Chapter 15 — The 1967 land grab exposes Tel Aviv in the White House

Brendan Devenney
28 min readOct 24, 2021


Lyndon Johnson, the prized possession of Tel Aviv

First, a bit of background. Who was Lyndon B Johnson?

His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America. “Aunt Jessie” had nurtured LBJ’s commitment to befriending Jews for 50 years.”

During World War II Johnson joined Jim Novy [edit: an ardent Zionist, Novy held several executive positions in the Zionist Organization of Texas] at a small Austin gathering to sell $65,000 in war bonds.

Novy and Johnson then raised a verysubstantial sum for arms for Jewish underground fighters in Palestine.”

“Novy and Johnson had been secretly shipping heavy crates labeled ‘Texas Grapefruit’ — but containing arms — to Jewish underground ‘freedom fighters’ in Palestine.”

As Senate majority leader, Johnson consistently blocked the anti-Israel initiatives of his fellow Democrat, William Fulbright, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

(A key resource for uncovering LBJ’s pro-Jewish activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, “Prologue: LBJ’s Foreign Affairs Background, 1908–1948.” Johnson’s activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.)

Among Johnson’s closest advisers during this period were several strong pro-Israel advocates, including previously discussed “zionist lieutenant” Benjamin Cohen (who 30 years earlier was the liaison between Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis and Chaim Weizmann set out in Chapter 1) and Abe Fortas, the Washington “insider.” Both Israeli assets. Two of many who would come in to Johnson’s orbit for decades to come.

“Brandeis conducted a vigorous search of his own for ‘college men,’ particularly young graduates of Harvard Law School, whom he co-opted to leadership or special assignments for the regular and emergency Zionist organizations he controlled. Among those recruited were men like Felix Frankfurter, Judge Julian Mack, Walter Lippmann, Bernard Flexner (one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations), Benjamin Cohen (high official under both FDR and Truman), and others who achieved national and international eminence.”

(Jeffery Gurock, American Zionism: Missions and Politics (London: Routledge, 1998), 135.)

He (Benjamin Cohen) served as counsel for the American Zionist Movement from 1919–1921, during which he acted as Zionist counsel to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference

Cohen became a part of the Roosevelt administration in 1933 when Felix Frankfurter (another “zionist lieutenant”) brought him in to the fold.

In 1948 Cohen advised both the United States and the new State of Israel with respect to the first official exchange between those two countries.

(See Chapter 1)

A recap of Johnson’s profile post World War Two, partially outlined in previous chapters, is necessary at this point.

“(Lyndon) Johnson’s 1948 race was reportedly the most expensive political campaign ever waged in Texas. The money flowed to Johnson like an inexhaustible river. By befriending Richardson, Murchison, Hunt, and other oilmen…Johnson assured himself of nearly unlimited funding.”

(Cronies: Oil, The Bushes, And The Rise Of Texas, America’s Superstate, Robert Bryce, 2004)

His funding, particularly by Clint Murchison, meant that zionist mafia money went through his coffers. And the baggage of Israeli arms dealers, lobbyists and apparent blackmail schemes came with it.

Irgun explosives smuggler Mathilde Danon (née Galland), who would become a close “friend” of Lyndon Johnson (just before JFK was assassinated), appeared on the radar in 1948. How long she’d been smuggling is anybody’s guess but she was smuggling explosives at a time when the president of the US and British government were being targeted by letter bombs sent by zionist terrorists.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in 1948, Mathilde Danon (née Galland) married an Irgun comrade, David Danon and was known to smuggle weapons and explosives for them across European borders. She would move to Israel in 1953.

(Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days that Changed the Middle East (1984), Donald Neff)

Danon spent his time “recruiting and carrying out secret Irgun operations throughout Western Europe.” with his wife.

(Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days that Changed the Middle East (1984), Donald Neff)

She was probably part of the campaign which sent letter bombs to the British embassy in Rome at that time too.

In the 1950s, LB Johnson used his position as Senate majority leader to build up the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC), raising money nationally and then inserting funds into battleground states.

This effort brought Johnson into close contact with…high-profile Jewish financiers, such as (zionist asset) Arthur Krim, an entertainment lawyer who served a stint as finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Mathilde Danon, the Irgun terrorist, would marry Arthur Krim in 1958 and become Mathilde Krim. She had been working at the Weizmann Institute of Science at Rehovot, Palestine. The center of the Israeli nuclear weapon program.

Johnson owed his political career to Abe Fortas, a committed Zionist and the attorney who masterminded his defense in the 1948 election dispute. Fortas remained a counselor to Johnson throughout his career.

