Chapter 12 — The Assassination of JFK, Gladio and Israel — The Terrorism Business

Brendan Devenney
37 min readOct 21, 2021



In 1990, Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed that a secret army existed in Italy and other countries across Western Europe that were part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). They had been set up by the U.S. secret service, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the British secret intelligence service (MI6) or (SIS) after the end of the Second World War to “fight communism in Western Europe”.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 1.)

Mossad would also play its part. Although Mossad (by name) wouldn’t officially come in to being until 1952.

As early as 1947, French Minister of the Interior Edouard Depreux had publically exposed the existence of this “secret army” within France’s borders. Made up of extreme right wing elements which included French Vichy collaborators (nazi supporters). They were poised to impose a right wing dictatorship in the event of a communist surge in elections.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 88.)

The Vichy regime of France controlled French Algeria and treated Jews in the same way Jews were treated in Germany under Hitler. You need to remember this.

It was also in Lebanon under the Vichy regime that late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik would go to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig. Lehi documents outlined that its rule would be authoritarian and indicated similiarites between the organization and Nazis. (Chapter 4)

(The Jews: A Contrary People Yehuda Bauer pages 77-78)

During this period, James Angleton and his right hand man Ray Rocco would run Special Counter-Intelligence throughout Italy. They worked closely with Italian counterintelligence to keep an eye on “communists”.

Raymond Rocca remained in Italy and was Angleton's liaison with the Italian intelligence service until his own return to Washington in the summer of 1953.

(Cold Warrior: True Story of the West's Spyhunt Nightmare – 25 Feb. 1993)

[Note: Remember that Rocca was the one who said that Garrison would get a “guilty” verdict on Clay Shaw as the case was being mounted in the late sixties.]

It was also in Italy that Angleton cemented his lifelong relationship with Israeli intelligence.

[By 1951 Angleton was engaged in] "the underground Jewish network that ran down from Eastern Europe through Italy to the ports where shiploads of immigrants were loaded for Palestine."

(Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn, DangerousLiaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991) pp42-43)

In 1947, Angleton participated in an OSO operation where propaganda and other means were used to keep the Italians from voting any Communists into office.

(Thomas Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA (New York, Pocket Books ed., 1979), p. 35.)

The rigging of the 1948 Italian election was the first operation ever conducted by the (recently formed) CIA.Some of it was done out of the office of the Dulles brothers law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell. (James Angleton would also play an important role in helping to steal that ’48 election.)

(James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, and the Craft of Counterintelligence, Michael Holzman)

According to Italian magistrate Felice Casson, a “strategy of tension”—the disruption of ordinary civilian life by prefabricated social violence and chaos—would be put into place by forces within the State if there were the prospect of not only a communist government, but a socialist one.

(David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government (New York: HarperCollins, 2015), p. 468. For a detailed account of these events, see pp. 463–78.)

That same year (1948), via “Operation Torch,” the U.S. used chemical warfare to defeat Greek partisans by dropping thousands of gallons of napalm on them. The Greek resistance, which on their native soil had defeated both the German Nazis and the British troops, collapsed. This meant total victory for the Greek Right and its patron, the United States.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 215)

In 1949, Italy had signed not only the Atlantic Pact but also secret protocols that provided for the creation of an unofficial organization “charged with guaranteeing Italy’s internal alignment with the Western Bloc by any means, even if the electorate was to show a different inclination.”

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, pp. 98–99.)

All done in the name of “democracy”...

Dulles during his time as Director of CIA had been the brain behind the secret anti-Communist armies.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 59.)

Dulles’s Operation Paperclip and Gehlen Operation had rescued Nazis from prosecution at the Nuremberg trials not only so they could later be used as scientists and engineers in American research projects but as a means to recruit right-wing fascist terrorists to serve in the secret Gladio network throughout Europe, all with NATO’s consent.

(David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government (New York: HarperCollins, 2015), pp. 545–48)

The ranks of the Gladio armies were brimming with Nazis and Fascists.

(Philip Willan, Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy (Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2002), p. 141.)

Some of the directors and leading figures of national intelligence agencies were also recycled from these same Nazi and Fascist networks.

One of the most infamous was Soviet Union specialist, General Reinhard Gehlen, whom Hitler appointed as chief of Foreign Armies East in 1942.

“Gehlen derived much of his information from his role in one of the most terrible atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation, and murder by starvation of some four million Soviet prisoners of war.”

(Christopher Simpson, Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988), p. 44, as quoted by Ganser in NATO’S Secret Armies, p. 191.)

Gehlen and his top staff were flown to Fort Hunt, Virginia. After meeting with Allen Dulles, it was decided that Gehlen and his crew would be shipped safely back to Germany, and he became the director of the “Gehlen Organization”: West Germany’s top intelligence agency, which also integrated other brutal, incorrigible Nazis into its structure.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 193, quoting from the British periodical, Searchlight, January 1991.)

Meanwhile in Italy, Angleton played a role in rescuing and recruiting fascists who were later to serve in Operation Gladio, such as Prince Junio Valerio Borghese (aka “The Black Prince”), commander of an anti-partisan campaign that murdered hundreds of Italian communists who had fought against Mussolini.

Prince Borghese later “in close collaboration with the CIA in Rome on the night of December 7, 1970 started the...right-wing Gladio coup d’état in Italy, code-named Tora Tora” (now known as the Borghese coup).

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 76)

“Angleton became the key American figure controlling all right wing and neofascist political and paramilitary groups in Italy in the postwar period.”

(Stuart Christie, Stefano delle Chiaie, (London: Anarchy Publications, 1984), p. 4, as quoted in Daniele Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 65.)

CIA operative Bill Harvey worked very closely with James Angleton. He ran Task Force W, part of Operation Mongoose, the CIA’s covert war against Cuba. Another was ZR/RIFLE, the Agency’s assassination program designed to eliminate foreign leaders.

Harvey decided he needed Mafia links, and drew on the connections of CIA agent Robert Maheu, who had links with Sam Giancana, Santo Trafficante, Jr., Johnny Roselli and “others”.

(David C. Martin, Washington Post, 10 October 1976, The CIA's 'Loaded Gun' )

The “others” include of course the apparently unmentionable Mossad asset, Meyer Lansky. By the mid sixties, Giancana would be running arms to Israel through another Mossad asset, Hyman Larner in Panama.

