Chapter 17 — Israel At The Gates of The Latin American Nightmare

Brendan Devenney
81 min readOct 27, 2021


Central and South America (1900–1940)

The Zemurray oligarchy

The character Samuel Zemurray has been touched upon in a couple of chapters, but the history of zionism in Latin America can’t be discussed without delving in to his intrigue there.

The dictators of Latin America as a whole throughout the twentieth century, were supportive of Zionism. Because of their colonialist, right wing attitudes and to a greater extent because of the United Fruit Company. It was owned by Samuel Zemurray, a zionist with deep pockets and connections in Washington, who had a stranglehold over Central and South America. That these dictatorships were neo nazi and/or antisemitic regimes, many of which harbored nazi war criminals, didn’t phase zionists. At all. Why would it phase them when zionism was rubbing shoulders with the same fascist regimes in Europe at this time that these dictators looked up to? Zionists were also involved in giving safe passage to war criminals like Walter Rauff, and working with high level nazi financiers (Chapter 4). They had also been involved with the nascent Gladio movement which was full of fascists and nazis (Chapters 12 and 13).

These dictatorships had also been put in place by the US “regime changers” which was, for the most part, beginning to see zionism as a sociopathic partner. And these dictatorships were an extension of the European fascists that zionism had been allying itself with throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s (See Chapter 2).

I’m going to begin with Zemurray’s stomping ground, Central America. It was the springboard for zionist intrigue throughout the continent and the US.

A single individual had a major hand in laying the foundation of the bloody history of Guatemala in the twentieth century. Samuel Zemurray.

Zemurray wielded immense power in Washington, Latin America and Israel.

(Strange Fruit, Times of Israel, Eric Herschthal, June 5, 2012)

He would control the banana plantations there through the United Fruit Company. In 1911 (Honduras) and 1954 (Guatemala) he would depose two presidents who dared (to democratically) challenge his power. People who attempted change for the good of the Guatemalan and Honduran people. And he would control the spineless sell-outs installed between those two dates.

Honduras would function for decades as a giant US military base, serving as the staging ground for the 1954 US-backed coup in Guatemala and the Contra War against Sandinista Nicaragua throughout the 1980s.

Zemurray had begun donating to Zionism as early as the 1920s and would become friends with future “President of Israel”, Chaim Weizmann. He would also go on to donate to Haganah (forerunner to the war criminal IDF). Zemurray funded Haganah’s “Jewish refugee rescue” operations through the ships he bought for them

(Bananas: 5 Surprising Jewish Facts, Aish, Yvette Alt Miller, Apr 13, 2019)

“Under his leadership, United Fruit became inextricably interwoven with the fabric of Central American life. According to one study, it “throttled competitors, dominated governments, manacled railroads, ruined planters, choked cooperatives, domineered over workers, fought organized labor and exploited consumers.”

(Overthrow: America’s century of regime change from Hawaii to Iraq, Stephen Kinzer)

Central and South America have a very bloody history. The US backed the colonialist tyrants, so it was only natural that zionism moved in to take advantage of the dystopian chaos.

The Dominican Republic under Trujillo

Rafael Leonidas Trujillo took power in the Dominican Republic through a military coup in 1930.

In 1937, over a five day period, 20–30,000 Haitians were massacred by Dominican soldiers and civilians wielding machetes, bayonets and rifles.

No Haitian (or dark-skinned Dominican suspected of being Haitian) was spared — women and children were as mercilessly slaughtered as the men-folk. Dominicans who tried to help Haitians escape the violence were also targeted for death.

Dominicans, like many Latin American societies, were ruled by a white Spanish elite who lorded over a population principally comprised of mixed-race mulattoes or those who were of mixed European-Amerindian blood. Haitians, in contrast, were overwhelmingly of unmixed black African heritage.

(Parsley Massacre: The Genocide That Still Haunts Haiti-Dominican Relations, IBTimes, October 2012)

To show the character of Trujillo, not too long after this massacre, he proposed allowing 100,000 Jews in to the Dominican Republic (ironically) in the wake of the rise of fascism in Europe. In the end only 700 took up the offer. But this wasn’t an act of generosity. He wanted to “whiten” the country.

Trujillo’s generosity probably stemmed mainly from his eagerness to have the Western nations overlook his brutal massacre of 25,000 Haitians in 1937 and his desire to “whiten” the people of his country, believing that the young European men would marry Dominican women and produce light-skinned offspring.

(Dominican Republic Provides Sosua as a Haven for Jewish Refugees, Lauren Levy, Jewish Virtual Library)

He was a racist, elitist sociopath backed by the US. And zionism would cosy up to him a decade later, as you’ll see.


Bordering the Dominican Republic is Haiti, with Cuba to the northwest.

Washington intervened militarily in Haiti multiple times, occupied the country from 1915 to 1934, and supported the dictatorships of Francois “Papa Doc” and Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier from 1957 to 1986 on the Cold War logic that Haiti could be a Caribbean “counterweight” to Communist Cuba.

“The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere holds many distinctions in the annals of misery and inhumanity. For the past century, Haiti has been a miserable, hellish US colony. Between 1915 and 1934 it was occupied by US forces. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as assistant secretary of the navy, drafted its constitution. Later on, as president, he ordered the marines removed, but everything left behind was set up to ensure continuing American control.”

(The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms & Why, 1987, pp 96–98)

Israel would help the US keep this brutal “dynasty” in place for decades.

The reign of terror of the Duvaliers in Haiti began in 1957 (just a few years after a Christian zionist had promised them financial gains if they supported the partition plan for Palestine — to be discussed). Instead they received decades of suffering.

The US trained and armed Haiti’s counter-insurgency forces, although most American military aid to the country was covertly channeled through Israel, thus sparing Washington embarrassing questions about supporting brutal governments.

(Haiti, 1986–1994: Who will rid me of this turbulent priest? William Blum)

This sickening “you scratch my back” routine between the US and Israel would be repeated throughout Latin America.

El Salvador and Nicaragua

El Salvador was yet another Central American oligarchy christened in the blood of the poor and the natives five years before Trujillo’s butchery against Haitians, during “La Matanza” (The Massacre) when tens of thousands of poor and indigenous peoples were murdered. An estimated 30,000 people, or 4% of the population, were murdered in one week, mirroring the massacre in the Dominican Republic.

(Jan. 22, 1932: La Matanza (“The Massacre”) Begins in El Salvador, Zinn Education Project)

Across the border of Honduras is Nicaragua. The racist blood spilling continued.

Anastasio Somoza Garcia’s period of government in Nicaragua from 1934 to 1956 was marked by varying forms of repression, including arbitrary detention, torture, rape, killing of opponents, especially peasants and indians, and the corruption and consolidation of the Somoza family fortune.

Some fifty thousand people were killed during the 45 years of Somoza rule, 35,000 of them in the last two years (1977–1979), and some 100,000 were wounded.

(Human Rights in Nicaragua, Yesterday and Today, Report for a Mission of the International Commission of Jurists, Professor Helena Claudio Fragoso, Brazil, and Dr Alejandro Artucio, ICJ Secretariat)

At either end of this inhuman “dynasty” in Nicaragua, when the blood was running deepest, was zionism.

Just after the US installed their puppet in Nicaragua, the Haganah would make contact with Somoza as early as 1939. Through two of its members, Teddy Kollek and Yehuda Arazi, they would be provided with:

— Nicaraguan diplomatic passports and official authorization to purchase weapons in the United States and Europe for Nicaragua’s National Guard.

— letters of credit drawn against the Nicaraguan government’s account in the amount of $3 million

— Nicaraguan consulates in Europe arranged transport of weapons purchased there for supposed shipment to Nicaragua. The armaments would be loaded aboard Haganah-owned ships and diverted to Palestine.

— Fake passports and smuggled arms would be supplied through to 1948 (and beyond?) for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

(How Israel helped Latin America’s death squads — part 1, Middle East Monitor, June 2018)

These were obviously the Haganah ships Samuel Zemurray had financed for “rescuing Jews”.

1940–1960: The zionist mafia and Israel move in


Zionist gangsters, Mossad and it’s assets would infiltrate, bribe, and massage the sociopathic egos of each dictator put in place in South and Central America by the US.

Another target on what would be a long list was Panama, where Israel would sink its claws in to for decades. Beginning from at least 1946.

Haganah spy Reuvin Dafni was sent to Miami in 1946 and met with Jewish gangster Sam Kay. He recounted:

Sam was good friends with the president of Panama. They were very close. And Sam contacted him for us. From then on, all our ships carrying weapons to Israel were registered in Panama and flew under the Panamanian flag. This was a very, very, big help to us.”

(Gangsters for Zion, Yom Ha’atzmaut: How Jewish mobsters helped Israel gain its independence, Robert Rockaway, APRIL 19, 2018)

Nahum Bernstein, “former” OSS and zionist asset, confessed that he had provided Jewish Agency funding to purchase aircraft for Haganah. He provided funding for the Panamanian front company “Service Airways” used to smuggle airplanes to Israel. He gave false testimony to FBI officials and Neutrality Act court proceedings.

Instead of being punished he was given a promotion.

On May 16, 1951 Bernstein was appointed to the US Secretary of the Army’s Civilian Legal Personnel Committee. The FBI objected to the lack of Army consultation of Security Index or name check with the FBI.

(See Chapter 6; Documentation: )

Back to Zemurray…

The influence of Zemurray in the creation of “Israel” cannot be understated.

Guatemala….made significant contributions to advancing the Zionist cause at the United Nations Session on Palestine.

Latin America was instrumental in the passage of the partition plan…In addition to mobilizing other countries to vote for the resolution, the Latin American delegates provided thirteen of the thirty-three votes in favor of partition. Cuba was the only Latin American country to vote against the resolution. The Latin American bloc of eighteen countries also voted unanimously in favor of Israel’s admission to the United Nations as its fifty-ninth member.

(Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection,Bishara Bahbah, 1986)

Guatemala’s UN ambassador served on the UN Special Committee on Palestine in 1947. This was no accident.

After visiting Palestine and meeting Irgun terrorists Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, Ambassador Garcia Granados took the lead (under Zemurray’s eye) in pushing the partition plan under which Israel was created.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, Jane Hunter, WRMEA, January 1987)

More Zionist bullying

At the 13th meeting of the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on the Question of Palestine on 14/10/47, Haiti’s representative at the United Nations, Antonio Vieux “..did not believe that the Jews had any right to claim a whole or part of Palestine as their fatherland on the basis of historical connection….it was inconsistent with Haiti’s ideals and its concept of national sovereignty.”

(The Palestine Diary, Vol 2, Robert John & Sami Hadawi, 1970, p 212)

Mr Vieux also stated: “[M]y Government does not consider that the concrete solutions put forward as a result of the sub-committees’ work are satisfactory; and the representative of the Republic of Haiti, in accordance with his Government’s views, will vote against the partition of Palestine.”

(The Palestine Diary, Vol 2, Robert John & Sami Hadawi, 1970, p 257)

Haiti’s vote was crucial as zionists were six votes short for a majority on the partition plan. Under intense pressure, Haiti changed its vote:

a clearly negative speech followed by an affirmative vote. It was through such dubious ‘manipulations’ that a favourable vote for the Jewish State was obtained at the UN.”

(Zionism, Israel & Asian Nationalism, GH Jansen, 1971, pp 199–200)

So what kind of pressure was applied to Haiti to reverse its position on the partition of Palestine?:

“The vote of Haiti was reportedly secured through Adolph Berle, who used the promise of American economic assistance. An ex-governor, well known for his Zionist and White House connections, personally telephoned the Haitian Government urging that its delegate be ordered to change his vote. Consequently, the Haitian delegate, Mr Antonio Vieux, who had voted against partition on Wednesday, explained that his Government had ordered a reversal for economic reasons.”

(American Zionism & US Foreign Policy 1942–1947, Richard Stevens, p. 179)

Adolph Augustus Berle, Jr. was the son of a Christian zionist who had worked at Louis Brandeis’ law firm from a very young age.

(Columbia 250 Celebrates the life of Adolph Augustus Berle, Jr.; Adolf Berle During the New Deal: The Brain Truster as an Intellectual Jobber, Robert Thompson, Georgetown University Law Center)

He was another “zionist lieutenant” in Louis Brandeis’ pocket (See Chapter 2).

But Latin America weren’t the only ones to come under this zionist pressure (who the hell were these people??)

Europeans and even the US and Britain were to feel it. Terrorists had sent parcel bombs to both President Truman and Downing Street (the latter having just foiled an aerial bombardment). But there was more:

Christian zionist Defense Secretary Clark Clifford described the hardball lobbying for the original partition. Zionist US senators threatened financial sanctions or finances withheld from countries devastated by World War 2 if they didn’t vote for partition.

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm twisting by the U.S. government and by 26 pro-Zionist U.S. senators; who, in telegrams to a number of U.N. member states, warned that U.S. goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

(Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 U.S. Decision to Recognize Israel, Richard H. Curtiss, WRMEA, May 1991)

Meanwhile in the UK:

“In 1947 and 1948 it was the political pressure on the Labour Cabinet from American Zionists, exerted through the United States government, which angered Bevin the most …. At that time, Britain was dependent on American goodwill for her economic survival [and Truman equally dependent on Zionist goodwill for his campaign funds].As a consequence, the British government was subject to ruthless pressure from Washington to get the Arabs to accept the Zionists’ demands. It was a disgraceful abuse of power.”

[Note: not forgetting that other zionists were sending parcel bombs!]

By chance, Mayhew had to meet the US Ambassador, Lou Douglas, by himself. Douglas wanted British assent to admitting a hundred thousand Jewish refugees into Palestine immediately. Mayhew reiterated the government’s position — it was a prescription for war. Douglas then claimed that the President wanted it known that agreement on the intake would help him get the Marshall Aid appropriation through Congress.

“In other words, we must do as the Zionists wished — or starve. Bevin surrendered — he had to — but he was understandably bitter and angry. He felt it outrageous that the United States, which had no responsibility for law and order in Palestine (and no intention of permitting massive Jewish immigration into the United States), should, from very questionable motives, impose an impossibly burdensome and dangerous task on Britain.”

(Publish It Not: The Middle East Cover-Up by Michael Adams and Christopher Mayhew (Undersecretary for Labour Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin), published in 1975)

Zemurray again..