(Lyndon Johnson and Israel: The Secret Presidential Recordings, Robert David Johnson, July 2008)

In 1951, Abraham Feinberg and Theodor Kollek, both Israeli spies, the former a Democrat fundraiser, Israeli nuclear weapon financier and Johnson “adviser”, were in contact with one another and…Kollek had advised Feinberg that he had a satisfactory talk with Senator McFarland and Senator Lyndon Johnson, and that in the younger one (Johnson), they (the Israelis) had gained a very outspoken friend.

(Documentation: )

One alleged major Johnson backer was Meyer Lansky’s Louisiana henchman, Carlos Marcello. Meyer Lansky’s man Marcello allegedly funneled at least $50,000 a year in payoffs to then-Texas Senator Lyndon Johnsonwho, in turn, helped kill in committee all rackets-related legislation that might have been harmful to Lansky’s rackets.

(John Davis. Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. (New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989), p. 159.)

Whatever the truth of Marcello bribing Johnson, he was most definitely involved with the zionist mafia through his political adviser, Bobby Baker.

During the 1950s Bobby Baker was Johnson’s key political adviser and eventually his secretary when Johnson became Senate Majority Leader in 1955. This made him the second most powerful man in the US.

In the early 1950s Baker had been involved in helping Intercontinental Hotels Corporation to establish casinos in the Dominican Republic when sociopathic dictator Raphael Trujillo was in power. Baker arranged for Ed Levinson, an associate of Meyer Lansky and Sam Giancana, to become involved in this deal. When the first of these casinos were opened in 1955, Baker and Johnson were invited as official guests.

Ed Levinson was a director of the Mossad-linked Banque de Credit International, founded by former Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum (Chapter 13).

Levinson was also a stockholder in The Bank of Perrine which was the preferred depository of Lansky funds reaching America from the Bank of World Commerce in the Bahamas, established by Lansky’s point man John Pullman in 1961.

He was also on the board of directors of the BCI bank. Lansky’s primary overseas money laundering bank — sharing those money laundering services that the bank provided to Israel’s Mossad.

(Tom J. Farer, Transnational Crime in the Americas: An Inter-American Dialogue Book (New York: Routledge, 1999), 65.; Ed Reid and Ovid Demaris, The Green Felt Jungle (New York: Pocket Books, 1964), 217–20.; Robert D. Morrow. The Senator Must Die: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy. (Santa Monica: CA: Roundtable Publishing, Inc., 1988), p30); Life, September 16, 1967.)

That is, Levinson was a conduit between the zionist mafia and Israel for at least twenty years. And Johnson’s “fixer” and adviser was working with him for over a decade. Even while Johnson had been selected as JFK’s running Vice President. JFK had planned to drop Johnson when Baker’s associations and corruption had leaked to the press. Johnson was facing jail as well. Until JFK was assassinated.

Make of that what you will.

At a time when zionist terrorists were bombing US buildings in Iraq and Egypt (see Chapters 5 and 6) in false flag operations, had gone behind their back and almost brought the US and Russia in to a nuclear confrontation following the Suez Canal crisis, Johnson nevertheless did as he was told.

In 1959 LB Johnson would recommend that the Eisenhower consider military aid to Israel.

Johnson supported the 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine, in which Congress gave to the President approval to send U.S. troops to the Middle East if Eisenhower determined existence of a communist threat in the region. But two years later, Johnson also recommended that the President consider military aid to Israel, a proposal at odds with Eisenhower’s generally pro-Arab policy toward the region.

(Lyndon Johnson and Israel: The Secret Presidential Recordings, Robert David Johnson, July 2008)

Eisenhower had condemned Israel’s refusal to withdraw troops from Gaza and the Sinai during the Suez Canal crisis. He had also sought UN-backed efforts to impose economic sanctions on Israel until it fully withdrew from Egyptian territory (Chapter 6).

Senate Majority leader LB Johnson objected to American pressure on Israel (surprise, surprise).

Eisenhower was “insistent on applying economic sanctions” to the extent of cutting off private American assistance to Israel which was estimated to be over $100 million a year. The Democrat controlled Senate (with Johnson at it’s head) wouldn’t co-operate with Eisenhower’s position on Israel and Eisenhower had to approach the American public on the issue through the television.

(Chapter 6)

Johnson Vice President elect

With all of this zionist background in mind, Johnson went from almost ending up in jail for his connections to the zionist mafia, to being installed as US President when JFK was assassinated.

In 1964 seeking his first full term in the White House Johnson selected Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphreyas his vice-presidential running mate.

Humphrey was first catapulted into public office as Mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 via the machinations and campaign slush funds raised by the notorious Kid Cann, king of the Minneapolis underworld.

