What is GitHub?

2 min readSep 7, 2024


A widely-used platform for version control and collaboration, empowering developers to manage and store code, track changes, and work together on projects. GitHub relies on Git for tracking changes, making it a powerful tool for efficient teamwork and project management. By offering public and private repositories, issue tracking, and wikis, GitHub simplifies the development process and fosters a sense of community among developers.

Main Contents:

What exactly is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based platform that uses Git for version control and source code management. It offers a social coding environment, enabling developers to store and share code, track and manage changes, and collaborate on projects. Features include repositories, issue tracking, pull requests, code reviews, and collaboration tools for teams. GitHub simplifies the development process and fosters a sense of community among developers.

Why GitHub is so important?

GitHub allows you to create, store, change, merge, and collaborate on files or code. Any member of a team can access the GitHub repository (think of this as a folder for files) and see the most recent version in real-time. Then, they can make edits or changes that the other collaborators also see. GitHub also lets users make requests of one another and internally discuss the iterations along the way. It’s even been called “a social coding platform” because it invites people to coordinate, share, and collaborate code across distributed and asynchronous environments


So, we come to the conclusion in this article that GitHub is a cloud-based platform where you can write code, share it, collaborate, work on it, debug it, and practice many more. Also, GitHub will store your code or program in a repository, which you can use to store it at all times. In addition, you can work together with other programmers as you track your project. Git, a version control system that keeps track of your version files, has made GitHub fundamentals possible. As we have noted, GitHub is important because it allow you to write, share, save, work, debug, merge, and collaborate on your code — all of which help you build a team.


- https://codeburst.io/why-you-should-start-using-github-right-now-e817d213c6ff
- https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/start-your-journey/about-github-and-git?source=post_page-----9ccd89a157cd--------------------------------

