Chapter 24 — Zionism: The Unmentionable Coup Part Four

Brendan Devenney
47 min readMay 31, 2022


America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.

— Benjamin Netanyahu, unknowingly recorded, 2001

(Why Binyamin Netanyahu tape is no real shocker, The Guardian, July 2010)

If you’ve been reading these chapters, particularly the last few, you’ll know that this is an understatement..particularly when Israel is the one doing the “moving”.

For the previous sixty years, zionism had been (blatantly) infiltrating the political and security establishment of the US. As the previous chapters have shown, Israel’s infiltration had reached arrogant proportions.

A combination of 9/11 panic reporting (when some MSM journalists actually did their job, even if it were for a flighting glimpse - until they were just as abruptly reined in), a DEA investigation that had begun months before 9/11, and the actual capture of over zealous Mossad operatives celebrating the very first incident that day, the North Tower being struck by an aircraft, opened up an Israeli can of worms.

A can of worms where loyal friends of Israel were “warned of” the attacks. Well in advance.

A can of worms where Israelis and US zionists were in pivotal positions to pull off an “inside job”.

A can of worms that was sealed again in the days, weeks and years that followed, by Israelophile friends in positions of power at the heart of the US establishment.

A can of worms where those who benefited most from these attacks were the Israelis. The narrative had been stewing well before 9/11.

Let’s get to it...

The Israeli “art students”

▪️ In a June 2001 memo issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration's Office of Security Programs, it was reported that more than 120 young Israeli citizens posing as art students, had been repeatedly attempted to penetrate DEA offices and other law enforcement and Defense Department offices across the country.

▪️The DEA report stated that the Israelis may have been engaged in "an organized intelligence gathering activity".

▪️And that the “Israeli Art Student activity” began in the US at *the beginning of 2000. And in November/December of the same year, incidents increase and continue through at least June 2001.

(June 2001 DEA Memo relating to Israeli Art Students: )

[*Note: the timeline will prove to be very important. The timeline narrative of the alleged hijackers corresponds with the timeline and placement of these Israeli spies.]

▪️Some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.

▪️Others among the "art students" had specific backgrounds in electronic surveillance or military intelligence, or were associated with Israeli wiretapping and surveillance firms.

▪️Some of the Israelis were observed diagramming the inside of federal buildings. Some were found carrying photographs they had taken of federal agents. One was discovered with a computer printout in his luggage that referred to "DEA groups."

▪️*According to the memo, "the most activity [was] reported in the state of Florida" during the first half of 2001, where the town of Hollywood appeared to be "a central point for these individuals with several having addresses in this area".

[*Note: December 2000 — alleged pilot hijackers Atta, Jarrah, and Shehhi spend their (supposed) first time in the Southeast Florida area which is the area of the largest concentration of Israeli Art Students.

(FBI 9/11 hijacker timeline)]

The “hijacker” narrative is very confusing and suspect. Whether you believe the reports on their movements or not - I personally believe that at the very most, they were patsies - there are far, far too many instances where they and the Israeli spies are in each other’s orbits.]

▪️One "art student" was a former Israeli military intelligence officer named Hanan Serfaty, who rented two Hollywood apartments close to the mail drop and apartment of Mohammed Atta and four other alleged hijackers. Serfaty was moving large amounts of cash: he carried bank slips showing more than $100,000 deposited from December 2000 through the first quarter of 2001.

▪️Serfaty's apartments, serving as crash pads for at least two other "art students", were located at 4220 Sheridan Street and 701 South 21st Avenue. Alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta's mail drop was at 3389 Sheridan Street--approximately 2,700 feet (half a mile) from Serfaty's Sheridan Street apartment.

▪️Both Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi (Flight 175) lived in a rented apartment at 1818 Jackson Street, some 1,800 feet from Serfaty's South 21st Avenue apartment.

▪️During 2001, according to the official story, Hollywood was a hotbed of al-Qaeda activity and served as one of the chief staging grounds for the hijacking of the World Trade Center planes (Flights 11 and 175) and the Pennsylvania plane (Flight 93). It was allegedly home to fifteen of the nineteen future hijackers, nine in Hollywood and six in the surrounding area.

▪️Among the 120 suspected Israeli spies posing as art students, more than thirty lived in the Hollywood area, ten in Hollywood proper.

“In fact, an improbable series of coincidences emerges from a close reading of the 2001 DEA memo, the 9/11 Commission’s staff statements and final report, FBI and Justice Department watch lists, hijacker timelines compiled by major media and statements by local, state and federal law enforcement personnel.”

▪️In at least six urban centers, suspected Israeli spies and alleged 9/11 hijackers and/or al-Qaeda connected suspects lived and operated near one another, in some cases less than half a mile apart, for various periods during 2001 in the run-up to the attacks.

▪️The French daily Le Monde reported that six “art students” were apparently using cell phones that had been purchased by a former Israeli vice consul in the U.S.A.

▪️”Art student” Michal Gal, arrested by DEA investigators in Irving, Texas, in the spring of 2001, was released on a $10,000 cash bond posted by Ophir Baer, an employee of the Israeli telecommunications software company Amdocs Inc. (which would be implicated for spying post 9/11)

▪️All five alleged hijackers of Flight 77 (Pentagon) maintained addresses or were active within a six-mile radius of towns associated with the Israelis employed at Urban Moving Systems (to be discussed). Hudson and Bergen counties, the areas where the Israelis were allegedly conducting surveillance, were a central staging ground for the alleged hijackers of Flight 77.

▪️Mohammed Atta maintained a mail-drop address and visited friends in northern New Jersey; his contacts there included Hani Hanjour and Majed Moqed (Flight 77).

(CHRISTOPHER KETCHAM, The Israeli “art student” mystery, Salon, 2002; DEA Report: )

When the Israeli spy ring and alleged hijacker connection was exposed, MSM was at the forefront of a damage control exercise:

“Mossad agents in the U.S. were in all probability surveilling at least four of the 19 hijackers”.

(Die Zeit, “Next Door to Mohammed Atta”, 2002)

[The FBI apparently shared their report on Mossad activity with the French according to the author of this piece]

In the city of Hollywood, Florida, they localized…Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi as possible terrorists. Agents nested near their apartment…and observed them around the clock. Shortly afterwards, however, the agents were exposed by the US authorities and deported to Israel.

Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hamsi (Pentagon plane)….were on the Israeli list. Although their names had been on a nationally widespread FBI search list since the late summer of 2001, they were able to travel freely in the USA and also on the 11th. September with their real passports.”

(“Mossad agents were on the trail of Atta”, Der Speigel, 01/10/2002)

Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it

(Fox correspondent Carl Cameron, December 2001)

The insinuation that these Israeli spies were acting benevolently in the interests of the US while they were simultaneously spying on the US on an industrial scale is laughable. At best.

The following was touched upon in the last chapter. The details are even more eye opening.

More Israeli spying…

In 2000…

“The current hush-hush probe by the FBI, and what its agents believe to be a serious but amorphous security breach involving telephone and modem lines that are being monitored by Israeli agents, has even more serious ramifications.

…the FBI believes it has uncovered a means using telephone-company equipment at remote sites to track calls placed to or received from high-ranking government officials, possibly including the president himself..


U.S. officials believe that an Israeli penetration of that telephone utility in the Washington area was coordinated with a penetration of agents using another telephone support-services company to target select telephone lines. Suspected penetration includes lines and systems at the White House and NSC..