“Cann, whose real name was Isadore Blumenfeld, along with his brothers (who were known by their aliases, Harry and Yiddy Bloom) were partners with Meyer Lansky in the ownership of many of the plush resorts in Miami, along with Humphrey’s chief advisor, Max Kampelman, a top figure in the Israeli lobby in Washington.

“Blumenfeld and Lansky were partners in the syndicate that owned the Sands and Fremont Hotels gambling operations in Las Vegas — until they sold their interest in the Sands to Howard Hughes. When Humphrey and his top aides are in Miami they enjoyed free accommodations at the syndicate’s plush hotels.”

(Washington Observer, September 15, 1968.)

Humphrey’s chief adviser, Max Kampelman went into private law practice, and Golda Meir, the Israeli prime minister, was among his clients.

(Jewish groups mourn passing of Max Kampelman, Times of Israel, Jan 2013)

He would go on to be the very public face of aggressive Israeli lobbyists like JINSA which was aimed at “military” cooperation between Israel and the US. This was another nest of spies. And he was to ally himself with the neoconservatives of the 70s and 80s.


When Johnson became president, not only did the JFK assassination save his own skin, it stopped inquiries in to the Israeli nuclear weapon program. And zionists actually took over the heart of the White House. Israelophile James Jesus Angleton, who helped whitewash the JFK “investigation” was already at the helm of Counterintelligence of the CIA.

The “six day war”

In 1966, Johnson’s wishes for military aid to Israel would be exceeded.

“The $92 million in military assistance provided in FY 1966 was greater than the total of all official military aid provided to Israel cumulatively, in all the years going back to the foundation of that nation in 1948.

Seventy percent of all U.S. official assistance to Israel has been military. America has given Israel over $17 billion in military aid since 1946, virtually all of which — over 99 percent — has been provided since 1965.”

— Stephen Green — Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Militant Israel pp186–7 and 251

The “six day war” in June 1967 was a frenzied land grab that lead to the occupation by Israel of the Sinai in Egypt, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of Jordan, and the Golan Heights of Syria.

Another 300,000 Palestinians fled from their homes and a brutal military occupation commenced for the million-odd Palestinians left behind that continues to this day. The longest military occupation in the world.

In 1992, a year before the Oslo “peace process” began, West Bank settlements covered 77 kilometers and housed 248,000 Israeli settlers. By 2016, those settlements covered 197 kilometers and the number of settlers living in them had more than tripled to 763,000.

(Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem and Land Research Center, 2017)

Ben Gurion’s plans to use the French and British alliance during the Suez Canal “crisis” to expand zionist controlled territory beyond Palestine’s borders (within and without) came to fruition in 1967. There was no Eisenhower to stop them. JFK was out of the way. And a corrupt zionist President, Johnson, was in the White House.

What would be revealed in the following years was that it was a war of aggression on Israel’s part based on, surprise, surprise, lies. Lies exposed straight from the horse’s mouth:

I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.”

— Israeli Chief of Staff Rabin

(Le Monde, 28 February 1968)

The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”

— Mordecai Bentov, member of the wartime national government

(Al-Hamishmar, 14 April 1971)

On 4 April 1972, General Haim Bar-Lev, Rabin’s predecessor as chief of staff, was quoted in Ma’ariv as follows:

We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six Days War, and we had never thought of such a possibility.”

— General Haim Bar-Lev, chief of staff

(Ma’ariv, 4 April 1972)

There was never any danger of annihilation. This hypothesis has never been considered in any serious meeting.”

— General Ezer Weizmann, Chief of Operations during the war

(Ma’ariv, 4 April 1972)

The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war…. To pretend that the Egyptian forces concentrated on our borders were capable of threatening Israel’s existence not only insults the intelligence of any person capable of analyzing this kind of situation, but is primarily an insult to Zahal [the Israeli Army].”

— General Matetiyahu Peled, Chief of Logistical Command

(Symposium at the political-literary Zavta Club in Tel Aviv on March 11, 1972; Time, June 19, 1972)

All those stories about the huge danger we were facing because of our small territorial size, an argument expounded once the war was over, have never been considered in our calculations. While we proceeded towards the full mobilisation of our forces, no person in his right mind could believe that all this force was necessary to our ‘defence’ against the Egyptian threat. This force was to crush once and for all the Egyptians at the military level and their Soviet masters at the political level.”

— General Matetiyahu Peled, Chief of Logistical Command

(Le Monde, 3 June 1972)

Even Menchamen Begin the career war criminal chirped in in later years.

“…in June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.


They also blatantly lied to their new puppet in the White House (that is, if he wasn’t fully aware):

In 1967, Israeli officials at the highest level lied to the White House about the start of the Six-Day War.

