Chapter 28: The British Layer — Part 4: Israel’s permanent “get out of jail free card” and the mystery of the British submissive.

Brendan Devenney
72 min readMay 18, 2023


Numerous previous chapters have outlined the roadmap of how zionism has infiltrated US institutions. But what is a far tougher nut to crack is the British equation in it all. How the British became involved in the beginning through the Balfour Declaration can be mapped out. The financial blackmail by the US, and thus zionism, after two world wars was pivotal. But their bended knee approach to zionist back stabbing and deceit for a whole century is baffling and cringeworthy.

The British were and are compliant in selling a narrative that is blatantly false and which has never been beneficial to them.

I’m going to list examples where Britain and the US abide by a completely distinct and separate set of rules when dealing with zionist intrigue. Namely, that they and their narrative were deemed untouchable.

The British Layer

The accepted narrative during World War Two was that the British operated alongside a romanticized version of “moderate” zionism — the Haganah, Palmach, the Jewish Agency, etc — while “extremist” zionism was responsible for all acts of terrorism or any actions that contradicted this narrative.

Remember from the previous chapters that Teddy Kollek was a member of Haganah/Jewish Agency command and intelligence, with links to the MI6 hierarchy. And that the British zionist “elite” also mentioned, Victor Rothschild, George Weidenfeld and Flora Solomon et al followed this same narrative.

What narrative?

That they simply wanted a “Jewish homeland”, were worried about Jewish persecution in fascist Europe, and had Britain’s interests at heart.


1930s Palestine and Europe were a dystopian nightmare.

Between 1937 and 1939, 5,000 Arabs, 415 Jews and several hundred Britons were killed.

(Gilbert, Martin (2005). Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

This was the period in Palestine where the British mask of “impartiality” dropped and armies of Jewish zionists were armed, trained and operated with the British military.

The situation in Palestine had reached a critical point by 1939 with the outbreak of war. The British Royal Commission had declared the Mandate, and thus Balfour Declaration, unworkable.

(“The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917–1988,” by UNISPAL — Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR), June 30, 1978)

A glaringly obvious fact that the British establishment had repeatedly ignored prior to its implementation in 1922.

(See Chapter 2)

“Shortly before the war broke out, both the Jewish Agency as well as Palestinian Arab leaders declared their support of the Allies…“

(Excerpted from the report “The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917–1988,” by UNISPAL — Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR), June 30, 1978)

Only the Palestinians would keep their word during the war years.

Fascist Friends

It’s important to remember at this point that Feivel Polkes, one of the leaders of Haganah, the so-called “allies” of the British, was offering Haganah’s services to the Germans in 1937!

(See Chapter 4)

The claim is that Polkes was a rogue operator.

But Teddy Kollek had secured the release of 3000 Jews from Austria in 1938 through Adolf Eichmann just a year after Polkes had been in discussions on this very subject with Eichmann himself. This shows that Polkes’ efforts were rubberstamped by some level of the leadership.

(Chapter 27)

This cosy tête-a-tête between Polkes and the Third Reich hierarchy wasn’t as controversial as you may think. German zionists had a long running relationship with the Gestapo and SS officers since Hitler had come to power in 1933. Another example of this relationship with fascist Europe was in 1934 when Mussolini set up a Betar squadron at his scubla marittima at Civitavecchia, where 134 cadets were trained by the notorious Blackshirts.

Also in 1934, SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler toured Palestine together for six months to assess Zionist development there.

Von Mildenstein was promoted to head the Jewish affairs department of the SS security service in order to support zionist migration and development more effectively.

Der Angriff issued a special medal, with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other, to commemorate the joint SS-Zionist visit.

In 1935 the “Nuremberg Laws” were introduced in Germany.

The only other flags permitted to be flown bar the Reich national flag were the “Jewish colors”.

Zionism became the only other party legalized in the Reich.

The Gestapo/SS General Reinhardt Heydrich issued orders to treat zionist Jews more leniently.

And non-zionist Jews?

In Britain, Lord Reading and co-architect of the Balfour Declaration and former High Commissioner of Palestine, Lord Herbert Samuel condemned the global Jewish boycott (brewing at that time in response to repression in Germany against Jews) in the English parliament at the request of German zionists. And Tel Aviv.

(Chapter 3)

Palestine, the war and zionist extremism

In 1939, the British were worried that the influx of immigrants from axis-controlled Europe “offered an opportunity for the infiltration of enemy agents”. And “In November 1940, it was decided that illegal immigrants would be deported to an alternative place of refuge in the Colonial Empire.

(British Government, The Political History of Palestine (Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) (Jerusalem, 1947), p. 30.)

