Chapter 26: The British Layer — Part 2: The Profumo Affair, JFK and the Usual Suspects

Brendan Devenney
21 min readDec 7, 2022


The last chapter showed the vicious snowballing of paedophile honeytraps run by MI5, MI6 and Jimmy Savile. It also outlined one of the honeytraps also run by MI5 and Stephen Ward (Profumo Affair). The operation under Ward actually reached the halls of power across the Atlantic to Washington. To John F Kennedy and the zionist/CIA wolves who surrounded him.

Bobby Baker and the zionist mafia

Bobby Baker had worked all of his political life alongside Lyndon Johnson, starting in 1949, and eventually becoming secretary to the Senate Majority Leader in 1955.

Johnson used Baker to obtain political information. That is, blackmail material.

(Robert A. Caro, Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate (2002))

In the early 1950s Baker arranged for Ed Levinson, an associate of zionist mafia chief, Meyer Lansky, and director of the Mossad-linked Banque de Credit International, founded by former Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum, to become involved in setting up casinos in the Dominican Republic. Sociopathic racist dictator Raphael Trujillo was in power at the time. His boss, LB Johnson, had been involved with the zionist mafia, spies and terrorists from a young age. Johnson was also involved in arms smuggling to Haganah.

(Chapters 13, 15 and 17)

Levinson was also on the board of directors of the BCI bank. Lansky’s primary overseas money laundering bank — sharing those money laundering services that the bank provided to Israel’s Mossad.

(Tom J. Farer, Transnational Crime in the Americas: An Inter-American Dialogue Book (New York: Routledge, 1999), 65.; Ed Reid and Ovid Demaris, The Green Felt Jungle (New York: Pocket Books, 1964), 217–20.; Robert D. Morrow. The Senator Must Die: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy. (Santa Monica: CA: Roundtable Publishing, Inc., 1988), p30); Life, September 16, 1967.)

Quoting from Chapter 15:

In 1960 Johnson was elected as vice president under John F. Kennedy. Baker remained as Johnson’s secretary and political adviser. He continued to do business with Levison…in the Dominican Republic. Baker argued that Dominican Republic could be a Mafia replacement for Cuba. However, dictator Rafael Trujillo’s assassination in 1962 put an end to this idea.

Baker’s new strategy was to establish the “Serve-U-Corporation” with his zionist mafia friends. The company was to provide vending machines for companies working on federally granted programs. The machines were manufactured by a company secretly owned by Sam Giancana and other mobsters based in Chicago.

Levinson was a conduit between the zionist mafia and Israel for at least twenty years. And Johnson’s “fixer” and adviser, Baker, was working with him for over a decade.

By 1963, Baker’s corruption had come under the spotlight. He was investigated by Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Evidence emerged that Lyndon Johnson was also involved in political corruption.

Johnson and Baker shared the same lawyer. Abe Fortas. He was an Israeli asset who would be pivotal in covering up the USS Liberty incident in 1967.

(Chapter 15)

Baker informed Johnson that JFK was going to make him step down as Vice President because of these investigations.

(W. Penn Jones Jr, Texas Midlothian Mirror (31st July, 1969))

In the weeks leading up to the assassination, the Bobby Baker investigation was the most important political story of the time. The death of JFK changed all that (make of that what you will). It also enabled LBJ to use his position as president to prevent the publication of details of his corrupt relationship with Baker.

According to recorded phone calls of LB Johnson (which he had been recording himself), which were released under FOIA by the LBJ Library in 1993, they showed that one subject dominated his thinking in the weeks after JFK’s assassination: the Bobby Baker investigation.

Cohn’s honey trap career

In the decade leading up to Baker coming under the spotlight, the zionist mafia had had it’s fingers in all of the pies. Including the FBI’s. And Lyndon B Johnson’s.

Long term FBI chief Edgar Hoover had been compromised throughout his long career by the zionist mafia, ADL and Roy Cohn. During the early fifties Cohn was number one cohort of Senator McCarthy during the “anticommunist” frenzy.