As a junior analyst at the CIA, I helped to draft the report that described Israel’s attack against Egypt on the morning of June 5, 1967. There were sensitive communications intercepts that documented Israeli preparations for an attack, and no evidence of an Egyptian battle plan. The Israelis had been clamoring about indications of Egyptian preparations for an invasion, but we had no sign of Egyptian readiness in terms of its air or armored power. The assumption was that the Israelis were engaging in disinformation in order to gain U.S. support.

We were therefore shocked when President Johnson’s national security adviser, Walt Rostow, refused to accept our intelligence assessment on the Israeli attack. Rostow cited “assurances” from the Israeli ambassador in Washington that under no circumstances would the Israelis attack first…..the Israeli government lied to the White House about how the war started. President Johnson was told that the Egyptians had initiated firing on Israeli settlements and that an Egyptian squadron had been observed heading toward Israeli. Neither statement was true.

In addition to lying to the White House about the start of the war, Israeli military officers lied to the American ambassador to Israel, Walworth Barbour, about non-existent Egyptian military movements. The CIA, meanwhile, had the benefit of satellite photography that showed Egyptian planes parked on airfields wingtip-to-wingtip, which pointed to no plan to attack.

Twenty years later, I learned that a confident of the president, Harry McPherson, was in Israel at the start of the war and accompanied Ambassador Barbour to the meeting with Prime Minister Eshkol. When Israeli air raid sirens began to wail during the meeting, Israeli intelligence chief General Aharon Yariv assured everyone there was no need to move to an underground bunker. If we had this information in 1967, it would have corroborated our analysis that the Israelis had destroyed more than 200 Egyptian planes on the ground.

In addition to lying about the start of the war, the Israelis were even more deceitful three days later when they attributed their malicious attack on the USS Liberty to a random accident. If so, it was a well planned accident.

(Melvin A. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and a professor of government at Johns Hopkins University. A former CIA analyst, Counterpunch, June 05, 2017)

When apologists deny even the words of Israeli generals and officials overseeing this military campaign, they simultaneously point to another argument that Egyptian forces had been built up in the Sinai. What they conveniently forget is that a decade earlier, zionists had invaded, occupied and carried out war crimes against the population of Sinai. And that it was only through Eisenhower’s threats that they were forced to leave. Of course Egypt had defensive forces built up there faced with these genocidal maniacs!

(See Chapter 6)

And were they wrong in the face of what actually happened??

What may very well have given Israel this added sense of confidence and arrogance was the fact that all intelligence pointed to them already having nuclear weapons in their arsenal. What needs to be taken in to account alongside the blatant lies told to US agencies, was the fact that zionists were simultaneously on US soil stealing uranium!

(Chapter 9)

That is, the leadership of these agencies, particularly James Angleton, knew and encouraged what was going on. No matter how “shocked” or “outraged” these people portrayed themselves to be. They had people in vital positions more loyal to zionism and Israel than the US. The US was the fat cow that they were going to milk for decades after.

That’s a fact. Particularly under the Johnson administration.

It would come to light that the Kurds had aided Israel by mounting an offensive against the Iraqis to prevent Iraq from offering aid to Arab countries.

They were rewarded with arms captured in the war and $500,000 a month. Their leader Mula Mustafa Barazani visited Israel that same year.

(Begin Airs Secret Israeli Aid to Kurds as Reminder to Iraqis, CSM, Morris, 1980)

It would also be revealed that Israel repeated the same war crimes carried out against Egyptians and Palestinians in 1956. The mass execution of POWs.

Israelis admitted that in the 1967 Six-Day War, the IDF executed Palestinian POWs who were fighting in the Egyptian army, a thousand unresisting Egyptians, and dozens of unarmed Palestinian refugees.

(Associated Press, 16 August 1995; Segev T., “1967”, 2007, p. 374; Ibrahim, Youssef ‘Egypt Says Israelis Killed P.O.W.’s in ’67 War’, The New York Times, 21 September 1995)

Aryeh Yitzhaki, a mainstream historian, states that “in the Six Day War the IDF killed approximately 1,000 Egyptian soldiers who had ceased functioning as a fighting force.” Apparently, one-third of those murders occurred during an operation called “Gazelle Hunt” because the IDF slaughtered the soldiers as they retreated.

(Yedioth Ahronoth, 17 August 1995.)

Dr. Yitzhaki also reports that Palestinian volunteers in the Egyptian army were executed Nazi-style in El-Arish, another area of the Sinai, in 1967. Gabby Biron, a right-wing journalist who witnessed the murder of about 10 POWs before being forced to leave, confirmed Yitzhaki’s report. Biron says that Israeli intelligence officers put POWs one by one through a short interrogation. If the IDF determined by the prisoner’s accent that he was Palestinian, he was taken behind the building, forced to dig his own grave, and shot.