(Michael Corbitt & Sam Giancana. Double Deal. (New York: William Morrow))

In the midst of delicate negotiations between JFK and Soviet Premier Khrushchev over the “Cuban Missile Crisis”, Harvey secretly launched three boat missions against Cuba. As a result, RFK demanded he be sacked.

Instead, Richard Helms quietly shipped Harvey off to Europe as a means of protecting him. Harvey was appointed as the CIA’s Rome station chief, where he would work closely with certain right-wing members of the Italian secret service.

In 1964 Harvey recommended Colonel Renzo Rocca, Chief of the Italian Military Intelligence Division R as liaison for building up the Italian Gladio network.

(Tunander, Ola, Democratic State vs. Deep State: Approaching the Dual State of the West. Peace Research Institute Oslo, 2008)

When Bill Harvey arrived in Rome to assume his position as CIA station chief, he didn’t waste any time. Harvey tried to convince Renzo Rocca, an espionage chief working with Italian intelligence (or SIFAR) “to use his ‘action squads’ to carry out bombings of Christian Democratic Party offices and newspapers—terrorist acts that were to be blamed on the left.”

(Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard, p. 475)

The “years of lead” and Israel

Another protected psycho was sent to Italy during this period. General Lyman Lemnitzer.

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the escalating violence of the “Years of Lead” coincided with the appointment of General Lyman Lemnitzer as Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO (SACEUR). In his position as SACEUR from 1963 to 1969, Lemnitzer would have the final word over the activities of Gladio.

Lemnitzer served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1960 to 1962, but was relieved of his position (like Bill Harvey) by JFK shortly after Lemnitzer approved of Operation Northwoods. (Wiki)

Operation Northwoods was a plan circulated in the U.S. government in 1962 to stage false flag terrorist attacksinside the U.S. and abroad to provoke “military intervention in Cuba”. The plan called for the CIA or other operatives to commit genuine acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro. One part of the Operation Northwoods plan was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.” The document was signed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer and reportedly presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962.

(Document archive: )

So, that’s two important future figures in Gladio who had been “demoted” by JFK after non-sanctioned or psychopathic ideas on taking on Castro’s Cuba.

“In 2000, an Italian parliamentary investigation concluded that the U.S had supported the “strategy of tension” in order to “stop the PCI [Italian Communist Party] and to a certain degree also the PSI [Italian Socialist Party] from reaching executive power in the country.”

The Senate report also concluded:

“Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organized or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.”

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 82.)

In 1969, Henry Kissinger and U.S. General Haig (who ran NATO as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 1974–1979) authorized Licio Gelli (fascist and former liaison officer between the Italian government and Nazi Germany) to “recruit four-hundred high ranking Italian and NATO officers into his lodge.”

This was a secret Masonic group called Propaganda Due (P2)

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 74)

And right in the heart of this mesh of nazi and fascist intrigue was...Israel.

Israel, hot on the heels of the Nakba, and it’s forced creation, was already rubbing shoulders with the architects of the fascist mobilization, Gladio.

These past chapters contain a lot of information to digest, so I may repeat some characters already mentioned. Not only so that the reader takes the information in, but to see these characters through multiple lenses. Whether it’s the intrigue in the US, Europe or Palestine, or to show how these characters intersect over and over. The following are largely quotes from previous chapters, but shown through the Gladio lens.

Remember that one of the most important cogs at this time in Gladio, and in zionist intrigue, was James Angleton.

Stemming from his wartime OSS liaison with Jewish resistance groups based in London, James Angleton had arranged an operational-intelligence exchange agreement with Israel's Mossad..

(Wilbur Crane Eveland. Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle East. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1980), p. 95.)

He began to develop sources among the leaders of the Jewish and Zionist organizations – including “close personal friend” Teddy Kollek who had been busy smuggling arms to Palestine through the zionist mafia, the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua and US based zionist spies.

(See Chapter 11; Agent Kollek in the shadows, ABRAHAM RABINOVICH, Jerusalem Post, JANUARY 2, 2007)

How is this relevant to Gladio?

Angleton formed ties with a German operative named Arthur Pier who later became known as Asher Ben-Natan.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

According to CIA records, alleged Nazi murderer of 100,000 Jews Walter Rauff’s handler was one “Ted Cross”. Cross was recruited in 1948 for clandestine activity by Asher Ben-Natan, director of operations in the Foreign Ministry's Political Department, which served as the precursor to the Mossad.

(See Chapter 6; In the service of the Jewish state, Haaretz, 28 March 2007, Shraga Elam)

Walter Rauff would take up an “adviser” position to Chile’s own Gestapo, DINA, under war criminal dictator Augusto Pinochet according to victims and the CIA itself (to be discussed shortly).

This was in direct line through Mossad and Operation Condor in Latin America. This will be underlined indisputably in upcoming chapters.

Angleton was there from the beginning.

When Reuven Shiloah, the founder of Israel’s first intelligence organization, came to Washington, he visited the CIA and..went back to Israel. Then in April 1951, he created the Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks – inevitably known as Mossad.

Reuven Shiloah stayed in Washington to work out the arrangements with Angleton. Shiloah, according to his biographer, soon developed a “special relationship” with Angleton, who became the CIA’s exclusive liaison with Mossad in 1951. Angleton returned the favor by traveling to Israel often. He was introduced to Amos Manor, chief of counterespionage for Israel’s domestic security service known as Shabak or Shin Bet.

Manor would be friends with Angleton for the rest of his life. As would Efrain Halevy, a retired director of the Mossad.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

By 1951 Angleton was engaged in "the underground Jewish network that ran down from Eastern Europe through Italy to the ports where shiploads of immigrants were loaded for Palestine."

(AndrewCockburnandLeslieCockburn.DangerousLiaison:TheInside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991) pp42-43)

A recap: the jackals of the elite were setting up a global intelligence network, assassination squads and mercenaries made up of fascists and former nazis. And a long time Mossad asset at the highest levels of the CIA who actually had monuments built in his honor in Israel (Angleton), alongside a NATO commander who was prepared to kill US citizens in false flag operations (Lemnitzer), were working alongside operatives such as a maniac who was prepared to kick off World War 3 (Harvey).

