Dubai Excursions: From Desert Safaris to Dazzling Islands — Your Adventure Awaits!

Dubai Excursions
6 min readJul 24, 2023


Welcome to Dubai, the city of dreams and endless adventures. Dubai excursions have risen from the desert sands to become one of the world’s most sought-after tourist destinations. This remarkable city offers a perfect blend of modernity and tradition, attracting millions of travelers every year. One of the best ways to experience Dubai’s wonders is through its diverse range of excursions, each promising a unique and unforgettable adventure.

Dubai’s Iconic Landmarks

Dubai boasts a plethora of iconic landmarks that have captured the world’s imagination. Let’s take a closer look at some of these architectural wonders:

A. Burj Khalifa — Touching the Skies

The Burj Khalifa stands tall as the world’s tallest building, a soaring testament to human engineering and ambition. Visitors can journey to the observation deck on the 148th floor and be treated to breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Don’t miss the evening light shows and the enchanting fountain displays at the base of the tower.

B. Palm Jumeirah — An Artificial Wonder

Shaped like a palm tree, Palm Jumeirah is an awe-inspiring man-made island. Luxurious resorts, entertainment options, and stunning waterfront properties adorn its golden fronds. Visitors can indulge in water sports, relax on pristine beaches, and even enjoy marine life encounters.

C. Dubai Mall — Shopper’s Paradise

The Dubai Mall, the world’s largest mall, is a shopping extravaganza like no other. Beyond shopping, it offers diverse entertainment experiences like the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo. Food enthusiasts will also find a haven of culinary delights from around the world.

Desert Safaris — An Arabian Adventure

Venturing into the Arabian Desert is an exhilarating experience that allows travelers to immerse themselves in the heart of Arabia. Let’s delve into the allure of desert safaris:

A. Introduction to Desert Safaris

The desert safari experience allows visitors to connect with the region’s rich heritage and natural beauty. There are various types of desert safaris available, from adrenaline-pumping dune bashing to serene camel rides.

B. Dune Bashing — Thrills on the Sands

For thrill-seekers, dune bashing is an absolute must. Skilled drivers navigate 4x4 vehicles over the undulating sand dunes, offering an adrenaline rush like no other. Safety precautions are paramount, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

C. Camel Riding — Embracing the Traditions

To truly embrace the Bedouin heritage, a leisurely camel ride across the desert is a must-do. It allows travelers to experience the tranquility of the desert landscape and capture picturesque moments.

D. Sunset Views and Stargazing

The desert sunsets are simply mesmerizing, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold. As night falls, the desert sky becomes a canvas of twinkling stars, offering an excellent opportunity for stargazing and connecting with the cosmos.

Exploring the Arabian Waters

Dubai’s coastal charm extends beyond its architectural wonders. The Arabian waters are brimming with excitement and marine beauty:

A. Dhow Cruises — Sailing through History

Dhow cruises provide a glimpse into Dubai’s maritime heritage. These traditional wooden boats offer dinner cruises with entertainment and stunning views of the city’s skyline from the water.

B. Snorkeling and Diving Adventures

Discover the vibrant underwater world of Dubai through snorkeling and diving adventures. The Arabian Gulf is home to diverse marine life, and various tour operators offer safe and guided snorkeling experiences.

C. Dubai’s Island Escapes

Dubai boasts stunning islands that are perfect for day trips and excursions. One such example is The World Islands, an archipelago of man-made islands shaped like a world map. These islands offer exclusive water sports, relaxation, and luxurious escapes.

Cultural Immersion

To truly understand Dubai, one must explore its cultural heritage:

A. Visiting the Old Dubai

Al Fahidi is the historical district of Dubai, with its traditional architecture and narrow alleys. Visitors can explore traditional souks, which offer unique offerings and learn about the customs and culture of the Emirati people.

B. Art and Heritage in Dubai

Dubai’s contemporary art scene is flourishing, with numerous art galleries and cultural centers promoting local and international talent. Preserving and celebrating Emirati heritage is a priority for the city.

Family-Friendly Adventures

Dubai caters to families with a range of fun-filled activities:

A. Theme Parks Galore

Dubai is famous for its theme parks and amusement centers, such as Dubai Parks and Resorts. Families with kids can enjoy thrilling rides, live entertainment, and various attractions.

B. Kid-Friendly Beaches

Dubai’s beaches are family-friendly and equipped with safety measures and amenities. Building sandcastles and engaging in beach games are favorite pastimes for children and parents alike.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. When is the best time to visit Dubai for excursions?

The best time to visit Dubai for excursions is during the cooler months, which generally span from November to April. The weather is more pleasant during this period, making outdoor activities like desert safaris and water sports more enjoyable.

2. Are desert safaris suitable for all age groups?

Yes, desert safaris are generally suitable for all age groups. However, it’s essential to consider the health and mobility of participants, especially for activities like dune bashing, which can be a bit adventurous. Most tour operators offer various options, including more gentle excursions suitable for families and older individuals.

3. What are the safety precautions to consider during desert safaris?

During desert safaris, it’s crucial to follow safety guidelines provided by your tour operator. Some general precautions include wearing seat belts during dune bashing, staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and avoiding strenuous activities during peak sunlight hours. Always listen to your guide’s instructions and stay within designated areas.

4. Can I book tickets to the observation deck of Burj Khalifa in advance?

Yes, you can book tickets to the observation deck of Burj Khalifa in advance. It is recommended to book online ahead of your visit to secure your preferred time slot, as it can get busy, especially during peak tourist seasons.

5. Which island in Dubai offers the best water sports activities?

Palm Jumeirah is one of the most popular islands in Dubai for water sports activities. Many water sports centers offer a wide range of options, such as jet skiing, parasailing, flyboarding, and more.

6. Are there vegetarian dining options available on dhow cruises?

Yes, most dhow cruises in Dubai offer vegetarian dining options. When booking your cruise, you can inform the operator of any dietary preferences or restrictions, and they will accommodate your needs accordingly.

7. How do I get to The World Islands from Dubai?

The World Islands are a collection of artificial islands located off the coast of Dubai. To reach The World Islands, you would need to take a boat or a yacht from the mainland. There are tour operators that offer trips to The World Islands, providing opportunities to explore and enjoy the unique surroundings.

8. What are the must-visit historical sites in Old Dubai?

Old Dubai is rich in history and offers several must-visit sites, including:

  • Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood (Bastakiya) with its traditional wind-tower houses.
  • Dubai Museum in Al Fahidi Fort, which showcases the city’s heritage.
  • Dubai Creek, where you can take an abra (traditional boat) ride.
  • The Heritage and Diving Village offer insights into Emirati culture and pearl diving traditions.

9. Are theme parks in Dubai suitable for toddlers?

Yes, many theme parks in Dubai cater to families with toddlers and young children. Parks like Dubai Parks and Resorts and Legoland Dubai have areas specifically designed for younger kids with age-appropriate rides and attractions.

10. Is snorkeling gear provided during snorkeling tours in Dubai?

Yes, snorkeling gear is usually provided during snorkeling tours in Dubai. Tour operators typically offer masks, snorkels, and fins to participants, allowing them to explore the underwater world comfortably. However, if you have specific preferences or requirements, you can bring your own snorkeling gear.


Dubai is a playground of adventure and discovery, offering a myriad of excursions for every traveler. From exploring iconic landmarks to immersing oneself in the Arabian Desert, and from sailing through history on dhow cruises to experiencing the vibrant underwater world, Dubai has it all. So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in this captivating city!



Dubai Excursions

Experience the best of Dubai tour with Dubai Excursions.