(See Chapter 8)

For twenty years, Roy exchanged Christmas gifts with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover….after returning from Washington in the Fifties, he was always seen at the Hampshire House parties of Edwin Weisl, Lyndon Johnson’s attorney.


J. Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating with the U.S. District Attorney in New York, Robert Morgenthau, in his prosecution against Roy Cohn on a number of felony charges.

(LIFE Magazine, 5 Sep. 1969, p29)

Cohn’s presence alongside McCarthy coincided with the mass infiltration of the Democrat Party, and grooming of future US presidents, by the zionist machine. It also coincided with Cohn’s alliance with certain kapos in the zionist mafia who were setting up blackmail schemes to keep the “strays” in line.

(See Chapter 7 and 8)

Hoover’s number three at the FBI was Louis B Nichols. He also worked closely with Cohn in developing cases against suspected Communists. Even though Nichols was the “go to man” for pushing through passports for zionist spies. And one confirmed zionist/Soviet spy.

He was later rewarded with an executive position by zionist mafia linchpin Lewis Rosenstiel at Schenley Distilleries in 1957.

(See Chapter 7 and 8; Ex‐Head of Schenley Industries Is Linked to Crime ‘Consortium’, New York Times, Nicholas Gage, Feb 1971)

Rosenstiel was known for his relatively closeted bisexual antics, a part of his life that was well known to many of his close associates and employees.

(The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, p66)

Rosensteil’s ex wife, Susan Kaufman, alleged during the 1970s, under oath during the hearing of the New York’s State Joint Legislative Committee on Crime, that he hosted extravagant parties that included “boy prostitutes” that her husband had hired for VIPs (government officials, etc). And that these parties were bugged: a honeytrap.

“her testimony was deemed credible and held in high regard by the former chief counsel of the Crime Committee, New York Judge Edward McLaughlin, and committee investigator William Gallinaro and aspects of her testimony were later corroborated by two separate witnesses who were unknown to Kaufman.”

(Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Summers; The Secret File On J. Edgar Hoover, Frontline, February 9, 1993)

Cohn was also connected through one of his “investigators” to a wiretapping scandal in New York during the fifties that involved the lines of 50–100,000 residents, corporations and politicians being bugged (to be discussed).

The Baker, Hoover and LBJ honeytrap

While Baker and Johnson were up to their necks in corruption with the zionist mafia, Baker was also running (or was the frontman for) honeypot operations.

Running parallel to this financial corruption, in 1961, Baker established the Quorum Club. This was a private club in the Carroll Arms Hotel on Capitol Hill.

“Its membership was comprised of senators, congressmen, lobbyists, Capitol Hill staffers, and other well-connecteds..”

(Investigations: Bobby’s High Life, Time Magazine, November 8, 1963)

The Quorum Club was used to acquire information about politicians that could later be used for blackmail.

(Bobby Baker, protege of Lyndon Johnson felled by influence-peddling scandal, dies at 89, Washington Post, November 17, 2017)

“The Carroll Arms had been a ‘railroad hotel,’ situated between Union Station and the halls of Congress….rooms in the hotel — where McCarthy aides Roy Cohn and David Schine lived on the top floor — went for as little as $10 a night as late as 1961. On the second floor was the notorious Quorum Club.

(Maurice Rosenblatt and the Fall of Joseph McCarthy, Shelby Scates)

Cohn was living, and/or running operations first hand, in the same building.

The Quorum was not the only place this evidence gathering took place. Private parties held at the home of Carole Tyler (personal secretary to Bobby Baker) were another source of obtaining incriminating information. So also was Fred Black’s hotel suite at the Sheraton-Carlton in Washington.

(Tony Mauro, A Peek Into Justice White’s FBI File (2003)

Fred Black was Baker’s business partner in the zionist mafia vending machine scam.

The zionist mafia was involved. Without getting their hands dirty.

It was here (at the Quorum Club) that LBJ got the necessary information to blackmail Gerald Ford. Ford allegedly had an affair with one honeytrap operative: Ellen Rometsch (to be discussed).

(Bobby Baker, Wheeling and Dealing (1978) page 170)

Ford would be on the Warren Commission. The government whitewash of the JFK assassination. And be president in 1973.