(Ha’aretz, 8/17/95).

But what was to demonstrate, or expose, the power zionism had over the US was the Israeli attack on US ship, the USS Liberty during this reckless disregard for international law.

The Liberty incident

In the lead-up to the Six-Day War, Johnson lawyer and “adviser” Abe Fortas emerged as a back channel between the Israeli embassy and the White House. He had known Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harman since the ambassador’s arrival in Washington in 1959. During Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s visit to the U.S. in March 1960, Fortas sponsored a breakfast at his home attended by Harman and Johnson who was then Senate Majority Leader.

[Edit: Remember, this was the aforementioned Fortas who had been at Johnson’s side “throughout Johnson’s career”.]

The day after Israel started the war, Johnson retired for the night at 11:30 p.m., White House records show he received a call at 11:59 p.m. from (former Irgun explosives smuggler) Mathilde Krim who had traveled to New York earlier in the day though only after leaving LBJ a personal note supportive of Israel and urging that he deliver her messageverbatim to the American people.’

(Grace Halsell, “How LBJ’s Vietnam War Paralyzed His Mideast Policymakers,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1993, p. 20.)

On June 08 1967, three days after this Israeli land grab started, Israel intentionally attacked a US intelligence ship in international waters. American sailors were wounded, many severely, and 34 were killed.

Rocket and missile holes (more than 3,000) from armor piercing bullets were counted.

A complete whitewash of the incident followed by the military, press and government.

(Ambassador James Akins, The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Annual Distinguished Lecture, September 1999; Declaration of Ward Boston, Jr.,Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.)

Counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty)

The facts

Forget the “accidental” narrative. It has long been known that Israel intentionally launched a prolonged attack on the USS Liberty with the intention of sinking the ship and killing all on board. End of story.

A lot of the confirmation for this can be found in the video “The Day Israel Attacked America” by film-maker Richard Belfield, based on documentation and important interviews:

— as early as 05:15am, a reconnaissance plane, specifically used for taking photographs of enemy positions, circled the USS Liberty.

Israeli control tower recordings released 40 years after the attack but available to Johnson and the White House that week, showed that on multiple occasions the USS Liberty was identified as “American

— Israel had jammed all frequencies just before the attack

10 minutes before the Israeli navy had taken over the attack from the Air Force, the USS Liberty was again identified as “American”. But the navy still attacked life boats and fired a torpedo which killed 25 of the 34 who died.

— only when the crew managed to send distress calls did the attack stop.

— Secretary McNamara recalled the aircraft sent in response to distress calls from the USS Liberty twice. Admiral Geis was told that President Johnson had ordered the aircraft to be returned:

“He would not have his allies embarrassed, he didn’t care who was killed or what was done to the ship.”

— Tony Hart, a Navy communications technician stationed at the U.S. Navy Base in Morocco in June 1967 reported that McNamara responded, “We are not going to war over a bunch of dead sailors.”

— A newly released telegram to Tel Aviv from Israeli ambassador at the time, Avraham Harman, who also claimed to know nothing of the attack when summoned by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, shows him advising Tel Aviv to admit its guilt in light of America’s possession of an incriminating audio tape of the attack (the Israeli control tower).

He needn’t have worried himself.

The Aftermath

one of the suggestions circulating in “government circles” was to “sink the boat” so that journalists couldn’t take photos. And so avoid “enflaming public opinion” against Israel.

the ship was brought to Malta where major cosmetic repairs were made for the awaiting press in the US.

— NSA agents visited victim families and told them not to talk to the press.

— According to Tom Hughes, Director of Intelligence and Research at the time, that LB Johnson (apparently) told Newsweek magazine off the record about Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty. According to declassified Israeli documents, Jewish organizations and the Israeli embassy described this leak as “blood libel” and “gross antisemitism (yawn).

— Tom Hughes also says that Johnson was reminded of the “Jewish vote for the upcoming 1968 elections:

“There was a campaign mounted to see what could be done about returning Johnson to his normal, predictable pro-Israeli position. Efforts were to be made to remind the President of the delicacy of his own position, that he personally might lose support for his run for reelection in 1968.”

Bobby Ray Inman, former US Navy and NSA director:

“[T]hey know if he is thinking about running again he’s going to need money for his campaign. So alleging that he’s blood-libeling is going to arouse the Jewish donors.

The Washington Post this same week released a piece on the importance of the Jewish vote. 169 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House were dependent on the “Jewish vote”.

