the interior and the surface.