Hoover, Cohn and LBJ had two presidents in their pocket through a single woman in just one honeytrap operation. LBJ sat in the White House surrounded by Israelophiles in between the two.

Baker used young women working at the Senate and high-class prostitutes to provide the entertainment for the politicians. He also used three women who had been born in communist countries but had fled to the west: Ellen Rometsch, Maria Novotny and Suzy Chang.

(Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot (1997)

Stephen Ward (Profumo Affair) had in fact been doing what Bobby Baker had been doing in Washington. Both men had even used the same women. This included Maria Novotny and Suzy Chang, two women that JFK had sex with in 1960/61.

(Anthony Summers & Stephen Dorril, Honey Trap (1987)

Among the targets of Baker, Cohn, LBJ and Hoover was John F Kennedy.

Bobby Baker was asked if he would arrange a meeting between Ellen Rometsch, a “waitress” at the Quorum Club, and John F. Kennedy. Baker later said that: “He (Kennedy) sent back word it was the best time he ever had in his life. That was not the only time. She saw him on other occasions. It went on for a while.”

(Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993); (Bobby Baker, Wheeling and Dealing (1978) pages 78–80 and 180–81))

Rometsch had moved to the United States in 1961 with her second husband, Rolf.

Baker then told LBJ and he in turn told Hoover about Kennedy’s relationship with Ellen Rometsch. Hoover immediately painted her as a “Soviet spy”.

In July 1963, FBI agents questioned Rometsch about her past.

She left the US in August 1963 and was paid off to stay quiet

(Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993) page 311)

A top-level FBI memo written in October, 1963 [a month before JFK was assassinated], stated it was “alleged that the President and the Attorney General (Robert Kennedy) had availed themselves of services of playgirls.”

(Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993) page 310; FBI memo (26th October, 1963))

FBI investigators were in contact with Rometsch from July 1963 to 1987.

(478-page file with the code number 105–122316)

Hoover leaked the story of a high ranking US official sleeping with communist spies to the US press on 26th October, 1963, without naming JFK in person. This was just a month before JFK was assassinated.

But JFK had used other “playgirls”. British girls.

The British layer: more “Ward girls”

The opening of the Quorum Club honeytrap coincided with the appearance of (at least) four of “Stephen Ward’s girls”: Mariella Novotny, Christine Keeler, Suzy Chang and Mandy Rice-Davies.

In January 1960, one Mariella Novotny (18) married an antiques dealer 36 years older than her. He was an associate of Stephen Ward and Michael Eddowes (Eddowes was a “client” of Ward’s):

Dibben announced that he had given Mariella a 20-room, sixteenth-century mansion in Sussex and a luxury flat in Eaton Place for a wedding present. Her engagement ring was a 200-year-old diamond and sapphire antique.

(Stephen Dorrel, Lobster (November 1983))

By the end of the year, in December 1960, Novotny had gone to the USA and to the Quorum Club with Suzy Chang. Chang had gotten to know Stephen Ward during the late fifties. Novotny had been invited to New York by TV producer Harry Alan Towers on the promise of her becoming a “television model doing commercials”.

Chang returned to the US for a period in 1961 and Christmas 1962.

Chang and Novotny both slept with JFK according to authors Anthony Summers and Stephen Dorril.

(Anthony Summers, The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993); FBI telegram 861)

Whatever the truth of the matter, Hoover was aware of who these women were.

American film producer Harry Alan Towers, who had brought Novotny and Chang to the US, had known Novotny for a year and had passed her among his “friends” in London and Paris.

Just two weeks after they arrived (early 1961), “Towers arranged a lunch for her with Peter Lawford, the brother-in-law of President John Kennedy. Towers claimed that it would do her modelling career good if she got to know Kennedy.

She met him at parties and eventually slept with him.

(Stephen Dorrel, Lobster (November 1983))

They had sex several times in Manhattan, once in a group involving other prostitutes. As in the Profumo case, there was a potential security angle.

