Secure Your Application with TLS Certificate Pinning: Benefits, Implementation, and Drawbacks

Karan Dua
4 min readMay 9, 2023


In today’s digital age, securing your online transactions and communications is of utmost importance. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the de facto standard for securing communication on the web. TLS provides secure communication by encrypting the data transmitted between two parties, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. However, relying solely on the certificate authorities (CA) for certificate verification can pose security risks. In this article, we will discuss what TLS is, what a TLS certificate is, the importance of certificate pinning, its implementation and drawbacks.

What is TLS?

TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides end-to-end secure communication over the internet. It is used to secure web browsing, email, instant messaging, and other communication protocols. TLS works by establishing a secure connection between two parties, using cryptographic algorithms to encrypt the data exchanged between them. TLS also provides authentication, ensuring that the parties communicating are who they claim to be.

What is a TLS Certificate?

A TLS certificate is a digital document that confirms the identity of a website or a server. It is issued by a trusted CA, which verifies the identity of the server or website and issues a certificate that contains its public key. When a client connects to a server or website, it uses the public key in the certificate to encrypt data that is sent to the server. The server uses its private key to decrypt the data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the communication.

Why is Certificate Pinning Important?

While TLS provides a secure communication channel, it is not immune to attacks. One of the vulnerabilities of TLS is that it relies on CAs to verify the identity of the server or website. If an attacker gains access to the CA’s private key, they can issue fake certificates for any website or server, and the communication can be intercepted and decrypted.

Certificate pinning is a method of enhancing the security of TLS by associating a server’s public key with the domain name of the server. When a client connects to the server, it verifies that the public key of the server matches the pinned public key. By doing so, certificate pinning eliminates the risk of an attacker using a fake certificate issued by a rogue CA, ensuring that communication is secure and authentic.

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How is Certificate Pinning Implemented?

Certificate pinning can be implemented in two ways: static and dynamic. In static pinning, the public key of the server is hardcoded into the client application, so that when the client connects to the server, it compares the server’s public key with the pinned key. Static pinning is easy to implement but can be difficult to update when the server changes its certificate or public key.

Dynamic pinning, on the other hand, is more flexible as it allows the pinned public key to be changed without updating the client application. In dynamic pinning, the server sends its public key to the client during the TLS handshake. The client checks the public key against the pinned key, and if they match, communication continues. If they don’t match, the client terminates the connection. Dynamic pinning is more complex to implement than static pinning, but it allows for more flexibility in managing server certificates and public keys.

In addition to static and dynamic pinning, there are two types of pinning modes: strict and relaxed. In strict mode, the pinned public key must match exactly with the server’s public key. In relaxed mode, the pinned public key can be a hash of the server’s public key or a certificate fingerprint. Relaxed mode provides some flexibility in managing server certificates, but it is less secure than strict mode.

Implementing certificate pinning requires careful consideration and planning, as it can affect the availability and performance of the application. Developers need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of certificate pinning and choose the pinning mode and type that best fits their application’s security and performance needs.

Drawbacks of Certificate Pinning

While certificate pinning offers a more secure alternative to relying solely on CAs, it has its drawbacks. One of the main issues is that certificate pinning is not easy to implement and maintain. If a server changes its certificate or public key, clients need to update their pinned public key, which can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Another issue is that certificate pinning can make it difficult to perform load balancing and failover, as it requires all servers to have the same public key.

In conclusion, TLS certificate pinning is a useful technique for enhancing the security of TLS communication. It reduces the risk of an attacker using fake certificates issued by rogue CAs, providing assurance that the communication is secure and authentic. However, it has its drawbacks, such as the difficulty of implementation and maintenance. It is essential to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of certificate pinning before deciding to use it in your application.