“[The FBI] uncovered what appears to be a sophisticated means to listen in on conversations from remote telephone sites with capabilities of providing real-time audio feeds directly to Tel Aviv,”

(By J. Michael Waller and Paul M. Rodriguez, Insight Magazine, 5–29–00)

And in 2001…

“The story on Israeli spying inside the US focused on three companies”

▪️Amdocs (who bailed out one of the “art student” spies), which provides billing and directory assistance for most American phone companies;

▪️Comverse Infosys, which installs and mainstains telephone tapping equipment for US law enforcement;

▪️Odigo, which provides services for the various “Instant Message” systems on your computer.

Odigo, which had offices near the World Trade Towers, is the company which received a two hour advance warning of the attacks of 9–11.

▪️All three companies are owned by Israel and have strong ties to the Israeli Defense Force.

▪️Both Amdocs and Comverse Infosys were implicated in the sale of telephone data which compromised US investigations into drug running.

[Note: the reason why some of the “Israeli students” were targeting the DEA?]

▪️Comverse Infosys phone taps are suspected of being the means by which Bill Clinton’s phone sex sessions were recorded.

[Note: Netanyahu was alleged to have threatened Clinton with the release of these recordings if Pollard wasn’t released (See Chapter 23)]

▪️It turns out that the majority of the firewalls on US corporate and government computer systems are provided by just one company, Checkpoint Systems, which like Amdocs, Comverse Infosys, and Odigo, is headquartered in Israel.

HUME: “Carl, what about this question of advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9/11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?”

CAMERON: “Well it’s very explosive information obviously and there is a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected. None of it necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together a big question they say is, ‘How could they have not known?’ — almost a direct quote, Brit.”

“Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying … is considered career suicide.

— Carl Cameron

(Israeli spying in the USA: Suppressed four-part Fox News series with Carl Cameron; Archived: )

Prior knowledge Part One


Odigo, the [Israeli] instant messaging service mentioned above, said that *two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

(Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of Attack, Haaretz, September 26, 2001)

[*Note: the exact content has never been released and no follow up investigation on the source who was allegedly identified and the details passed to the FBI, were ever reported.

Two weeks after 9–11, Alex Diamandis, Odigo’s vice president, said:

The messages said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did — almost to the minute.” (WASHINGTON POST, 10/4/2001)

It’s never been confirmed that just these two workers (who were in Israel at the time) were the only people to receive this warning. My hunch is that multiple messages were sent out to operatives. And that they reached these two workers by accident.]

The “dancing Israelis”

▪️On the morning of 9/11 three Israeli men were spotted in a carpark between 08:47am (the time the first plane struck) and 09:00am celebrating the crash of an aircraft in to the North Tower (the first tower struck that day).

▪️ The Israelis were there the day before, according to one witness confirmed by two photos (photocopies released under FOIA) that they had taken, time stamped 9/10/01.

▪️A total of five Israelis would be arrested. They worked for a furniture removal company calledUrban Moving Systems” which would eventually be unveiled as a Mossad operation.

▪️ The Israeli intelligence front company Urban Moving Systems was incorporated in April 1997. And moved to Weehawken in 1999.

(New Jersey Department of Revenue, Business Entity Status Report Search for Urban Moving Systems, Inc.)

▪️*Those arrested all had plane tickets for immediate departure to different countries.

[Note: *They were ready to leave straight after 9/11.]

▪️ the five were stopped and arrested at a checkpoint later that afternoon. Their van provoked a “positive reaction” from bomb sniffing dogs. Results of the swabs taken inside the van still haven’t been released by the FBI.

▪️ The owner of Urban Moving Systems, an Israeli citizen named Dominick Suter, left the country immediately following the arrests, and abandoned his business entirely.

[Note: According to the public records database Intelius, in 2006 and 2007 Suter also worked for a telecommunications company — Granite Telecommunications — that works for the U.S. military and several other U.S. government agencies!]

▪️They took 76 photos (a video camera which a witness described them as using wasn’t found). All of these photos were allegedly destroyed.

▪️According to various eyewitnesses, the geography of the area and distances involved; the time recorded on a punch-in card of another employee at UMS; UMS employees, and the Israelis themselves, they were in position to film the first plane strike either before, during or just after the crash. All three scenarios would be an impossibility without prior knowledge of the event.

▪️They were filmed celebrating what everybody else, including the media, thought was an accident.

▪️ They were questioned by the FBI for 72 days. They ALL failed polygraph tests. One actually refused to give one for ten weeks…and failed when he eventually did.

▪️ Urban Moving Systems employees, more Israelis, were also stopped in a van in the area of the alleged Flight 93 crash site in Shankesville, Pennsylvania, on the 10th, 11th and 12th of September. They also lied about the circumstances of being there.

▪️The five Israelis were released after pressure from Israel/US neocons and deported for “visa violations”.

(Links: )

▪️Here is a police statement received by the FBI on the UMS employees stopped in the Shankesville area three days consecutively from 10–12 September. They also lied about the circumstances of being there:

“Furthermore, on 09/11/2001, [blank] of the Pennsylvania State Police detained a yellow Penske box truck upon the request of Newark. [Blank] inspected the vehicle and determined that the vehicle’s two (2) occupants, [blank] and [blank] both identified as Israeli nationals, were on their way to Columbus, OH. When Newark later questioned [blank] of Urban Moving Systems about the vehicle’s presence in Pennsylvania, he could not offer an explanation. According to the moving company’s [blank] the two (2) occupants and their vehicle were supposed to complete a moving job in a different part of the country.”

“Newark also received information pertaining to another Urban Moving Systems vehicle which had been stopped while traveling westbout [sic] by the Pennsylvania State Police on 09/10/2001, the day prior to the terrorist attack. At 11:30pm, a Penske truck was stopped for a traffic violation. The vehicle was identified as having been leased by Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, NJ. The individuals questioned, [blank] and [blank] identified as Israeli Nationals, advised that they were bound for Columbus, OH.

On 09/12/2001, the same truck was once again stopped while traveling eastbound in Pennsylvania. [Blank] and [blank] the same Israeli nationals identified earlier, were detained. During questioning by the Pennsylvania State Police, the Israelis advised that they weren’t “in New York” on 09/11/2001. A gasoline purchase receipt recovered by the Pennsylvania State Police seems to contradict their claim in that the receipt, dated 09/11/2001,was for gasoline purchased in New Jersey. (Lead set to Williamsport RA presently pending.)

A subsequent interview of the president/owner of Urban Moving Systems revealed that [blank] and [blank] delivery schedule for the morning of 09/11/2001 did not include any pickups or deliveries outside of New Jersey. Oddly, [blank] and [blank] were stopped while traveling in the direction of the site of the hijacked plane that crashed outside of Pittsburgh, PA.”

(Link: )

Classic International Movers

▪️In addition to Urban Moving Systems, another moving company, Classic International Movers, became “of interest” in connection with the investigation into the “Dancing Israelis,” which led to the arrest and detention of four Israeli nationals who worked for this separate moving company.

▪️The FBI’s Miami Division had alerted the Newark Division that Classic International Movers was believed to have been used by one of the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attack, and one of the “Dancing Israelis” had the number for Classic International Movers written in a notebook that was seized at the time of his arrest.

All four employees had served in the Israeli military, and entered the U.S. from various locations in South America.

(Source: FBI and police report, p.38 of 140; ;


FBI Newark Division Full-Field Investigation, p.46 of 94; )

In light of all of the above, how false and pathetic was the following media piece?

“[Two senior agents with the Mossad were dispatched to Washington in August 2001] to alert the CIA and FBI to the existence of a cell of as many as 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation..[the Mossad experts]… had “no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama bin Laden and told the Americans that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement.”

(Israeli security issues urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks, by David Wastell in Washington and Philip Jacobson in Jerusalem, Daily Telegraph, September 16, 2001.)