In 1954, at the request of Zemurray, the C.I.A. staged a coup that toppled elected leader Jacobo Arbenz, touching off a cycle of revolution and reaction that lasted decades and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

(The fish that ate the whale, Rich Cohen)

When Arbenz was forced to flee, hundreds of Guatemalans were rounded up and killed. Between 1954 and 1990, human rights groups estimate, the repressive operatives of sucessive military regimes murdered more than 100,000 civilians.
Later estimates put the figure at 200,000.

After a small insurgency developed in the wake of the coup, Guatemala’s military leaders developed and refined, with U.S. assistance, a massive counterinsurgency campaign that left tens of thousands massacred, maimed or missing.

(Documentation: )

All of this blood was on Zemurray’s hands.

The zionist mafia/Mossad/CIA “anticommunist” alliance would explode across the globe over the coming decades.

(See Chapters 11 and 12)

And at this point I want to make clear that zionist involvement particularly wasn’t because of politics of any sort. They aligned with who they thought they could siphon off what they needed as a “state” and for individual monetary gain. They always saw fascism and US backed dictators and oligarchs as natural hosts.

The Dominican Republic and Trujillo — Israel’s friend

During the 1950s, zionist Lyndon Johnson’s “adviser” Bobby Baker was the face of Intercontinental Hotels Corporation which established casinos in the Dominican Republic. Remember, this was just over a decade after racist genocide was carried out there.

Baker arranged for Ed Levinson, an associate of zionist mafia leader Meyer Lansky and Sam Giancana, to become involved in this deal. When the first of these casinos were opened in 1955, Baker and Johnson were invited as official guests.

Ed Levinson was a director of the Mossad-linked Banque de Credit International, founded by former Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum.

Levinson was also a stockholder in The Bank of Perrine which was the preferred depository of Lansky funds reaching America from the Bank of World Commerce in the Bahamas, established by Lansky’s point man John Pullman in 1961.

He was also on the board of directors of the BCI bank. Lansky’s primary overseas money laundering bank — sharing those money laundering services that the bank provided to Israel’s Mossad.

(See Chapter 15; Tom J. Farer, Transnational Crime in the Americas: An Inter-American Dialogue Book (New York: Routledge, 1999), 65.; Ed Reid and Ovid Demaris, The Green Felt Jungle (New York: Pocket Books, 1964), 217–20.; Robert D. Morrow. The Senator Must Die: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy. (Santa Monica: CA: Roundtable Publishing, Inc., 1988), p30); Life, September 16, 1967.)

Israel also supplied weapons to this sociopath Trujillo.

During the 1950s, France had become a close ally of Israel, mainly because of their enmity with Nasser of Egypt, which lead to the “Suez crisis”, or zionist land grab in Egypt (Chapter 6), and their military alliance during the genocide in Algeria (Chapters 12 and 13).

They weren’t biased. Zionism was a friend to genocidists across the globe.

In 1958, an aircraft carrying an Israeli government arms dealer, Leo Gardner, made an emergency landing in Algeria. When questioned about his cargo, he told French officials that he was shipping arms to Trujillo.

Gardner’s arms deal was supposed to have been cleared with the French authorities by a contact of Shimon Peres in Paris. Peres was then the director-general of the Israeli Defence Ministry. Things were eventually smoothed over; it turned out that Peres’s contact had just forgotten to pass the word on to Algiers that the Israeli plane was cleared for transit.

(Dangerous Liaison, Andrew and Leslie Cockburn)

This was also around the same time that Peres was selling arms to another bloody dictator in Nicaragua, Anastasio Somoza.

Zionists even took care of Trujillo’s and other sadists’ “images” from the 1950s onwards:

I Irving Davidson (who would go on to represent the Israeli arms industry according to the CIA) was a registered lobbyist for the Somozas of Nicaragua, the Duvaliers of Haiti, the Trujillos of the Dominican Republic…. Irv Davidson’s activities ranged the entire globe. He once sold seventy Israeli-made staghound tanks to Nicaragua.

(Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, John H. Davis (1988))

Israel always sides with oligarchs. And against the oppressed. In South and Central America they would go on to teach the dictators how to turn the screw. And keep them in power as long as possible.

Trujillo was eventually assassinated in 1961.


During this same period, Alfredo Stroessner seized power in Paraguay (in 1954) through a military coup and remained in power until 1989. There was massive corruption, endemic human rights abuses and systematic acts of violence against his opponents.

Stroessner also provided hospitality to a wide array of former Nazi leaders following World War II, including the concentration camp experimenter Dr. Josef Mengele, whom he personally protected despite repeated international demands that he be extradited to Israel.

[Edit: That Israel demanded his extradition was a sick joke when we look at the broader picture across South America. Israel worked hand in hand with other nazis from WW2 and neo nazi regimes in power there. And the relationship they would soon have with their latest neo nazi partner Stroessner.]

Stroessner routinely imprisoned scores of Paraguayan political opponents, some of whom later insisted that they had endured unethical medical experiments under Mengele’s jurisdiction.

(Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Paraguay-U.S. Post-Stroessner Relations, September 2006)

In 1986, during a Sixty Minute interview, Stroessner praised Israel and talked about their “good relations”. Israel supplied arms to his military and bodyguards. And Paraguay had the most consistent voting record at the UN supporting Israel.

(The Israeli Connection, Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Brit-Hallahmi, p104)

The 1960s

During the 1960s, the US/CIA had helped bring together and coordinate Central American right wing juntas (CONDECA) and its death squads/secret police (ANSESAL) through a series of meetings in El Salvador.

(Jane Hunter, “Interview with Francisco Guerra y Guerra,” Israeli Foreign Affairs 1/2 (January 1985), p. 8. In addition to gathering intelligence, ANSESAL — El Salvador’s executive intelligence agency — was used to carry out death-squad activities in the late 1970s according to Salvadoran and US officials. Craig Pyes, Salvadoran Rightists: The Deadly Patriots (Albuquerque: Albuquerque Journal, 1984), p. 6.; El Salvador, World Peace Foundation, August 15, 2015)

Israel was (openly) brought in to this oppressive loop by the CIA.

During the 1960s Israel expanded to Latin America the US-funded “development assistance programs”.. In Central America Israeli experts worked on…”patriotic youth” training programs which brought them into contact with future military leaders. In the 1970s, Israel’s arms industry would take full advantage of this.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, Jane Hunter, WRMEA, January 1987)


The first real military exchanges between Israel and Central America began in 1964 when training courses were offered in Israel to the Guatemalan military. In the years between 1964 and 1971, over 160 visits to Israeli military bases are made by Guatemalan, Brazilian, and Bolivian military personnel, all subsidised by the U.S.

(Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, Andrew Cockburn, 1991, p. 218).

Zionism has a history of abusing Jews throughout the twentieth century (See Chapter 5). The creation of a “Jewish state” at ALL costs. Genocide isn’t an issue for zionism. The indigenous and poor population of Palestine, Central and South America were and are expendable in their eyes. If they treat black, Mizrahi and non-zionist Jews in a despicable way, what wouldn’t they do to others for power and money?

In countries such as Guatemala, in particular, Israelis seem to have worked in close co-operation with counter-insurgents from other Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile and El Salvador. The infamous Guatemalan army intelligence agency G-2 was equipped and trained by Israelis.

(The Guatemalan Military Project: A Violence Called Democracy, Jennifer Schirmer, 1998, p. 152).

Who were G-2?

In March 1966, the G-2 (military intelligence) and the Judicial Police raided three houses in Guatemala City, capturing twenty-eight trade unionists and members of the PGT. Those captured included most of the PGT’s central committee and peasant federation leader Leonardo Castillo Flores. All subsequently “disappeared” while in the custody of the security force and became known in subsequent months by the Guatemalan press as “the 28”. This incident was followed by a wave of unexplained “disappearances” and killings in Guatemala City and in the countryside which were reported by the Guatemala City press.

On 16 July 1966, the Association of University Students (AEU) published a detailed report on abuses in the last months of the Peralta regime in which it named thirty-five individuals as involved in killings and disappearances, including military commissioners and members of the Ambulant Military Police (PMA) in coordination with the G-2. After the publication of this report, “death-squad” attacks on the AEU and on the University of San Carlos began to intensify. Many law students and members of the AEU were assassinated.

(The American Connection, Michael McClintock, pp.82–83; El Imparcial, 16 July 1966)


In 1964, the Brazilian military dictatorship rolled in with the backing of the US, kicking off a brutal twenty-year-long military dictatorship.

LBJ Johnson had urged taking “every step that we can” to support the overthrow of Joao Goulart.

(Documentation: )

Dissidents were tracked down, arrested, imprisoned, tortured, disappeared, or worse. According to the 2007 report from the Brazilian government’s Special Commission on Murders and Political Disappeared entitled “The Right to Memory and the Truth,” 475 people were disappeared during the twenty-year-long military dictatorship. Thousands were imprisoned and roughly thirty thousand were tortured. More than 280 different types of torture were inflicted on “subversives” at 242 clandestine torture centers, by hundreds of individual torturers.

(E. Bradford Burns, A History of Brazil (Columbia University Press, 1993) p. 457.)

Following the military coup on April 1, 1964, the Israeli embassy put together a document that said the coup “was swiftly planned and implemented, and led, for 24 hours, not only to the fall of Goulart (the president at the time), but also to the suppression of all leftist elements […] Brazil is today in a transitional state that can be defined as a military dictatorship with a parliamentary veneer.

On June 16, 1965, Aryeh Eshel, director of Latin American affairs at the Foreign Ministry, wrote that he hopes “the current regime in Brazil lasts.”

Following the 1967 war, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol came up with and examined a plan to foment the “emigration of Arab residents from the disputed territories to Brazil.” After talks with the Israeli embassy in Brazil, Eshkol wrote on August 8, 1967:

“These talks give me reason to believe that with intensive efforts, thousands, if not tens of thousands of Arab families, especially from the Gaza Strip, could emigrate to Brazil.”

This wasn’t a one-off.

In May 1969, minutes of a secret Israeli cabinet meeting revealed that Israel planned a massive transfer of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Paraguay.

The transcript….detailed each nation’s commitments, including Israeli funding for flights transferring Palestinians who agreed to leave the Gaza Strip, a $100 grant per deportee, and a payment of $33 per person to the Paraguayan government, which in turn promised the refugees permanent residence and a four-year path to citizenship.

“For many years, Israeli diplomats stationed from Australia to Brazil were charged with handling the matter of refugees, with the aim of settling them elsewhere..It was the desire of the state of Israel to solve the problem this way. So for Golda (Meir), this plan was just another in a long line of similar schemes.”

(Israeli historian Tom Segev; Unclassified Docs Show Israel’s Secret Plan to Ship 60K Palestinians to Latin America, MSN, August 2020)

How many more dictators did they approach with this novel idea of ethnically cleansing Palestine?

Of course, zionism squeezed the last drop out of the situation in Brazil.

The first nuclear agreement between Israel and Brazil went into effect on August 10, 1964, just four months after the military coup. Complementary agreements were signed in 1966, 1967, and 1974.

(‘We hope the regime lasts’: When Israel enjoyed cozy ties with Brazil’s military dictatorship, 972 Magazine, November 2018)

Remember that this was just one year after JFK had been squeezing Israel on its nuclear weapon program…until he was assassinated.

Before he was removed, Goulart had also led Brazil in the drive for a nuclear-free Latin America, providing the impetus for the Five Presidents’ Declaration and the Treaty of Tlatelolco (Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean). Brazil’s leadership on nuclear disarmament was a casualty of the military coup, and Mexico eventually stepped in to continue to drive for a nuclear-free region.

(Hugh B. Stinson and James D. Cochrane, “The Movement for Regional Arms Control in Latin America”, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 13, №1 (1971): 1–17.)

Brazil’s security forces used Israeli Uzi submachine guns, and the National Truth Commission revealed that intelligence agents from the National Intelligence Service of Brazil (SNI) — who were primarily responsible for torture, oppression, and crimes committed by the regime — received training in Israel.

Remember: “thirty thousand were tortured…More than 280 different types of torture were inflicted on ‘subversives’ at 242 clandestine torture centers, by hundreds of individual torturers.”

(E. Bradford Burns, A History of Brazil (Columbia University Press, 1993) p. 457.)

In 1967, Brazil appointed Miera Pena to serve as the Brazilian ambassador to Israel, despite the fact that both Israel’s foreign and defense ministries suspected he was a Nazi.

In 1973, Israel used the São Paulo Air Show to present its Gabriel missiles, electronic devices, and more. The documents also indicate that the two sides negotiated the sale of Israeli military products to Brazil, among them ships, helicopters, armaments, communications equipment, electronics, Shafrir and Gabriel missiles, aircraft engine repairs, radar systems, electronic fences, military training, and a delegation of military advisers.

(‘We hope the regime lasts’: When Israel enjoyed cozy ties with Brazil’s military dictatorship, 972 Magazine, November 2018)

Together with the support of the U.S. government and Paraguay, under General Alfredo Stroessner, Brazil would help organize Operation Condor, a political repression and terror campaign to suppress opposition to their governments.

And Israel was at the center of it all.

The 1970s

Haiti (1970s)

Since 1968 Israel had sold weapons to two Haitian dictators-Francois Duvalier, who was president 1957–1971; and his son Jean-Claude Duvalier, who succeeded him 1971–1986. The two, known as “Papa Doc” and “Baby Doc,” controlled and terrorized the country with a private army.

(Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 27, 1982)

The Duvalier “dynasty” would have the Haitian population living a nightmare scenario. When “Baby Doc” Duvalier took over in 1971, he would use Israeli “advisers” and buy Israeli arms for a decade.

A former Israeli ambassador to Haiti, Rafael Bashan became honorary consul-general of Haiti in Israel where he represented Duvalier’s business interests.

(The Israeli Connection, Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Brit-Hallahmi, p97)

Bolivia (1970s)

In the early 70s General Hugo Banzer siezed power in Bolivia. He turned to the Nazi-for-hire Klaus Barbie, former head of the Gestapo in Lyon, who was nicknamed “The Butcher of Lyon”, to help him with the repression.

Barbie had been contracted by American intelligence services after WWII and had in turn been established as the South American “anticommunism” thug of the CIA.

He had been cosying up with Bolivian dictators since 1966.

(Letters that Nazi war criminal Barbie sent to Bolivia from prison revealed, The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 2015)

Barbie was even given the rank of honorary lieutenant colonel in the Bolivian armed forces.

