The Politician

David Travis
3 min readMay 11, 2017


Meet David Jones, the Labour candidate for Staffordshire Moorlands in the upcoming General Election on June 8th.

I contacted the local Labour party because the pictures I’d seen in previous election material (from all parties) were uniformly rubbish. Other than the party leaders, everyone seems to make do with an iPhone shot. I thought I could do a better job for them.

It was fun taking the pictures, although I got some feeling for what it must be like to be a press photographer. Basically, I had very little time to set anything up and the people I photographed treated it like a visit to the dentist.

We took some photographs in Biddulph, where I had 5 minutes:

We then went into a local community centre. I took some photos while Dave Jones was speaking to local constituents. It was difficult to make these much more than grab shots, but I do think they show him being part of the community.

Here’s a ‘behind the scenes’ shot for the picture above.

Finally, I got 7 minutes to take some studio-style shots. These were the ones I really wanted to take as I felt these could add some value to the Labour party’s leaflet.

Again, here’s the set up shot for this. I had hardly any space.

I took a collapsible background with me, so I could get some on a light background and some on a darker background.

This is photo story 19/52. More details about this project.

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David Travis

Portrait and landscape photographer. Attempting to understand what makes a good photo story.