“Iraqi involvement”….it’s important to remember that Mossad was setting Iraq up as the fall guy (along with the US fall guy, Bin Laden) one month before 9/11. Especially when we see what was to come in the weeks following that day (to be discussed).

What were the Israeli spies up to?

▪️The majority of alleged hijackers (or their paper trail) were fast tracked through a CIA friendly consulate in Saudi Arabia.

April to June 2001 — thirteen alleged “muscle hijackers” (aka patsies) enter the US, primarily from Jeddah Saudi Arabia, a renowned CIA consulate/outpost. Further investigation shows that their badly filled in applications were forced through.

(9–11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA — US Consulate Whistleblower Michael Springmann; Historycommons)]

▪️One of the alleged hijackers, Ziad Jarrah, had a cousin who was an Israeli spy for 25 years.

(New York Times, Feb 19, 2009)

▪️This is the Ziad Jarrah who in January of 2001 was supposedly in two different countries simultaneously. One Ziad Jarrah was allegedly questioned at Dubai International Airport for several hours at the request of the CIA on January 30.

“This was done at the request of the CIA, for “suspected involvement in terrorist activities.” The CIA notified local officials that he would be arriving from Pakistan on his way back to Europe, and they wanted to know where he had been in Afghanistan and how long he had been there. (September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001, CNN, 8/1/02). During the questioning, the man “divulged that he had spent the previous ‘two months and five days’ in Pakistan and Afghanistan — — and that he was returning to Florida…” (Hijacker held, freed before Sept. 11 attack, Chicago Tribune, 12/13/01). It was later reported that “investigators have confirmed that Jarrah had spent at least three weeks in January 2001 at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan.” (September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001, CNN, 8/1/02)

This was the official narrative. The reality was very different.

The only problem with this story is that the real Jarrah was somewhere else at the time. The Florida Flight Training Center, the flight school where Jarrah had been studying for the previous six months, said he was in school there until January 15. His family claimed he arrived in Lebanon to visit on January 26, five days before he supposedly passed through Dubai [Note: and how did he squeeze those “3 weeks” of al Qaeda training in there too?]. His father had just undergone open-heart surgery, and Jarrah visited him every day in the hospital, for over a week. Pointing out this incident, his uncle Jamal Jarrah asked, “How could he be in two places at one time?”

(THE TWO ZIAD JARRAHS, Paul Thompson, August 24, 2002)

Maybe because there were two Ziad Jarrahs.

If you read Paul Thompson’s heavily sourced “The Two Ziad Jarrahs”, you’ll see that everybody who actually knew Jarrah, from family, to teachers and instructors reject completely the idea that he was an extremist.

Mohammad Atta

This doubling of specific characters painted as “ringleaders” of the alleged hijackers was done 7 or 8 months before the “radical Jarrah” incident when a man calling himself Mohammad Atta entered the Florida Department of Agriculture and asked for a loan for a crop duster (evoking the notion of a chemical weapon attack). The loan official, Johnelle Bryant, whose account was verified through a polygraph, claimed that in in April or May of 2000:

▪️a man entered her office and gave his name as Mohammad Atta (and made sure she spelled it right!)

▪️that he was originally from Egypt but had moved to the US from Afghanistan.

▪️that he had gone to school in Germany.

▪️that he mentioned al Qaeda and Bin Laden

▪️that he asked questions about the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Including the security there.

▪️that he made a scene when he suggested that he could easily “cut her throat” and rob a safe in her office. He also flashed large wads of cash.

▪️ that 3 other “terrorists” also attempted to get the same loan from Bryant, but all of them failed.

▪️ Robert Epling, president of Community Bank of Florida, said he received a call from the FBI between the 15th and the 18th of September (2001) saying that Mohamed Atta had gone into a USDA office

▪️ several USDA employees had (…) identified Atta to the FBI

(Transcript of Johnelle Bryant Interview, ABC News, 7 January 2006; Rick Weiss and Justin Blum, Suspect May Have Wanted to Buy Plane; Inquiries Reported On Crop-Duster Loan, Sept 25, 2001)


The 9/11 Commission never mentioned this episode. Because according to the FBI timeline, Mohamed Atta supposedly entered the United States on June 3, 2000.

Both Atta and Jarrah laughed their ways through their “martyrdom” videos. One had to “lose” it’s audio because it was so obviously staged.

Mossad and the Flight 93 crime scene

“In the Flight 93 wreckage, a half-burned copy of his (Jarrah’s) passport was found. [CNN, 8/1/02] — another document that was also found in the wreckage: an old German work permit of Jarrah’s distant cousin, Assem Omar Jarrah… German weekly Der Spiegel claimed that investigators had discovered the records of the former East German Stassi secret service, showing that Assem served with the Libyan secret service and collaborated with Palestinian terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal in the 1980s.. [An-Nadar, 11/8/01] (U.S. Suicide Attacks — The Jarrah Family Connection, An-Nadar [Lebanon newspaper], November 8, 2001;

THE TWO ZIAD JARRAHS, Paul Thompson, August 24, 2002; September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001, CNN, 8/1/02)

[Note: Every indicator points to Abu Nidal as being an Israeli asset (Chapter 19)]

▪️We’ve seen solid proof from his family that another person had stolen Jarrah’s identity. And/or he was being painted as an extremist. There are numerous cases of this for other alleged hijackers (Atta) which were reported by mainstream media in the weeks and months following 9/11. And a number of these controversial characters were supposedly in the vicinities of the fake “art students” aka Israeli spies.

▪️One of the “UMS furniture removal van” covers for Israeli spies was stopped in the area where Jarrah’s burned passport and document indirectly linking him with Palestinian extremist Abu Nidal was found (why the hell would he bring this document?): the Flight 93 crash site.

[Note: VIP information — I also want to include this: a witness at the Shankesville crash site described seeing a low flying drone pass over her van, over the trees beyond which lay the crash site, and where an explosion occurred shortly afterwards: ]

Basically we have an alleged crash site where an alleged hijacker was connected to Mossad, documentation was “found” that linked the same alleged hijacker to former Fatah leader Abu Nidal (a blatant Israeli asset), and a Mossad run “furniture removal van”, driven by Israelis was stopped in the area of the alleged crash site three times on the 10th, 11th and twelfth of September…

Don’t try and join these particular dots. Just leave them as they are — as individual red flags that require further investigation.

Prior knowledge Part 2

Larry Silverstein

Larry Silverstein is a Jewish American businessman.

▪️He obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. The towers were in fact close to worthless, being filled with asbestos.

(9/11 Research, WTC Evidence, Asbestos)

▪️He took out specific insurance against acts of “terrorism”. And was paid $4.55 billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of the WTC complex.

(New York Times 24 May 2007)

▪️He had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning…..but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001.

(Lynne Duke, “At Ground Zero, a Tall Order for the Developer.” Washington Post, November 20, 2002; Deborah Sontag, “The Hole in the City’s Heart.” New York Times, September 11, 2006; Nadine M. Post, “World Trade Center’s Rebuilders Find Opportunity in the Face of Tragedy.” Engineering News-Record, September 13, 2004)

▪️Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day.

▪️Silverstein Properties had been scheduled to hold a meeting the morning of September 11 in its offices on the 88th floor of the North Tower, reportedly “to discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack.

According to the New York Times, that meeting was canceled the night of September 10.

(A DAY OF TERROR: THE INSURERS; Reinsurance Companies Wait to Sort Out Cost of Damages, NYT, 2001/09/12)

▪️Silverstein was a friend of Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu.

(Up in Smoke, Haaretz, November 21, 2001)

While Silverstein, his family and his colleagues were supposed to be in the first tower struck that morning, the North Tower, and “coincidentally” avoided the building, an Israeli messaging service, Odigo, was warning Israeli nationals to avoid the area at that specific time, five Mossad agents were watching and celebrating as it struck.