DeGaulle, Gladio, the OAS and Israel

The Algerian War of Independence to remove French colonialists from Algeria lasted from 1954-1962. Depending on the source, between 500,000 and 1.5 million lost their lives. The higher figure is said to be much more likely.

War crimes and torture were a frequent process in use from the beginning of the [edit: genocidal] colonization of Algeria which started in 1830. Crimes committed by the French before and during the war against Algerian combatants and unarmed civilians included indiscriminate bombings and shootings into civilian crowds, rape, imprisonment without food in small cells, throwing prisoners out of helicopters to their deaths or into the sea with concrete on their feet, and burying people alive.

[Edit: a dystopian nightmare similar to nazi Europe].

Torture methods included beatings, mutilations, hanging by the feet or hands, torture by electroshock, waterboarding, sleep deprivation and sexual assaults. 2 million Algerians were also deported in internment camps, with some being forced in to labour.

(Torture during the Algerian War of Independence - Wikipedia)

Peace negotiations with the Algerian rebels (FLN) began in January 1961 after a French referendum set in motion by French premier Charles DeGaulle, voted in favour of self determination for Algeria.

Right wing French generals in Algeria attempted a coup there when the referendum overwhelmingly went against the colonialists (75%), and tried to spread dissent to “mainland” France. It failed.

De Gaulle was convinced that the coup was supported by the Allen Dulles-led CIA — and the French press was filled with leaks alleging this secret U.S. involvement..But Kennedy took pains to assure de Gaulle that he did not back the coup, and in fact he offered to defend the embattled French government with U.S. military firepower.

De Gaulle acknowledged that JFK himself was not behind the French officers’ rebellion, but the incident made it clear to both leaders something equally ominous: Kennedy was not in charge of his own government.

(The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, David Talbot; Review: )

What has this got to do with Israel?

Running parallel to the aforementioned intrigue, in 1944, Jacques Soustelle became Minister of Information and, subsequently, Minister of Colonies. In 1955, he would be appointed Governor-General of Algeria. He was withdrawn a year later. When De Gaulle returned to power in 1958, he made him Minister of Information and then a deputy Foreign Minister.

(Joan Cook, Jacques Soustelle, Leader in Fight For a French Algeria, Dies at 78, New York Times, 9 August 1990.)

Soustelle, a fervent zionist, helped to create, and presided over, the pro-Israel lobbying group Alliance France-Israel in November 1956.

(Israel and the politics of boycott, Joseph Massad, Al Jazeera, March 2013; Jews in France Welcome Appointment of Soustelle; Fought Anti-semitism, JTA, March 1958)

Soustelle was among the forces behind the military pact between France and Israel. He was a personal friend of Ben Gurion and Shimon Peres as well as Herut/Irgun leaders such as Menchamin Begin. He paid numerous visits to Israel.

(FRENCH FRIEND JACQUES SOUSTELLE DIES AT AGE 78, The Jerusalem Post, 8 August 1990)

Israeli historian Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi described Soustelle as being one of "Israel's friends in France,"

(Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), p. 220)

Remember the following within the context of the Suez Canal crisis, where zionists had created World War Three conditions hand in hand with France and Britain in 1956 (Chapter 6).

Joseph Massad, Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University relates:

When the Algerian revolt started in November 1954, the French decided to increase their arms sales to the Israelis.

The French military allied with the Israelis who both saw Algerian revolutionaries and anti-imperialist Arab leader Gamal Abdel Nasser as a common enemy.

Israel would also carry out military manoeuvers with the French on occupied Algerian territory and enlist Algerian Jews (as fighters and spies) who had been granted the same supremacist standing as French colonialists.

[Note: Remember that just a decade earlier, these same French supremacists were on Hitler’s side!]

The military alliance with Israel provided arms and military training to the Israelis, and vice versa with Israeli dirty tricks training. French officers would be dispatched to Israel to learn new techniques in psychological warfare.

[Edit: is this one of the reasons why French techniques were so brutal?]

French General Maurice Challe, Commander-in-Chief of the French forces in Algeria (1958-1960), insisted in an interview with Sylvia Crosbie that the Israelis were “consummate artists” at dealing with the Palestinian natives. Challe went further and hoped to use the Kibbutz as a model for his pacification program in Algeria.

Israel would go on to push the “kibbutz program” in South and Central America from the sixties onwards as a colonialist means of “keeping the natives in order” under their oligarchs.

Israeli study missions in Algeria were also welcomed. Challe, like other generals who were friends of Israel, would participate in the failed coup of April 1961 against the French government in Algeria and would be tried by a military tribunal. Testimonies by at least one participant in the failed coup stated that the coup leaders were expecting support from a number of settler colonial powers: “Portugal, South Africa, South America, and perhaps Israel.”

Apartheid South Africa, Rhodesia and South American dictators were keen Israeli supporters and military and political allies during this period and for decades to come.

Israel rushed to support the right-wing French terrorists. Aside from conscripting a number of Algerian Jews, who had joined the terrorist OAS, into Israel’s spy network, the Israelis provided logistical support to the French terrorists. This included support for Jacques Soustelle himself, who was supported by his friend Ben Gurion and was financed by rich right-wing pro-Israeli American Jews who opposed de Gaulle and Algerian independence.

Algerian Jewish commandos organised themselves in Oran against Algerian Muslims and sought partition of the colony along racial lines. They were said to be inspired in their quest by Israeli government policy (apartheid).

(Israel and the politics of boycott, Joseph Massad, Al Jazeera, March 2013)

Soustelle would have a lifelong alliance with Israel. He was a speaker at Netanyahu’s “Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism” in 1979.

(Details of participants - a who’s who of war criminals: )

Soustelle became minister for Sahara and atomic affairs in January 1959 just as DeGaulle was beginning to question Israel’s “peaceful motives” for having nuclear power.

According to Israeli historians Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman: "There was also pressure from President DeGaulle in Paris. The French attitude toward the Middle East began to change just after he took office in 1958 . . . He suspected that the Dimona reactor was destined for military uses and this greatly annoyed the French president."

(Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman. Every Spy a Prince. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990), pp. 71-72.)

Soustelle was also supported by the CIA. He had a luncheon meeting with Richard Bissell (then heading the CIA's clandestine services) in Washington in December (1960).