(Anthony Summers, The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993))

Novotny would be arrested in March of 1961 for prostitution and try to flee in May, but was caught. Towers was also charged with the “White Slave Traffic Act”. The charges were eventually dropped and Novotny returned to hosting sex parties in London which included famous people and politicians. Back to Ward’s honeytrap.

On 11th July, 1962, Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies arrived in the United States. They had been sent by screenwriter and alleged CIA agent (according to Keeler), Earl Felton. Keeler later (allegedly) discovered that her movements were being monitored by the FBI. Seven days later she returned to London.

In 1962 a FBI memo written by J. Edgar Hoover, he stated that [American screenwriter Earl] Felton — who would bring Keeler and Davies to the US — had taken part in sex orgies that involved Christine Keeler, Mandy Rice-Davies, Mariella Novotny, Douglas Fairbanks, Lord Astor, Eugene Ivanov, John Profumo and Stephen Ward.

(J. Edgar Hoover, memo, June, 1963)

It has been learned that Christine Keeler and Marilyn Rice-Davies arrived in the U.S. aboard the SS Niew Amsterdam on July 11, 1962. They registered at the Hotel Bedford, 118 East 42nd Street, New York City, July 11, 1962, and re-registered on July 16, 1962. Hotel records do not show a date of departure; however, they did leave the U.S. on July 18, 1962

(FBI document, July 1963)

The FBI claimed that Stephen Ward was involved.

On a side note, Mandy Rice Davies moved to Israel a few years later in 1966 after marrying a character who worked for El Al Airlines (a Mossad front). Rafael Shaul. And depending where you look he was an air steward, a pilot, a restaurateur and eventually a nightclub owner.

She apparently made a fortune before leaving for Britain in 1972.

(Remembering Mandy Rice-Davies, once ‘queen of Tel Aviv nightlife’, Ynet News, 21/12/2014)

Suzy Chang’s name was revealed in the US press (journalist Dorothy Kilgallen — who would be suicided for knowing too much about Jack Ruby — Chapter 14) in June 1963, claiming that she had relations with a “man who holds a very high elective office”. She connected this relationship with the Profumo affair.

In July 1963, when the Stephen Ward trial came to an end (and Ward had “killed himself”), Novotny was named by the press as the hostess of infamous sex parties.

Throughout the seventies, Novotny published a book and several articles on the affair. By 1978, she announced that she was writing her autobiography which would expose MI5, “name names”, and include a “plot to discredit Jack Kennedy”. The book was never finished as she “committed suicide” in 1983.

According to Stephen Dorrel: “Shortly after her death her house was burgled and all her files and large day-to-day diaries from the early sixties to the seventies were stolen.”

(Spartacus Schoolnet, JFKNovotny; Spartacus Schoolnet, JFKChang)

It’s no coincidence that Ellen Rometsch (East Germany), Maria Novotny (originally Czechoslovakia) and Suzy Chang (China) were chosen to be introduced to JFK by the US honeytraps. They came from countries under communist control and could be painted as communist spies who had relationships with Kennedy. Rometsch was alleged to have been a spy herself. Not only that, Chang and Novotny had actual connections to what was being painted as a Soviet spy ring (Profumo Affair) that had targeted a British minister. Whatever the truth of the matter, if this information had been released to the press, it would have been a major scandal for a recently elected president. One that had made enemies among the organizers of the honeytraps in Washington.

Understandably, JFK told J. Edgar Hoover that he “personally interested in having this story killed”. The “story” that Hoover and Cohn had created.

At the time few people were aware of the significance of these events. JFK was one of those who did know why this was the start of a very big story. JFK became obsessed with the case. He even got David Bruce, the American ambassador to the UK to provide regular information on the Profumo story.

Kennedy ordered all further cables from Bruce on the subject sent to him immediately.”

(Ben Bradlee, Conversations With Kennedy (1976)

So, during the period where the Profumo scandal was brewing in London, the same women involved under Ward, were being used to target JFK.

One person undeniably linked the two transAtlantic honeytrap operations: Thomas Corbally.