(In pursuit of Bolivia’s secret Nazi, The Guardian, September 2008)

The First Bolivian Coup

In 1971 with the aid of the US, Hugo Banzer staged a coup against a “leftist” government. That is, a popular, working class, democratic government.

Banzer was a long time friend of Barbie and cooperated with him and cocaine king Roberto Suarez in the creation of massive coca plantations.

Suarez’ coca fields sourced 80% of the world’s cocaine by the 1980s. He was also the prime supplier for the Medellin cartel.

(The Politics of Organized Crime and the Organized Crime of Politics: A Study, Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt, p.85)

Apart from being made an honorary lieutenant colonel, Barbie was a paid consultant to the Ministry of the interior and “Department 7” counterinsurgency unit. Both were controlled by the CIA.

Internal repression was his forte. And training in torture methods.

He also made lots of money selling arms to the Bolivian military.

This was at a time when the US had vastly increased military aid to Banzer, and other oppressive regimes in South America under the “anticommunism” banner.

(“Whiteout”, Alexander Cockburn, pp.178–180)

That is, Barbie was one of theirs.

Nicaragua (1970s)

The Nicaraguan revolution against Israeli/American puppet dictator, and the son of Anastosio Somoza, Anastasio “Tachito” Somoza Debayle, took root in 1972. A devastating earthquake struck Nicaragua, killing thousands of people and destroying vast stretches of Managua. Rather than help his people, Somoza began systematically looting the international relief that poured in. He scooped up land on the cheap and resold it to his own government for relief camps at ten times the price, sold donated emergency items on the black market, used reconstruction money contributed by the U.S. government to buy cement from his own cement factories at highly inflated prices, and on and on.

(The Deaths of Somoza, World Literature Today, George Evans, May 2007)

By the late seventies, Jimmy Carter had banned the sale of weapons to Nicaragua. Israel, of course, stepped in to make a quick buck.

By supplying 98% of the weapons, ammunition and aircraft used against Nicaraguans from 1977–1979.

30–43,000 Nicaraguan lives were lost in the “Contra war” which was launched from Honduras.

(Correlates of War site, 2012; Toronto Star, 1990)

Israeli made Arava planes were used to bomb poor neighborhoods in Managua, Nicaragua, where a large percentage of those deaths occurred.

(The Israeli Connection, Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Brit-Hallahmi, p91)

El Salvador (1970s)

In the early seventies, the Israeli Defense Ministry sent “advisers” and carried out a “youth movement development program” in El Salvador. As they had done in Guatemala during the sixties. Much like the Zionist Betar movement. Or nazi brownshirts. The “advisers” were involved in training the Salvadoran secret police, ANSESAL, according to former Salvadoran Army Col. and Undersecretary of the Interior Rene Francisco Guerra y Guerra. He also claimed that ANSESAL officer and right wing sociopath Roberto D’Aubuisson (guilty of being one of the organizers of the assassination of Archbishop Romero in 1980) was trained by Israelis. ANSESAL would go on to kill tens of thousands of mainly civilian activists.

(Jane Hunter, “Interview with Francisco Guerra y Guerra,” Israeli Foreign Affairs 1/2 (January 1985), p. 8. In addition to gathering intelligence, ANSESAL — El Salvador’s executive intelligence agency — was used to carry out death-squad activities in the late 1970s according to Salvadoran and US officials. Craig Pyes, Salvadoran Rightists: The Deadly Patriots (Albuquerque: Albuquerque Journal, 1984), p. 6.; El Salvador, World Peace Foundation, August 15, 2015)

In 1973 Israel took orders from El Salvador for 18 Dassault Ouragan jet fighter aircraft — the first jet fighters in Central America — and delivered them in 1975.

They also ordered six French-made Fouga Magister trainers and 25 Arava short-take-off-and-landing aircraft. Along with small arms, ammunition and rocket launchers.

In 1977, US president Carter cut off US aid to “recipients who were gross and persistent abusers of human rights”. This included El Salvador.

Of course Israel stepped in to fill the void. And their pockets.

Between the 1977 U.S. cutoff and the resumption of U.S. aid in 1981, El Salvador obtained over 80 percent of its weapons from Israel

(Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).

Chile (1970s)

What can only be described as a far right/nazi/CIA coup occurred in Chile in 1973. It saw Chile’s elected leader, Salvador Allende, assassinated and its elected government overthrown.

Junio Valerio Borghese, an important Italian fascist leader, was recruited by the CIA (through Israelophile James Angleton) in the run-up to the 1947–48 Italian elections because there was a chance that the communist party would take power.

(See Chapters 12 and 13)

Borghese’s wartime unit “Gladio” was trained as a partisan militia under the control of the CIA. “Gladio” would be the adopted name of the far right assassination, false flag and terrorism campaign used to bring down democratically elected governments the world over. Including Latin America.

Throughout the sixties, right wing terrorists would carry out false flag attacks in Italy killing hundreds. And blame left wing groups.

Borghese and neofascist Stefano Delle Chiaie attempted a failed coup in 1970 and were forced to flee to South America.

(See Chapters 12 and 13)

“Stefano Delle Chiaie explains that they wanted to spread Fascism, and their efforts met more fertile ground in South America, pointing out that many parties in South America had Fascist or Nazi roots.”

Italian Fascists, headed by Delle Chiaie and Borghese, along with the CIA, actively supported General Augusto Pinochet in his coup against democratically elected socialist President Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973.

Delle Chiaie confirmed this.

And Delle Chiaie also claimed that Italian fascists met with, set up ties to, and made their headquarters in Pinochet’s Chile. And that they worked with his intelligence service, DINA.

The CIA used both these fascist and nazi proxies in Chile to expand their “Gladio” project throughout South America. Gestapo chief and war criminal, Klaus Barbie aided in the coup in Bolivia, financed by cocaine traffickers (the “Cocaine Coup”) in July 1980.

(“Nazis in the CIA”, by director Dirk Pohlmann: The film relies heavily on declassified documents revealing CIA activities after WWII, many of which were released to the National Archives in Washington, as well as interviews with experts and even some of the key actors discussed in the film.)

A top-secret 1979 report to the U.S. Foreign Relations Committee (declassified by the Obama administration) revealed that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet had help from former Nazis in training and supporting his Operation Condor activities. Confirming Delle Chiaie’s statements.

One such instance of nazi aid was the regime’s use of a colony (Colonia Dignidad) in Chile, run and frequented by former nazis, for torture and disappearances. It was also later found to be a den for pedophillia.

DINA was made up of far right paramilitary units linked to “Patria y Libertad” and Italian fascists “Vanguardia Nazionale

(Nazis Trained and Supported Chile’s Operation Condor Activities, TeleSur, December 2016)

The CIA (alleged the possibility) and Chilean exiles claimed, that nazi war criminal, and Mossad agent, Walter Rauff, who Pinochet had granted asylum to, became one of the key advisors to Pinochet’s DINA.

(See Chapter 4; New York Times & Washington Post, February, 1983 coverage of extradition; “Barbie: If Germany Had Won the War…,” Boston Globe, 2/14/83; Note — there is CIA documentation but it’s been taken down from the CIA site, in all likelihood because of Rauff’s exposure as a Mossad agent)

What has this den of nazis and fascists got to do with the alleged “safe haven for Jews” that Israel claims to be? They’ve always pandered to fascists and nazis. From as early as the 1920s.

Chile was just another paycheck.

— In 1975 the previously mentioned DINA agents, made up of right wing fascists, were trained by Israel in return for their purchase of Exocet missiles.

— In 1976, the Esmeralda, a former prison ship used by Pinochet for torture and murder docked at Haifa port on a visit.

— Carter suspended military aid during this period (in 1977).

— In 1978, Israeli General Mordecai Gur visited Chile where he lavishly praised the Chilean military.

— Israel sent 150 Shafrir a-a missiles in 1977, increasing to one thousand over the next ten years, an electronic radar system, large quantities of spare parts, light arms, ammunition, uniforms and helmets, antitank weapons and related training (Sharif, 1977) and special crowd-control vehicles with 4 water cannons. They also sold them the necessary technology needed to produce cluster bombs.

— Deputy defense minister of Israel Mordecai Zippori visited in Jan. 1979 and concluded an arms deal — six Reshef patrol boats.

— The Israeli and Chilean Air Force regularly visited each other, with Israel helping Chile develop its own aircraft industry.

Israel was especially active in helping Pinochet regime with intelligence, counterintelligence and secret police.

(Weir and Bloch, 1981; Ghilan 1985)

Argentina: The Junta (1970s)

“One of the principal justifications for the Israeli state is that it is a refuge of last resort for Jewish people against the recurrence of anti-Semitism. This is a powerful feeling among many Jews. Yet I believe it is a myth. What happened in Argentina is a reminder that for left-wing, socialist and dissident Jews, a far-Right racist Israel is anything but a refuge.
— Writer and peace activist Tony Greenstein

From 1976 to 1983 a neo-Nazi Junta took power in Argentina. It was supported both by the United States, as part of Ronald Reagan’s fight against “communism” in Latin America, and Israel.

It was viciously anti-Semitic and up to 12.5%…of those who it tortured and ‘disappeared’ (3000) were Jewish. While Jews made up just 1% of the population.

(Jews targeted in Argentina’s dirty war, The Guardian, March 1999)

Several members of the Argentine military junta have been found to be P2 members (right wing fascists used by the CIA for Operation Gladio), such as Raúl Alberto Lastiri, Argentina’s interim president from July 13, 1973 until October 12, 1973, Emilio Massera, part of Jorge Videla’s military junta from 1976 to 1978, and José López Rega, the infamous founder of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (“Triple A”).

(Wiki: Licio Gelli)

They were part and parcel of the global Gladio program.

(See Chapter 12)

In Tehran, a CIA report seized at the US Embassy in 1979 indicated that Mossad carried out training missions and shared information with the Argentine army during the junta years:

“Recently, much of their liaison activity in Latin America has centered on training and antiterrorist operations. The Israeli Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, for example, provides cover for a Mossad regional station responsible for Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Officers from this post have gone to Buenos Aires to give training to the Argentines. In the course of these contacts the Israelis recommended greater involvement in joint antiterrorist operations.”

(The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret: )

“Members of the military government supported Nazi ideology and the repression of dissidents included the use of Nazi expressions and symbols, even in torture chambers. In the generals’ trials, which took place following Argentina’s transition democracy in Argentina, some officials testified that they had drawn inspiration from the Nazis for their actions.

Senior officials in the Carter administration upset Israel by expressing their bewilderment at the Jewish state’s willingness to turn a blind eye and collaborate with an anti-Semitic regime that persecuted Jews.
(Official Judaism, Dictatorship and “Pirkei Avot”
By Herman Schiller published in “El Pais” in 2009 (translated))

While Israel was chumming up with Argentine antisemites, they were also busy in Central America.

El Salvador (1970s)

By 1979 came the first report that Israeli advisers had been giving the Salvadoran military counterinsurgency training both in Israel and El Salvador.

Israeli technicians began installing a computer system able to monitor utilities usage, thus giving the military the ability to pinpoint houses where the telephone is heavily used, presumably signifying that political organizing is going on.

(“Keeping Track: Israeli Computers in Guatemala and El Salvador,” Israeli Foreign Affairs 1/4 (March 1985), p. 3; Jane Hunter, “Interview with Francisco Guerra y Guerra,” Israeli Foreign Affairs 1/2 (January 1985), p. 8. In addition to gathering intelligence, ANSESAL — El Salvador’s executive intelligence agency — was used to carry out death-squad activities in the late 1970s according to Salvadoran and US officials. Craig Pyes, Salvadoran Rightists: The Deadly Patriots (Albuquerque: Albuquerque Journal, 1984), p. 6.; Mary Jo McConahay, “Country Club Assassination — Salvador’s War Comes Back to the Capital,” Pacific News Service, March 6, 1985. Col. Lopez Nulia visited military and police installations in Guatemala in May 1985, where he received advice on urban counterinsurgency. “Assistance to El Salvador,” Enfoprensa, May 17, 1985, p. 3.)

In 1979, Ernesto Liebes, Israel’s “honorary consul” in El Salvador was kidnapped and executed for “war crimes” — his involvement in selling planes to El Salvador.

(The Israel Connection — who Israel arms and why
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi pp.86–87)

Guatemala (1980s)

“We will say to the Americans: Don’t compete with us in Taiwan; don’t compete with us in South Africa; don’t compete with us in the Caribbean or in other places where you cannot sell arms directly. Let us do it … Israel will be your intermediary.”

– Yaakov Meridor, Israeli minister of economy in the early 1980s indicating that Israel wished to be a proxy for the US in countries where it had decided not to openly sell weapons.

(Mother Jones Magazine, p43, Jul 1985)

In other words: we are untouchable and we have no morals. The US has used this “untouchable” angle in foreign and domestic affairs. As has Israel.

In Guatemala, Israel had stepped in after the Carter Administration imposed an arms embargo in 1977 because of what it termed “systematic and widespread human rights abuses” by the military government of the day.

Representatives of Israeli government corporations and private firms who were involved in arms sales achieved positions of power and influence in Guatemala.

(Pesah Ben-Or: Business in the Dark, Maariv, Kessary, 1985)

Apart from supplying more than 15,000 Galil assault rifles to equip the entire Guatemalan Army, Israel provided 11 Arava short take-off and landing aircraft, at least 10 armoured cars, and a sophisticated computer used in the government’s war against Left-wing guerrillas and suspected “subversives.”

The very same technology being used in El Salvador.

Guatemalan guerrilla groups say the computer, still run with the help of Israeli experts, has been fed with the names, addresses and other details of tens of thousands of Guatemalans suspected of “sympathizing with the Left” to be supplied to the death squads.

(Bernd Debusmann, The Glasgow Herald, Spotlight on Israeli role in Latin America, April 24, 1984)

Interrogation and “disappearances” were routine. Israel had a direct hand in helping the Guatemalan and El Salvadoran military choose who should be interrogated. And “disappeared”.

They provided not only military, but counterinsurgency and intelligence advisers.

“The Israeli firm Tadiran installed two intelligence computers, one of which reportedly was used to select death squad victims and, by monitoring utility usage, pinpoint urban guerrilla safe houses.”

In the mid-eighties, Israel was advising the Guatemalan military, already on “scholarship” courses there, on a forced resettlement scheme in the rural highlands where Mayans were concentrated.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, Jane Hunter, WRMEA, January 1987)

A la Gaza.