Haganah’s response to these very real fears? Very real in the sense that German zionists had a good relationship with the Third Reich (were the British aware of Polkes’ discussions with Eichmann?).

Between April 1939 and December 1943, over 20,000 illegal immigrants arrived in Palestine.

(The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), Great Britain and Palestine, p. 132, fn.)

Haganah and the Jewish Agency were front and center in illegal immigration. As was “British ally” Teddy Kollek.

One such refugee ship was The Patria in Haifa port in 1940. 250 Jews were sacrificed by the Jewish Agency/Haganah when they planted explosives on the ship, blew it up and sank it. Only to blame the passengers themselves.

(Christopher Sykes, p. 269)

Post-1940, zionists resorted to violence. Again. But this time the violence was directed at their patrons. The recourse to terrorism was outlined in an official British document:

“The lull in terrorist activity did not continue throughout the war years.“

(British Government, The Political History of Palestine (Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) (Jerusalem, 1947), pp31–32)

The “Stern Gang” or Lehi, an offshoot of Irgun, came to prominence during the war years. They were labeled “extremist Jewish terrorists” but Haganah was following suit in their activities. It was simply the case that the Jewish Agency controlled the narrative.

Throughout 1940 and 1941, Lehi were offering their services to Italian fascism and the Third Reich.

And as we’ll see, refugee ships were indeed used to smuggle both arms and terrorists during the war years.

Lehi leader Avraham Stern… tried to make contact with Fascist Italy in the hope that, if Mussolini were to conquer the Middle East, he would allow a Jewish State to be set up in Palestine. When Mussolini’s troops were defeated in North Africa, Stern tried to make contact with Nazi Germany, hoping to sign a pact with Hitler that would lead to a Jewish State once Hitler had defeated Britain.

(Israel: A History by Martin Gilbert, p. 111–112)

In 1940 Stern formulated what he called the “Jerusalem Agreement”:

Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter” in return for Mussolini’s recognition and aid in obtaining Jewish sovereignty over Palestine.”

(Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940–1949 pp. 86, 78–79; Tom Segev, Haim Watzman. The Seventh Million. p. 33)

That same year, Irgun/Lehi offered an alliance with the Germans.

The organization offered cooperation in the following terms: Lehi would rebel against the British, while Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.

“The NMO…is well acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities toward Zionist activity inside Germany and toward Zionist emigration plans….The NMO is closely related to the totalitarian movements in Europe in its ideology and structure.

[Note: reinforcing what I wrote about British fears about German zionists.]

Soon after this, late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut (which was still under the fascist French Vichy control) to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig. The Lehi documents outlined that its rule would be authoritarian and indicated similiarites between the organization and Nazis.

(The Jews: A Contrary People, Yehuda Bauer, pages 77–78)

Who set this meeting up? Why did this person Lubenchik — whose information I haven’t been able to find anywhere — not fear being arrested?

Abraham Stern proposed recruiting some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British. On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the “Ankara document”) conveying an offer by Lehi to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side in return for German support for “the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich.

(Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940–1949, p86; David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics, 1889–1945, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1974. Verified web copies: GermanEnglish. Also see Otto von Hentig, Mein Leben (Goettingen, 1962) pp. 338–339)

At the end of 1941 Stern tried again to establish ties with Germany, but his representative, Yellin-Mor, was captured by the British in Syria and prevented from completing his mission.

(Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy by Sasson Sofer)

When Lehi leader Abraham Stern was killed by British police in 1942, the leadership of Lehi was shared. Among the leaders were Nathan Yalin-Mor, one of the eventual killers of United Nations Security Council mediator Count Bernadotte in 1948, and Yitzhak Shamir, a future “prime minister of Israel”.

Even by the summer of 1943 Lehi still refused to depict Hitler rather than England as the main foe.

(The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics and Terror, 1940–1949 Joseph Heller page 114)

Zionist terrorism was widespread.

..there came to light a widespread conspiracy, connected with Haganah, for stealing arms and ammunition from the British forces in the Middle East.

In August 1944, the High Commissioner narrowly escaped death in an ambush outside Jerusalem.

Three months later, on the 6th November, the British Minister of State in the Middle East (Lord Moyne) was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Stern group (Lehi).

A third illegal Jewish organization, the Irgun Tzeva’i Leumi, was responsible for much destruction of Government property during 1944.”

(British Government, The Political History of Palestine (Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) (Jerusalem, 1947), pp31–32)

Blurring the lines

The Jewish Resistance Movement (URM), was an alliance of the Zionist paramilitary organizations Haganah, Irgun and Lehi. It was established in October 1945 (6 months after the Germans surrendered) by the Jewish Agency and (allegedly) operated for at least ten months, until August 1946.