Thomas Corbally

According to Corbally’s Wikipedia entry:

Thomas Corbally (March 25, 1921 — April 15, 2004) was an American businessman, private investigator and international adventurer. For many years, he rendered investigative services (specializing in industrial espionage) for Kroll Associates as an independent contractor “who brought the ghosts of Longie Zwillman, occupied Germany and Swinging London straight into the corporate boardroom.

(private investigative firm Kroll Associates, founded by former Manhattan assistant district attorney Jules Kroll in 1972 — to be discussed)

An FBI document reveals that on 29th January, 1963, Thomas Corbally, an American “businessman” who was a close friend of Stephen Ward, told Alfred Wells, the secretary to David Bruce, the US ambassador to Britain, that Christine Keeler was having a sexual relationship with John Profumo and Eugene Ivanov.

According to Christine Keeler and Ward himself, MI5 were undeniably — in that it was documented — “aware” of Ward’s relationship with Russian envoy Eugene Ivanov. And would know of Keeler’s affairs with Ivanov and Profumo a month later (timing, eh?).

(Unpublished memoirs Stephen Ward, The Truth at Last, Christine Keeler)

As for Corbally, he not only sat on this information for well over a year, he was part of it.

And he worked for Roy Cohn, who was overseeing Baker’s honeytrap.

Corbally wasn’t a “businessman”. He was on the payroll of blackmailer Roy Cohn. And it appears to me that his “informant” role was double-edged. He had to clear his own name (and Cohn’s). And to let MI5 know that the FBI/CIA would be openly informed about Ward. MI5 would be forced to cover up and localize the real story for damage control (which was what happened when Ward was accused of simply being a “pimp”).

By 1963, he (Corbally) was living in Mayfair (London) where, the FBI claimed, he “ran sex orgies” at his apartment. He become a friend of Stephen Ward and met Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies. He told the FBI both women “had swum naked in Lord Astor’s pool at Cliveden.

Ward had been using Astor’s property since at least 1961. And Keeler was introduced to Profumo there in July 1961.

And it was during this particular meeting in July 1961 that Keeler swam naked. Corbally may have been been present when Profumo was there.

(Why I now admire Mandy Rice-Davies, by Viscount Astor: Cameron’s father-in-law tells of reconciliation with showgirl involved in Profumo scandal, Daily Mail, 9 January 2014)


She (Keeler) said that Doctor Ward was a procurer of young women for gentlemen in high places and was sexually perverted: that he had a country cottage at Cliveden to which some of these women were taken to meet important men — the cottage was on the estate of Lord Astor”.

(Report by Detective Sergeant John Burrows on his interview of Christine Keeler (January 1963); Truth at Last, Christine Keeler)

After the FBI records were declassified in 1986, Corbally explained that he had been asked by ambassador Bruce, “perhaps to help Macmillan”, to discover the truth behind the Profumo rumours [his version of events].

After the scandal broke, Corbally prepared, with Roy Cohn’s help, a still largely classified 17-page statement for the FBI detailing his knowledge and role.

(Thomas Corbally obituary, Private investigator on the inside track of the Profumo affair, The Guardian, 27 Apr 2004)

You’ll view his testimony in another light when you read his real background (if Cohn employing him isn’t enough).

(Corbally’s)..paternal grandfather (also named Thomas Corbally) “had been an Irish beat cop in Newark who worked his way up to detective and then founded his own private investigative firm in the early ’20s: the Corbally Detective Agency, where Tom’s uncles and father all worked as private investigators at various points in Tom’s childhood. Bad guys and mobsters [including the aforementioned Zwillman] swirled around the agency, as did politicians.

(Thomas Corbally, 83; Figure of Mystery Was Reputed Spy, LA Times, April 2004)

It wasn’t (supposedly) until 1966 after an FBI investigation that Corbally’s family secrets couldn’t be contained any more after a US Customs investigation:

The Corbally Detective Agency, opened in Newark in the 1920s by Tom’s grandfather, had deep connections to New Jersey underworld figures. During Prohibition, the Corballys had worked with the rum runners and against federal agents.

The agents found evidence that Tom’s grandfather had traveled to Europe in 1933 with Joseph Stacher of Newark — the guy who ran gambling operations for mob boss Abner “Longie” Zwillman, and was also connected to the powerful gangster Meyer Lansky.

