Table Tennis Penhold Grip and Shakehand Grip: Key Differences and Advantages

Inzi Abbasi
5 min readJun 5, 2023


Penhold Grip and Shakehand Grip Techniques

Penhold Grip and Shakehand Grip: Key Differences and Advantages

The two most common grips used by players are the penhold grip and the shakehand grip. Understanding the key differences and advantages of each grip can help you make an informed decision and enhance your game.

Let’s delve deeper into these two grips and explore their unique characteristics.

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Penhold Grip

Penhold Grip Technique

The penhold grip gets its name from the way the player holds the racket, resembling how one holds a pen or pencil. The player’s thumb and index finger firmly grip the handle, while the other fingers gently rest against the back of the blade.

Advantages of the Penhold Grip:

Forehand Power and Quickness: The penhold grip allows for exceptional power and quickness on the forehand side. The wrist flexibility and compact stroke motion enable players to generate significant power, making it ideal for strong attacking shots.

Forehand Spin Generation: With the penhold grip, players can generate substantial spin on their forehand shots. The wrist’s brushing action, combined with the grip’s natural flexibility, facilitates efficient spin production and deceptive variations.

Close-to-Table Play: The penhold grip is well-suited for close-to-the-table play. The grip’s natural hand positioning and quick stroke execution make it easier to respond swiftly to fast-paced exchanges and counter-attacks.

Disadvantages of the Penhold Grip:

Backhand Limitations: One of the primary drawbacks of the penhold grip is its limited backhand technique. The grip restricts the player’s ability to execute traditional backhand strokes effectively. Players using the penhold grip often rely on backhand flicks or other unconventional techniques for backhand shots.

Reduced Reach: The penhold grip may result in a slightly reduced reach compared to the shakehand grip. The grip’s hand position and finger placement make it challenging to cover a wide table area, especially on the backhand side.

Shakehand Grip

Shakehand Grip Technique

The shakehand grip is the most popular and widely used grip in table tennis. It resembles the way one shakes hands with someone. The player’s index finger extends over the racket head, while the other fingers wrap around the handle.

Advantages of the Shakehand Grip:

Versatility and Shot Variety: The shakehand grip offers excellent versatility and shot variety. Players using this grip have greater flexibility in executing various strokes, including forehand loops, backhand drives, pushes, and chops. It allows for a more well-rounded playing style and adaptability in different match situations.

Enhanced Backhand Technique: Compared to the penhold grip, the shakehand grip provides better backhand technique and shot execution. Players can employ traditional backhand strokes with greater ease and control.

Effective Spin Generation: The shakehand grip is well-known for its effectiveness in generating spin. The grip’s larger contact surface area and wrist movement allow players to generate substantial spin on both forehand and backhand shots.

Disadvantages of the Shakehand Grip:

Limited Forehand Power: While the shakehand grip offers good power generation, it is generally considered to be slightly less powerful than the penhold grip on the forehand side. The grip’s hand positioning and finger alignment may limit the extent of power that can be generated.

Transitioning Between Strokes: Switching between strokes can be relatively slower with the shakehand grip compared to the penhold grip. The grip’s finger alignment may require players to adjust their hand position between forehand and backhand shots, resulting in a slight delay during quick rallies.


Both the penhold grip and the shakehand grip have their unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on your playing style, preferences, and strengths. The penhold grip offers exceptional power and spin on the forehand side, as well as quickness for close-to-table play. However, it comes with limitations in backhand technique and reach. On the other hand, the shakehand grip provides versatility, shot variety, and enhanced backhand technique, albeit with slightly less forehand power.

Choosing the right grip requires self-awareness, experimentation, and practice. It’s essential to consider your natural strengths, playing style, and comfort level when making your decision. Working with a knowledgeable coach or seeking guidance from experienced players can provide valuable insights to help you refine your grip and excel in table tennis.

So, whether you decide to embrace the penhold grip’s power and spin or opt for the shakehand grip’s versatility and shot variety, consistent practice and dedication will be key to honing your skills and achieving success on the table.


1. Which grip is better for beginners?

Both grips can be suitable for beginners, but the shakehand grip is generally considered more beginner-friendly due to its versatility and ease of learning.

2. Can I switch between grips?

While it is possible to switch between grips, it can be challenging and may require significant adjustment and practice. It is advisable to choose one grip and focus on developing your skills with that grip.

3. Do professional players use both grips?

Professional players generally specialize in one grip that suits their playing style. However, there are a few exceptional players who have successfully used both grips, although it is relatively rare.

4. Is one grip more popular than the other?

The shakehand grip is more popular worldwide, particularly in Europe and North America. The penhold grip, on the other hand, is more prevalent in Asian countries.

5. Are there other types of grips in table tennis?

Yes, there are variations and adaptations of the shakehand and penhold grips. Some players use modified versions or hybrid grips that combine elements from both grips to suit their preferences and playing style.


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Inzi Abbasi

I am a skilled digital marketer with a passion for promoting affiliate programs. I have skills in effective marketing strategies and driving traffic to websites