Exercise 1: Visual Note-Taking

David Tomaseti Gómez
2 min readAug 18, 2019


This is my first Prework’s exercise in Ironhack. These are the instructions to do it:

  • Select a TED talk tagged in the category Interface Design.
  • Take visual notes while I’m watching the video.
  • Refine or polish my notes. Keep the composition ready to show it and make sure I properly document and take pictures.


  1. The video I have chosen is:

2. I have watched the video and I have made the first sketch:

3. I have watched again the video and then I have improved my first sketch adding some details and color:

In conclusion, doing this exercise has been challenging for me and I have been able to test that it is very useful to communicate ideas and to understand better the topic.



David Tomaseti Gómez

UX/UI Designer. Enthusiastic about connecting people and technology.