Zim Shipping

▪️A 1979 CIA Assessment of Israeli Intelligence shows that the CIA has long suspected that the Israeli Zim Shipping was used by Israeli intelligence. El Al Airlines was also fingered.

(Secret CIA Documents on Mossad, CounterSpy, May-June 1982 pp. 34–5; CIA Assessment of Israeli Intelligence, March 1979, captured at the US embassy when the Shah of Iran was ousted)

▪️The majority of media reports showed that Zim occupied all of the 16th floor (WTC floor space approximated 50,000 square feet), 10,000 square feet of the 17th floor, and some space of the 29th floor of WTC 1.

(Wikipedia, List of Tenants in One World Trade Center)

▪️Zim had about 250 employees at the WTC before its move-out, which would require somewhere in the vicinity of 50,000 to 60,000 square feet of office space.

(“Hunter Retained for Staten Island Office Project (for Zim American Israeli Shipping Co.),” Real Estate Weekly, November 14, 2001.)

▪️The company moved out of the WTC just the week before the 9/11 attacks (Sept. 4) and into a newly built office building in Norfolk, Va., even though they had a significant remaining lease obligation at the WTC.

(Dennis O’Brien, “Shipping Firm Moves Headquarters to Norfolk, VA,” The Virginian Pilot, Sept. 4, 2001)

▪️Zim had actually planned this move in April of 2001.

(“Zim expects to open the new (Norfolk) building by Sept. 4”, Virginian-Pilot, 03/04/01)

▪️Their real estate company was contracted to do a “fast track project” (direct quote) to be able to move out of the WTC by September.

(“Hunter is Representative for Zim Relocation,” Real Estate Weekly, April 25, 2001.)

▪️Assuming Zim leased around 60,000 square feet at $30/square-foot at the WTC, its four and a half year remaining lease obligation would have been about $8 million.

Zim’s remaining WTC lease obligation is calculated at 60,000 square feet of office space, multiplied by $30 per square foot per year rental rate, multiplied by fifty-four remaining lease months, or $8.1 million (i.e., $30/12 X 54 X 60,000 = $8,100,000).

(Plan to Lease Trade Center Is Near a Vote, New York Times, Sept. 24, 1998)

“Rising rent wasn’t an immediate concern [for Zim’s relocation decision] — several years remain on the lease”

(Crain’s New York Business article, April 9, 2001)

Of course “rising rent” wasn’t a concern. They had 4.5 years left on their lease!

▪️Zim had entered into a 10-year lease contract starting on March 1, 1996 and expiring on Feb. 28, 2006

(Letsrollforum FOIA: this is a 9/11 truth forum whose admin requested a FOIA on this information, which they received but which has since disappeared from the site. I know that it’s genuine because it was extensively quoted on the internet by BOTH sides of the debate)

Whenever questions about this are brought up and suspicions raised, the response is usually that Zim had planned this move months before, so it was “nothing to do with 9/11”:

  1. the alleged hijackers were supposedly on their “mission” since early 2000. How long did it take for this to come to the attention of those who were watching them? That is if they weren’t being groomed or having their legends created during this time period.

2. The haste with which Zim was determined to vacate the WTC doesn’t make sense seeing as how they were going to lose an estimated $8 million coupled with the costs of the “fast track project” when they had 4.5 YEARS in which to do it!

Anthrax attacks the third pointer to prior knowledge

▪️Just one week after 9/11, on September 18, anonymous letters laced with deadly anthrax spores were mailed to media companies and congressional offices. Over the ensuing weeks and months, five people died from inhaling anthrax and 17 others were infected after exposure.

▪️On October 9, 2001, letters containing anthrax were sent to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.

[Note: Both senators had been attempting to slow the passage of the USA Patriot Act. But “al Qaeda” specifically chose these two?]

▪️The anthrax used in the attack was weaponized — milled finely and coated so that it can remain airborne and be inhaled. Weaponization of anthrax is a difficult technical feat that only the US and Russian militaries have achieved. (Wiki)

Jerome M. Hauer

Managing director of the Kroll security company (to be discussed) was Jerome M. Hauer.

(Risk Managers Gather for Annual Conference, EHSToday, April 18, 2001)

▪️On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer was also a national security advisor with the National Institute of Health. He also betrayed advance knowledge of the anthrax attacks a week before they happened. The anti-biotic Cipro was administered to Dick Cheney and his close staff as “a precaution” on the evening of 9/11, days before the anthrax letters were even mailed.

(Sobieraj, Sandra (October 21, 2001). “White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax”. Washington Post.)

▪️Hauer’s mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and support of the State of Israel. (Wiki)

▪️He was the former director of Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, was responsible for having the command bunker built in Larry Silverstein’s WTC 7. The emergency bunker that they never used that day. (Lucky, huh?)

▪️Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen would also be advised “in a roundabout way from a high government official” to acquire ciprofloxacin (Cipro).

(How did I get Iraq wrong?, Richard Cohen, Slate Magazine, MARCH 18, 2008)

▪️The mainstream media immediately joined in with the neocon and Mossad narrative to blame Iraq for the attacks. A narrative that had been introduced also well before the anthrax was even mailed.

The leading supplier suspect has to be Iraq

(The Anthrax Source. Is Iraq unleashing biological weapons on America?, Wall Street Journal, October 15, 2001)

“By far the likeliest supplier is Saddam Hussein,”

(The Wall Street Journal editorial, Oct. 18.)

James Woolsey, former CIA director, neocon and Israelophile, said almost the exact same thing in the Wall Street Journal’s adjacent guest column. After speculating about Iran’s involvement, he said: “But by far the more likely candidate for involvement with al Qaeda is Iraq.”

(The Wall Street Journal, October 18)

Just one day after 9/11, neocon James Woolsey had blamed Iraq on ABC News (video):

There is some indication, and I don’t have the conclusions, but some of this anthrax may — and I emphasize may — have come from Iraq.

(John McCain, David Letterman Show, 18 October 2001)

“*Iraq (was named) as prime suspect as the source of the deadly spores”

(Iraq ‘behind US anthrax outbreaks’, New York Times, October 14, 2001)

[*Note: this article pushes the proven lies about Mohammad Atta receiving a vial of anthrax in Prague during the summer of 2001.]

Remember that Mossad was supposedly tailing Atta in the US through the fake “art student” scam. The lies snowballed…

“officials claim (Mohammad) Atta met with one or more intelligence agents” in June 2000 and with an Iraqi diplomat in Prague in April 2001.

(Wall Street Journal, October 22)

“…the German newspaper Bild suggested a more sinister motive for their meetings. The claim, according to Israeli security sources, is that Atta was handed a vacuum flask of anthrax by his Iraqi contact.”

(“Hijacker ‘Given Anthrax Flask by Iraqi Agent’,” London Times, 27 October 2001.)

The above is especially important. The claims about Atta were proven to be lies. And Mossad was pushing these lies well before the anthrax attacks. And 9/11.

Mossad wanted Iraq to be their fall guy…

▪️October 26 — October 29: ABC News reported several times that several “high-placed sources” at Fort Detrick and elsewhere have told them that the anthrax samples contained bentonite, thereby implicating Saddam Hussein’s biological warfare program, and explicitly contradicting official White House reports.

The “sources” for this lie would never be disclosed. But the news was out there. That was enough.

▪️Media reports that anthrax binding agent was bentonite is dismissed.

(Press Briefing by Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, November 7, 2001)

🛑 The anthrax (was finally) sourced to the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, a key facility within America’s own bioweapons program.

(Anthrax attack bug “identical” to army strain, 9 May 2002, New Scientist)

🛑 That is, the deadly, weaponized anthrax used was sourced back to US labs. Not al Qaeda. Not Iraq.