(Claude Krief, May 1961, L'Express)

Just a couple of weeks after this meeting, and just three months before the attempted coup d’état, Alan Dulles reported to JFK:

“At least 80 percent of the officers are violently against him (DeGaulle). They haven’t forgotten that in 1958, he had given his word of honor that he would never abandon Algeria. He is now reneging on his promise, and they hate him for that. De Gaulle surely won’t last if he tries to let go of Algeria. Everything will probably be over for him by the end of the year — he will be either deposed or assassinated.”

(January 26, 1961, Alan Dulles report to JFK; David Talbot, “The Devil’s Chessboard,” p350)

So both JFK (Chapter 9) and DeGaulle were pressuring Israel on their nuclear weapon program. One was assassinated, and one was nearly assassinated several times after a failed coup attempt. Yes, Algeria pushed French fascism to its extremes, but their alliance with Israel surely acted as a catalyst (just as it had done during the Suez Crisis). JFK had confronted unstable elements within the CIA who were sent to Europe and who began to form an army of fascist assassins.

Soustelle would call on Jews around the world to support French colonialism in Algeria.

“We believe that given the influence which not only Israel but above all the Jewish communities throughout the world exert on international opinion, this alliance would produce happy results for us.”

(Israel and the politics of boycott, Joseph Massad, Al Jazeera, March 2013)

[Note: If anybody else had said that, they’d have been labeled an “antisemite”..]

Soustelle would join the terrorist group Organisation de l’armee secrete (OAS) in 1960 to fight against Algerian independence.

(Israel and the politics of boycott, Joseph Massad, Al Jazeera, March 2013)

Israeli intelligence also came to Soustelle's aid when he went into exile. In 1962 Soustelle took up "hiding in Rome in the house of a furniture dealer whose brother was a representative of the [Israeli] Irgun."

Remember that Soustelle was a friend of Begin. And he was in hiding in the hub of the Gladio network: Rome.

(Pierre Demaret and Christian Plume. Target DeGaulle. (New York: Dial Press, 1975), p. 220.)

Historian and OAS sympathizer Alexander Harrison stated that

"Some of the most ardent supporters of the OAS in Algeria were Jews...a Jewish branch of the OAS was created."

(Alexander Harrison. Challenging DeGaulle: The OAS and the Counterrevolution in Algeria. (New York: Praeger, 1989), p. 67.)

"[The OAS] attracted hotheads including some Jews who belonged to Irgun Zvai Leumi.... They were recruited by the OAS as specialists in clandestine warfare."

(Paul Henissart. Wolves in the City: The Death of French Algeria. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970), p. 346.)

"During 1961 and 1962, there were numerous reports of Israeli support for the French OAS movement in Algeria."

(Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), pp. 44-45.)

DeGaulle coup leaders and sympathizers, including Soustelle and generals Jouhaud, Salan, and Challe were Israeli “friends” in France. When released in 1967, General Maurice Challe was hired by the Israeli (Mossad) owned Zim Shipping Company.

(The Tacit Alliance, Crosbie, 1974)

It would be revealed that Israelis had assisted the French throughout the Algerian war of independence between 1954 and 1962. Then, when Algeria was finally independent and sought admission to the UN, only Israel voted against it.

"When in 1961 the OAS was created, it was a natural development that Israel, as keen on [French retention of Algeria as a colony] as the OAS themselves, should lock themselves into the [OAS]."

(Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), pp. 44-45.)

De Gaulle’s foreign ministry publically alleged through the press that CIA agents sought funding for the (Maurice) Challe coup from multinational corporations, such as Belgian mining companies operating in the Congo.

Once de Gaulle was informed about the secret Gladio network, by 1966 he decided to remove France from the military portion of NATO and kick NATO headquarters out of France. (Until then, it was located in Paris.)

In 1967, de Gaulle evicted NATO from France to regain “full sovereignty [over] French territory”.

(Archive - Letter from President Charles de Gaulle to President Lyndon Johnson on France’s withdrawal from the NATO command structure (March 7 1966) )

Mainstream sources give a variety of reasons, but it’s no coincidence that there were multiple assassination attempts on DeGaulle’s life.

Or that the last known attempt to kill him was made on July 1, 1966 (when he made his move on expelling NATO), as De Gaulle was driven to Orly Airport to fly to the Soviet Union.

(The People’s Almanac, David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace, 1975-1981)

During a 1990 interview with Admiral Pierre Lacoste, the French chief of the secret services (DGSE), he claimed that the de Gaulle assassination attempts were orchestrated by members of the Gladio network.

(Kwitny, Jonathan (1992-04-06), "The CIA's Secret Armies in Europe", The Nation.)

Remember that the sixties was when the CIA and (zionist) mafia made repeated attempts to assassinate Cuba’s Castro. Just as zionist elements were at the heart of the OAS who attempted to assassinate DeGaulle.

The Mehdi Ben Barka affair

Mehdi Ben Barka was involved in the Tricontinental struggle (an anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist movement) where he tried to unite movements in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

He was the secretary general of the Tricontinental Conference, the influential gathering of radical third world leaders organised by Cuba.

He was in charge of bringing together overt and covert, legal and illegal revolutionary organizations from all over the world.

(Interview with Bachir Ben Barka, son of Mehdi Ben Barka: )

You could say that he was the Che Guevara of North Africa.

To show the international scope of what was happening in this part of the world, Algeria and Morocco were involved in a war over their unspecified borders just after Algeria gained independence (1963).

(See “Sand War”: Wikipedia)

Cuba jumped at the chance to defend the newly independent Algeria by sending troops and military equipment. A ceasefire was called shortly after.

(Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa 1959-1976 by Piero Gleijeses)

Eighteen months later in 1965, Israel set up the internal security system for King Hassan of Morocco. Including his personal guard.

(The Spymasters of Israel, Steven, 1980)

Also in October, 1965:

"Mossad became involved in the kidnapping of Ben-Barka in Paris. He was later murdered in cold blood. Since the affair took place on French soil, and involved collaboration with right-wing [i.e. pro-OAS] elements in the [SDECE - the French version of the CIA], it led to a major political crisis, and to a purge of the service by DeGaulle.”

(Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), p. 46.)

After being arrested by “Paris narcotics squad agents”, Ben Barka was delivered into the hands of the Moroccan Minister of Interior (and Intelligence), General Oufkir.