— Tom Hughes also revealed that much of the pressure from Jewish organizations over the Vietnam war was significantly reduced in return for Johnson’s cover up. That is, another war where millions of innocent civilians and tens of thousands of US soldiers were sacrificed on the altar of zionism:

“they were suddenly becoming more silent on Vietnam. Soon Johnson did respond, and took a much more lenient line and wished that the whole incident could be put behind us as soon as possible.”

[Edit: Just as during World War One, 50 years before, the media marched in goosestep formation to sacrifice US soldiers in Europe for zionist demands. But it’s “antisemitic” to suggest this, isn’t it?]

— According to Bobby Ray Inman, Israel hired lawyers, some of which had close connections to Johnson.

— In a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, retired Capt. Ward Boston said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy’s inquiry to conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’ despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.”

Boston was senior legal counsel to the Navy’s original 1967 review of the attack. He said in the sworn statement that he stayed silent for years because he’s a military man, and “when orders come … I follow them.”

(Did LBJ Cover For Israel? CBS News, OCTOBER 23, 2003)

— Medals were later given to the ships senior staff by Pentagon officials in the Pentagon instead of being invited to the White House and presented by the president.

The “Jewish donors”

Not only was the threat of the “Jewish vote” hanging over Johnson’s head (just like all presidents throughout the twentieth century).

There was also “Jewish money”.

Abraham Feinberg and Arthur B. Krim, both Israeli assets.

Feinberg was president of the American Bank & Trust Company of New York and the man whose “activities started a process of systematic fund-raising for politics [in the late 1940s] that has made Jews the most conspicuous fund-raisers and contributors to the Democratic Party,

Johnson routinely consulted Feinberg on Middle East policy.

(Stephen D. Isaacs, Jews and American Politics.)

Of course he did. Feinberg was his zionist pimp and go-between.

(See Chapters 7 and 8)

Although an American, Feinberg at various times owned the Coca-Cola franchise in Israel and was a part-owner of the Jerusalem Hilton Hotel. When his bank fell into trouble in the 1970s and two of its officers were convicted of misappropriating funds, the Israeli Bank Leumi Company, in a generous act of reverse aid, purchased Feinberg’s American Bank & Trust Company.

(Isaacs, Jews and American Politics, p. 83. Detailed information on Feinberg, including his aid to Israel’s nuclear program, is in Hersh, The Samson Option, pp. 93–111)

This was the same Bank Leumi Company which was accused of embezzling Holocaust victim money in 2004.

(See Chapter 5)

Arthur Krim was president of United Artists Corporation of Hollywood, a New York attorney and another major Democratic fund-raiser. He served as chairman of the Democratic National Party Finance Committee and chairman of the President’s Club of New York, the most potent source of Johnson’s campaign funds.Krim was married to Irgun terrorist Mathilde.

(Neff, Warriors for Jerusalem, pp. 83, 156–58.)

The Krims with JFK

To forge a more potent connection with Washington, MCA President (and zionist mafia mentor for Ronald Reagan — see Chapters 7 and 8) Lew Wasserman worked closely with Arthur Krim who helped organize a 1962 birthday party for President Kennedy at Madison Square Garden where Marilyn Monroe sang a breathless rendition of Happy Birthday, followed by an all-night party at Krim’s Upper East Side town house. The success of the event (it brought in more than $1 million) led Krim to create a “President’s Club” promising a chance to meet the President for $1,000 per person.

Wasserman brought the President’s Club to Hollywood with a June 1963 $1,000 per plate dinner at the Beverly Hilton Hotel just when Kennedy was pressuring Tel Aviv for inspections of its nuclear facilities at Dimona.

After Kennedy was assassinated in November, Wasserman-led fundraising raised more money for Lyndon Johnson than had ever been raised for a Democrat in California.

(Connie Bruck, “The Personal Touch,” The New Yorker, August 13, 2001.)

[Note: “While some credit Sinatra with making the Monroe connection to the White House — Sinatra introduced Marilyn to JFK at Peter Lawford’s Malibu beach house, a popular show biz hangout — there is evidence that it was really (edit: Irgun arms supplier and fundraiser) Mickey [Cohen].”
— Brad Lewis, Hollywood’s Celebrity Gangster — The Incredible Life and Times of Mickey Cohen (New York: Enigma Books, 2007), p. 265.]

Brad Lewis also claimed that according to Cohen, he had made extortion sex tapes of Marilyn Monroe and that the zionist mafia had concerns about JFK’s Israeli politics.

The nest of spies

So pervasive was the influence of Israel’s supporters during Johnson’s tenure that even CIA Director Richard Helms admitted there was no important U.S. secret affecting Israel that the Israeli government did not know about in this period. (Probably covering his own ass seeing as how it was so blatant).

