Dear Candace Owens,

Duane Townsend
3 min readJun 8, 2018


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Ms. Owens I’m writing you this public letter as part self-exploration, and part catharsis. I’m exploring whether I’m mad or sad for you, the cathartic element will be achieved through the exploration.

Ms. Owens, it’s not that I don’t ‘get you’, understand what you are, your determined aspiration to be -different- and edgy, with your verbal rapid fire support of Deplorable Nation and The President. You’re an opportunist. Trump needs another black woman spokesperson after the very public, very messy, firing of Omarosa. You don’t seem to be as publicly petty or oafish as Omarosa, but you are just as blindly aspirational and grasping. Be careful, over-zealous ambition tarnishes ones polish, you’ll be just like Omarosa before you know it…but I digress.

I first became aware of you via Facebook videos posted by Trump supporting Chads and Kyles, you know, clean cut tiki-torch Nazi types that feel comfortable with their racism, sexism, homo-phobia, and anti-Semitism since your President was elected. You give them cover, you justify their hate. For months I thought you were simply a YouTube charlatan seeking attention and viral video status, kind of like a female Joe Rogan.
But then I saw the Kanye TMZ clown show. You were there, with Kanye, you seemed like his handler, the Kanye whisperer.
I don’t know if your and Kanye’s TMZ appearance helped your career. But you’re in good with the Kardashians, so that’s something.

You identify yourself as a -free thinker- boast that you’ve been red-pilled. What alt-right Proud Boys called “red-pilled”, most normal people simply call -programmed-. What’s really ironic, red-pilled alt-righters exhibit glaring herd mentality. They live in a down is up Trump induced fever dream. It’s really quite astounding to watch. They’re predictably obtuse, adolescent, even the old guys, a lot of old white guys. But hey, that’s the tribe you chose Ms. Owens.
May you lead them to the light.

Most of my writing is well researched and contextualized. I didn’t do any of that for you Ms. Owens, I haven’t even Googled you. I only care enough to write this public letter, explore the tinge of sadness I feel for you, and purge my acrimony…that’s it!
I wrote this because it’s rare to feel sad and angry at someone simultaneously. That’s what you kindled in me, a melancholy pity for you, and an enmity, an exasperating anger. Kind of like what one would feel if their sister was a crack-head.

Some people will do almost anything to feel important, valued, respected. See Omarosa.
But the credibility of those people rarely lasts past the visibility of the person or movement they attach themselves to. Some of us seek the light, the truth of this life, some simply are attracted to heat.
Ms. Owens, you seem to be simply a heat-seeker.

May your landing be soft Ms. Owens.

One Love,
Duane Townsend



Duane Townsend

A publication for leftist/progressive politics since 2012