Negotiations began for the formation of the movement in August 1945 at the behest of Haganah leaders Moshe Sneh and Israel Galili.

The leadership of the new movement included four representatives: Two from the Haganah (Sneh and Galili), a representative of the Irgun (Menachem Begin) and a representative of Lehi (Nathan Yellin Mor).

(Jewish Agency for Israel, History of the Jewish Agency for Israel; Eric Silver, Begin, A Biography. 1984, pp62–64)

High Commissioner Sir Allan Cunningham decided to mount a major blow against the insurgents. On 28 June 1946, 17,000 British troops carried out Operation Agatha in Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency offices and other buildings were raided and arms caches discovered.

I wrote that these groups were together for “at least” 10 months because of the following:

By December 1947, British High Commissioner Alan Cunningham reported to London: “…the Haganah and the dissident groups are now working so closely together that the (Jewish) Agency’s claim that they cannot control the dissidents is inadmissible.”

(Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs, Donald Neff, Washington Report, May/June 2006, pages 14–15)

This was the armed zionist tactic. Lehi and Irgun openly fought against the British during the war, taking all of the bad propaganda and criticism. Haganah and Palmach, two organizations armed and trained by the British a few years earlier, pretended to uphold a truce and condemn them.

Remember that this alliance was in place during one of the most significant attacks. The King David Hotel bombing.


On 17 June 1946, Irgun and Palmach units blew up ten of the eleven bridges linking Palestine and Transjordan (which two Labour Party officials sanctioned! — discussed next).

(Irgun (Izl, Irgun Zvai Le’umi; National Military Organization, In Hebrew, Encyclopedia. com)

The leader of Palmach, Yigal Allon, was described by future Prime Minister, Harold Wilson in his autobiography as hisclosest friend in Israel”.

On the 22nd July 1946, 86 public servants, Arab, Jewish and British, as well as five members of the public died in the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem.

“Later terrorist activities have included the kidnapping of a British judge and of British officers, sabotage of the railway system and of oil installations at Haifa, and the blowing up of a British Officers’ Club in Jerusalem with considerable loss of life.”

(British Government, The Political History of Palestine (Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) (Jerusalem, 1947), pp31–32)

The circumstances of the King David Hotel bombing will be another layer of treachery that ties this chapter together. I’ll come back to this.

Zionism was setting its sights firmly on their patrons-cum-poodles, Britain. And the majority population of Palestine. The second world war was over, but not in Palestine.

(Chapters 3 and 4)

In 1946 letter bombs were sent to British officials, including foreign minister Ernest Bevin, by Lehi.

(Walton, Calder (2 December 2017). “Coat Bomb and Explosive Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern Gang Terrorized London”. Haaretz. Retrieved 5 February 2019.)

That same year, the British Embassy in Rome was bombed by Irgun. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured.

(“Jewish Terrorists Admit Bombing Embassy in Rome”. St Petersburg Times. 1946–11–05. Retrieved 2010–04–08.)

In June 1947, the Stern Gang/Lehi sent multiple letter bombs to British government officials. Again.

A Stern Gang cell operating in Italy posted 21 letter bombs to senior British politicians and cabinet members including Prime Minister Clement Attlee, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and Chancellor of the Exchequer Stafford Cripps as well as Winston Churchill. Most of the letter bombs were intercepted, but some reached their intended recipients and failed to go off.

The Conservative Party’s Anthony Eden carried a letter bomb disguised in a book around with him for a whole day, until he was warned of the plot and checked inside his briefcase, where it was. British explosive experts reported that all the letter bombs were potentially lethal.

One….letter bomb, was addressed to the chief secretary of the Palestine Administration, Sir John Shaw, who later secretly worked for MI5.

(Coat Bomb and Explosive Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern Gang Terrorized London, Haaretz, Calder Walton, December 02, 2017)

On July 25, 1947, Irgun kidnapped, hanged and booby trapped the bodies of two British sergeants in Palestine.

(Britain Since 1945, David Childs P.34 para 1)

On September 3, 1947, a postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs.

(The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p. 8)

Also in 1947, MI5 documents (released in 2003) confirmed there was “A project for an air raid on London, in the course of which leaflets were to be dropped in the name of the Stern Gang, together with high-explosive bombs”.

A member of the Lehi movement, Rabbi Baruch Korff, was caught in a sting operation attempting to carry this out.

US zionists lobbied for his release. French authorities dropped all charges.

The young pilot also disclosed that, when he pointed out to Korff fog could prevent him finding the target, the rabbi told him to drop the bombs anywhere over London, brushing aside Gilbert’s concerns that innocent civilians would be killed.

“They are British,” Gilbert recalled Korff telling him, “so they are our enemy.”