So, Israel not only supplied their arms and trained their torturers, they were actually there, on the ground, helping pinpoint who to torture and/or assassinate.

In 1983, Israeli/Mossad shipping company Zim freighter was caught smuggling 12,000 rifles to Guatemala through Fort Lauderdale in Florida.

(Yediot Aharonot, Barak, 1983b)

Israel helped put in place one of the bloodiest monsters of the Guatemalan saga. Rios Montt:

Israelophile and war criminal Guatemalan dictator Ríos Montt told an ABC News reporter that his regime takeover went so smoothly “because many of our soldiers were trained by Israelis.” In Israel, the press reported that 300 Israeli advisers were on the ground training Ríos Montt’s soldiers.

(Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection, Bishara A. Bahbah, Linda Butler, p161)

One of the most haunting massacres committed during this period was the destruction of the El Petén district village named Dos Erres. Ríos Montt’s Israeli-trained soldiers burned Dos Erres to the ground. First, however, its inhabitants were shot. Those who survived the initial attack on the village had their skulls smashed with sledgehammers. The bodies of the dead were stuffed down the village well (mainly so that any returning villagers had no source of clean water).

Does this method of poisoning water wells sound familiar?

Uri Mileshtin, an official historian for the Israeli Defense Force, has written and spoken about the use of bacteriological agents. According to Mileshtin, Moshe Dayan, a division commander at the time, gave orders in 1948 to remove Arabs from their villages, bulldoze their homes, and render water wells unusable with typhus and dysentery bacteria (See Chapter 5).

Instead of bacteriological agents in Guatemala, they used rotting corpses.

During a court-ordered exhumation in the village, investigators working for the 1999 UN Truth Commission cited the following in their forensics report:

“All the ballistic evidence recovered corresponded to bullet fragments from firearms and pods of Galil rifles, made in Israel.”

In all, the team recovered the remains of at least 162 people. Of these, 67 were children under the age of 12, the average age being 7 years old. In addition to the children, the forensic anthropologists recovered the remains of 24 females and 64 males. The remains showed signs of multiple fractures as a result of being thrown into the well.

(GUATEMALA, Amnesty International, Victims of 1982 army massacre at Las Dos Erres exhumed)

Allan Nairn, an independent U.S. journalist who wrote extensively about the Guatemalan Army’s scorched earth policies in the 1980s….says that the Army was ordered to kill Mayan children, before they grew up to become subversives.

(Documentation: )

Fast forward to 2014 and compare this mentality to Ayelet Shaked’s racist rant during the Gaza slaughterhouse that summer:

“They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

(The member of Knesset who called for genocide against the mothers of the ‘snakes’, Mondoweiss, August 2, 2014)

In April 1982, Ríos Montt launched a ‘scorched earth’ operation against the Maya. The army and its paramilitary units–including ‘civilian patrols’ of forcibly-conscripted local men–systematically attacked over 600 villages. The inhabitants were raped, tortured and murdered. Over 300 villages were completely razed. Buildings were demolished; crops and drinking water were fouled. Terrorized by the violence, between 500,000 and 1.5 million Mayan civilians fled to other regions within the country or became refugees abroad.”

(Guatemala: Memory of Silence: Report of the Commission for Historical Clarifications, Guatemalan Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH), 1999; “Counterinsurgency Operations in El Quiché”, February 1982, Central Intelligence Agency, secret cable, in National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book №11 U.S. POLICY IN GUATEMALA, 1966–1996 Kate Doyle and Carlos Osorio.)

Does this sound familiar?

The “Israeli model”

During the massacres in the Guatemalan countryside, hundreds of thousands of mostly indigenous refugees were “resettled” in highly controlled and fragmented units. Just like the blacks of South Africa and the Palestinians.

These “units” or “military controlled villages” that civilians were rounded up in to were no different from how the “Jewish ghettoes” in nazi Europe were used through the “Jewish police” and the “Judenrat” (Jewish council) to turn Jew against Jew either through fear or greed.

Three quarters of the leaders of these “councils” that ran these ghettoes were Zionist.

(See Chapter 4)

What these “resettlement schemes” really entailed:

“The first witness lived for many years in Nebaj, in the Maya-dominated Ixíl triangle. In 1980, the Army began to raid villages systematically, kill those inhabitants suspected of subversion, and corral the remaining residents into controlled villages. As increasing numbers of the Ixil abandoned their homes for the mountains, the Army sent helicopters to drop thousands of pamphlets over the area, warning the people who were not living in the Army-controlled villages, “You are animals living in the mountain, and we will treat you like animals.”

“….his family and many others chose to stay in what became a military-controlled village. As a result, he and his brothers were forced to join the PAC (Guatemalan paramilitaries)…”They would tell us, you have to be trained to kill your own family; they said that everyone living in the Quiché was a guerrilla and so we had to kill all of them.”
— a former member of the civil patrols in the Ixcán in northern Quiché.

(Documentation: )

Again, does this mentality sound familiar?

Those who fled to the mountains and refused these “settlements” were hunted down and bombed from helicopters supplied through Israel. At the request of Iran-Contra chief, Oliver North.

(Documentation: )

El Salvador (1980s)

In the early 1980s El Salvador had secret agreements with Israel for “anti-guerrilla assistance” (Woodward, 1985, p 254). Arnoldo Ramos, representative of the Salvadoran Democratic Revolutionary Front claimed that Israel had “50 military advisers” (Faro, 1983). Other reports put the number at 100 (Karlinger, 1983)

(Sourced from: The Israel Connection — who Israel arms and why
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi)

Even though the US was openly backing the Salvadoran Army by 1981, as late as November 1983 it was asking for more Israeli “practical assistance” there, according to a declassified secret document obtained by Aljazeera:

Among the assistance asked for were helicopters, trucks, rifles, ammunition, and combat infantry advisors to work at both the “company and battalion level of the Salvadoran Army”.

(Davar, May 3, 1984. Translated in FBIS, May 4, 1984)

In 1981, Israel channeled $21m on behalf of the US (Lassane, 1984)

In 1982, El Salvador announced the movement of its embassy to Jerusalem (which it eventually did in 1984) and Begin promised economic aid.
(The Israel Connection — who Israel arms and why
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi pp.86–87)

To sum up, Israel was involved in the repression and murder in El Salvador at all levels. For decades. It literally unleashed monsters on the people there.

The Israeli-trained war criminals of El Salvador

Rafael Bustillo

During the Carter imposed arms embargo, Israel supplied napalm to these “gross and persistent abusers of human rights” according to El Salvador air force leader, Col. Rafael Bustillo.


Rafael Bustillo was trained in Israel in the 1970s.

And went on to control Ilopango air base which was used as a conduit for arms running to the Contras (another Israeli/US operation).

(Military career: El Salvador/excommandantes/Bustillo)

He was named among several other El Salvadoran officers in the inquiry in to the murder of six Jesuit priests, a housekeeper and her 15 year old daughter in cold blood, execution style, in 1989.

(Center for Justice and Accountability: Jesuits Massacre, Perpetrators; MURDER OF JESUIT PRIESTS AND CIVILIANS IN EL SALVADOR)

Bustillo was sought by French authorities in connection with the torture, rape, and murder of 27-year-old Madeleine Lagadec in El Salvador in 1989. Her raped, bullet-riddled body was found with its left hand severed.

(Warrants for Ex-Salvadoran Commanders in French Nurse’s Slaying, AP, 4/29/95)

In 1991 he was reassigned as El Salvador’s military attache for Israel and Europe in El Salvador’s Embassy in Israel.
(Salvadoran Defense Chief Linked to Jesuit Killings by House Panel, NYT, November 1991)

Major Roberto D’Aubisson

One notable Salvadoran officer trained by the Israelis was Major Roberto D’Aubuisson, who always held a high opinion of the Israelis. It was Major D’Aubuisson who ordered the assassination of El Salvador’s archbishop (Romero) amongst thousands of other murders.

(Israel’s Latin American trail of terror, Jeremy Bigwood, Al Jazeera, June 2003)

Israelophile Major Roberto D’Aubisson was involved in the assassination of human rights advocate Monsignor Oscar Romero, who was shot dead by a sniper while conducting mass in March 1980. During his funeral, a bomb was set off. State armed forces responded by opening fire on the assembled crowd, killing approximately 30 people and wounding 200 more.

(The killing of Archbishop Oscar Romero was one of the most notorious crimes of the cold war. Was the CIA to blame?, The Guardian, March 2000)

Even the brutal rape and murder of US citizens in El Salvador who helped refugees flee the carnage was excused by the US.

Four church women were raped and murdered in 1980. The culprits claimed they were acting “under orders”

In testimony to Congress in 1981…Alexander M. Haig Jr., then Secretary of State, argued (falsely) that the churchwomen might have been shot while “trying to run a military roadblock.
(NYT, April, 1998)

Col. Sigifredo Ochoa

Another notorious Salvadoran officer, Col. Sigifredo Ochoa, was taught by Israeli trainers..and also went to Israel for training in the mid — 1970s. Ochoa favoured the Israeli method — warcrimes and wholesale slaughter. Ochoa copied those “methods” by massacring villagers in 1981.

The terrorized civilians fled their villages in the face of this Israeli sponsored onslaught and were subject to an Israeli inspired “pacification” program whereby the civilians affected were rounded up in to more easily controlled “hamlets”. Just as they did in Guatemala. And Gaza and the West Bank in Palestine.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, Jane Hunter, WRMEA, January 1987)

El Mozote Massacre (1981)

An Argentine team of forensic anthropologists found that 811 people were killed at El Mozote and surrounding hamlets. Most of the 271 bodies that the group exhumed were shot multiple times at close range, and 195 of them were children younger than 12.

(OAS to reopen inquiry in to massacre in El Salvador in 1981, NYT, March 2005)

“Soon after, those left in the house could hear the screams of their daughters coming from the hills as the soldiers took turns repeatedly raping them over the next eighteen hours, before killing them. One of the guides told Danner that the soldiers would emerge from the forest joking about their fondness for the twelve-year-olds.

While this was going on, the soldiers began taking the women out in groups of around twenty. Instead of setting them free, they murdered them just as they had the men. After a while, terrified children and crying infants were all that remained in the house.

Then, they turned to the children. Apart from the girls, whose screams could still be heard coming from the hills, they were the only ones still alive.

The soldiers entered the house and began slashing the children with machetes, breaking their skulls with their rifles and choking them to death. The youngest children were crammed into the church’s convent, where the soldiers unloaded their rifles into them. Around thirty more children were killed in the morning, when the soldiers went from house to house, collecting those who had missed out on the carnage. These children, some as young as two years old, had their throats cut or were hung from the trees.”
(Mark Danner, “The Massacre at El Mozote”)

The Washington Post, a former Salvadoran soldier, José Wilfredo Salgado, told of returning to El Mozote several months after the massacre and collecting for “candleholders and good-luck charms” the skulls of the youngest victims, whose remains were exposed by recent rains.

(Former Salvadoran Foes Share Doubts on War, Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Foreign Service, January 29, 2007)

Ochoa commanded the units responsible for this and many more atrocities.

Ochoa “credits his training in Israel and by Israeli advisers in El Salvador in the mid-70s for his military development. His personal rifle is an Israeli Galil.
(Israeli Foreign affairs, 1985; The Israel Connection — who Israel arms and why, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi)

Documents show that from the earliest days of his career, Ochoa’s involvement with death squads — including those engaged in murders of US citizens — was known to US officials at the highest level. A 1984 memo “requested by Vice-President Bush” outlined CIA intelligence documents naming Ochoa as a major player in a hardline right-wing military faction surrounding Roberto D’Aubuisson, the Salvadoran military intelligence officer and founder of the political party ARENA, known for his extensive ties to death squads. Other documents implicate Ochoa in major political crimes including the 1980 assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, which is believed to have been carried out by order of D’Aubuisson.

He was also involved in “cleansing” operations such as the Santa Cruz massacre where people were blanket bombed in rural areas, then shot by snipers as they fled the area. Men, women and children.

(Declassified CIA Documents Allege Grave Abuses by Ochoa Pérez & Associates/ God Alone was with Us: The Santa Cruz Massacre, Unfinished Sentences”, October 2, 2015, Feb 23, 2015; El Salvador: Killed in cold blood on the banks of the river at El Calabozo, Amnesty International, Aug, 2012)

D’Aubuisson had promised to “exterminate the guerrillas” within three months of the convening of the new constituent assembly in 1982 by putting the country on a war footing and sparing no tactic. “Napalm is indispensable” explained his campaign spokesman, Willi Aleman.


The same napalm that Bustillo, D’Aubuisson’s fellow scholar in the university of Zion had acquired from Israel.

Ochoa, D’Aubuisson and the right wing military brass often mentioned Israel as their “model

(Langley, 1985, p184; The Israel Connection — who Israel arms and why
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi p88)

I don’t doubt it.

Bolivia (1980s) — The nazis take over

When in 1978, US President Jimmy Carter was connecting aid to human rights in abusive regimes in South and Central America, Bolivian dictator Banzer (temporarily) allowed elections and a return to civilian government.

Another far right military dictator was waiting in the wings. Luis García Meza.

In 1980, with the aid of Barbie, western sponsored neo-nazi agents from both Europe and Argentina placed under his command, and the main cocaine traffickers (and financiers) in Bolivia, Reagan-supported dictator General Luís García Meza was put in to power.

Italian fascist, and member of the CIA’s “Gladio”, Stefano Delle Chiaie met with Klaus Barbie in Bolivia. He describes Barbie as a man of “great character, very intelligent, very capable, great integrity”.

(See Chapter 12)

Delle Chiaie himself led a troop of mercenaries in Bolivia.

Klaus Barbie was found to be “a very compatible agent” by a host of South American military dictatorships during the 1970s, who jointly with the US organized Operation Condor. The CIA was involved in this operation, which led to the murder of between 50,000 and 60,000 people in Latin America.

(“Nazis in the CIA”, by director Dirk Pohlmann: The film relies heavily on declassified documents revealing CIA activities after WWII, many of which were released to the National Archives in Washington, as well as interviews with experts and even some of the key actors discussed in the film.)