It was revealed that French underworld figures, in cooperation with the police and intelligence services (including Mossad) were deeply involved. A leading underworld informer who knew much about the case was found slain and three of the six lawyers representing Ben Barka's interests died within a 6 week period of "heart attacks" and a "cerebral hemorrhage" (N/Y.T. 3/17/67)

The probable underlying motive for Ben Barka's removal was clearly set forth by David Rousset of Le Fiparo Litteraire (10.20.66). The extension of the Afro-Asian Solidarity movement to Latin America (in 1963) as "considered by Washington a direct threat to the security of the United Sates. Since one of the main tasks of the Tricontinentale was to provide financial and military support for the guerrillas, as well as unify them and work out a common strategy for all the Latin American movements, its was by no means just one more conference." Therefore, "the main objective was not to kill Ben Barka, but to seize him, his information, and his archives”

(Link: )

This incident occurred at the same time that New Orleans was the host of multiple entities - fascist elites, the US zionist crime syndicate and the CIA - who were intent on upholding their own favoured dictators, and thus their monopoly, in South and Central America. This is just one example where Gladio and one of its “sister organizations” across the Atlantic, International Trade Mart, would cooperate. And Mossad was at the heart of it.

"De Gaulle, who suspected that his secret agency might be plotting against him, was absolutely furious (about the Ben Barka kidnapping). He immediately ordered that the secret service's house be put in order. He also directed his anger at Israel."

[The French president] "ordered that the Mossad's European command be removed from Paris, and he also ordered a cessation of all intelligence cooperation between the two nations."

(Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman. Every Spy a Prince. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990), pp. 158-159.)

“As far as President DeGaulle was concerned, the implications were that Israel was dealing with the OAS in France, which was still active, still bent on revenge, and indubitably involved through its supporters in the SDECE (French Counterespionage Department) in the killing of Ben Barka. It meant that Israel was involved in illegal activities on French soil, an affront to French nationalism, and it meant that he himself, whose support for Israel had never been challenged, had been dealt with treacherously. [the Mossad expulsion from Paris was] a severe blow, perhaps the most severe the Israeli secret service has ever suffered . . . DeGaulle was never to forgive Israel."

(The Spymasters of Israel, Stewart Steven, p 252)

Aginter Press

When Gladio was exposed in 1990, the Portuguese newspaper O Jornal wrote:

“The secret network, erected at the bosom of NATO and financed by the CIA … had a branch in Portugal in the 1960s and the 1970s. It was called “Aginter Press” and was allegedly involved in assassination operations in Portugal as well as in the Portuguese colonies in Africa.”


The OAS was an animal of the CIA and Mossad. After their failed attempted coup, their services were snapped up elsewhere.

Guido Giannettini, an Italian right-wing journalist and intel agent who helped to develop the strategy of tension “met [OAS officer Yves] Guerin-Serac in 1964 in Lisbon, and presented him to Captain Jean Souètre of the OAS....Souetre was given by [Guerin-]Serac the command of mercenaries recruited by Aginter.”

— memoranda generated from a “special branch of the Italian Carabinieri”

(Metta, pp. 132–34.)

Giannettini was an Italian active in the OAS support network during the Algerian War. He was also a paid agent of the Italian intelligence agency SIFAR, and a linchpin between right-wing extremists and the Italian intel services. A principal figure in the State’s manipulation of terror and the intellectual development of the strategy of tension, in November 1961 Giannettini held a three-day seminar at the United States Central Naval Academy at Annapolis on “The Techniques and Prospects of a Coup d’Etat in Europe.”

Giannettini’s manual “Techniques of Revolutionary War (1965)”, was also on the recommended reading list (along with Hitler’s Mein Kampf) at the Ordine Nuovo’s summer camp for aspiring fascists.

“Selective terrorism is carried out by eliminating particular men carefully chosen for a series of motives,” one of which is “because their removal will provoke harsh reprisals which increase the tension, creating an irreversible process leading to civil war.”

(Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy, Philip Willan,, p. 204)

An extension of the Northwoods document?

“It has emerged that Guido Giannettini had contacts with Guerin-Serac in Portugal ever since 1964. It has emerged that instructors of Aginter Press … came to Rome between 1967 and 1968 and instructed the militant members of Avanguardia Nazionale in the use of explosives.”

[Judge Salvini concluded that, based on the available documents and testimonies, it emerges that the CIA front Aginter Press had played a decisive role in secret warfare operations in Western Europe and had started the great massacres to discredit the Communists in Italy.]

— Judge Guido Salvini

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, pp. 120–22)

The investigation of the Italian Senate into Gladio discovered that Italian right-wing extremists had also been trained by Aginter Press in Portugal. It was revealed that a sub-branch of Aginter Press called “Organisation Armée contre Communisme Internationale” (OACI) had also operated in Italy. The Italian senators found that the CIA supported Aginter Press in Portugal and that the secret organization was led by Captain Yves Guerin, better known by his adopted name of Yves Guérin-Sérac.

Former OAS Captain Yves Guillou, aka Yves Guérin-Sérac, ran Aginter Press. Guérin-Sérac was also implicated, along with Giannettini, in the Piazza Fontana bombing. Moreover, Guérin-Sérac was considered to be its mastermind.

During the French Indochina War (1946–1954), Guérin-Sérac served as French liaison officer with the CIA. During the Korean War he was awarded a Bronze Star Medal from the United States. He was also a chief protagonist in the attempted OAS coup against de Gaulle.

After the failed OAS rebellion, he boasted: “The others have laid down their weapons, but not I. After the OAS, I fled to Portugal to carry on the fight and expand it to its proper dimensions—which is to say, a planetary dimension.” Next, Guérin-Sérac rounded up his fugitive OAS pals who, along with other extremists, set up shop at Aginter Press headquarters in Lisbon.

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 116)

The Portuguese secret service [SDCI] launched an investigation after the fall of the dictatorship. It concluded that Aginter had four principal functions:

  1. It was an internationally well-connected “espionage bureau run by the Portuguese police and, through them, the CIA, the West German BND or ‘Gehlen Organisation,’ the Spanish Dirección General De Seguridad, South Africa’s BOSS, and, later, the Greek KYP.”
  2. It was a “center for the recruitment and training of mercenaries and terrorists specializing in sabotage and assassination.”
  3. It was a “strategic center for neofascist and right-wing political indoctrination operations in sub-Saharan Africa, South America, and Europe in conjunction with a number of sub-fascist regimes, well-known right-wing figures, and internationally active neofascist groups.”
  4. It was a secret anti-Communist army, an “international fascist organization called “Order and Tradition” with a clandestine paramilitary wing called OACI, “Organisation Armée contre le Communisme International.”

(Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies, p. 116.)

Israel’s nazis

Of course, Mossad had its fingerprints all over this international network of fascist assassins. One major coup they scored was the recruitment of former Nazi hero Otto Skorzeny.

In 1960 (or before), when this network was being seeded internationally, Mossad would recruit famous nazi and Hitler’s hero, Otto Skorzeny. And no, it wasn’t a "one-off" as apologists claim. One of his Mossad handlers attended his funeral 13 years later in Spain in 1975 which implies that he was in their service for a long time. And that he was a valued asset.

(The Strange Case of a Nazi Who Became an Israeli Hitman, Haaretz, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman, March 27, 2016)

Skorzeny was a founding member of the “Die Spinne” network that aided the escape of SS members and formed “The Paladin Group” in 1970:

The Paladin Group...was on the outside a legitimate security consultancy. However, the group’s real purpose was to recruit and operate mercenaries for right-wing regimes and dictatorships...worldwide, as well as serve the role of political subversion in Europe.”

The “Paladin Group” was an anti-communist organisation which according to SAS-founder, David Stirling, was Skorzeny’s long-held idea of setting up an “international directorship of strategic assault personnel” whose objectives would enable it to “straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations carried out by the troops in uniform and the political warfare which is conducted by civilian agents.”

With recruits from a membership emanating from a disparate group of sources including former members respectively of the SS, France’s Service Action Civic (SAC) and the disbanded Organisation de l’Armee Secret (OAS), Paladin turned out to be a guns-for-hire body which catered to the provision of mercenaries to right-wing dictatorships. It provided training not only to the security agencies of authoritarian regimes, but also to a range of guerrilla organisations.

Skorzeny was a personal friend of Italian neo-fascists Prince Junio Borghese (puppet of James Angleton) and Stefano Delle Chiaie, both of whom spent time in Spain as exiles but who were influential in the era of “la strategia della tensione.

(Otto Skorzeny and The Paladin Group – By Mark David; Skorzeny: The Mythical Nazi Commando (Part 2), War History Online, June 24 2017)

There was also long-time Mossad asset, the aforementioned Walter Rauff. A Nazi accused of gassing 100,000 Jews during World War 2. The hypocrisy of zionism is staggering. Israel had allied itself to French colonialists in Algeria and Jews there had been rallied to the colonialist cause through fear and propaganda, while Mossad had Rauff under their wing. From July 1942 until May 1943, Rauff commanded the Einsatzkommando in North Africa and was responsible for rounding up the Jews in Tunisia!

(In the Service of the Jewish State, Haaretz, Shraga Elam, Dennis Whitehead, Mar. 29, 2007)

Not only would this nazi’s crimes during WW2 go unpunished, but Mossad would slot him in to another arena that would cause more suffering and devastation. They moved him to Chile.

The CIA (alleged the possibility) and Chilean exiles claimed, that nazi war criminal, and Mossad agent, Walter Rauff, who Pinochet had granted asylum to, became one of the key advisors to Pinochet's DINA.

(Document (CIA page taken down): U.S. Foreign Relations Committee Report 1979 “Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet had help from former Nazis”, released by Obama administration Dec 12 2016)

Chile’s regime would use of a "colony" (Colonia Dignidad) in Chile, run and frequented by "former" nazis, for torture and disappearances. It was also later found to be a den for pedophillia.

DINA was made up of far right paramilitary units linked to "Patria y Libertad" and Italian fascists "Vanguardia Nazionale"

(Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities, TeleSur, 17 December 2016)

Another example of how this international “brigade” of fascists supported each other was when Borghese and neofascist Stefano Delle Chiaie attempted a failed coup in 1970 and were forced to flee to South America.

“Stefano Delle Chiaie explains in the film that they wanted to spread Fascism, and their efforts met more fertile ground in South America, pointing out that many parties in South America had Fascist or Nazi roots."

Italian Fascists, headed by Delle Chiaie and Borghese, along with the CIA, actively supported General Augusto Pinochet in his coup against democratically elected socialist President Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973.”

Delle Chiaie confirmed this.

Italian fascists met with, set up ties to, and made their headquarters in Pinochet's Chile. And worked with his intelligence service, DINA.

The CIA used both these fascist and nazi proxies in Chile to expand their "project" throughout South America. Gestapo chief and war criminal, Klaus Barbie aided in the coup in Bolivia, financed by cocaine traffickers (the "Cocaine Coup") in July 1980.

(Nazis in the CIA, 2017, (complete with document screencaps), director Dirk Pohlmann; Nazi drug lord -Klaus Barbie, The Butcher of Lyon, Karthik Nambi, Medium, May 16, 2020)

A top-secret 1979 report to the U.S. Foreign Relations Committee (declassified by the Obama administration) reveals that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet had help from former Nazis in training and supporting his Operation Condor activities.

(Nazis Trained and Supported Chile's Operation Condor Activities, TeleSur, 17 December 2017; U.S. Foreign Relations Committee Report 1979 “Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet had help from former Nazis”, released by Obama administration Dec 12 2016)

P2 and the Red Brigade

In 1981, during an investigation of Mob-connected Michele Sindona and the collapse of his bank, police broke into Licio Gelli’s house shortly after Gelli had fled the scene and discovered a list of 962 Propaganda Due members (Gelli had acted with Kissinger’s blessing, remember). The list included figures such as the future prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and the heads of all three Italian intelligence services. Another prominent member was Stefano delle Chiaie, the aforementioned Italian neofascist connected to Operation Condor, the U.S.-backed program of State terror and assassination in Latin America. Gladio exercised a firm grip on events in various Latin American countries. (Delle Chiaie would also play an important role in the kidnap and murder of political leader in Italy, Aldo Moro.)

(Banking For God,The Mob And The CIA, Mother Jones, July 1983; Ed Vulliamy, Secret agents, freemasons, fascists… and a top-level campaign of political ‘destabilisation’. The Guardian: December 5, 1990; Willan, Puppetmasters, p. 59.)