Korff received a hero’s welcome from his supporters when he arrived back in Boston a few weeks later. He would become a trusted confidant of President Richard Nixon.

(Coat Bomb and Explosive Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern Gang Terrorized London, Business Live, July 2014, quoting “Against Our Better Judgement”, Alison Weir; The bizarre truth about Nixon’s rabbi, The JC, Robert Philpott, July 2015)

In 1947, Haganah sank the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded.

(Jewish Virtual Library, Timeline of British Rule in Palestine 1918–1947)

“Between November 29th 1947 and June 1948, 214 British servicemen lost their lives, including the 28 killed when the Stern Gang blew up the Khantara to Haifa Express at Rehovoth on February 29th 1948.”

(Last to Leave section of Britains Small Wars)

A Total of 784 British men and women, soldiers and civilians were killed in Palestine between 1945 and 1948.

(Source: )

Traitors in government

Incredibly, even high ranking British political figures were not only guilty in their silence in the face of this terrorism, but were actually involved.

Richard Crossman was probably the zionist movement’s biggest supporter in the Labour Party from (at least) the 1940s onwards. He was later a minister of Housing and Local Government in Harold Wilson’s 1960s government. He was a member of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party from 1952 until 1967, and Chairman of the Labour Party in 1960–61. He became Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons.


He was also a blatant colonialist racist.

(The Labour Party, anti-Semitism and Zionism, John Newsinger)

He said:

“they (zionists) had the misfortune to come after Woodrow Wilson and Lenin had proclaimed self-determination a principle”. He actually complained…about Attlee and Bevin having had a “prejudice in favour of the native and against the white settler” who had a “duty, to civilise these continents by physically occupying them, even at the cost of wiping out the aboriginal population

(A Nation Reborn: The Israel of Weizmann, Bevin and Ben-Gurion, Richard Crossman, 1960, pp58, 59, 67.)

According to a biography by fellow Labour lawmaker Tam Dalyell, Crossman once called Chaim Weizmann “my spiritual father.”

In a biography of John Strachey, then a member of the cabinet’s defense committee, it is recounted that Crossman aided zionist militias in armed attacks on the British army.

“One day, Crossman, now in the House of Commons, came to see Strachey … [Crossman] had heard from his friends in the Jewish Agency that they were contemplating an act of sabotage … Should this be done, or should it not? Few would be killed … Crossman asked Strachey for his advice … The next day in the smoking room at the House of Commons, Strachey — repeat: a member of the cabinet’s defense committee! — gave his approval to Crossman. The Haganah went ahead and blew up all the bridges over the [River] Jordan. No one was killed, but the British Army in Palestine were cut off from their lines of supply with Jordan.”

(Publish it Not, 1975, Christopher Mayhew — former Labour Minister)

Future Labour Party leader Michael Foot and Richard Crossman co-authored a pamphlet, A Palestine Munich? in 1946 savagely attacking the government for its “betrayal” of zionism (there was a third unacknowledged co-author: Arthur Koestler, who received 25 percent of the royalties, and who was a supporter of Stern/Lehi at the time!).

(Koestler’s relations with the Stern group are explored in Michael Scammell, Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth Century Skeptic and Solzhenitsyn, A Biography, 2009, pp252, 255, 276, 280–281, 328, 333.; The Labour Party, anti-Semitism and Zionism, John Newsinger)

At the outbreak of the Second World War Crossman had joined the Political Warfare Executive under Robert Bruce Lockhart, where he headed the German Section. He produced anti-Nazi propaganda broadcasts for Radio of the European Revolution, set up by the Special Operations Executive (SOE). He eventually became Assistant Chief of the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF and was awarded an OBE for his wartime service.

(The London Gazette (Supplement). 12 October 1945)

So, Crossman ran in the same circles as the likes of Victor Rothschild and the Cambridge Five.

Crossman is considered by historians to be a central figure to British Cold War propaganda due to his collaboration with the Information Research Department (IRD), a secret branch of the UK Foreign Office dedicated to disinformation, anti-communist, and pro-colonial propaganda during the Cold War. The IRD secretly funded, published and distributed many of Crossman’s articles and books, including Koestler’s The God that Failed.

(Mitter, Rana (2005). Across the Block: Cold War Cultural and Social History. Taylor & Francis e-library: Frank Cass and Company Limited. p. 115.; Jenks, John (2006). British Propaganda and News Media in the Cold War. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. p. 71.)

A real patriot, huh?

Before joining the Communist Party in 1931, Crossman’s Lehi supporting co-author Arthur Koestler had been, at the age of 20, a trusted lieutenant of the revisionist Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky. He spent at least two periods of his life in Palestine.

