Future of family system

Dubai Verse Cup
3 min readJun 24, 2022


As an important part of the Dubai Metaverse, the future positioning of the family system must be more open and friendly.

In the future, we will also provide a number of initial game play templates based on the family, and cooperate with third parties to make templates for the patriarch to choose.

The patriarch has the authority to choose and access the game play that everyone likes according to the development of the family and the needs of family members, and to manage these game plays.

Through more family activities and game play, it will also help players achieve more consumption scenarios and value withdrawals of family coins.

Higher openness, higher degree of freedom, and the ability to combine with VR technology will be the future goal of our family’s game play.

Family Business War

  • Family business battles are held once a week.
  • It is composed of members of the department selected by the family patriarch to form the business team of the family.
  • Before the battle, you can’t see the order of the opponent’s departments, you can only play blindly.

After the battle starts, you can see which department of the opponent your own department is fighting against. Different departments fight against each other, and there is a restraint relationship:

After the battle is completed, the victorious clan will receive the corresponding clan prosperity and other rewards.

Family company

After the family company is created, different departments and corresponding positions will be opened up.

Players can obtain corresponding positions through competition. The basis of competition is the comprehensive strength of the player’s family (number of family coins + contribution).

Players can also participate in elections by consuming family coins, become the image spokesperson of the family and family company, and can be fully displayed in marketing activities.

Different departments and different positions will have different tasks every day. When players complete the task of the day’s position, they can get corresponding rewards.

Family companies and family business warfare are interrelated. The family patriarch can form a business warfare team based on the comprehensive strength of the members of the family company.

Apartment dress up

Players can buy apartments by spending their family coins, and then build their own personalized apartments.

Players can purchase corresponding dress-up items from the family store to dress up their apartment.

Players in each family can assist other players in cleaning, visiting each other, giving gifts, etc.



Dubai Verse Cup

A play-to-earn metaverse horse racing game based on the block-chain.