(Richard Helms, A Look over My Shoulder (New York: Random House, 2003))

Grace Halsell was a career journalist and White House speech writer for President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1965 to 1968.

Everyone around me, without exception was pro-Israel,” Halsell recalled. She identified more than a dozen close advisers to Johnson, including:

— (the aforementioned “Israel in grave danger” disinformationist) Walt Rostow (a former OSS major), Johnson’s national security adviser.

Eugene Rostow (brother of Walt), serving as under secretary of state for political affairs.

When initial war reports showed Israel making dramatic gains and several officials in the State Department Operations Room outwardly showed satisfaction, Undersecretary of State Gene Rostow turned to them with a broad smile on his face and said ironically: “Gentlemen, gentlemen, do not forget we are neutral in word, thought and deed.”

(Neff, Warriors for Jerusalem, p. 213)

— former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, then serving as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

— White House counsels Leo White and Jake Jacobsen were like-wise pro-Israel

— key speechwriters Richard Goodwin, and Ben Wattenberg whose parents had actually moved to the U.S. from Palestine.

— domestic affairs adviser Larry Levinson

John Roche, an avid Zionist and Johnson’s intellectual-in-residence.

Arthur Krim, New York attorney and president of United Artists. Krim also served as finance committee chairman for the Democratic Party (under Kennedy) when Johnson was its leader. Jewish contributors accounted for more than half the funds raised.

(Grace Halsell, “How LBJ’s Vietnam War Paralyzed His Mideast Policymakers,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1993, p. 20.)

Johnson speechwriter 1965–68 Grace Halsell (left)

And not forgetting the aforementioned Israeli spy Abe Feinberg and Balfour Declaration conspirator Benjamin Cohen.

Thanks to these people and others the Israeli government was able to constantly shift its story to counter whatever new intelligence the White House received according the classified documents released.

To protect their contacts’ identity, the Israelis used codenames in their communications with them. Again, citing from “The Day Israel Attacked America”, it was revealed for the first time the identities of four of these pro-Israeli eyes and ears inside the Johnson administration:

— “Hamlet” was Abe Feinberg, one of the most influential fundraisers ever in Democratic Party politics, an Israeli spy, and US coordinator for funding the Israeli nuclear program.

— “Menashe” was Arthur Goldberg, the U.S ambassador to the United Nations

— “Harari” was David Ginsberg, a prominent Washington lawyer who represented the Israeli embassy

— “Ilan” was Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, a longtime Johnson confidant who had dined with the President on the eve of the Six-Day War.

According to the documentary, it was “Menashe”/Goldberg who supplied Israel with the key intelligence. Goldberg warned the Israelis that the U.S. had an audio tape that confirmed the Israeli pilots knew the Liberty was an American ship before they attacked.

As a political confidante and close friend to Johnson, Abe Fortas also represented Bobby Baker, Johnson’s senior aide when the future President served as Senate Majority Leader. Baker was closely tied to mafia figures like Meyer Lansky.

Remember that President Kennedy was sufficiently upset by the Bobby Baker scandal that he told his secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, he was planning to replace Johnson with Florida Senator George Smathers as his running mate in 1964. Sally Denton and Roger Morris.

(The Money and the Power (New York: Vintage Books, 2001)

What I never mentioned was that Baker was also alleged to have been involved in a blackmail scheme against members of Congress when he threw lavish parties and supplied girls. Among those girls were alleged Soviet spies.

(Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Summers)

As mentioned before, in the lead-up to the Six-Day War, Fortas emerged as a back channel between the Israeli embassy and the White House. He had known Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harman since the ambassador’s arrival in Washington in 1959.

Fortas’ biographer conceded: “For several weeks before the crisis erupted into war, the Israeli ambassador was ‘in very frequent contact’ with Fortas and regularly visited the justice at his chambers or his house.”

Fortas also attended a critical White House strategy meeting on the Middle East on May 26, 10 days before the war began. When it came to Israel, Fortas was far from a neutral adviser. “When they get back from Egypt,” a law clerk in his office overheard Justice Fortas say, “I’m going to decorate my office with Arab foreskins.”

( Laura Kalma, Fortas (New York: Yale University Press, 1990), pp. 300–302.)

[Edit: this quote on “Arab foreskins” is still used today in reference to revenge against the Philistines or Palestinians]

Throughout the six days of war, “Near East experts” met daily with Johnson in the Cabinet Room. Justice Fortas attended each meeting.

(Richard Helms, A Look over My Shoulder (New York: Random House, 2003), p. 300.)

Reflecting on comments by Fortas to Johnson at their June 4 dinner party, John Loeb wrote to Fortas on June 6:

“You were prophetic about the Middle East. Thank the Lord the President has you as a friend and counselor.”