(A Tormented Life, NYTimes, MARK MAZOWER, January 2, 2000)

On a sidenote, Koestler was accused by Michael Foot’s wife of rape 40 years after it had occurred in 1951. Five years after he co-authored his piece with Foot and Crossman.

(Women force removal of Koestler bust, BBC, December 39, 1998)

Like Kim Philby, Koestler posed as a journalist to spy on fascist Spain during the 1930s for the German Communist Party posing as a “right-wing Hungarian journalist” until he was imprisoned for a year in 1937.

(Arthur Koestler, Spanish Testament (1938))

And like Philby’s associates, worked for the Ministry of Information during the 1940s.

Koestler…”launched an energetic campaign to ingratiate himself with whatever office or agency of the British secret state he could establish contact with” (with a view, in Smith’s estimation, to “influence and prestige [and] desirable social circles” — MI5

(British Writers and MI5 Surveillance 1930–1960 by James Smith — review, The Guardian, March 17, 2013)

Crossman continued with his sycophantic approach to zionism after the British had gotten out of Dodge.

“I Accuse Bevin”, by Crossman, which appeared on the front page of the Daily Telegraph newspaper on 19th January 1949, 12 days after the Israelis had shot down five British aircraft over Egyptian territory. Two of the pilots died.

He actually condemned the pilots and the British! And lied about them flying over “Israeli territory”.


Statement issued in London on 8th January of the circumstances in which five British aircraft were shot down over Egyptian territory on 7th January, 1949:

During the last few days, R.A.F. aircraft from the Canal Zone have been carrying out reconnaissances to ascertain the depth and scale of Jewish incursion into Egyptian territory. These reconnaissances have been strictly confined to the Egyptian side of the frontier.

The reconnaissance on December 30 established that Jewish forces had reached the area of Abu Aweigla, which is approximately seventeen miles inside Egyptian territory. This was confirmed by reconnaissances on the 1st, 2nd and 4th.

(British House of Commons extract concerning 5 RAF Aircraft shot down EXTRACT FROM HOUSE OF COMMONS SITTINGS IN THE U.K. CONCERNING THE FIVE RAF HANSARD AIRCRAFT SHOT DOWN January 7-January 19)

Crossman was staying with Weizmann in Palestine when news of the shooting down of the RAF planes was given to him and assured him on his own testimony that it was “good news”

(A Nation Reborn: The Israel of Weizmann, Bevin and Ben-Gurion, Richard Crossman, 1960, p72.)

Similarly, Crossman argued that they (Palestinian refugees) were never driven out but left on the orders of their leaders who he accused of unjustified scaremongering. And anyway, as he told the Commons, their homes were “only mud huts…terribly bad villages full of vermin”.

(The British Left and Zionism, History of a Divorce, Paul Kelemen, 2012, pp128 and 132.)


Zionism during these years were also twisting arms in the US to blackmail Britain:

“In 1947 and 1948 it was the political pressure on the Labour Cabinet from American Zionists, exerted through the United States government, which angered (British minister) Nye Bevan the most …. At that time, Britain was dependent on American goodwill for her economic survival [and Truman equally dependent on Zionist goodwill for his campaign funds]. As a consequence, the British government was subject to ruthless pressure from Washington to get the Arabs to accept the Zionists’ demands. It was a disgraceful abuse of power.”

[Note: not forgetting that other zionists were sending parcel bombs to the British establishment, including Bevin, and Truman himself!]

Christopher Mayhew, Undersecretary for Labour Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, had to meet the US Ambassador, Lou Douglas, by himself.

The bottom line from this meeting was that the US demanded that the British allow the immediate entry of 100,000 Jewish refugees in to Palestine in return for essential financial aid (Marshall Aid).

“In other words, we must do as the Zionists wished — or starve. Bevin surrendered — he had to — but he was understandably bitter and angry. He felt it outrageous that the United States, which had no responsibility for law and order in Palestine (and no intention of permitting massive Jewish immigration into the United States), should, from very questionable motives, impose an impossibly burdensome and dangerous task on Britain.”

“I remember clearly [Bevin’s] dislike of Zionist methods and tactics, and, indeed, of the Zionist philosophy itself. He was passionately and unshakably anti-Zionist. He held that Zionism was basically racialist, that it was inevitably wedded to violence and terror, that it demanded far more from the Arabs than they could or should be expected to accept peacefully, that its success would condemn the Middle East to decades of hatred and violence, and above all … that by turning the Arabs against Britain and the Western countries, it would open a highroad for Stalin into the Middle East. On all these points events proved him right …”

(“Publish It Not: The Middle East Cover-Up” by Michael Adams and Christopher Mayhew (Undersecretary for Labour Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin), published in 1975)

LONDON, Feb. 25, 1947 (INS) — Ernest Bevin, foreign secretary, charged acidly today that “election rivalries” between President Truman and Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York wrecked British efforts last fall to solve the dangerous Palestine issue.