This fascist network along with Israel and the CIA brought decades of misery and terror to the poor and indigenous of South and Central America.

And Israel’s involvement in the “strategy of tension” would simultaneously continue in Italy until at least 1980:

"At least up until 1978, the Israeli secret services had also infiltrated the Italian subversive organizations and more than once placed at the disposal of the Red Brigades weapons, funds, and information."

Italian secret services, it was declared, "were incapable of perceiving this enormous danger, whereas the only ones to have immediately grasped it and followed its development intelligently and attentively-without thwarting it, but rather exploiting it for their own pur­poses-were the Israeli secret service agents."

Imposimato documented his findings with the confessions of two arrested Red Brigades militants, Patrizio Peci and Alfredo Bonavita, who "have talked, supplying proof of the collaboration offered by the Israeli secret services, who went so far as to furnish information useful to the search for traitors ...and the recruitment of new troops."

(Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the leading magistrate in Italy's years-long battle against terrorism - Jan. 17, II Messaggero, Rome)

So, there it is. Decades of CIA and Mossad manipulation and interference in global affairs. And there, from the very beginning, was Israel. Keeping the “plebs” in their place on behalf of the corporate elite by using the lowest of low among the fascist element. Feeling right at home with the war criminals. Some of which had been involved in the purge against European and African Jews. But I have to finish off this section with information about figures who were connected with this global fascist movement and.....Jack Ruby himself.

JFK, Jack Ruby and the OAS

This is one of those (many) instances where I have to jump back to make a point. I had to do it this way for the following to make any sense. We come back full circle to the Israel/zionist characters surrounding the JFK assassination. And we can see how the global Gladio network ties in with them.

The legal counsel for the ACLC (Anti-Communism League of the Caribbean) and (Guy) Banister’s attorney, according to a former employee of Banister, Jerry Brooks, was Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Sr. According to Jerry Brooks, in 1962 Gatlin had shown him $100,000 “of CIA money” for a French reactionary clique planning to assassinate General de Gaulle. And that shortly after that Gatlin had flown to Paris, and the Secret Army Organization's abortive ambush of the French president.

In 1964 Gatlin “fell” or was pushed from the sixth floor of the Panama Hotel in Panama (where Israeli asset Hy Larner called the shots), dying instantly.

(William Turner, Rearview Mirror (2001)

More on Gatlin: ; Dick Russell. The Man Who Knew Too Much. (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1993), p. 396.)

OAS mercenary Jean Souetre was reported to have been picked up in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and expelled from the United States.

(Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 562)

Remember that according to Italian intel, Souetre would be commander of mercenaries and assassins recruited by Aginter Press in Portugal.

(Metta, pp. 132–34.; JACQUES DEPRET, interviewed by FREDERIC LAURENT for his book “L’Orchestre Noir”, pp 140-141)

Capt. SOUETRE is mentioned in the report of the [Portuguese Intelligence Agency] S.D.C.I. [Serviço de Detecção e Coordenação de Informações] […] as chief of an operational squad in Angola under JACQUES DEPRET. SOUETRE’s squad received information from SERAC, which in turn came from the P.I.D.E.. The aim was to assist a surprise attack by MOISE TSCHOMBE in Congo [aiming to eliminate the socialist Lumumba, who was then effectively assassinated]

(The matter was narrated by DEPRET himself in the book “Coup d’Etat at Brazzaville”, published in Brussels in 1976)

This brings us to another character that keeps turning up wherever this fascist/CIA/Mossad network appears. Luis Kutner. Lifelong friend and advocate of Lee Harvey Oswald assassin, Jack Ruby (to be discussed).

There exists a curious conduit - colonialist scumbag Prime Minister of the Congo, Moise Tshombe. He was an instigator of, with help from Belgium, the assassination of democratically elected leader Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba (1961) with the aid of OAS run Gladio units.

Anti-communist and pro-western, Moise Tshombe was recalled back to Congo in 1964. He was installed as Prime Minister of the country he had attempted to wreck just a few years before. With the help of the United States and itsanti-Castro Cuban mercenaries, Tshombe waged a brutal civil war against Lumumbist and other Congolese rebels. He was finally toppled from within by Joseph-Désiré Mobutu.

(Luis Kutner: The Declassified Life of a Human Rights Icon, - fully sourced)

[Note: Israel would go on to sell Mobutu arms, trained his paratroopers, the presidential security force and the military, thus building the power of this pro-Western dictator.

(Beit-Hallahmi, p60. Abel, Jacob (1971). Israel’s Military Aid to Africa, 1960–66. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 9, pp 171-2 doi:10.1017/S0022278X00024885)]

Fleeing again to Franco’s Spain, Tshombe was sentenced to death as a traitor by the coup government.

Things were about to get much worse for Tshombe. He was kidnapped in 1967 during a flight that was diverted to Algeria. It landed, and Tshombe was thrown into prison. The Algerian government assured the Congo that he would be extradited to face his sentence.

Though the Johnson administration seemed happy to stick with Mobutu, the American right sprang into action to “save” Tshombe. Op-eds flowed into newsprint and onto television. Speeches were made on the Senate floor.

(Luis Kutner: The Declassified Life of a Human Rights Icon, - fully sourced)

Luis Kutner became Mrs. Tshombe’s lawyer.

Kutner made the media rounds, defending Tshombe’s record:

“…Tshombe at all times has been a friend of human rights, and he has always made an attempt to preserve the integrity of all persons in preaching the human dignity which the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seems to provide for.”

(Public Affairs Staff. “Tshombe’s Attorney Says CIA Was Not Involved.” Transcript. Newscope. WFLD-TV, Chicago. 21 Jul 1967. The Weisberg Collection. Hood College, Frederick, MD, U.S.A. )

Tshombe’s record was considerably less perfect than Kutner described. As noted before, Lumumba’s torture and murder—along with those of his aides, Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito—was carried out in Tshombe’s puppet state.

(Black, Ian. “Belgium accused of killing African hero.” The Guardian. 14 Jan 2000)

To lead his army, Tshombe turned to French Colonel Roger Trinquier, a veteran of France’s brutal Algerian counter-insurgency war and “a ruthless enthusiast of torture.”