(The Warburgs (New York: Vintage Books, 1993))

Arthur Krim and his (allegedly “former”) Irgun wife Mathilde, were constantly at Johnson’s side leading up to and during the “Six Day War”.

They even had a room at the White House and Mathilde Krim was in that room the day the war started.

Johnson was at Camp David preparing a speech that he would give on Monday, June 12, “which was to establish the nation’s official policy in the Middle East,” Johnson read drafts of his speech Saturday night at dinner with the Krims and others, “inserting additions and making changes, also accepting comments and suggestions from all at the table,” according to notes in the Presidential Daily Diary.

Mathilde Krim advised Johnson that he could “salvage” the situation if he made a “very strong statement.

The Krims helped Johnson refine what was later called the “five great principles of peace,” the pillars of U.S. policy in the Middle East for the next two decades.

After Johnson delivered the speech on June 19, he received a report of an enthusiastic phone call from Abe Feinberg saying that the Jewish community was delighted with the speech.Mr. Feinberg said he had visited with Israelis and Jewish leaders all over the country and they are high in their appreciation.”

(Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days that Changed the Middle East (1984), Donald Neff pp307–8; “Marvin to the President,” memorandum, 6:30 PM, 19 June 1967)

That is, high level zionist assets, including a former Irgun member, wrote his “response”.

Mathilde Krim stayed at the White House during much of the 1967 war and was a regular caller at the Israeli Embassy, passing reports and gossip back and forth. The Krims, like other Johnson friends, did not hesitate to advise the president on Middle East policy.

(Neff, Warriors for Jerusalem, pp. 83, 156–58.)

According to Seymour Hersh in “The Price of Power” (1983), Helmut Sonnenfeldt, director of the Office of Research on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (1963–1969), who would go on to become Henry Kissinger’s right hand man under Nixon from 1968, was known from wiretaps to have close ties to the Israelis and one of his messages to Tel Aviv would be intercepted a couple of days after the Liberty was attacked (content not released).

“An FBI wiretap at the Israeli Embassy in Washington picks up Richard Perle, an aide to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson discussing classified information with an Israeli official. This is the second time Perle has been involved in providing classified information to Israel.

This data was given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis.”

(Atlantic Monthly, May, 1982; American Conservative, March 24, 2003)

The next batch of Israeli assets were being put in place in the White House in the event of Johnson leaving office.

What was the punishment for the attack on the USS Liberty?

In 1968 Congress increases aid to Israel by 450 percent. Military aid jumps from $7 million in 1967 to $25 million in 1968. The US agrees to sell Israel 50 Phantom fighter bombers.

Military aid increases from $140 million in 1968–1970 to $1.15 billion in 1971–1973. And in 1973 after the Yom Kippur War, Congress passes $2.2 billion in emergency financial aid, and increases military aid 800 percent.

(“US Aid to Israel,” Martha Wenger, Middle East Report 164–165 (May/June 1990))

Johnson approved tanks and fighter jets, all vital after the 1967 war when France imposed a freeze on sales to Israel. Israeli prime minister Levi Eshkol’s successfully appealed for these weapons on a visit to the LBJ ranch.”

(A key resource for uncovering LBJ’s pro-Jewish activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, “Prologue: LBJ’s Foreign Affairs Background, 1908–1948.” Johnson’s activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.)


Chief fundraisers in the Democrat Party were long-time spies who had been grooming past (and future) US presidents going back to the forties. One, Abe Feinberg, was even in charge of the US side of the Israeli nuclear program which involved setting up and stealing from a uranium plant set up in the US. One was an “ex” Irgun member, Mathilde Krim, who swanned about the White House and Johnson’s ranch giving him “advise”.

Johnson the egocentric coward did as he was told. They knew from the day the USS Liberty was attacked (or before) that it was a deliberate, calculated attempt to sink a US ship and kill all on board (given that they had recorded messages sent and received from the Israeli pilots and control towers). When that failed, the cover up was on. From physically covering up the scars of the vicious attack from the world’s press while remains of the dead sailors were still meshed with shrapnel in the hull, to threatening the sailors themselves and putting a gag order on the families.

And remember, the 1967 land grab was based on (the usual) lies. And the White House knew it. But bent over backwards to please Tel Aviv, the “Jewish vote” and the “Jewish donors”. All one and the same when used as a threat. When has it ever been used as a threat in any other circumstance or political issue?

The unelected zionist wing of the US shadow government swarmed around Johnson even more than usual. And the result was not only the covering up of the war crimes committed but US policy towards the Middle East was changed in Israel’s favour, weapons flowed and monetary aid was quadrupled the following year. And the next batch of unelected zionists slid in to position around the next president. Nixon.