Bevin openly stated that the Jewish Agency was “largely dominated from New York.”

….the foreign secretary ruled out the question of a “national home for the Jews” and said any partition scheme would be a failure in the long run.

President Truman last October 4, two days after the opening of the London conference which was boycotted by the Jewish Agency, issued a statement urging immediate “substantial immigration” of Jews into Palestine.

Two days later Governor Dewey made a similar statement.

“I went around to see James F. Byrnes, secretary of state,” said Bevin, “and told him we were on the road if only the United States would leave us alone.”

“I begged that the statement not be issued and I was told that if the statement was not issued by President Truman a competitive statement would be issued by Governor Dewey.

He told the house he had pleaded with the United States to take in “thousands of these displaced people. But nobody wants them. It is a tragedy.”

Bevin charged that the Jewish Agency also wrecked the London conference by insisting that Britain “accept some form of Jewish state in advance.”

“I am convinced,” he said, “that if the Jews and Arabs in Palestine are given a chance to work together they can solve this problem.

“But it can never be settled in accordance with Jewish Agency dictates.”

Bevin said the issue before the United Nations “is no longer a national home for the Jews. All that is over.”

He said partitioning of the Holy Land in separate Jewish and Arab states would have to be applied by force “which would not produce a final solution.”

(On this day, Feb 25, 1947: Palestine political row hit, UPI, MSN)

Was Bevin wrong?

Attempted bomb attacks on London, government and establishment figures and the deaths of hundreds of British soldiers didn’t affect the relationship between MI5/MI6, British politicians or even future Prime Ministers in their fawning approach to the zionist elite in Britain or Palestine.

The same arm twisting was used at the UN. The scene was set for the nightmare that followed in 1948:

531 localities (villages and towns) where Palestinians lived were ethnically cleansed between 1947 and 1950.

213 Palestinian villages and towns (population 413,794, 52% of the refugees) were “cleansed” while under the “protection” of the British mandate

Zionist forces committed 33 massacres.

(Abu Sitta, Salman, The Palestinian Nakba 1948, The Register of Depopulated Localities in Palestine, (London: The Palestinian Return Centre, 2000))

According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, Benny Morris, “in almost every village occupied by us during the War… acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes”

(Morris, Benny, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947–1949, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987))

While MI5/6, the zionist elite in Britain and politicians alike painted a romantic image of “mainstream zionism” being on Britain’s side while working to save European Jewry from the evils of fascism, as you can see, the truth was the exact opposite.

Zionists of all hues worked together to form alliances with these same fascists.

The inevitable and very much predicted nightmare that followed British withdrawal in 1948 still didn’t make a dent in the fake romantic relationship between zionism and the British establishment. Nor in the zionist narrative that it was the “protector of the Jews”.

Think about this: there was no memorial erected for British soldiers who died in Palestine until 2001. The “British Forces in Palestine” site, which recounts the stories of soldiers stationed in Palestine, makes two striking statements:

“In 2001, thanks to the efforts of individuals, a Palestine memorial was finally erected at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas. The media generally ignore the Palestine Mandate, and BBC commentators are most unlikely to interview or focus on Palestine Veterans during the Remembrance Day Parade at the Cenotaph”

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.

(But please, don’t mention those killed in Palestine.)”

It gets worse…now we have to look at another layer. One that binds with Philby’s story. And probably why Teddy Kollek, Flora Solomon and Victor Rothschild stayed silent about Philby, or actively protected him until his usefulness dried up.

The Soviet Layer

“There is no doubt that the Soviets helped the Zionist-Israelis before and during the war of independence,”

(Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940–1949)

Third Reich Germany wasn’t the only antisemitic regime that zionists had leached on to during the thirties. Zionist elitist, fascist and hero of MI5’s George Weidenfeld, Vladimir Jabotinsky, had met with Poland’s foreign minister, Josef Beck in 1936.

The Polish government hoped that the establishment of a Jewish state would lead to mass emigration of Jews, thus solving the “Jewish problem” in Poland. In November 1937, Avraham Stern (founder of Lehi), then secretary of the Irgun General Headquarters, arrived in the Polish capital armed with a letter of recommendation from Jabotinsky. So, it was another British darling of the establishment, Jabotinsky, who set Stern, the Hitler and Mussolini fan, on his path.

A structure was set up where Irgun was supplied weapons, training and ammunition which was later smuggled to Palestine on refugee ships. It was the Polish “elite” who designed the Irgun logo and helped write their propaganda.