They went ahead with the lies anyway.

🛑 Judith Miller, who would act as a neocon journalist cheerleader and disinformationist for war in Iraq, would allegedly receive “hoax anthrax” in the post at her job in the New York Times.

🛑 While the anthrax attacks were ongoing, Miller wrote a book about possible chemical weapon attacks — where al Qaeda would obtain anthrax from Iraq. And just a few months after she took part in a chemical weapon exercise that espoused the same scenario.

🛑 On a (very relevant) side note, the speech that Colin Powell read to the UN calling for war on Iraq because of their “nuclear and anthrax capabilities” (based on more lies) was written by PNAC signatory, Lewis Libby.

(R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Colin Powell, Marty Kaplan, Huffington Post, 10/19/2008)

🛑 Libby leaked the name of Valerie Plame, who very publically questioned the bullshit Iraqi intel, in order to blow the cover of the CIA agent as well as her entire team using the front company of Brewster Jennings & Associates (The Plame Affair).

(Wiki — Plame Affair United States vs Libby)

🛑 Judith Miller was one of the conduits for these lies from Libby to “expose” this CIA agent. But her role as cheerleader doesn’t end there.

Dark Winter

On June 22–23, 2001, 4 months before the Anthrax attacks — the U.S. military held a senior-level war game at Andrews Air Force Base called Dark Winter.

This is very important. The scenario of this bio-terrorism drill was designed to simulate a smallpox attack in three states. Numerous congressmen, former CIA director James Woolsey, New York Times reporter Judith Miller, and anti-terror official Jerome Hauer all participated in the exercise.

As a part of this war game, scripted TV news clips were made to help make this drill as realistic as possible.

The parallels between the Dark Winter exercise and the Anthrax attacks are numerous. For example, in the Dark Winter exercise:

  • Anonymous letters are sent to the media
  • Anonymous letters threatened anthrax attacks on the United States
  • Iraq and Bin Laden are top suspects

At the end of one of these clips, the reporter says:

Iraq might have provided the technology behind the attacks to terrorist groups based in Afghanistan(!!)

(The Pentagon’s “Operation Dark Winter”: June 2001 Bioterror Exercise Foreshadowed 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks, Washington’s Blog, October 12, 2014)

The same faces spouted lies for months and years to come until the first bombs dropped on Israel’s “enemy in the region” (I’ll cover this in another chapter).

Bruce Ivins: the zionist suspect

▪️Well after the damage was done, and the ringleaders were still busy licking their fingers counting the dollar bills, the spotlight eventually fell on government scientist Bruce Ivins, who worked at the research lab in Fort Detrick, Md. as being the alleged culprit. He was supposed to have killed himself before he was officially charged. There are various reports that claim to exonerate him, but whatever the truth of the matter, he couldn’t possibly have done this on his own.

And if he did have a part to play, it should be known that he was an evangelist who believed that Jews were God’s “chosen people”.

“In one letter he praises a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a controversial local Muslim cleric.

“By blood and faith, Jews are God’s chosen, and have no need for ‘dialogue’ with any gentile,” Ivins wrote in 2006.

Earlier letters suggest that he saw President Bush’s re-election as a victory for evangelicals.

“You can get on board or get left behind, because that Christian Nation Express is pulling out of the station!” he wrote after the election.”

(JTA, Ivins believed Jews were God’s chosen, August 4, 2008)

The Anthrax saga has zionist/neocon fingerprints all over it from start to finish.

More Neocon Fingerprints

The following is based on the excellent research of Christopher Bollyn.

ICTS and airport security/screening on 9/11

▪️ICTS and one of it’s subsidiaries, Huntleigh, were the companies responsible for the “security lapses” at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9–11.

▪️Huntleigh is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel’s military intelligence agency, Mossad.

(Lawsuit against ICTS/Huntleigh by 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani: )

▪️Owned by Ezra Harel and Menchamin Atzmon. The latter was a former Likud treasurer and IDF president convicted of fraud and falsifying documents in the 90s.

(Likud’s Tangled Charity Web, Times of Israel, Feb 19, 1999)

If this company had clear ties to Israeli intelligence, how did alleged terrorists on the radar of fellow spies in the US not raise red flags when their tickets were booked in their own names?


▪️Amit and Naftali Yoran oversaw cyber-security for the U.S. government and military computers prior to and after 9–11 through their US based company Riptech and “ethical hackers” who “test” security systems (LA Times, August 20, 2001; Irish Times, October 5, 2001)

▪️*Amit Yoran reportedly helped design the Pentagon’s computer security architecture. (Washington Times, December 11, 2000)

▪️Elad Yoran was a vice president with Broadview International investment bank which poured $23m in to its coffers. (Washington Times, October 23, 2000). He is also the CEO and founder of a similar funding company called Security Growth Partners (SGP). Among the partners/advisers listed at its site is Ilan Juran (Eng: Yoran). He is director of the US-Israel Civil Infrastructure Security Program, of which he is “executive director.” Juran’s program is, “designed to foster collaboration, as well as knowledge and technology sharing, between the U.S. and Israel governments and critical infrastructure organizations.”

▪️Tim Belcher, a co-founder of Riptech, is another advisor at SGP. As Belcher’s biographical sketch says:

Mr. Belcher has also conducted security assessments of some of the nation‘s most critical infrastructure components, including the Federal Aviation Administration‘s Air Traffic Control Network… Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Space and Naval Warfare Command.

(Solving 9–11: The Deception That Changed The World, Christopher Bollyn)

[Note: *The Pentagon security cameras were turned off around the section that was allegedly struck.

(Oral History interview with Brian Austin and Steve Pennington, November 09, 2006)]

[Note: We have Israeli intelligence connected to security at the Pentagon, FAA protocol and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Space and Naval Warfare Command!]

The Kroll Connection

▪️Jeremy M. Kroll, the Managing Director of Marsh Kroll, is also on the “advisory board” of Elad Yoran’s Security Growth Partners.

▪️Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules B. Kroll, has been an executive at Marsh Kroll, a division of Marsh & McLennan Co. (MMC), since 1996. Jeremy Kroll’s connection with Elad and Amit Yoran through SGP reveals a key link between the American Zionist network and Israeli military intelligence.

▪️Jules Kroll’s wife, Lynn Korda Kroll, is the Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York, and is likewise connected to Larry Silverstein, a national chairman of the UJA, the biggest fund- raising organization for the State of Israel.

▪️In 1993, Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll’s company when A.I.G. bought twenty-three percent of Kroll. Greenberg is very close to Henry Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.G.’s International Advisory Board in 1987.

▪️Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates “was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures.” “We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations,” Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.

▪️Kroll Associates was responsible for “revamping security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing,” (Douglas Frantz, New York Times, 1994)

▪️Kroll continued to manage security for the WTC complex from 1993 until 9–11

▪️Jules Kroll is connected with Larry Silverstein through the Citizens Budget Commission of New York.

▪️Kroll was hired by Kuwait in October 1990 to find the hidden wealth of Saddam Hussein.

(On Saddam’s Money Trail, Newsweek, 4/7/91)

▪️Kroll began profiting from the war in Iraq in April 2003 when it received contracts to provide protection and security for government agencies and companies in Iraq.

(Financial Times, Kroll to sell Iraq and Afghan security unit, 2005)

▪️Maurice Greenberg’s son, Jeffrey W. Greenberg, became CEO of Marsh & McLennan (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. He served as General Manager at Kroll’s Information Security Group (i.e. computer security). The first plane of 9–11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh (Kroll) USA, part of Greenberg’s company.

