Nhost: An open-source alternative to Firebase

Dubem Obinna-Esiowu
5 min readDec 7, 2022


What is Nhost?

How to get started with Nhost

How to create a project on Nhost

Project name


Database password


If you enjoy writing code but aren’t particularly interested in setting up and handling infrastructure, then you might appreciate the ease of use that Nhost offers. You can have a PostgreSQL database using GraphQL API, and your authentication is set up within minutes.

Also, even without much experience in frontend development, you can follow the Nhost documentation and quickly build a React app, Next.js, RedwoodJS, or Vue app.

If you are just getting started with Nhost, this article is right for you. We will cover what Nhost is, a guide to installing Nhost, and how to create your first project on Nhost.

What is Nhost?

Nhost is an open-source and serverless backend platform that is an alternative to Firebase. It works with GraphQL API and automates your entire backend process when building a mobile or web application. This way, developers only have to focus on the frontend aspect of the application.

For seamless operation, Nhost automatically creates a backend with a relational database, authentication, GraphQL API, and storage, including a user management system and permissions. Nhost is also easily configured and integrated with advanced frontend frameworks such as React, Next.js, Vue, and others.

In simple terms, creating the backend or administrative aspect of your application that can operate on a cloud server is a lot easier with Nhost.

How to get started with Nhost

Nhost provides a user-friendly platform for developers to get started with the service. There are two options on the signup page: you can either sign up using your GitHub account details or your email.

In this article, we will be signing from GitHub. You need to authorize Nhost to access your GitHub account to create an account successfully.

To signup with GitHub;

  1. Click ‘Sign Up with GitHub’ on the right side of the signup page.

2. Next, you will see the authorization page. Click ‘Authorize Nhost’

This page would come up if you were previously logged into GitHub on the browser you are using. If you aren’t, you will be redirected to a page asking you to sign into GitHub before the authorization.

3. After this, you have successfully signed up for Nhost.

How to create a project on Nhost


  1. Project name
  2. Workspace
  3. Database Password
  4. Region
  5. Plan
  6. Click ‘Create Your First Project’

2. Next, you will see the ‘New Project’ page, where you have to fill in the details listed in the prerequisite.

Project Name

This depends on you and what name you want to give the project you are working on. For instance, if the application you are working on is called ‘Write App,’ you can go ahead and name your project ‘Write App’ or ‘WriteApp.’ However, you cannot use special characters in the name region.


This is the exact place your project will be stored or saved. In this case, you will find a default option that you can use.

Database Password

Here, you can choose any password that works for you. You can add numbers or symbols to create a stronger password. Just ensure you can remember it when you need to access your project.


You can choose the region or country where your project data will be saved or stored.


There is an option for both the free and paid plans on Nhost. The free plan is called the Starter, and it offers a 1 GB database, 10 GB network traffic, and then 5 GB of storage space for your file. The paid plan, on the other hand, is called the Pro. It provides backups, a 10 GB database, 50 GB of network traffic, and 25 GB of file storage space

3. After filling out all the required details, click ‘Create Project’

4. The next page will show ‘Provisioning project name’; this process should take about 2 minutes.

5. You have successfully created your first project on Nhost.


Software developers would agree that building and maintaining an app requires expertise and time investment, from setting up, managing, and configuring cloud infrastructure, to setting up APIs, user management, storage, security, and more. However, platforms and services such as Nhost automate this process and make it possible for developers to focus on the front end of their project, which sets them apart from competitors.



Dubem Obinna-Esiowu

A technical writer, passionate about creating technically accurate content and presenting complex ideas in ways that are clear and concise.