(The Irgun Abroad, Ertzil. org)

Another Lehi leader, Yitzhak Shamir, was asked about Jabotinsky’s revisionists collusion with the antisemitic Polish regime:

“It was a political agreement. They helped us for anti-Semitic reasons. We explained to them, ‘If you want to get rid of the Jews, you must help the Zionist movement.’”

(Nicholas Bethell, The Palestine Triangle, p41)

Shmuel Merlin, Secretary General NZO, claimed that he wanted to “take the Jews out of Poland” rather than fight antisemites there.

“It is absolutely correct to say that only the Bund waged an organized fight against the anti-Semites. We did not consider that we had to fight in Poland. We believed the way to ease the situation was to take the Jews out of Poland. We had no spirit of animosity.”

— Shmuel Merlin, Secretary General NZO

(Shmuel Merlin (interview with Lenni Brenner), 16 September 1980, Zionist-Revisionism: The Years of Fascism and Terror, Lenni Brenner)

And it wasn’t just the case that zionism was using whatever “ism” to reach their goals, which they have always done, but in this case, many of their leaders admired fascism as an ideology:

Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, Benzion, was Jabotinsky’s secretary. He described Abba Ahime’ir as his “mentor”.

(Salon Magazine, The Iron Wall, Christopher Hitchens, Dec 30, 2003)

Abba Ahime’ir, senior member of Jabotinsky’s revisionist movement, chimed in praising Hitler and other fascists.

“They frighten us with a scarecrow called ‘separation.’ But separation is the path taken by the national movements that are affiliated with the glorious names of Ataturk, Mussolini, Pilsudski, de Valera, Hitler.”

(Abba Achimeir, “From a Fascist’s Notebook,” Do’ar ha-Yom, 1933)

[NOTE: de Valera, the Irish premier who took the reigns in Ireland after the British were removed has NO place among that lot!]

Do you see the pattern here?

Irgun and the Soviets

Menachem Begin became head of Betar in 1937. When the Germans invaded Poland, he fled to Lithuania, but was arrested and held in a Soviet concentration camp (1940–1941) until he joined a Polish army formed in the USSR to fight the Nazis.

(Irgun (Izl, Irgun Zvai Le’umi; National Military Organization, In Hebrew, Encyclopedia. com)

After a deal with the Polish government in exile following the collapse of the Nazi-Soviet pact in 1940, he was allowed to join the Polish Armed Forces in the East, which was created in the USSR and funded by Moscow.

Stalin agreed to allow the army, which contained an estimated 4,000 Polish Jews, to march down through Persia to Palestine. Once in the Middle East, Begin was discharged by the Polish Army and soon rose to the top of the Irgun.

How they managed this in the midst of war needs explained. Was it the Third Reich, the Soviets or Americans who let them through? Or all of them?

His Polish compatriot Nathan Yellin-Friedman also “escaped” from the Russians only to surface in Palestine where he became one of the leaders of Lehi. As previously mentioned, Yellin-Friedman, like [Yitzhak] Shamir, was personally involved in plotting the assassination of British minister of state in the Middle East Lord Moyne in November 1944.

In December 1943, Begin, after being demobilized from the Polish army, took command of the Irgun.

(Irgun (Izl, Irgun Zvai Le’umi; National Military Organization, In Hebrew, Encyclopedia. com)

MI5 were well aware of what was going on in Poland.

MI5 officer Alex Kellar produced a report after a visit to Palestine in February 1945 that concluded: “The part deliberately played by the Polish Army Intelligence in building up the Irgun, an activity which has long been suspected, has recently been conclusively established from an XXX source which has disclosed the name of five Revisionist Jews, among them BEGIN, who were released a year ago by the Polish Army in the Middle East for ‘political and propaganda’ purposes.”

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

Basically, the set-up whereby the pre-war Polish regime had trained Irgun members to enable a situation where they could solve the “Jewish problem” was now passed on to Stalin who saw Irgun and zionism in general as a stick with which to beat Britain in Palestine.

Kim Philby said as much in his autobiography a few years after he was “exposed” and in exile:

“The Soviet Union is interested in a very wide range of Middle Eastern phenomena. Enjoying a wide margin of priority at the top of the list are the intentions of the United States and British governments in the area.”

(My Silent War, Kim Philby, 1968)

Begin’s rise to commander of Irgun in 1943 coincided with developments in Soviet diplomacy:

A document highlighted by author Joseph Heller in Superpower Rivalry (and recorded in the minutes from a meeting of the Jewish Agency in London on Sept. 14, 1943), demonstrated that “the Soviet Ambassador to London (Ivan Maiskii) announced in 1943 that they would support Zionism”

Ivan Maiskii was promoted to become deputy commissar of Foreign Affairs responsible for post-war planning.