(Othen, Christopher. Katanga 1960-63: Mercenaries, Spies and the African Nation that Waged War on the World. The History Press. Kindle Edition. Kindle Location 1967)

Tshombe’s white mercenaries habitually shot their prisoners.

(Garrison, Lloyd. “White Mercenaries On a ‘Rabbit Hunt.’” The New York Times. 15 Nov 1964.)

So, here we have a despot being forced upon the people of the Congo (after executing their elected leader Maurice Lumumba) by the racist OAS, with the help of anti-Castro “rebels”. And this despot being represented by Luis Kutner.

2 years later (1969), Kutner would also go on to ally himself with Information Council of the Americas (INCA) which was the propaganda wing of the New Orleans International Trade Mart. The ITM also acted in setting Lee Harvey Oswald up as a patsy.

Kutner would also go on to support zionist extremist Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defence League. (Chapter 11)

It may seem that Kutner is all over the place, but he is always in this tight CIA/Mossad/fascist orbit.

Eli Davis III

Another very curious character also connected to Jack Ruby and the OAS was Eli Davis III.

Davis was known to Jack Ruby. Ruby had told his lawyer Tom Howard that he wanted to set up a gunrunning scheme to Cuba with Davis in 1959.

(HSCA document: )

Davis has a strange history. He had sent a letter (one of several throughout the years protesting his innocence on a number of charges to J Edgar Hoover in 1961 as a “student” enquiring about the KKK.

(Document: )

Then he had actually joined the KKK by 1963, and had become an important member.

At this point, all indicators pointed to him being an FBI informant.

In May 1963, Davis had placed an ad in the Los Angeles Times seeking mercenaries to “overthrow the Haitian President Duvalier.

(HSCA document: )

The vultures circling over Haiti at that exact time included one George DeMohrenschildt who helped Oswald and his wife when they came back from Russia (a story that stank but which I don’t want to get distracted by here at present). DeMohrenschildt was also the go between for the CIA when they planned to oust Haitian dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier.

(DeMohrenschildt bio:

Documentation on his CIA recruitment and Haiti connections: )

Davis “moved to North Africa” with his wife, and in 1963 was arrested for attempting to sell arms in Tangiers, Morocco. His wife revealed that he was a “soldier of fortune” (mercenary) who had served in “Indonesia, Indochina, Algeria and Cuba”

(FBI telegram to Department of State: )

The only “soldiers of fortune” in Algeria at that time were mercenaries for the OAS and Irgun.

In sum, Davis was on the one hand in constant trouble for petty theft in the US, while on the other, he was involved in mercenary work and gun running in areas of the world where the CIA and Mossad had an interest. Cuba, Algeria, IndoChina.

But what drops this low-life in to the middle of the JFK assassination, apart from his connection with Jack Ruby and the OAS, are his in-laws.

Again, we come full circle…

His wife’s brother, Bruce Hawley, happened to be married to Josephine Schlumberger (according to his obituary):

“He was predeceased by parents Samuel and Sissy Hawley and sister Caroline H Davis (Thomas Eli Davis’ wife). Survivors include....a nephew Thomas S. Davis of Bridgeport.”

(Bruce Benson Hawley obituary 1934-2010; Josephine Schlumberger Hawley obituary 1936-2009)

Now read this...

Jean deMenil was head of the French Schulemburger company, whose Houma, Louisiana facility had an underground arms bunker where explosives, dynamite, arms and ammunition were kept. Before the Bay of Pigs and French Algerian crisis, both of which occurred in mid-1961, the Houma arms bunker was burglarized, by David Ferrie and others who were investigated by Jim Garrison. The stolen arms were taken to Guy Bannister’s office and Ferrie’s apartment in New Orleans. Some of the burglars said that they had a key, and it was not a burglary, but a gift, and the arms were to be used either for Cubans fighting Castro or the OAS terrorists fighting deGaul to keep Algeria French.

(See Chapter 11; HSCA X. p. 127; Flammonde, The Kennedy Conspiracy, p. 118-9; New Orleans States-Item, Apr. 25, 1967; Brener, the Garrison Case; A Study in Abuse of Power, p. 48-9; JFK The Book of the Film by Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar; The Garrison Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, William W. Turner, Ramparts Magazine, January, 1968)

I’m only scraping the surface here, but I think that I’ve given a useful roadmap for others who want to research for themselves. So, at this point I have to go back and click the final pieces in to this particular jigsaw puzzle.

Now that the background has been filled in and context given, the players at the forefront in Permindex should make more sense in the next chapter.


People tend to get tied down on the details and blindly jump down the rabbit holes carefully dug for them when trying to identify the individuals involved in the JFK assassination. What they should be doing is identifying the system in place which allowed it to happen.

As World War Two came to an end, while Europeans celebrated the “liberation” of their cities and countries, the OSS (soon to be CIA) was busy making sure that the fascist architects of that war were being organized and ready to take over if elections didn’t produce candidates that they could control. And zionism, a fascist ideology which had already been familiar with these entities, especially in Italy and Germany, hung on to the coattails of this intrigue. German zionists had worked hand in hand with the Third Reich leading up to and shortly after the war started — the Ha’avara Agreement, welcoming the Nuremberg Laws, sabotaging the Jewish boycott of Germany, etc, while Italian zionists publically praised Mussolini, even creating a zionist Betar division in Mussolini’s navy. This zionist/nazi/CIA alliance gained even more traction in France through the turmoil in Algeria, and almost apocalyptic scheming in Egypt (Chapter 6). The dictatorships in Greece and Portugal were brought about through the same channels.

This alliance and ability of Zionism to blend in seamlessly with whatever fascist regime, whether in Europe, Africa or South and Central America would go on for decades. Zionists not only used some of the more notorious nazis, but protected them with the blessing of a CIA under the control of Israelophile James Angleton and his band of “anticommunist” sociopaths who were themselves smuggling nazis back to the US. And who would for decades, farm out this army of fascists wherever they wanted to install or remove a regime. Much like today’s “al Qaeda” or ISIS.

During the sixties, this alliance was emboldened to broaden the target of “Third World Country” leaders and turn their sights closer to home in the US, by assassinating Kennedy. They had attempted to assassinate De Gaulle the year before. Could I identify the individuals involved? Without the reams of retracted evidence destroyed or gathering dust in locked vaults, not a chance.

The system in place? Definitely.