Barbie was one of the leaders of a group of international neo-nazis who made their way to Bolivia called the “Grooms of Death”. They trained Bolivian security forces in torture techniques and helped protect the cocaine trade that financed the junta’s activities. Barbie’s CIA contact during this period, according to Der Spiegel, was Tom Ward, an employee of CAUSA, the political arm of the Moonies.

While in Bolivia, Barbie represented Merex AG, an arms firm which supplied weapons to right-wing Italian terrorists in the mid-1970s.

(Klaus Barbie the Businessman, FAIR, July 1, 1987; German Intelligence Hired Klaus Barbie as Agent, Der Spiegel, January 2011)

Nazis, Mossad and the CIA

Let’s talk for a minute about MEREX AG. Just to show the thread that ran throughout the neo-nazi setup from Europe to South America.

MEREX AG was also run by two other famous nazis. Gerhard Mertins and Otto Skorzeny.

During World War 2, Gerhard Mertins served under Otto Skorzeny.

Mertins was a renowned arms dealer, nazi and reported associate of paedophile cult leader Paul Schäfer, who had set up a torture camp for Pinochet in Chile. His arms dealing was carried out through MEREX AG with the assistance of the German BND and other intelligence agencies.

MEREX, together with its affiliated companies have been used over the years by intelligence services around the world — the CIA included — for all sorts of secret arms deals.

Mertins cultivated a special relationship to Chile. At the end of 1975 he hosted the head of the Chilean intelligence, Manuel Contreras.

(New York Magazine 16 Dec 1991, p. 46)

In 1978 Mertins founded the Circle Colonia Dignidad, to which various West German politicians belonged, which supported German migration to the south of Chile. Colonia Dignidad is specifically where Mertins friend Paul Schäfer controlled. It’s where children were raped and so-called subversives of the Pinochet regime were tortured and disappeared. According to Manuel Contreras, Mertins supplied the Pinochet regime with arms and helicopters.

(Wikispooks: Gerhard Mertins — unfortunately some of the links are in German which I can’t verify for myself; Exclusivo de BBC Mundo: los macabros detalles de Colonia Dignidad que escondían los archivos desclasificados por Alemania, BBC Mundo, 22 July 2016 — google translate needed)

And Skorzeny? He was an agent for Mossad since 1962.

And no, it wasn’t a “one-off”. One of his Mossad handlers attended his funeral 13 years later in Spain in 1975 which implies that he was in their service for a long time.

(See Chapters 12 and 13; The Strange Case of a Nazi Who Became an Israeli Hitman, Haaretz, March 2016)

Skorzeny was a founding member of the “Die Spinne” network that aided the escape of SS members and formed “The Paladin Group” in 1970.

The Paladin Group…was on the outside a legitimate security consultancy. However, the group’s real purpose was to recruit and operate mercenaries for right-wing regimes and dictatorships…worldwide, as well as serve the role of political subversion in Europe.

(The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence, and International Fascism, Henrik Kruger, 1980; Le Nouvel Observateur, 23 September 1974)

Dictators? Nazis? Oppression of the poor? Of course Israel was in the middle of it.

Back to the 1980 coup…

In the 70s and 80s, Israel sold arms to the dictatorial military regimes in Bolivia.

(In pursuit of Bolivia’s secret Nazi, The Guardian, September 2008)

In the early seventies Israel developed close relations with the successive military regimes in Bolivia but especially the nazi-driven regime of Luís García Meza. García Meza had declared Pinochet his model in government.

(The Israeli Connection — Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi pp 104–105)

Not surprising seeing as how an estimated 1,000 people were killed by the Bolivian Army and security forces in only 13 months. The Council on Hemispheric Affairs named the García Meza regime, “Latin America’s most errant violator of human rights after Guatemala and El Salvador.”

(The Council on Hemispheric Affairs Press Release, January 05, 1981)

Israel was one of only nine states that recognized the regime and went so far as to offer “diplomatic, moral and economic aid” in partnership with South Africa.

(Maariv, 1980)

An “educational-cooperation agreement” was signed between the two in 1981.

(The Israeli Connection — Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi pp 104–105)

And while Israeli officials were being feted by this neo-nazi regime, hundreds of Bolivians were being tortured beneath their feet in the basements of government buildings.

(Hidden cells reveal Bolivia’s dark past, BBC, March 2009)

The “grooms of death”

Barbie’s band of international neo-nazis, the “Grooms of Death”, were originally hired to protect the drug lords.

In the company of one Ernesto Milá Rodriguez, a Spaniard accused of the 1980 Copernicus Street Synagogue bombing in Paris in which four Jews died (Wiki), were Italian fascists who had murdered hundreds of innocent Italian citizens and blamed their deaths on “leftists”.

One of the most famous of these false flag attacks was the Bologna Station bombing in which 85 people died. Another was the Italian Plaza Fontana bombing which killed 17.


The above were just two of many incidents carried out by Italian members of the “Gladio network” and the Italian fascist network, P2, whose tentacles reached South America (just before the coup, Delle Chiaie and other Italian fascists had been involved in Argentina’s “dirty war” where a disproportionate number of Jews had been “disappeared”)

The fascists had also worked for Pinochet’s DINA:

— Pier Luigi Pagliai (Bologna bombing)

— Joachim Fiebelkorn (Bologna bombing)

— Oliver Danet (Bologna bombing)

— Elio Cioloni (Bologna bombing)

— Emilio Carbone (Bologna bombing)

— Stefano Delle Chiaie (Bologna bombing)

— Manfred Kuhlmann (Rhodesian mercenary, trained by and worked for Argentine intel)

— Napoleon Leclerc (French Nazi involved in torturing Algerians)

(The Devil’s Agent, Peter McFarren and Fadrique Iglesias, p.357; The Politics of Organized Crime and the Organized Crime of Politics: A Study, Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt, p.85; Cocaine Politics by Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall)

Israeli trained Argentines

Argentina, under the vicious junta of General Jorge Videla, sent their own professional torturers. One of them was Lt. Alfred Mario Mingolla. In an interview with German investigative reporter Kai Hermann after he had been arrested for attempted murder he said:

“Before our departure, we received a dossier on [Barbie]…There it stated that he was of great use to Argentina because he played an important role in all of Latin America in the fight against communism. From the dossier, it was also clear that Altmann (Barbie’s fake identity) worked for the Americans.”

Mingolla also claimed that Barbie had started a secret lodge, called Thule. During meetings, he lectured to his followers underneath swastikas by candlelight.

(Dark Side of Rev. Moon (Cont.): Drug Allies, Robert Parry)

In an English translated transcript of Kai Hermann’s interview, Mingolla was asked about his background as an Argentinian operative for the junta:

Hermann: “Were there also American teachers?”

Mingolla: “Not any more. We had Israelis as specialists. I was later trained by North Americans in Panama at the Escuela de las Americas.”

Hermann: “In what area did you specialize?”

Mingolla: “Infiltrating the Catholic Church. To seek out subversives in the church, etc.”

Hermann: “But where have you worked?”

Mingolla: “Different places. Also one time in Spain. But mostly in Argentina. Then we had to leave Argentina before the world soccer championship 1978 because of the human rights propaganda. Most of them are in Central America. I went to Bolivia. In 1982 I was sent to Guatemala. There I worked primarily with the North Americans. That was the best time.”

Alfredo Mingolla worked with Argentine intelligence in cooperation with Pinochet in Chile during the coup there in 1973. He and others were used all over South and Central America along with the likes of Barbie, to “combat subversives”.

[According to Mingolla] May 1980, another commando of the Argentinean intelligence organization, SIE, came to La Paz. The group, working under orders from Lieutenant Colonel Julio Cesar Duran, was responsible for carrying out the putsch and for “professionalizing the Bolivian security apparatus.”

(How Allen Dalles and the SS Preserved Each Other, Peter Dale Scott -

including English translation of the Mingolla interview with German investigative reporter Kai Hermann.)

The foreign agent team was later completed with two Israeli specialists. Barbie had nothing against Israelis when they were “military security experts.

After the 1980 coup, the Moon organization Causa started their political missionary work throughout the entire country. Fifty thousand of the sect’s books — according to a Bolivian intelligence agency report — were brought to La Paz by an American Air Force plane.

Along with ideological “enlightenment” the education of an anti-communist “people’s army” for an “armed church” began. Around 7,000 Bolivians took part in the pre-military training. The Israeli Embassy supported the campaign and delivered, among other things, instructional films about the fight against the Palestinian resistance.

(How Allen Dalles and the SS Preserved Each Other, Peter Dale Scott — including English translation of the Mingolla interview with German investigative reporter Kai Hermann.)

The information here speaks for itself. Israel wasn’t just on the periphery of the CIA use of fascism and far-right sociopaths to “counter communism” (an umbrella term for anybody sick of slaving under the boot of the oligarchs).

They were part and parcel of it.

It’s undeniable. Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Central America. The nazi connections ran as deep as the zionist connections. And they were comfortable in each others presence.

Chile (1980s)

The director general of Chilean state TV and his wife, Pinochet’s daughter, visited Israel in 1980, invited by the Israeli foreign ministry to give them a media platform to help clean Chile’s image.

— According to a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Chile sent April 24, 1980, which was attached to [a] freedom of information request, Israel was a major arms supplier to the Pinochet regime.

— In 1982, there was a meeting between Likud deputy prime minister David Levy and Pinochet.

(Baram 1982)

— In 1983, there was an official visit by Chilean foreign minister Miguel Schweitzer where on state tv, he praised the relationship with Israel.

(All of the above sourced here: The Israeli Connection — Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (pp98–101))

According to a cable quoting the American undersecretary of state from April 10, 1984, Israel was one of THE main arms suppliers of the Junta, which made it difficult to enforce effective sanctions against Chile, considering that American sanctions did not apply to Israel.

(Investigate Israeli complicity with Pinochet’s crimes’, 972 Magazine, March 2, 2017)

What’s bizarre is that some would call me an “antisemite” for posting this blog on Israel but would overlook the fact that this same entity rubbed shoulders with and cared for the Mossad agent, DINA “adviser” and the alleged murderer of 100,000 Jews, Walter Rauff.

Nicaragua (1980s)

Despite the widespread acknowledgement of the new Sandinista government’s internationally recognized progress in health, literacy, recouping finances raped by the Somozas and fair, internationally observed elections, the deathmongers would have none of it. I say “despite” when it’s more apt to say “because of”..

(Human Rights in Nicaragua, Yesterday and Today, Report for a Mission of the International Commission of Jurists, Professor Helena Claudio Fragoso, Brazil, and Dr Alejandro Artucio, ICJ Secretariat; Nicaraguan elections free, fair, hotly contested, NYT, November 1984)

They recruited the same rapists, torturers and sociopaths from Somoza’s National Guard and presented them as “freedom fighters”. The “Contras”.

The CIA would use Israel’s “assistance” to aid the Contras illegally. The Israelis did this using various means, one of the more ironic of which was to ship former PLO weapons to the Contras.

(How Israel helped Latin America’s death squads — part 1, Middle East Monitor, June 2018)

Syria anyone?

Israel would be involved in the “Iran-Contra” scandal. A Swiss bank account from which contributions to the contras were drawn had been set up by Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and was under the control of Yaacov Nimrodi, an Israeli arms dealer and former military attache in Tehran.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, Jane Hunter, WRMEA, January 1987)

Israelis were helping Argentines to train Cuban and Nicaraguan Contras at U.S. Army bases in Honduras.

(Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection, Bishara Bahbah, 1986, p167)

Worth repeating:

The same Argentine military that had “disappeared” thousands in Argentina during the junta years (1976–1983). 12.5% (3000) of which were Jews. And Jews made up just 1% of the population.

(Israel’s Collaboration in the Murder of 3,000 Jews by Argentine’s neo-Nazi Junta comes back to Haunt It, Tony Greenstein, April 2017)

Israel provided much of the hardware and logistical support that launched and sustained the Contra rebellion in southern Honduras/northern Nicaragua, which specifically targeted the achievements of the revolution in health, education and agricultural production.

That involvement was symbolized by Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon’s high profile visit to Honduras in 1982, and the promises he made while touring the Contra camps on the Honduran-Nicaraguan frontier.

From their headquarters in the U.S.-Honduran base of Soto Cano, the Contras launched terror campaigns against defenseless peasant communities, utilizing rape, torture, dismemberment, and other horrific practices, learned from CIA advisors, to undermine popular support for the Sandinistas. Meanwhile the CIA was carrying out a series of bombings of Nicaraguan harbors, sinking Nicaraguan and other foreign ships, and conducting other acts of terrorism against the country.

(U.S. Imperialism in Nicaragua, Camilo Mejia; The Honduran Coup: The Specter of Democracy, and of the Past, Medea Benjamin, NACLA report on the Americas)

In 1984, Israeli aid to Nicaraguan Contras grew “tenfold” when Shimon Peres became prime minister.

(The Israeli Connection, Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Brit-Hallahmi, p95)

Drug trafficking, the usual baggage that it trails with it, and the dregs of humanity, cut–throats and sociopaths that it attracts, meant that the people of Nicaragua were under the cosh of this fake “revolution” for a decade. It was so blatant that it couldn’t be denied — although it was downplayed to the point of blanket censorship in the US media.

“the Contra war was permeated with drug traffickers who gave the Contras money, weapons and equipment in exchange for help in smuggling cocaine into the United States. Even more damningly, Kerry found that U.S. government agencies knew about the Contra-drug connection, but turned a blind eye..”
(How John Kerry exposed the Contra-cocaine scandal, Salon, October 25, 2004)

Contra operatives were implicated in the cocaine trade and U.S. agencies looked the other way.
— CIA inspector general, 1998


“The documentary evidence is now irrefutable that a number of Contra units both in Costa Rica and Honduras opened or deepened ties to Colombian cartels and other regional drug traffickers.”

In 1991, in the trial of former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega for drug trafficking, federal prosecutors called as a witness Medellin cartel kingpin Carlos Lehder, who testified that the Medellin cartel had given $10 million to the Contras.