▪️Lewis “Jerry” Bremer, the U.S. proconsul who ran occupied Iraq until the end of June 2004, joined Marsh Kroll’s crisis group shortly after 9–11. Bremer had worked closely with Kissinger since the 1970s and was managing director at Kissinger Associates in 2001.

▪️Jeremy Kroll serves on the board of the Israel-based Challenge Fund with Israeli government officials from the highest level, including Israel’s National Security Advisor and Head of the National Security Council, a former head of Shin Bet, former Directors General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, former Commanders of the Israel Air Force, Central Command, and the Technology and Logistic Branch of the IDF, as well as the head of Boeing (Israel) and the son of Yitzhak Shamir. The Challenge Fund uses money raised through the Bronfman and Andreas (ADM) families to fund Israeli companies, like ViryaNet.

▪️The Challenge Fund is an Israeli intelligence funding operation, based in Israel and also known as Etgar, which means “challenge” in Hebrew. This limited partnership involves the biggest players in the Zionist funding network in North America with the most senior officers in Israeli military intelligence. This is one of the key funding entities for Israeli intelligence operations in the United States.

( )

▪️On the “advisory board” with Jeremy Kroll sit some of the most interesting people involved in the Challenge Funds. One is David Ivry, president of Boeing [Israel]. Ivry has held several senior military and diplomatic related positions, including Commander of the Israel Air Force (1977–82)

[Note: In 1962, David Ivry became the commander of the first Israeli squadron of the French Dassault Mirage fighter jet. During the six-day war of 1967, Ivry served as a Mirage pilot and the commander of the Mystère squadron. Ivry was either personally involved in the criminal Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty with Mirage fighters or commanded those who were.]

(Solving 9–11: The Deception That Changed The World, Christopher Bollyn)

Rabbi Dov Zakheim

▪️He was a contributor to the witch-hunt over Iraq throughout the nineties and would join other warhawks in the neoconservative, that is, zionist PNAC. Their top goal was war with Iraq.

(Open Letter to the President, February 24, 1998, Center for Security Policy; Profile: )

Quoting from the PNAC paper:

“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.”

(Wikispooks, Project for a New American Century)

[Note: the list of signatories of the letter to Clinton includes Israeli spy and Kissinger right hand man Helmut Sonnenfeld. Remembering that Maurice Greenberg, partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll’s company, was very close to Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.G.’s International Advisory Board in 1987…always these “jobs for the boys” tightly knit groups connected to zionism.]

▪️Zakheim served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon on his watch. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld reported $2.3 trillion could not be accounted for. Later Zakheim was unable to account for a further trillion.

▪️The very next day after the Rumsfeld announcement on the “missing money”, the Pentagon was attacked. More specifically, the area where the Pentagon’s budget analysts were based.

“One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts.”

(“Army unit piercing together accounts of Pentagon attack”, South Coast Today, 2000)

His announcement to the media conveniently disappeared the next day: 9/11.

DOD later said all the money had been “accounted for” but no detailed accounting was ever presented to the public. And trillions more have gone missing since!

[Note: Before becoming the Pentagon’s money-manager, he was an executive at System Planning Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. So, nothing suspicious there… ]

▪️Zakheim is a member of the advisory boards of the anti-Muslim Center for Security Policy and the American Jewish Committee (a pro-Israel advocacy group).

( )

▪️To further show the zionist mindset of the man, he would go on to write a paper defending Israeli torture of POWs.

He used the Torah to claim that “Jewish” standards of treatment of captives in ancient times stood in “marked contrast” to other civilizations.

And he cited a law where female captives had to be treated in a certain way after they had been raped “in the heat of battle”.

(Confronting Evil: Terrorists, Torture, The Military and Halakhah, Dov S. Zakheim)

There is so much controversy and there are so many theories over the Pentagon attack, but I need to stay on topic. What I do want to point out are curious incidents that happened just after the explosion there. The intrusion of fake firefighters and fake military personnel soon afterwards.

September 12, the Defense Protective Service (DPS), which guards the Pentagon, arrested three people at the Pentagon who were dressed as firefighters, but were not firefighters. They, or other fake firefighters, had been there from the day before not long after the explosions and fire.

(Creed and Newman, 2008, p137; Goldberg et al., 2007, p170)

Fake military personnel, including one who falsely claimed to be a liaison for the Pentagon Renovation team, wander the site until September 14. This “liaison” even interfered with the crime scene, ordering the removal of corpses.

(Creed and Newman, 2008, pp367–368)

The Red Tape Brigade

Attorney General John Ashcroft

▪️Christian zionist and friend of Pat Robertson, Attorney General John Ashcroft, personally signed off on the UMS Mossad unit’s release.

This is the man who pushed for the right to torture and imprison “terrorist suspects” through the Patriot Act and other draconian legislation. He didn’t see a group of spies celebrating 9/11, who had prior knowledge of the events and who were driving a van that tested positive for explosives as fitting that bill.

Upon his entering the private sector as a lobbyist and consultant in 2005, the Israeli government became one of Ashcroft’s first clients.

(Bio: ;Jonathan E. Kaplan, “Ashcroft Joins K Street Legions,” The Hill, May 1, 2005, ; Conservative Megadonors & John Ashcroft Buddies Try To Elect Ashcroft’s Son And Roll Back Voting Rights In Missouri, Right Wing Watch, Ari Rabin-Havt, September 7, 2016; A Nation Challenged, The Detainees: Israeli Jews are being kept in federal detention, NYT, 21/11/2001)

What a stroke of luck for the “dancing Israelis” that this Israelophile was attorney general…

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage

▪️Six weeks after the UMS spies had been detained, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (PNAC signatory, involved in Iran Contra affair and genocide in South America aided by US and Israel) and two unidentified “prominent New York congressmen” were lobbying heavily for their release.

(Ha’aretz, November 2001)

[Note: According to a source at ABC News close to the 20/20 report, high-profile criminal lawyer Alan Dershowitz also stepped in as a negotiator on behalf of the men to “smooth out differences” with the U.S. government. (Dershowitz declined to comment for this article.)


Phillip Zelikow

▪️ 1998 — In an article entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger,” written for the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Affairs in November 1998, Philip Zelikow and co-authors Ashton Carter and John Deutsche ask readers to imagine a catastrophic act of terrorism like the destruction of the World Trade Center. “Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after.”

(Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger, November 1998, The Belfer Center, Volume 77, Number 6)

▪️Zionist, neocon and PNAC signatory, Phillip Zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 Commission — the most powerful position of the committee.

▪️As executive director, Zelikow pickedthe areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses.”

In effect, this was the man in charge of running the investigation itself.

▪️He was responsible for drawing up the official narrative. The report contains hundreds of glaring anomalies, contradictions, omissions and lies. It even manages to omit any reference at all to the collapse of Building 7 at 5:20 pm. Nor are the constant implications of Mossad surrounding the alleged hijackers, or actually being present filming (at least) one of the scenes.

▪️He was a member of Bush’s post-9/11 Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

▪️The Commission was created formally in December 2002.

( ; Is Fix in at 9/11 Commission? Antiwar, Paul Sperry, March 31, 2004; 9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow, The Corbett Report)

▪️9/11 Commission staffers were hired by him and under his complete control and ordered them not to communicate directly with the commissioners.

▪️In March 2003, just three months after the commission’s 16-month investigation began, before the commission had even convened a single hearing, that Zelikow, along with long-time associate and commission consultant Ernest May, co-wrote a complete outline of the final report.

This outline was kept secret from the Commissioners and staff. The investigation consisted of finding information to fill in the points of the outline. Everything else was ignored.

(The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation, Philip Shenon)

▪️He personally rewrote a commission staff statement to suggest a systematic link between Al Qaeda and Iraq before 9/11, outraging the authors of the original statement.

