Welcome to Duality.gg

Duality e-Sports Hub
2 min readMay 26, 2019


Hello my friends, how are you?

If you came this far I imagine it was because of your desire to grow and promote yourself in the worlds of e-Sports. After all, who does not want to have that opportunity doesn’t it?

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is William Weckl, better known as Jack. I have participated in countless initiatives in the world of electronic sports, from organization of numerous tournaments, entrepreneurship in Startups in the field of e-Sports and even as a player had the pleasure of playing several tournaments.

Do you know what I’ve noticed so far? That the vast majority of enthusiasts and players do not have teams. And this happens not because the players do not want to participate in the competitive scenario, but because the fact that forming a team is quite difficult. It needs to find the right people and this is very difficult because several factors need to be evaluated in order to be able to do this: Player level, age, location, experience in the competitive scenario, training schedules, in-game roles, goals and so on. There are so many criteria that even existing teams are always changing their line-ups.

I also noticed that no one is looking with due attention to this problem. So my friends and I decided to create Duality.

Duality is a platform that aims to help you that are a player or that work with e-Sports to find other people who are compatible with what you need. Whether it’s a Streamer for a championship you are organizing or a player with a specific role like an Entry Fragger in CS:GO. Duality is not just a portal, it’s an active community of non-toxic people who are putting their information in a single repository, creating their resumes, showing who they really are and where they want to go. With this level of transparency you can make a more assertive decision when hiring.

In addition to the platform, we have also organized a few tournaments to promote the scenario, after all it is for tournaments that teams are usually formed and are also in them where people know each other better. After all, nothing like putting your skills to the test to see how they work out in the context of the team isn’t it?

We have already helped countless teams to form with our initiatives and we will not rest until we can provide the taste of playing a good reputation championship final to as many people as possible.

I hope you like the portal, it was made for you.

Best wishes,
William “jack” Weckl