The evidence indicated that Contra-connected smugglers included the Medellin cartel, the Panamanian government of Manuel Noriega, the Honduran military
— CIA inspector general and Justice Department reports

(How John Kerry exposed the Contra-cocaine scandal, Salon, October 25, 2004)

It’s no coincidence that “Israeli advisers” were caught training Medellin cartel mercenaries in the eighties. (To be discussed in detail)

(Israeli asked about links to drug lords, The Telegraph, August 28, 1989)

During the 1985–86 period Israel sent at least 6 shiploads of East bloc assault rifles, grenade launchers and ammunition to Honduras for the contras. Some of the 400 tons of weapons shipped by Southern Air Transport to Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador came from Israel, via Portugal. One shipment, a “significant quantity” of East bloc arms (interestingly, the only Israeli arms shipment to the contras to be mentioned in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report) was offered by Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin on September 12, 1986. They were to be picked up during the following week and taken on a foreign-flag vessel to Central America. Admiral Poindexter had corresponded with Oliver North about the Israeli shipment and wrote North a note characterizing the deal as a “private deal between Dick [Secord] and Rabin that we bless,” and telling North to “go ahead and make it happen”.

The Congress, which had many opportunities to examine Israel’s activities in Central America and to discourage them, understands the problems attached to those activities all too well but members of Congress would be the first to admit (if only they dared) that they are powerless to restrain Israel. Organizations dedicated to reversing the post war trends in U.S. foreign policy are also unlikely to depart from their ingrained tendency to avoid confrontation with Israel.

Israel’s immunity to U.S. Iaw and the silence it has created around itself by years of methodical intimidation will protect it through the bloodletting ahead. These built-in attractions are also likely to make Israel the vehicle of choice for the next tragic and avoidable essay in covert foreign policy.

(The Iran Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era, Johnathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott, and Jane Hunter, 1987)

Can you understand why Israel’s role in this orgy of violence, debauchery and drug smuggling was “overlooked”?

And still is?

Or how about why the US exposes itself to cover Israel’s ass? This goes way beyond a “plausible deniability” set up where two bands of scumbags spread the load.

That is control.

The Israeli embassy in Guatemalan City was allegedly used as a regular point of contact between Israelis, the U.S. and counterrevolutionary Nicaraguan Contras.

(It’s No Secret: Israel’s Military Involvement in Central America, Jamail and Gutierrez, 1990, p. 130).

Torture workshops, it appears, were a frequent point of international collaboration.

(The Guerrilla Wars of Central America: Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, Saul Landau, 1993, pp. 182–183).

Argentina, again

In 1980 according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), one-third of Israel’s total arms sales of $1.2 billion in 1980 went to Argentina and El Salvador alone. The same era that Israel was stepping up its drive to sell arms there through “friendly visits” by its military leaders.

(Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection, Bishara Bahbah, 1986)

Yitzhak Rabin visited Argentina the same year to give a lecture at the Argentine Armed Forces National College.

(The Israeli Connection, Who Israel Arms and Why, Benjamin Brit-Hallahmi, p103)

Argentine-Israeli cooperation actually created the Intelligence Center, notorious for brutal forms of interrogation.

(Argentina: The Malvinas and the End of Military Rule, Dabat and Lorenzano, 1984)

How many of the 12.5% of Jewish “disappeared” went through this Intelligence Center?

Israel spun the story that their actions were in order to protect Jews in Argentina!

Just as they did in fascist Europe playing ball with Hitler and Mussolini..And with the lives of hundreds of thousands of European Jews.

(See Chapter 3)

Remember that Israel and Argentina would also go on to cooperate in the training of the contras in Guatemala and Honduras in the early eighties. That’s four war criminal entities getting together to commit….more war crimes.

Argentine planes would also be caught transporting Israeli arms to Guatemala. And Iran.

(Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection, Bishara Bahbah, 1986, p.133)

Héctor Timerman, the son of Jacobo Timerman, a Jewish Argentine journalist during the 70s, told of how Israeli Ambassador Ram Nirgad visited their house, when he had been released from detention and asked Timerman to sign a letter saying that he had been well treated and had no problems with the government.The journalist refused and said he’d rather remain in detention.

(Héctor Timerman: “Israel, la dictadura y los consejos de Avivi”, Pagina/12, 3 July 2001, Rein & Davidi, “Exile of the World” (2010), p. 16.)

Renee Sofia Epelbaum, mother of three “desaparecidos” (disappeared) and one of the leaders of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, accused DAIA [the Argentinian equivalent of the Board of Deputies of Jews] of silence and extreme caution towards cases of arrests and disappearances of Jews.

DAIA even tried to improve the image of Argentina abroad, “particularly in the USA”.

(Mario Sznajder and Luis Roniger, From Argentina to Israel: Escape, Evacuation and Exile, Journal of Latin American Studies, p.356, Vol. 37, №2 (May, 2005) Cambridge University Press.)

Thanks to Tony Greenstein for the research for the above.

Human Rights Secretary Eduardo Luis Duhalde, a little over six years ago, while still a federal judge, took me (and Mary Gutman) to a television program about the Jewish community led by Daniel Schnitman. He recounted how at the end of the dictatorship and along with the poet Vicente Zito Lema, they interviewed in Europe Mr. Peregrino Fernandez, a policeman who broke down and confessed to many of the atrocities committed by him and his cronies. Peregrino, during the lengthy confession, gave details of how Herzl Inbar, minister counselor of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, gave “counterinsurgency instructions”.

(Official Judaism, Dictatorship and “Pirkei Avot”
By Herman Schiller published in “El Pais” in 2009 (translated))

In 2012 Argentina’s largest newspaper, Clarin, reported on retired Argentine pilots and military figures who testified that in 1982 they secretly flew to Israel, where they met with representatives from the military and defense manufacturers and returned with their plane loaded with light arms, mortars, air-to-air missiles and anti-tank weapons (six times according to The Guardian, quoting from the same source: Hernan Dobry)

According to Hernan Dobry’s book “Operation Israel: The Rearming of Argentina During the Dictatorship 1976–1983,” the weapons were meant for use in Argentina’s war against Britain (Falklands/Malvinas). Israel also reportedly sent gas masks, land mines, radar equipment and tens of thousands of heavy coats for the war effort.

Testifying before Congress in 1981, the U.S. deputy secretary of defense said that in the three years since the U.S. arms embargo on Argentina, Buenos Aires had bought some $2 billion in arms from Israel and European states. Other estimates put Israel’s total defense exports to the junta at about $700 million.

(Argentine-Israelis Urge Israel to Disclose Past Junta Ties, Haaretz, March 2016)

What do British “patriots” who constantly defend Israel have to say about that?

The ‘Jewish state’ was not only willing to supply the government of Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri in everything it needed but was also proactive in advising and conveying their experiences in combat.

(Israel supplied Argentina during Falklands War, The Independent, August , 2016)

Among the shipments sent, allegedly via secret cargo flights via Peru, were parts for Skyhawk attack aircraft and possibly even the jets themselves…
In the spring of 1982 Argentine Air Force Douglas A-4 Skyhawks were used to devastating effect against the British Taskforce and were involved in the sinking of four warships; the RFA Sir Galahad, HMS Coventry, HMS Ardent and HMS Antelope.

(Israel Armed Argentina For Falklands War, Forces (British military magazine), August 2016)

“In their dealings with the Argentine military, Israel’s leaders showed very clearly that they distinguished between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism and were fully capable of supporting a government that was radically anti-Semitic within its own borders and pro-Israel in its foreign policy.

But to better understand the philosophy of the leadership of the Jewish community, it is worth remembering the commemoration it staged in November 2001. It might seem crazy, leaders of the DAIA, in this time of rise of popular struggles, paid tribute to the police. And one of the honorees was none other than the police commissioner Jorge Palacios (alias “Fino”), who was the leader of the so-called “anti-terrorist unit”, a body full of fascist elements.”

(Official Judaism, Dictatorship and “Pirkei Avot”
By Herman Schiller published in “El Pais” in 2009 (translated))

Do you see the pattern?

Whenever the right–wing, fascist dictators-cum-sociopaths turn the screw, ramp up the heat and begin the slaughter, Israel is always there during the frenzy. Not only selling arms but giving them PR and advising them. And they’re always accepted with open arms. Even though they are targeting Jews within their own borders.

Honduras (1980s)

Between 1975 and 1977, Honduras, whose people are the second poorest in the western hemisphere, bought 20 French super-Mystere fighter planes from Israel. They also bought Arava STOL aircraft, a fleet of armored vehicles mounted with recoilless rifles, Galil rifles and Uzi submachine guns.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, WRMEA, Jane Hunter, January 1987)

After Ariel Sharon visited Honduras in 1982, Israel would send more arms and provide military training — both in Israel and Honduras — for officers, pilots and troops.

(Israeli Arms Sales to Central America: An Overview, WRMEA, Jane Hunter, January 1987)

His visit took place just a couple of months after he had orchestrated massacres in Sabra and Shatila, Lebanon of unarmed Palestinian refugees.

Israel, already soaking in blood from other brutal dictatorships in South and Central America, wasn’t letting up. It never has to this day.

Sharon had been invited by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and strongman General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez — not the government.

Martinez had announced that his military heroes were Irwin Rommel and Ariel Sharon.

The Sharon visit reciprocated Martinez’s secret visit to Israel just a couple of months previously.

“The major arms deal envisioned by Sharon did not materialize, apparently because of the Hondurans’ lack of hard currency. Sharon’s aides had proposed a rearmament program worth $200 million, while impoverished Honduras could offer only $1 million.”

(The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms & Why, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, 1987, pp 88–89)

That was about to change when Honduras was chosen as a base for the upcoming US/Israeli (genocidal) venture in Nicaragua.

In 1983, in the wake of the aforementioned slaughter of women and children in Lebanon, the weapons that the PLO had left behind — in the belief that their loved ones would be left alone — were given to the “Contras” through the Honduran military. At the request of the US government:

“Israel’s presence in Central America, which is concentrated in Guatemala and Honduras, involves mainly arms sales, military training and consulting with governments about intelligence operations.

The new Israeli role, which the United States did not wish to publicize, was disclosed by a foreign source. The information was confirmed by Administration officials.

The commander of the Honduran armed forces, Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, examined samples of the captured Palestinian weapons during an unpublicized visit to a Central Intelligence Agency training center in Virginia earlier this year (1983), according to sources familiar with the visit.

Defense Intelligence Agency listed the captured arms as 290 Soviet tanks, 216 armored vehicles, 215 artillery pieces, 10,000 tons of artillery shells, 40,000 mortar rounds, 5,700 Katyusha rockets, 11,619 mines, 18,950 hand grenades, 6,000 tons of small ammunition and 24,000 rifles.”


The military top and middle ranks of the Honduran military were trained at the School of the Americas (SOA), based in Fort Benning, Georgia.

The dictators and military officers churned out of this university of torture and death were responsible for the hell that was South and Central America during the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Some of its graduates include the notorious Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos of Panama, Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru, Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador, Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia and Gustavo Álvarez Martínez, Honduras security police chief and later Honduran top military commander.

The CIA sponsored army intelligence unit in Honduras, Battalion 3–16, was involved in kidnappings, rape, torture and killing of suspected “dissidents”.

During this time period, US ambassador to Honduras, John Negroponte, was fully aware of these activities. And oversaw the expansion of military camps involved in training murder squads and the Contras. Camps where torture and executions took place (source: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Honduras).

(Who is John Negroponte? Ghali Hassan, Counterpunch, July 4, 2004)

Between 1981 and 1985, U.S. military aid to Honduras grew from $5 million to nearly $100 million, and more than $200 million in “economic aid” (how much of that “aid” reached the man on the street having to go through the corrupt channels is anybody’s guess).

The U.S. (and Israeli) backed atrocities were condemned by the International World Court in The Hague.

(Who is John Negroponte? Ghali Hassan, Counterpunch, July 4, 2004)

The CIA used former Israeli army officers such as Emil Saada to help train death squads in Honduras (and Colombia).

(Cocaine Politics: Drugs,Armies,and the CIA in Central America, Peter Dale Scott, pp.75–77)

According to Colombian right wing militia (AUC) commander Carlos Castaño “Israeli trainers” would be instructing the Medellin cartel in Colombia in acts of terrorism during the mid-eighties. They were also involved in training Contras in Honduras.

(Doing the US’s Dirty Work: The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel”
By Jeremy Bigwood)

Again, 30–43,000 Nicaraguan lives were lost in the “Contra war” which was launched from Honduras.

(Correlates of War site, 2012; Toronto Star, 1990)

Colombia (1980s)

220,000 (and counting) violent deaths have occurred in Colombia since 1958. 80% of them innocent civilians.

In the 434-page report, titled Enough Already: Memories of War and Dignity, it says that most of the killings occurred after far-right militias backed by ranchers and cocaine traffickers emerged in the 1980s.

(Colombian conflict has killed 220,000 in 55 years, commission finds, The Guardian, July 2013)

The far-right militias, or the AUC (Eng: United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) were basically a private army in the service of drug traffickers and landowners, founded in the late 70s, early 80s, given some vestige of being ideological by Colombian military officers and politicians who had called for the creation of paramilitary units for “self defence” against leftist guerrillas. Remember, the 80s was the era of the Medillin Cartel and Pablo Escobar. They were reactionary, vicious, money-driven and murdered thousands.

(AUC, Insight Crime, 25 MAY 2011)

Carlos Castaño

“to that country (Israel) I owe part of my essence, my human and military achievements…I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis..”

— Colombian paramilitary leader and indicted drug trafficker Carlos Castaño in his ghostwritten autobiography, Mi Confesin. The same Carlos Castaño who used the tactics of the 1948 Nakba by taking part in 22 of the thousand massacres, rapes and mutilations carried out by his mercenaries.
[See: “Castaño war crimes”]

Drugs, money, reactionaries, bloodshed? Of course Israel was in the thick of it..

The AUC was co-founded by Carlos Castaño and Salvatore Mancuso, among others. In his 2001 biography, Mi confesión, Castaño describes his year of training in Israel in 1983–84, both in military schools and at the Hebrew University, and details Israel’s influence on his own ideological formation and that of his movement….Castano describes one such school, four hours drive outside Tel Aviv, where in 1983 he met Chileans, Argentinians, Spaniards and Mexicans.

(Castano, 2001, p. 109)

The Israeli security firm Spearhead, led by “retired” IDF colonel Yair Klein, started training paramilitaries from the AUC in the mid–1980s, the same era in which Castaño received his education.

(Israel’s Foreign Policy in Latin America — Another Reason to Take the Call to Boycott Seriously, Essay by Les W. Field, professor and chair of the Department of Anthropology at U New Mexico)

Castaño, who attended these courses, said that members of the Colombian Army had actually arranged the courses, which featured the training by an Israeli officer, Yair Klein.