(9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow, The Corbett Report)

▪️…in September 2002 Zelikow would actually author the Bush administration’s “National Security Strategy” that outlined the *preemptive war doctrine that would target and be used against Iraq. Just two months later the 9/11 Commiission was set up. With Zelikow chosen as Executive Director.

(9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow, The Corbett Report)

▪️Zelikow acknowledged that Iraq was no threat to the US. That the real issue was the safety of Israel.

“I’ll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990 — it’s the threat against Israel,” (Philip) Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on Sep. 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of 9/11 and the future of the war on the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation.

(IRAQ: War Launched to Protect Israel — Bush Adviser, IPS News, March 2004; 9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow, The Corbett Report)

[Note:*During the very same month in September of 2002, when he acknowledged that Israel’s safety was paramount and that Iraq was no threat to the US, he was also pushing for a preemptive strike against this non threat!]

The following was taken from Christopher Bollyn’s research…

Michael Chertoff

▪️Chertoff was appointed by Bush to head the criminal division of the Department of Justice, serving from 2001 to 2003.

▪️He oversaw the 9/11 investigation.

▪️Chertoff supervised the round-up of 750 Arabs and other Muslims. Treated as suspected terrorist sympathizers or material witnesses, the “suspects” were held without bond for as long as three months, often in solitary confinement, despite having never been charged with any crime. Eventually, most were released or deported after secret tribunals.

▪️Chertoff obstructed access by the post-9/11 detainees to lawyers, reasoning that they “could be questioned without lawyers present because they were not being charged with any crime.”

▪️Not one of the almost exclusively Muslim detainees was indicted for terrorism-related crimes. Chertoff, who also coordinated the aggressive questioning of more than 5,000 Arab Americans immediately after the 9/11 attacks, remains unapologetic and continues to argue that the “war on terrorism justifies the government’s right to hold suspects indefinitely without counsel as possible “enemy combatants.”

▪️But remember, the Israeli suspects who there actually was evidence against were bustled out of the US under his watch.

▪️Chertoff is the co-author, along with Viet Dinh, of the USA PATRIOT Act , signed into law October 26, 2001.

▪️The 800 pages of draconian laws that made up the Patriot Act, were submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration on September 24th, just 13 days after the attack. Which means that they were written pre 9/11.

▪️Dinh was also close to zionist news magnate, Rupert Murdoch. He was a godfather to one of his grandchildren. (Wiki)

▪️Chertoff’s father was Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B’nai Israel in Elizabeth, New Jersey. (Wiki)

▪️His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), a zionist Jew who moved to Palestine from Poland and the first flight attendant for El Al. She was a Mossad agent involved in operation “Magic Carpet” which involved flying Yemenese Jews to Palestine.

(Source: Livia Chertoff obituary: Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ), Dec. 21, 1998)

▪️His wife, Meryl Chertoff, was a regional director of the ADL.


▪️ “…a passenger manifest document from El Al flight LY207/17 on 18 August 1955, which indicates he traveled from Israel to New York at the time. The El Al flight from Israel to New York originated at Lod airport, which is situated on the ruins of the ethnically-cleansed Palestinian town of Lydda. The Chertoffs may have spent some time in London visiting relatives there as well.

*Passenger №28 is Michael Chertoff, at about age 3, travelling with his father, the orthodox rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (№26) and his Israeli mother Livia Eisen Chertoff (№27). The El Al flight made a stop in Rome and London before continuing to New York.

[Note: *He was thus an Israeli citizen]

It is interesting to note who are among the fellow passengers with the Chertoffs. Passenger №29, for example, Yehuda Koppel:

Koppel played an important role in the founding of the State of Israel as a leader in the Haganah. In the 1950’s, he moved to New York where he opened the first American office of El Al, Israel’s national airline, and where he lived until his death.”

(Michael Chertoff’s Childhood in Israel, Christopher Bollyn, October 26, 2007)

[Note: So, just seven years after these dedicated zionists saw their “dream” come true, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, they upped sticks and went to live in the US. As did many more zionists originally based in Palestine at that time. For what reason other than the benefit of Israel?]

▪️Much of the 911 cover up which the MSM just repeated was done by Popular Mechanics a (garbage government loyalist) magazine whose editor was B. Chertoff, Michael Chertoff’s cousin.

▪️In 2015 former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak invested in Reporty Homeland Security, established in 2014, becoming a major shareholder. Reporty changed its name to Carbyne. Jeffrey Epstein financed a considerable part of the investment, thus becoming a partner in the project.

(Revealed: Jeffrey Epstein Entered Partnership Worth Millions With Ehud Barak in 2015, Haaretz, July 11, 2019)

Michael Chertoff sits on the “advisory board” of Carbyne.

The company’s executive team are all former members of different branches of Israeli intelligence, including the elite military intelligence unit, Unit 8200, that is often likened to Israel’s equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

(Building Big Brother, Narativ. org, July 27, 2019 by Zev Shalev and Tracie McElroy)

Alvin K. Hellerstein

▪️Alvin K. Hellerstein is the judge who handled all 9–11 litigation. His son, Joseph Z. Hellerstein, is an Israeli lawyer who emigrated to Israel in 2001. His son works for Amit, Pollak & Matalon. And lives on a Jewish settlement on the West Bank.

▪️This is of crucial importance because one of the key defendants in the 9–11 wrongful death tort litigation process is the Mossad-controlled airport security firm named International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) N.V., which is the owner of Huntleigh U.S.A., the passenger screening company that checked the passengers that boarded the aircraft at the key airports on 9–11.

▪️The Israeli-owned ICTS is one of the aviation security defendants responsible for the 9–11 terror attacks.

▪️Hellerstein has prevented a trial and effectively blocked any discovery that would reveal what really happened on 9–11.

▪️Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9–11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS.

(The Zionist Hijacking of the 9–11 Victim Lawsuits, Christopher Bollyn, 14 April 2006)

Kenneth R. Feinberg

▪️Kenneth R. Feinberg was the special master of the federally-funded Victims’ Compensation Fund. He single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

▪️Those who accepted the money signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9–11.

▪️The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004–2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine.

▪️The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd’s of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9–11 victims’ lawsuits had gone forward.

▪️Feinberg was appointed special master by then Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft, a dedicated Christian Zionist and supporter of such groups as Stand for Israel, is today working as a lobbyist for Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), which hired the former U.S. Attorney General to help secure the U.S. government’s approval to sell an Israeli weapons system to the South Korean Air Force.

▪️The Israelis hired Ashcroft to improve their chances against an American-made system built by Chicago-based Boeing Co.

▪️Ashcroft, who was born in Chicago, is the former head of the Dept. of Justice, where his Israeli-American assistant, Michael Chertoff, directed the FBI non-investigation of the events of 9–11. Ashcroft is now being paid (off) by the state of Israel to work against the interests of an American company — and the United States.

(Solving 9–11: The Deception That Changed The World, Christopher Bollyn; The Zionist Hijacking of the 9–11 Victim Lawsuits, Christopher Bollyn, 14 April 2006)

A summary

🛑 The DEA had uncovered an Israeli spy operation (one of many) in the US which had begun in early 2000.

🛑 The alleged al-Qaeda hijacker ringleaders began to appear on the radar at the same time and in the exact same areas.

🛑 The FBI is claimed to have told the French secret service that (at least) four of the alleged hijackers were being watched by these spies.

🛑 None of this information was (apparently) passed on to US authorities before 9/11. So, what was the point of this surveillance? For the good of the US? They were spying on the US on an industrial scale too! And let’s not forget that al Qaeda’s command was basically controlled by the US through Saudi proxies. Nor that al Qaeda has never attacked Israel or it’s interests around the world.

