How to Install, Update, & Use Android Studio Hedgehog🦔: Easy Guide for Beginners 📲

Let’s Get to Know The Latest Stable Android Studio Release Hedgehog📱👨‍💻

DuAa AwAn
7 min readDec 5, 2023

Let me clarify the process of updating Android Studio Flamingo. If you already have Flamingo installed, you can follow the steps below.

However, if you are installing Android Studio for the first time, you can skip the first three steps and proceed directly to Step 4. 📲💻

Step 1: Check For Updates:

In Android Studio, go to the Help menu and select “Check for Updates”. The program will then search for any available updates.

Step 2. Update Available:

The studio has an update available. 🔍 Tap the update button to begin updating Android Studio Flamingo. 📲

Step 3. Download/Configure Update:

If you wish to update from giraffe to hedgehog, click on the blue highlighted text Configure updates. But If you wish to install a new instance of Android Studio while keeping the older version, we click the download button. Go for a completely fresh install side-by-side older instance.

Once the download button is clicked it will open the Android Studio developer web page in the browser.

Step 4. Download Android Studio Hedgehog

If it’s your first install you can go to the browser and open up the link to the Android Developer Official page.

Here you can see Download Android Studio Hedgehog button is available.

Step 5: Terms & Conditions:

When we’re presented with terms and conditions, we often just click “I have read” without actually reading them. It’s true! Let’s make sure we take the time to read through them together, okay? 😊📝 Or not it’s optional.

Scroll down to the bottom of the terms & conditions page and check I have read option. Which will enable the download button.

Let the download begin by clicking the download Android studio Hedgehog button.

Step 6: Download Location:

Select the folder where you want to place the downloadable file. Once this file is downloaded you can begin your install by running android-studio-2023.1.1.26-windows.

On the top of your browser, you can see your Android Studio downloading progress.

Meanwhile, we wait.

Hey there! While you’re waiting for Android Studio to download, let me tell you about a super cool way to develop apps without writing code! 🤩

It’s called YCode and it’s amazing!

With its drag-and-drop visual features, you can create websites and web apps in no time. 🚀

Best of all, you don’t need to be a coding expert to get started! 🙌

Pick a template you like, and customize it to fit your style without writing any code.

The download was completed and the exe file appeared in your downloads folder click to open it.

The next two steps you can skip if you are installing Android Studio for the first time.

Step 7: Close the Android Studio

Ok, so we already have Android Studio running, we close it and click ok.

Step 8: Uninstall Previous Version:

A dialog box appeared asking if I wanted to uninstall the previous version. 🤔 Since I didn’t want to uninstall it, I unchecked the option and proceeded to the next step. 👍

Step 9: The Launch ✅

The setup wizard has been launched. Please click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed.

On the next screen, you will see options for creating an Android Virtual Device 📱. This option is checked by default, so you can proceed to the next step 👍.

During the installation process, you will be prompted to select the location where you want the software to be installed. To choose a different location, simply click on the browse button and specify the path you prefer.

Next, You get the option to create a shortcut for your Android Studio Application.

Once you click on the “install” button, the installation process will begin.

The task is ✅ completed. Click on the “Next” button to proceed.

Let us launch our final installed Android Studio Hedgehog Application by checking the Start Android Studio option and clicking the finish button.

When you open Android Studio Hedgehog, you’re greeted with the cutest startup animation ever! 😍 I’m totally in love with it. 😊

Step 10: Android Studio Components Update:

You can skip this step if you have supported API. The latest Live Edit changes won’t be available otherwise.

Before we start with Hedgehog, if you have an older version of Android installed you might run into this issue with an older API level. So let us check for updates like before.

On checking for updates if you get the above popup. Its time to update components.

Click update now to begin.

Let us wait till it is finished.

Click finish sync the project and build again.

The warning disappeared and we were done.

Trying Out Hedgehog:

The first launch of Android Studio Hedgehog will display what’s new in Hedgehog. You can go through these points one by one to get to know the IDE well.

What’s New In Hedgehog

Let us try out a one of the new features in Android Studio Hedgehog:

New Android App Links Assistant

I opened up the App Links Assistant from Tools-> App Links Assistant

Here You will find a Create AppLink button. Click On it to add the URL.

I added the link here is how it appeared after:

It was added to the manifest file automatically.

<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

<data android:scheme="http" />
<data android:host="" />

Now it was time to Run Checks. I clicked the Run Checks Now link to start the process and it came up with one failure.

To fix this failure I taped Fix All Manifest Issues.

It was done nicely. All issues were fixed.

It fixed the issue by adding an autoVerify option to our intent filter as you can see below.

  <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

<data android:scheme="http" />
<data android:host="" />

There are plenty of new features that you can try out on your own and get a feel of the new Android Studio.

That is all for now folks.

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DuAa AwAn

Software Engineer | Android | Tech Writer. Join me in exploring the endless possibilities of app development!