According to a 1989 Colombian Secret Police intelligence report, apart from training Carlos Castaño in 1983, Israeli trainers arrived in Colombia in 1987 to train him and other paramilitaries who would later make up the AUC.

Fifty of the paramilitaries’ “best” students were then sent on scholarships to Israel for further training according to a Colombian police intelligence report, and the AUC became the most prominent paramilitary force in the hemisphere, with some 10,000–12,000 men in arms.

(Israel’s Latin American trail of terror, Jeremy Bigwood, June 2003)

Israeli deathmongers were busy through central and South America. From AUC leader Castaño’s ‘Mi Confesin’:

“Teddy, the Israeli interpreter told our source that they should shorten and speed up the course because they had promised to train the Nicaraguan Contras in Honduras and Costa Rica.”

At the time, only with express US government approval — particularly that of the State Department and CIA — could one get into the contra camps located in Honduras or Costa Rica, let alone a group of men bearing arms. These Israelis were clearly trusted at the highest levels of both the Israeli and US governments.

(Doing the US’s Dirty Work, The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel,
Jeremy Bigwood)

Panama (1980s)

Mossad takes control

The zionist mafia’s infiltration and control over Panama would lead to Mossad itself, and not as a proxy, taking the reins.

“I was the ambassador to Israel but he was my boss. Everything I did had to be authorized by [Michael] Harari.”
— Panama’s police commander (after Noriega was deposed), Eduardo Herrara Hassan, describing Mossad’s Central American chief, Michael Harari

(“What You Won’t Read about Michael Harari, Noriega’s Israeli Advisor Who Got Away”, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Feb 1990)

From the outset, [Harari] worked on the “black,” or covert, side of the house, rising to become chief of the Mossad’s operations section in 1967.

(NORIEGA’S PET SPY, Washington Post, David H. Halevy and Neil C. Livingstone, January 7, 1990)

The following year, in 1968, the same year Harari had a meeting with Panama’s Major Omar Torrijos and “became friends”, Torrijos staged a coup. With Noriega as his head of intelligence.

[Noriega] provided assistance in countless top secret Mossad operations, as exclusively revealed by Yedioth Ahronth, Ynet’s print publication.

(Former Panama dictator’s secret ties to Israel, Ynet, January 2017)

It’s no coincidence that Israelophile Noriega had received training in Israel shortly prior to this meeting.

[Noriega] had received parachute training in Israel (he made six jumps with the Israeli army, according to Israeli sources) and proudly wore his Israeli parachutist wings on his tunic.

(NORIEGA’S PET SPY, Washington Post, David H. Halevy and Neil C. Livingstone, January 7, 1990)

This was Israel’s M.O. with the corrupt, dictatorial, blue eyed boys of the CIA. Take their puppet military commanders under their wing, stroke their egos, “train” them, and give them a sense of invincibility under the protection of what these sociopaths saw as the “untouchable” nature of Israel.

In 1980, Nahum Amoni (Mossad) sent Harari to the Israeli embassy in Mexico, but Harari operated in Panama as Mossad’s “regional representative to Central America”.

Harari “resumed contact” with Noriega in 1980 while he was intelligence chief and around the time Panama’s dictator, Gen. Omar Torrijos, would shortly die in an “aircraft accident”.

(NORIEGA’S PET SPY, Washington Post, David H. Halevy and Neil C. Livingstone, January 7, 1990)

What are the odds of it being a coincidence that Harari was there at two pivotal moments in Panama’s leadership changes?

As Panama’s intelligence chief, Noriega enjoyed close ties to the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and, later, the CIA, which paid him $200,000 a year for his services, according to U.S. intelligence sources.

Harari’s “intelligence take” became even richer after Noriega assumed power in July 1981, following the death of Gen. Omar Torrijos…Soon Harari was said to be doing a brisk business as an arms dealer…[and] began handling some arms transactions for Noriega and the Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF)…[including the sale of] eight aging jetliners from Alia, Jordan’s national airline.

(NORIEGA’S PET SPY, Washington Post, David H. Halevy and Neil C. Livingstone, January 7, 1990)

.. [he] recruit(ed) teams of Israelis who trained Noriega’s personal guard. Israeli sources also claim that Harari helped the PDF establish a special-operations battalion and reorganized the Panamanian intelligence establishment.

To prove his loyalty to Noriega, Harari is said to have helped preempt several coup attempts against the Panamanian leader and even set up countermeasures to make it more difficult for the U.S. National Security Agency to monitor Noriega’s movements. For example, he allegedly helped Noriega feed false information about his whereabouts to the United States through phony telephone and radio messages.

(NORIEGA’S PET SPY, Washington Post, David H. Halevy and Neil C. Livingstone, January 7, 1990)

On one of his visits to Israel arranged by Harari in the 1980s, Noriega bought a seaside villa in the Tel Aviv suburb of Herzliya.

(What You Won’t Read about Michael Harari, Noriega’s Israeli Advisor Who Got Away”, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Feb 1990)

Harari was tipped off about the US invasion of Panama.

Harari “may have eluded capture on the night of the United States invasion because he was warned to flee nearly six hours before American troops swept into the capital.”

(The New York Times, January 2, 1990)

The US was always aware of Harari’s set-up there. According to 1988 congressional testimony to a US Senate panel, Michael Harari was a close associate of Noriega.

Jose I. Blandon, a former top Noriega political adviser, told the Senate panel:

“[Harari] trains and directs {Noriega’s} own personal guards and negotiated with Noriega in weapons trafficking operations.”

Blandon also testified that Harari also arranged for Noriega to receive protection from Israeli intelligence when he travelled to Europe..[and] that on one such trip in 1984, the Israeli intelligence service uncovered an alleged plot by the Colombian drug cartel to assassinate Noriega after the Panamanian military had seized a cartel cocaine processing plant located in Panama.

Blandon and others have testified that the cartel paid Noriega about $5 million to allow it to set up the plant and became upset when it was shut down [allegedly under pressure from the US to do so].

Blandon reaffirmed…that Noriega had received CIA and National Security Council “intelligence reports” on the political and personal views of U.S. senators and their aides.


But..he never specified who was supplying him with this information. Remember, the US was plagued with zionist spies.

Bottom line, Noriega was a CIA asset controlled by Mossad.

He allowed Panama to be used by the Medellin drug cartel for major cocaine runs to the US in the eighties, and even as a safe haven for Escobar’s paid assassins when they murdered Colombia’s Attorney General. Assassins who were trained by Israelis.

(Noriega’s ex pilot tells of Medellin drug links, NYT, September 1991)

Remember that Colombia’s drug lord mercenaries were being trained by Israelis.

Oliver North used Noriega as a conduit to smuggle arms to Nicaraguan contras in return for turning a blind eye to his drug trafficking and they also tried to clean up his image in the US. North had also met with him in Europe to discuss setting up training camps in Panama, run by Israelis. Not only for contras, but for another pet project. The Afghan “rebels”.

This had the blessing of Israelophiles Elliott Abrams and Secretary of State George Shultz.

(Documentation: )

A US Senate report said:

“It is clear that each US government agency which had a relationship with Noriega turned a blind eye to his corruption and drug dealing.” Noriega was allowed to establish “the hemisphere’s first narco-kleptocracy”.

(Manuel Noriega: feared dictator was the man who knew too much, The Guardian, May 2017; Manuel Noriega, obituary: Panama dictator worked with CIA while murdering political opponents, The Independent, May 2017)

And Mossad ran the show.

Haiti (1980s)

Israel was among the few countries that had agreed to sell weapons to Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier, and provided him with the long-term payment arrangement that he requested.

Paul Farmer, who would serve as President Bill Clinton’s deputy UN representative to Haiti, previously reported that General Prosper Avril, the head of the military junta that took power in Haiti in 1988, received temporary asylum in Israel in 1990. Avril was the head of Baby Doc’s notorious “Presidential Guard,” and a US court ruled that he was responsible for “scandalous human rights violations.”

(March 27, 1983, New York Times)

There were Israeli military advisers in Port-au-Prince, and the guards watching over the security of President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier carried the ubiquitous Uzi. When Duvalier became more concerned about attacks by rebels, he bought antiaircraft guns from Israel. Israeli advisers were reportedly helping the Haitian government in maintaining ‘internal security’.

Officers of the Haitian military have visited Israel for training. The elite Leopard counterinsurgency unit, created by Baby Doc, was trained in Israel. Israeli entrepreneurs have become active in Haiti; the Israeli foreign office has been giving ‘high priority’ to these contacts. These entrepreneurs were all doing business with the Duvalier family and its friends — as did all foreign investors in Haiti, since no one else owned anything worth owning in the country.

Israelis have launched profitable agricultural ventures in Haiti and other Caribbean islands… The Duvalier regime was replaced in January 1986 by a new government, in a transfer of power successfully engineered and carried out by the CIA. The actual transfer of power was supposed to take place on the morning of January 31. Jean-Claude Duvalier was to leave Haiti on a US air force plane, and the new government was supposed to be introduced. Something went wrong: as a result the White House announced that Duvalier was gone, while he was still in Port-au-Prince. What went wrong? The US media blamed poor coordination between the State Department and the White House. But CIA sources say the reason for the delay was Israeli intervention. According to this unconfirmed story, the Mossad station in Haiti was concerned about the harm to Israeli interests in the region, and managed to convince Duvalier to stay. American pressure prevailed, of course, and Baby Doc left a few days later. What this story reflects, even if untrue, is the reality of Israeli involvement in Haiti, to the extent that it can be construed as influential in such situations.”

(The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms & Why, 1987, pp 96–98)

In 1990, four years after Baby Doc was ousted from power, the popular priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected president of Haiti-in the first democratic elections the nation had seen. But in 1991 he was deposed in a military coup. About 2,000 Uzi and Galil machine-guns from Israel were sent to Haiti in the weeks prior to the coup-with diplomats claiming the weapons went to military units especially loyal to the coup-plotters.

(The Independent, Oct. 14, 1991)

Weapons of Israeli origin were being smuggled through Florida and ending up with armed gangs in Port-au-Prince in this period-some in collaboration with the junta, and some opposed.

(Jane’s Intelligence Review, Aug. 1, 2005)

Colombia (1990s)

The aforementioned Lt. Col. Yair Klein and a number of Israeli military trainers were caught on camera by the Colombian government training 50 terrorists (and their leader) from the Medellin drug cartel in August 1989.

(Israeli denies sending arms to Colombian drug lord, AP, May 6, 1990)

Individuals in the video were identified by the Colombia’s national police chief of assassinating Colombia’s front-running presidential candidate, Luis Carlos Galan that same month in 1989. Galan was an outspoken critic of the drug cartels and was comfortably leading the polls with 60 per cent favourable ratings for the forthcoming 1990 presidential election.


Repeat: Israel trained the assassins of Colombia’s anti-drug cartel presidential candidate.

When questioned by reporters about the incident on his return to Tel Aviv, Klein said he wouldname high-ranking officers, including one now sitting in Israel’s Parliament, who were involved in training operations in Latin America.

(Israeli asked about links to drug lords, The Telegraph, August, 1989)

US Attorney General John Ashcroft would later announce, 13 years later in 2002, that the leaders of the far right militias who Israel had trained, Carlos Castaño, Salvatore Mancuso and Juan Carlos Sierra were under indictment by the US government for arranging the transport of some 17 tons of cocaine into the U.S. and Europe since 1997.

(Doing the US’s Dirty Work, The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel,
Jeremy Bigwood)

Israel’s denial of its involvement and the media’s description of Klein as being “retired” don’t wash.

In 2012, speaking through video conference to a Colombian court, Uribe was named by Israeli IDF commander Yair Klein as having been among those financing the military training of militias that in the 1990s became the AUC.

(‘Colombian ex-president paid training paramilitaries’: Israeli mercenary, Colombia Reports, Esteban Refshauge,November 13, 2012; Israeli mercenary says Uribe paid training paramilitaries, Colombia Reports, Rob Edmond, November 15, 2012)

In 1990, even though he had been exposed the year earlier, Klein was again involved with South American drug lords and their mercenaries. This time weapons had been shipped to one of the leaders of the Medellin drug cartel, José Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha who died in a gun battle with police at his ranch where the Israeli shipment was found.

Gacha ran a massive cocaine producing factory in the Colombian jungle in the early 80s. When it was destroyed by the Colombian security forces, Gacha ordered the assassination of Colombian Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara (1984)

Álvaro Uribe Vélez, like Castaño, also lost his narcotrafficking father to the FARC.. Uribe’s father was once indicted for his role in the notorious Tranquilandia cocaine-processing lab, after it was taken out by a combined DEA-Colombian police operation.

(Doing the US’s Dirty Work, The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel,
Jeremy Bigwood)

Tranquilandia was constructed for the Medellín Cartel by José Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha.


Using Israel’s “black is white” version of the “truth”, and with the blatant backdrop of the Colombian cocaine industry greasing the wheels there, and paying the murderers, the guerrillas were the ones tarred with the “trafficker” brush, but:

neither the FARC nor the ELN are known to have been involved in the transportation, distribution, or marketing of illicit drugs in the United States or Europe.”

(DEA. Intelligence Division. Insurgent Involvement in the Colombian Drug Trade. DEA, 1994. The National Security Archives, 7.; Central Intelligence Agency. DCI Counternarcotics Center. Narco-Insurgent Links in the Andes. CIA, 1992. The National Security Archives, 2.)

After Colombian officials protested to Israel about the Israeli weapons found on Gacha’s ranch, they claimed that the weapons were intended for the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda — an admission of their knowledge of the weapons. While Klein in turn claimed that the same weapons were to be sent to Panamanian rebels seeking to overthrow Gen. Manuel Noriega.

(Israeli asked about links to drug lords, The Telegraph, August, 1989)

This is a joke given that we now know that Noriega’s right hand man was the chief Mossad agent for Central America, Michael Harari!

(What You Won’t Read About Michael Harari, Noriega’s Israeli Adviser Who Got Away, Richard H. Curtiss, WRMEA, February 1990)

Israel claimed that in November 1988 they had received a purchase letter from Antigua’s minister of national security to the government-owned Israel Military Industries.

There is no such Antiguan ministry. And Antiguan officials say they never ordered any arms.