🛑 The report in to Mossad activities in the US was written by the DEA, not the FBI. It was purely accidental that this came to the public’s attention. And when it did, the FBI buried it.

🛑 Whatever fairy tale Mossad (and probably the CIA) came up with to cover for this exposure, Mossad was in proximity to these characters for months, if not years. And the official “intelligence report” allegedly given by Mossad to the US a couple of months before 9/11 was a vague claim that “200 terrorists” were reportedly planning “something” in the US and that they were partially sponsored by Iraq! Remember that their spies were supposedly living among the alleged perpetrators for months before this garbage claim was provided.

🛑 The total infiltration of US communications outlined in this piece should come as no surprise. What should ring alarm bells is that an entity with a track record of spying, theft and infiltration wherever the opportunity arose, should be given yet more opportunities to spy on US intelligence services themselves to see what they see in real time! They knew it would happen, but did it anyway. Why?

🛑 Was the work of surveillance and/or babysitting these people — if they weren’t partially or wholly compromised themselves — being franchised out by forces within US intel? A spy ring within a spy ring? Compartmentalized.

🛑 The DEA report put a spanner in the works. As did the UMS spies being caught celebrating the first attack of 9/11. Along with the Odigo warnings, it showed that Mossad knew the exact time and place of the first attack.

🛑 But was there simply “prior knowledge”? This in itself is bad enough, but the UMS employees being stopped on 3 consecutive days, including the day before 9/11, late at night, at what was to become the Shankesville site makes for a completely different conclusion. Remember, no “intel” or “surveillance” explains how they knew the Flight 93 narrative in advance — that passengers would rebel and the plane would crash. Again, the Israelis stopped in the area late at night the day before 9/11, lied about certain important details and the UMS owner of the Mossad operation even threw them under the bus by claiming that they shouldn’t have been there.

🛑 Four Israelis at yet another furniture removal company known to at least one of the UMS employees, moved one of the alleged hijackers in to his house!

🛑 One alleged hijacker ringleader, Ziad Jarrah, was the cousin of an Israeli informant of 25 years. He was shown to have been impersonated and presented as an “al Qaeda radical” (at least at one point in the FBI timeline). The same was done with Mohammad Atta. Both are on “martyrdom” videos laughing. One video even had the sound removed.

🛑 ”Found” at the Flight 93 crash site, we have the supposed passport which looks nothing like the real Ziad Jarrah, and a document (that withstood the explosive fireball) connecting him to a Palestinian extremist of the 1980s.

🛑 We have a van with two Israelis owned by a Mossad espionage front in the area where this “al Qaeda radical” apparently crashed an aircraft in to the ground after an alleged fight back by passengers (Mossad operatives repeatedly being in this vicinity raises alarm bells — unless this scenario is properly investigated, Israel’s role in 9/11 goes well beyond “prior knowledge”).

🛑 And a low flying drone (to avoid radar) seen by a witness in Shanksville who claimed it flew over her van just before the explosion.

Nothing to see here!

🛑 No amount of wordplay, denial or accusations of (weaponized) antisemitism will deter me in accusing Larry Silverstein and members of his family of knowing that the WTC was going to be attacked that morning.

🛑 Nor will the actions of Mossad asset company Zim Shipping in losing millions by moving out of the WTC before 9/11. If the likes of Silverstein knew and Odigo messaging service knew, so did they. No doubt.

🛑 The security for the entire WTC complex was run by Kroll Associates, who had close connections to not only Israeli intelligence, but the Israeli government. The owner was involved in the campaign to remove Saddam Hussein in Iraq during the 1990s, and in making money there through mercenaries after Hussein was removed. The U.S. proconsul who ran occupied Iraq until the end of June 2004, Lewis “Jerry” Bremer was a key man in Kroll’s business.

🛑 A neocon and Israelophile was the one who declared “trillions” being “missing” from Pentagon accounts the day before 9/11. On 9/11 itself the majority of victims in the Pentagon itself were accountants. The alleged hijackers apparently chose the most complicated route to “take out” this side of the building.

🛑 Persons with direct connections to Israeli intelligence and military oversaw cyber-security for the U.S. government and military computers prior to and after 9–11. “Ethical hackers” who test security systems.

One of them reportedly helped design the Pentagon’s computer security architecture.

The majority of cameras where Flight 77 allegedly hit the Pentagon were turned off or removed for renovation work. That’s handy.

🛑 Defense Protective Service (DPS), which guards the Pentagon, arrested three people at the Pentagon who were dressed as firefighters, but were not firefighters. They had been there from the day before not long after the explosions and fire. Fake military personnel were also there, one even interfering with the crime scene. One DPS officer reported evidence being stolen by “military people”. No further details were given as to their identities or the reason for their intrusion.

🛑 Israeli intelligence was connected to security in setting up FAA protocols and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Space and Naval Warfare Command.

🛑 Huntleigh, in charge of airport security where alleged hijackers passed through, was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel’s military intelligence agency, Mossad.

One was a former Likud treasurer and IDF president convicted of fraud and falsifying documents in the 90s.

🛑 If this company had clear ties to Israeli intelligence, how did alleged terrorists on the radar of fellow spies in the US not raise red flags when their tickets were booked in their own names?

🛑 The biggest tell in the Anthrax episode of this saga, imposed on the US public which was already traumatized, was Jerome Hauer, who worked for Kroll Associates, a company with close ties to the Israeli military, and his supplying of the Cipro antidote to government officials before the Anthrax was even in the mail.

🛑 The deadliest anthrax was US military manufactured.

🛑 Mossad threw their hat in the ring by LYING about alleged hijacker ringleader Mohammad Atta being handed anthrax by an Iraqi intelligence officer in JUNE. When was this LIE originally produced?

🛑 Also in June, when Atta was supposedly receiving anthrax, the same characters brought to the forefront for the Iraqi (bs) narrative in the days, weeks and years following 9/11 — former CIA director and Israelophile neocon James Woolsey, New York Times reporter and neocon warmonger with the MSM, Judith Miller, and the person dishing out Cipro before the attacks to the neocon war cabinet in Bush’s administration, Jerome Hauer. They were involved in a mock chemical weapon exercise along with MSM. It mirrored exactly the anthrax false flag, including the blame being placed on Iraq with al Qaeda connections.

🛑 The only politicians to receive the deadliest anthrax in the post were two who were trying to halt the fascist Patriot Act.

🛑 The alleged true source of the anthrax was a Christian zionist. Whether it was him or not, it was clear that he couldn’t have done it alone.

🛑 The fate of the response to 9/11, the wars that followed, the draconian laws introduced, the sham “investigation”, the (non) prosecution on behalf of victim families, and the protection of all Israeli spies rounded up, were in the hands of neocons and zionists, many with direct connections to Israel.

If you are convinced that 9/11 was an “inside job”, Israel was “inside” everything. At every site involved. While Mossad ghouls couldn’t contain themselves and had to see the destruction coming that day, others closely connected to Israel weren’t anywhere near the areas attacked because they’d been pre-warned. And while rescue workers were choking on cancerous dust, the cheerleaders for war on Israel’s “enemy” Iraq were in full swing.

Having read this, even if you still believe the official narrative, you must acknowledge the complete infiltration by Israel in to the core of the US structure from top to bottom. And if you’ve read the previous chapters you must acknowledge that Israel is far from being an ally.

And where ever you stand on the inside job spectrum, from “prior knowledge” to controlled demolition of the towers, you must acknowledge that Israel’s fingerprints are all over each and every scenario.

And they weren’t finished yet. Their antics in the years that followed lead to the rape and destruction of Iraq. Which they did, not “behind closed doors” but with all of the doors and windows open for all to see.