Eventually, the FBI came to believe that Harry Corbally had been the man who put up money to finance some of the biggest illegal liquor stills in the area during Prohibition.”

(This Private Investigator Was The Original Most Interesting Man In The World, Buzzfeed News, September 2017)

Direct zionist mafia connections. Of course the natural next step was for Corbally to join the zionist mafia’s newly found friend during WW2: the OSS.

The first of Corbally’s mentors was a secretive and well-connected wiretapper named John G. “Steve” Broady. He was a lawyer by profession and already a veteran investigator by the time Corbally came to work with him.

He’d worked for Winston Churchill in tracking down the British leader’s “wayward daughter” when she threatened to get married to an “unsuitable” American.

Between 50,000 and 100,000 individual subscribers were alleged to have been tapped over the course of fifteen months” in Manhattan during the early fifties.


“Broady tapped the phones of large corporations and sold the information he gathered to their opponents. He tapped the phones of the wealthy and famous and sold their information to divorce lawyers and rivals.

He tapped the phones of political figures to help his preferred candidates.”

Which candidates? The next paragraph should give an idea.

The second man who would have an enormous influence on Corbally was the Red-baiting lawyer and former Senate aide Roy Cohn, the young staffer who had been at the center of the McCarthy-era purges of alleged Communists from the federal government.

“…despite Corbally’s “ultra-conservative” political views, Cohn’s sexual orientation would never have caused him a moment’s concern. To Corbally, people’s sexual practices were their own business — unless he was digging up dirt on them for a client.

Cohn’s law practice, and its seemingly never-ending flow of corporate conflicts, political intrigue, and society maneuvering, provided a steady stream of investigative work for Broady and Corbally. And it was through Cohn that Corbally later met and socialized with future president Donald Trump, who, like Corbally, enjoyed being around beautiful women.

(This Private Investigator Was The Original Most Interesting Man In The World, Buzzfeed News, September 2017)

In January 1962, Corbally was in Palm Beach, Florida, hanging out with an 18-year-old actress named Nancy Czar who had just broken up with Elvis Presley.

According to her, she, Corbally, and a few friends ended up at the Kennedy compound known as the “Winter White House”. During the party Corbally tried to set her up alone with President Kennedy in the library, as the first lady entertained guests in another room. When Czar refused,

You are the only one who has ever turned down the president.

He’d done this before.

Given his connections to Ward and Cohn (and so, LB Johnson), it’s highly likely that he had something to do with the appearance of Chang, Novotny, Keeler and Davies.

During an interview with author Anthony Summers, Corbally is on record as admitting he was a close friend of Ward who was constantly a visitor to his flat in London. Even the Russian envoy at the center of the Profumo scandal, Yevgeny Ivanov, was also a visitor.

Ward liked to tell people he had been a back-channel intermediary between the Soviets and the British government during the Cuban missile crisis.

Corbally fled England when the Profumo scandal was breaking.

His lawyer — Corbally made sure to tell the agents several times — was Roy Cohn.

“FBI documents also show Corbally provided two other pieces of information that may have alarmed the FBI. He said he had checked out Ward’s claim that he had been an intermediary in the Cuban missile crisis and had been advised that the claim, as wild as it seemed, was accurate. Second, he said rumors were circulating that Prince Philip — the husband of Queen Elizabeth II — had also been involved with the young women at the center of the Profumo scandal.”

Heavily redacted FBI documents released under FOIA revealed how a few years after the dust had settled on Ward and JFK, in 1966, Corbally was identified as being a courier for “mafia-controlled casinos in the United States to Swiss banks”.

(This Private Investigator Was The Original Most Interesting Man In The World, Buzzfeed News, September 2017)

He name-dropped Cohn again.

At the time in question, Tibor Rosenbaum, founder of Swiss-Israel Trade Bank, laundered Mossad and zionist mafia money (under Meyer Lansky, who Corbally’s father worked for) and supplied 90% of arms to Israel at one point.

(Dennis Eisenberg, Uri Dan and Eli Landau. Meyer Lansky: Mogul of the Mob. (New York: Paddington Press, 1979), p. 276.)