(Israeli arms found on land of drugs chief, NYT, May 1990)

Honduras (1990s)

In the early 1990s, with the end to the Contra conflict in Nicaragua and a peace accord in El Salvador, Honduras’s relations with the United States changed considerably. Aid levels fell dramatically, and military assistance slowed to a trickle. The United States became more willing to criticize Honduras for its human rights record and urged Honduras to cut back its military spending. As in the past, however, the United States remained Honduras’s most important trading partner and its most important source of foreign investment.

(Tim Merrill, ed. Honduras: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1995.)

Of course, Israel (apparently) slipped out of the picture militarily seeing as how there wasn’t a quick buck to be made.

What was left behind by the deathmongers venture were the specially created routes for drugs, arms and money laundering. A brutalized population that entered a spiral of violence. And the corrupt military-run system stayed in place in Honduras. With the vestige of a “democracy”.

Colombia (2000)


One figure who emerged as a “legitimate face” of the right wing movement, and clandestine figurehead of these militias, was Álvaro Uribe, future president of Colombia (2002–2010).

He would be repeatedly named by paramilitary leaders such as extradited (to the US) boss Salvatore Mancuso who testified that the AUC was behind his electoral campaign at all levels in 2002.

“Miguel Alfonso de la Espriella, an Uribe loyalist and former senator who served more than three years in prison for his connection to the paramilitaries, echoed Mancuso’s statements, adding that during his time in office Uribe was fully aware of the links between politicians and paramilitaries, links that would eventually be exposed halfway through Uribe’s presidency in what came to be known as the “para-politics” scandal. To date this scandal has involved investigations into more than 150 former and current members of congress and 55 convictions.”

(The Don of Teflón, NACLA, June 25, 2013)

In 2012, speaking through video conference to a Colombian court, Uribe was named by Israeli IDF commander Yair Klein as having been among those financing the military training of militias that in the 1990s became the AUC.

(‘Colombian ex-president paid training paramilitaries’: Israeli mercenary, Colombia Reports, Esteban Refshauge,November 13, 2012; Israeli mercenary says Uribe paid training paramilitaries, Colombia Reports, Rob Edmond, November 15, 2012)

Israeli involvement in training Colombia’s military and paramilitaries didn’t simply stop with Yair Klein and other Israeli “advisers” being caught training Medellin cartel members. During Uribe’s presidency, they were openly training the Colombian military:

Israel’s methods of fighting terror have been duplicated in Colombia,” a senior defense official said.., adding that arms export to Colombia has increased significantly in recent years, totaling tens of millions of dollars.

Colombian paper quotes local defense minister as confirming ex Israeli officers helping government in battle against guerillas, drug lords, while guerrilla group FARC claims Israeli commandos also fighting them in jungles.”

(Report: Israelis fighting guerillas in Colombia, Ynet News, October 2007)

Mavi Marmara

The cherry on top of this was that Uribe was chosen by Israel as a panel member in to the UN (whitewash) investigation in to the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara ship (part of a flotilla trying to break the Gaza blockade in 2010) killing 9 people on board.

Uribe undertakes his role of “impartial investigator” weighed down with awards from various Zionist organizations. These include the American Jewish Committee’s “Light unto the Nations Award” and descending further into Orwellian doublespeak, the “Presidential Gold Medallion for Humanitarianism” from B’nai Brith.

(Uribe’s appointment to flotilla probe guarantees its failure, Electronic Intifada, August 2010 — fully sourced news piece)

Colombia prides itself on being described as the “Israel of South America”. The only difference is the global apathy that keeps the spotlight off of that area of the world. And has allowed the monsters to operate in the dark. And other ghouls to profit.

Honduras 2000–2017

2009 — the coup

The “peace” came to an abrupt end in 2009 when elected president Manuel Zeleya threatened the status quo in Honduras.

He was removed by the military in the dead of the night and deported to Costa Rica (four of the six top generals who oversaw the Zelaya’s ouster were trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia)

Peaceful protests against the elite/military grip on Honduras was met with repression, rape and assassinations. And no, they weren’t “guerrillas” or “communists”, they were teachers, farmers, human rights advocates, journalists.

The United States increased military and police aid to Honduras by nearly 50 percent.

(Dana Frank’s The Long Honduran Night: Resistance , Terror, and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup (Haymarket Books, 2018))

The deathmongers are back in the loop

Within three years of the coup, when Porfirio Lobo eventually replaced Zelaya, at least 34 members of the opposition and 13 journalists had disappeared or been killed, and more than 300 people had been killed by state security forces, according to the leading human rights organization Cofadeh and the Committee to Protect Journalists.

(In Honduras a mess helped by the US, NYT, 2017)


By 2015 violence in Honduras had increased dramatically. Environmental campaigners bore the brunt of the repression after the new rightwing government licensed hundreds of mega-projects, including mines and hydroelectric dams in environmentally sensitive areas.

At least 109 activists were murdered, making Honduras one of the world’s most dangerous countries for environmental defenders.

(Berta Cáceres’s name was on Honduran military hitlist, says former soldier, The Guardian, June 2016)

Israel cashes in. Again

According to Centro de Estudio para la Democracia (Cespad), the government of Honduras spent more than US$343 million on weapons and spy equipment since 2013. Under the former President Porfirio Lobo and under right-wing President Juan Orlando Hernandez (2014), the country began to import drones, boats, spy-equipment and radars.

Israel plays a vital role in the supply according to the document.

(Israel Sells Weapons and Spy Equipment to Honduras, Telesur, April 2019)

Remember, the Hondurans were broke, but the corrupt military, politicians and Israelis were stuffing their pockets.

In April 2015, the Supreme Court bypassed all mandated procedure and overturned the Constitution’s ban on re-election — the very act that Honduran elites had accused Zelaya of plotting to justify the 2009 coup.

(Dana Frank’s The Long Honduran Night: Resistance , Terror, and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup (Haymarket Books, 2018))


In 2017, when the opposition was leading by a mile against Hernandez, the vote count was shut down only to later show the elite “winning” by a 50000 margin.

(Dana Frank’s The Long Honduran Night: Resistance , Terror, and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup (Haymarket Books, 2018))

“All sorts of evidence of fraud came out. There was a tape where his people were talking about plan B for stuffing ballot boxes. There was a chat message, which I saw, from one of the electoral technicians, saying, “The fraud is now complete.” On election night, the manager of the contractor counting the votes actually briefly put out a message on Facebook saying “Nasralla, the opposition candidate, is the new president of Honduras. His lead is irreversible.” And then they just shut down the vote count and resumed it later, announcing that that lead had evaporated, and Hernández, the U.S. man, was the new winner.”

— Allan Nairn, award-winning investigative journalist

(Allan Nairn: United States Tries — But Fails — to Stop to Stop Hondurans from Protesting Election Fraud, Democracy Now, December 26, 2017)

The same year of this mass election fraud, a $300 million military deal was signed between Honduras and Israel.

(Israel, Honduras Sign $300 Million Framework Agreement, Israel Defence, March 2017)

What eventually came to light was a Jerusalem Post piece which revealed that Hernandez had received a scholarship in the early 90s for a “young leadership program” run by Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, Mashav.

(Mashav alumnus returns to Israel as president of Honduras, Jerusalem Post, October 2015)

They “taught” him what they’ve been teaching every scumbag and sociopath that crosses their path:

“[In June 2019] US prosecutors unsealed court documents from 2015 which name Hernández as a target of a major investigation into “large-scale drug-trafficking and money laundering activities”.

The court filings also named several close confidants, including his deceased sister, Hilda Hernández, a former National party president linked to an IHSS fraud, and the security minister, Gen Julián Pacheco.

The president’s younger brother and former congressman, Tony Hernández, was arrested in the US last November (2018) and charged with conspiring to traffic tons of cocaine stamped with his initials into the US between 2004 and 2016.”

(Honduras deploys security forces as doctors and teachers demand president’s resignation, The Guardian, June 2019)

The US/Israeli backed scumbags who’ve been running Honduras (in to the ground) since the 2009 coup are both typical deathmonger blue-eyed boys.

(How hitmen and high living lifted lid on looting of Honduran healthcare system, The Guardian, June 2015; Corruption Probe Catches Up With Former Honduras President Porfirio Lobo, Insight Crime, February 2019)

In May of 2019, a multilateral military treaty between Honduras, Israel, and the United States will see the deployment of 1000 Israeli soldiers at Honduras. They will train the Armed Forces of Honduras (FFAA) and National Police (PN).
The main mission of the troops is to train for border protection to stop migrants fleeing Honduras to the U.S., especially children.

(1,000 Israeli Soldiers To Arrive in Honduras to Train Troops, Police on Border Protection, TeleSur, May 2019)

A summary (Honduras)

The citizens of Honduras escaped relatively less genocidal tidings from the US/Israeli deathmongers compared to the likes of El Salvador and Guatemala. But the power of the corrupt military/security services/political establishment was cemented in to place. And they were able to keep the blatant murder of hundreds of activists, opposition, conservationists, indigenous leaders and journalists off the front pages (much like Israeli treatment in the MSM).

Let’s not forget that Honduras was used as a base to launch genocidal attacks on Nicaragua. The “Contra” affair was midwived, nurtured and prodded by Israel. At the cost of tens of thousands of lives. The same Israel that was the only entity to supply weapons to the homicidal maniac who would churn out the “Contras”: Somoza.

At the cost of tens of thousands more lives.

With the chaos that is Honduras this year (2019), don’t be surprised if another voice from the wilderness writes another blog years from now about the “Honduran genocide” sponsored by the next batch of Israeli ghouls.

They already have a 1000 kiddy killer experts in the IDF on the ground there as we speak.

Conclusion: The “right to exist”?

How do you sum up what’s been written in this chapter?

Israel spent decades keeping Latin America’s racist, sociopathic, and for the most part, nazi monsters in power. Is that an exaggeration given what’s been documented here?

The counter arguments to this information, if people actually stick around to read it, is that “bigger nations” were supporting these people too. That is true. What’s also true is that when these regimes were exposed, and the genocide and bloodshed couldn’t be excused any more, Israel took advantage of the situation. The “gap in the market” mentality of the unscrupulous.

What’s also true is that Israel trained many of the most cruel war criminals in the history of Latin America. Israel trained the various state assassins and torturers. They also trained the “secret police” of the oppressors in using technology to actually target who to arrest, torture and/or assassinate. Or “disappear”. And they were even on the ground there in real time helping them.

These war criminals flocked to the zionist protection offered to them by allying themselves with the American Rottweiler. Israel. Many actually worshipped, and emulated the zionist form of “keeping the natives in order.”

The racist, mass murdering dictator of the Dominican Republic, Trujillo, used them for PR in Washington while they supplied his weapons — 35,000 Haitians were murdered by him.

Haiti, which had been promised prosperity by a Christian zionist US diplomat in return for a positive vote on the Partition Plan at the UN instead received a US backed ruthless dictatorship for decades, backed by Israel.

Israel was the only entity that supplied Somoza Jr. of Nicaragua when the full scale rebellion against this corrupt monster took off. This Israeli aid lengthened the war and lead to tens of thousands of deaths in the two years he clung to power before raping the resources of Nicaragua, followed by the US/Israeli backed fake “revolution” of the Contras comparable to the modern day “Syrian rebels”.

Over a hundred thousand civilians were slaughtered by right wing militias funded by drug cartels in Colombia. Israel was caught on the ground training their assassins, bringing their commanders to Israel for specialized training, and supplying weapons to both the militias and the corrupt government. One of the groups that they trained went on to assassinate what was to be an incoming anti-narco presidential candidate.

Over 200,000 Guatemalans were killed between 1960 and 1996 — not counting the thousands killed after the Arbenz coup in 1954. At one end was zionist oligarch Samuel Zemurray who oversaw this coup alongside the CIA. At the other end of the century was Israel, training more monsters, supplying arms, and teaching the ghouls, again on the ground there, in how to target the “subversives”. 93% of those killed were native Mayans.

In El Salvador, Israel mirrored its actions in Guatemala. 50,000 civilians were killed between 1978 and 1991, with 42,171 of that total killed between 1978–1983 — when Israel was at its most active, both directly and acting as a proxy for Reagan. Again, Israel was showing more monsters how to keep control through murder, rape and ethnic cleansing. And again, they were on the ground supervising them.

In Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile, Israel was again front and center enabling these nazi-run regimes. They had a Mossad agent in Chile running the secret police, DINA. An agent accused of murdering 100,000 Jews during World War 2, Walter Rauff. They worked with the Paraguayan dictator Alfred Stroessner, who protected alleged war criminal, Josef Mengele, who in turn is alleged to have brought experiments he carried out in concentration camps to the prisons there.

They worked alongside German war criminal Klaus Barbie and his nazi European “Gladio” goons in Bolivia. Barbie also crossed paths with another Mossad agent and fervent nazi Otto Skorzeny, through arms trading there (and of course through the terrorist Gladio campaign Skorzeny was directly involved in).

But the cherry on top of this nazi-zionist alliance was their direct involvement and attempted PR in the US for the antisemitic Argentine junta which “disappeared” over a thousand Jews during their dictatorship. And made money off of the Falklands war by supplying military equipment and arms. What say the Little Englanders?

These neo nazi regimes lead the murderous Operation Condor activities which carried out 40–50,000 assassinations.

Israel greased the wheels of the drug trafficking empire in Latin America. Training their militias in Colombia, training the “Contras” (the Gary Webb exposure), keeping in power drug kingpins in Panama and Bolivia.

There were two instances that we know of where attempts were made to ethnically cleanse Palestinians in occupied territory to Brazil and Paraguay.

Israel was at the center of it all.

Those who didn’t bow to these corrupt regimes, these nazis, these narco empires, were expendable. The poor, the “left”, the indigenous, the civil rights leaders, the farmers, teachers, clergy, journalists….they were pinpointed by the Israeli military. Demonized (or largely ignored until the blood started seeping through the wall of censorship) by the American press. The regimes were shown by Israeli “advisers” how to torture them after they had been pinpointed. The regime military leaders were trained in how to corral and control entire populations by the Israeli military. They were then sold arms and the technology to control the people.

It’s no coincidence that Latin American tactics and atrocities mirrored exactly the behavior of zionists in the Palestine, Egypt and Lebanon.

The zionist term “right to exist” rings hollow against this background. Why should this term have any legitimacy when the same people are on another continent helping others commit genocide?

At what cost??

And it didn’t end there. Zionism had dug it’s claws in to other continents. Particularly Africa.

