Top 10 Local Databases for React Native App Development in 2023

Tarun Nagar
5 min readJul 3, 2023


Unlocking the Power of Local Data: The Top 10 Local Databases for React Native App Development in 2023

In the bustling Realm of React Native app development, the ability to store and manage data locally is paramount. Enter local databases, the unsung heroes that empower developers to craft efficient and feature-rich applications.

As 2023 dawns upon us, it’s time to explore the local databases tailored for React Native. From trusted stalwarts like SQLite and Realm to rising stars like WatermelonDB and AsyncStorageDB, each database brings its unique strengths.

Join us as we unravel the top 10 local databases, unveiling their capabilities and unlocking possibilities for your React Native creations.

What are Local Databases for React Native App Development?

Local databases for React Native app development are storage systems that allow developers to store and retrieve data within the app without a network connection.

They offer a mechanism to keep track of application state data, cached data, or user preferences permanently. In React Native, popular local database choices include Realm, AsyncStorage, and SQLite.

The performance and user experience of the app is improved by these databases’ efficient data management and querying capabilities. React Native developers can build responsive and dependable apps that work offline and seamlessly synchronize data when a network connection is available by using local databases.

Top 10 Local Databases for React Native App Development in 2023

In 2023, several local databases are available for React Native app development that provide developers with the flexibility and convenience of storing data locally on the user’s device.

These databases offer various features and capabilities to meet the specific needs of React Native developers. Here, we will explore the top 10 local databases for React Native app development in 2023.


SQLite is a widely used and popular local database for mobile app development. It is a self-contained, serverless, and zero-configuration database engine that stores data in a single file. React Native provides a plugin enabling developers to interact with SQLite databases seamlessly.


Realm is a strong local database that supports offline use and real-time synchronization. Developers can work with data more easily because it offers an object-oriented data model. Developers can incorporate Realm as a local database in their apps using the Realm plugin for React Native.


AsyncStorage is a simple, key-value pair storage system provided by React Native. It is built on the asynchronous storage system in the device’s native framework. AsyncStorage is lightweight and suitable for storing small amounts of data, such as settings or user preferences.


PouchDB is an open-source, JavaScript-based local database that syncs with Apache CouchDB. It is designed to work well with modern web and mobile applications. React Native developers can use the PouchDB plugin to leverage its features and capabilities in their apps.


WatermelonDB is a reactive database library for React Native that focuses on performance and scalability. It provides an easy-to-use API for managing data and offers offline support. WatermelonDB uses SQLite as its underlying storage engine and offers a schema-based approach for data modeling.


LokiJS is an in-memory local database that stores data in JavaScript objects. It is lightweight and suitable for small to medium-sized applications. LokiJS provides a flexible querying system and supports indexes for faster data retrieval. React Native developers can use the LokiJS plugin to integrate this database into their apps.

Firebase Realtime Database:

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database offering real-time synchronization and offline support. It is a serverless solution that stores data in JSON format. React Native has a Firebase plugin that allows developers to interact with the Firebase Realtime Database and leverage its real-time capabilities.

Couchbase Lite:

Couchbase Lite is a lightweight, embedded NoSQL database designed for mobile and IoT applications. It provides a flexible data model and supports synchronization with Couchbase Server. React Native developers can utilize the Couchbase Lite plugin to integrate this database into their apps and benefit from its features.


NeDB is an embedded JavaScript database inspired by MongoDB’s API. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use. NeDB offers a query syntax similar to MongoDB and supports indexing for faster queries. React Native developers can use the NeDB plugin to include this database in their apps.


AsyncStorageDB is a simple and lightweight key-value store for React Native apps. It is built on AsyncStorage and provides an easy-to-use data storage and retrieval API. While it may not offer advanced features, AsyncStorageDB is suitable for straightforwardly storing small amounts of data.

Benefits of Local Databases for React Native App Development

Improved Performance:

Databases for React Native development allow faster data retrieval and manipulation than remote server requests. This results in a smoother user experience with reduced latency.

Offline Capabilities:

With a local database, React Native apps can continue functioning without an internet connection. Users can still access and interact with locally stored data, ensuring uninterrupted usage.

Data Persistence:

Local databases provide a reliable and persistent storage solution for React Native apps. User data can be securely stored and retrieved, ensuring it remains available across app sessions or device reboots.

Enhanced Security:

Local databases offer an added layer of security for sensitive data. Storing data locally reduces the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access compared to relying solely on remote servers.

Reduced Network Bandwidth Usage:

Utilizing the best Local Databases minimizes the need for frequent network requests, leading to reduced bandwidth consumption. This can benefit users with limited data plans or areas with poor network connectivity.

Improved Scalability:

Local databases allow React Native apps to efficiently handle large amounts of data. By leveraging local storage and optimized database operations, apps can scale and handle increased data volumes without significant performance degradation.

Simplified Development and Testing:

Local databases facilitate easier development and testing of React Native apps. Hire web developers that can offline and quickly iterate on database-related features without relying on remote servers or network connectivity.

Flexibility and Customization:

Local databases provide developers more flexibility in designing and implementing data models and structures specific to their app requirements. They can optimize database schema and queries tailored to the app’s unique needs.

Seamless Integration with Native Device Features:

Local databases in React Native integrate seamlessly with device features like cameras, GPS, and sensors. This allows for efficient data storage, retrieval, and synchronization, enhancing app functionality.


In conclusion, these are the top 10 local databases for React Native app development in 2023. Each database offers unique features and capabilities, catering to different requirements and use cases. Whether you need real-time synchronization, offline support, or a lightweight storage solution, you can find a suitable local database to empower your React Native apps and provide a seamless user experience.



Tarun Nagar

Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking Website Development Company, and Mobile App Development Company.