(This Private Investigator Was The Original Most Interesting Man In The World, Buzzfeed News, September 2017)

A decade later, Corbally would (publically) appear in the zionist orbit again. Of course he never spent a day in jail, and no further investigations are on public record.

Corbally had long been associated with Kroll Associates, a security consulting firm, and had friendships with Hollywood stars, business leaders and such international luminaries as…Sir Jimmy Goldsmith of Britain..

(Thomas Corbally, 83; Figure of Mystery Was Reputed Spy, LA Times, April 2004)

In an upcoming chapter I’ll be discussing the nefarious organizations that worked parallel to the British paedophile operations. Including a group that aided Margaret Thatcher to come to power: The 61. Which Corbally’s client Sir Jimmy Goldsmith sponsored:

“61 operations, apparently costing about $1 million per year, were paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife, Rupert Murdoch and Sir James Goldsmith. All these men were wealthy neoconservatives with suspected CIA and Mossad ties.”

(May 1, 1995, The Persbundel, ‘Pioneer for the Truth’ (translated from Dutch)]

Jules Kroll himself was tied to Israeli intelligence. And suspects in 9/11:

Jeremy Kroll, the son of Jules B. Kroll, has been an executive at Marsh Kroll, a division of Marsh & McLennan Co. (MMC), since 1996. Jeremy Kroll’s connection with Elad and Amit Yoran through SGP reveals a key link between the American Zionist network and Israeli military intelligence.

Jules Kroll’s wife, Lynn Korda Kroll, is the Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York, and is likewise connected to Larry Silverstein, a national chairman of the UJA, the biggest fund- raising organization for the State of Israel.”

(Chapter 22)

“In 1993, Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll’s company when A.I.G. bought twenty-three percent of Kroll. Greenberg is very close to Henry Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.G.’s International Advisory Board in 1987.

Kroll Associates “was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures.” “We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations,” Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.”

And we end up back in the same orbit of personalities mentioned throughout previous chapters. Characters that have strutted through the halls of power uninterrupted in the US pushing their own interests, and those of Israel. And the same methodology would be repeated in Britain.


MI5 were exposed to be running a VIP honeytrap operation during the early sixties. Simultaneously in Washington, another VIP honeytrap operation was in full swing. The latter was run by the enemies that surrounded JF Kennedy: the zionist mafia and the politicians they owned. The FBI’s Hoover was also involved.

The same girls who surrounded the Profumo Affair were also used to blackmail Kennedy just months before he was assassinated. Roy Cohn’s personal blackmailer, Thomas Corbally, was in the middle of it all, directly involved in London. Corbally’s whole life was rooted in working for the zionist mafia and for the same group of people mentioned in previous chapters related to zionist infiltration and spying in the US. Just as they have always done in the US, the zionist angle was buried.

Unlike the US where zionist infiltration was more blatant, the British had already been proven to be easier prey — although more tact was needed on MI5’s home turf. From the Balfour Declaration to the self harming insistence of forging ahead with the “zionist dream in Palestine” (Chapters 1 and 2). The British establishment bowed to the zionist elite within their ranks. It cost nearly twenty six years of military involvement and the loss of Arab allies, culminating in zionist terrorism and assassinations (in Palestine and abroad) against the British themselves. It was the nation that (inexplicably) kept on giving. Just a few years after the bloodshed and betrayal, zionists would suck Britain in to the Suez conspiracy (British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would step down because of the Suez Crisis and be blackmailed by Ben Gurion). His successor, Harold MacMillan and his government came crashing down in the wake of the Profumo Affair (not forgetting that across the Atlantic, a US president was assassinated ushering in the most blatant pro-Israel president in history).

Harold Wilson and the Labour Party would step in after MacMillan. Wilson was an admitted Israelophile. It was during his rule that Israel would siphon off British nuclear materials throughout the sixties in their quest for a nuclear bomb (to be discussed in the next chapter). And it was during this same decade that the future, and most controversial Prime Minister would be groomed by a mentor connected to Israel: Margaret Thatcher.