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

Remember that during these years the “Cambridge Five” were at their peak. Including Kim Philby. Their actions may have been covered by even higher level Soviet spies in MI5, but those zionists who surrounded them had other motivations for saying nothing. Their blossoming alliance with the Soviets.

It wasn’t until after the war that Soviets stepped their game up. And the betrayal already being heaped on the British poodles by their “zionist allies” would multiply.

In July 1946, two months before his second wedding (and the realization by his MI5 boss that his first wife was a Soviet agent), Philby’s name would be linked to the largest terrorist incident in Palestine: The King David Hotel bombing.

Sir Gyles Isham was an MI5 chief in Palestine and head of the security service in Jerusalem.

According to declassified documents at the British National Archives, less than 24 hours before the King David Hotel, the de facto HQ of the British Mandate, was bombed (July 22, 1946). Isham was called out of town on a bogus trip to Beirut based on blatant disinformation. Supplied by KGB mole, Kim Philby.

It was known that Philby’s signature was on the memo that lead to the top intelligence and law enforcement officials leaving Palestine the day before the King David attack.

[Note: if it was so blatant, why did the top brass up sticks and go to Beirut? And why just the top brass? Was Philby interrogated? This is another can of worms that needs researched. Or which has been buried.]

The attack was carried out by Irgun, under Menchamen Begin. It had been signed off by the then-head of the Haganah’s national staff, and another KGB mole — Moshe Sneh who was named as a Russian source in secret KGB files.

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

Remember that this attack was carried out under a (publically announced) “unified” front between Lehi, Irgun and Haganah/Jewish Agency.

In a newly declassified speech to police officers in Britain, a senior MI5 official explained: “It is impossible to ignore the fact that certain of the left-wing political groups in Palestine under the leadership of Moshe Sneh, the former commander in chief of Haganah, are watching the advantages to be gained by an approach to Soviet Russia, while in the background both the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Group (Lehi) have echoed this policy in their secretly printed newspapers.”

Another declassified intelligence agency dossier, included a telegram that quoted secretly printed Lehi pamphlets from 1947 calling for “a re-orientation of Zionist policy to bring it into line with Russian aims against British imperialism.” A telegram from the file was sent from Palestine to the secretary of state for the colonies, Arthur Creech Jones, on May 27 that year. It reported a growing co-operation between the local Communists and the Zionist extremists.

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

Of course, the “zionist extremist” narrative was trailed out by the very victims of the intrigue, the British, to cover up for their “friends”.

Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko announced Russian opposition to British imperial control of the Palestinian mandate at the United Nations in 1947. The following year, Soviet weapons arrived — via Czechoslovakia.

The Soviets publically backed zionism at the United Nations and then became the first country to recognize an independent state of Israel on May 17, 1948.

The Soviets poured weapons in through Czechoslovakia to arm the Haganah, as well as the Irgun and Lehi, who had now joined forces (yet again..).

A CIA file from 1949 stated:

“During the 1948 UN-imposed truces, the Israeli armed forces received sufficient arms and military equipment from clandestine sources abroad, chiefly from Czechoslovakia..”

The importance of the link between Soviet Czechoslovakia and newly independent Israel has largely been played down by both sides but it began with negotiations between Sneh and the communist satellite’s deputy foreign minister in July 1947.

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

Robert Maxwell

Israeli asset, criminal and media mogul Robert Maxwell appeared on the radar post 1945. He helped smuggle aircraft parts to Palestine from Czechoslovakia. Maxwell’s contacts with Czechoslovak Communist leaders in 1948 was crucial to the Czechoslovak decision to arm zionists.

The weapons would eventually include around 50,000 rifles, 6,000 machine guns and 90 million bullets, as well as 25 fighter planes which were smuggled into the country in pieces.

(John Loftus and Mark Aarons, The Secret War Against the Jews.)

In 1948 both supposed enemies Russia and the US were smuggling arms to zionists.

Maxwell become a source of information for his intelligence contacts in the Eastern Bloc, including the KGB. With the full knowledge of MI6.

He was offered a position with British MI6 as a “super contact person.” Maxwell did not accept the offer, however, and was soon classified by MI6 as a “Zionist — loyal only to Israel” and a person to be watched.

If they were watching him, they did absolutely nothing.

He was elected as an MP in Britain six times during the sixties and bought up media during the eighties.

When you read about MI5 going in to overdrive about possible Soviet infiltration in Britain after the “discovery” of the Cambridge Five and the planned coup against Harold Wilson, why did they turn a blind eye to this guy?

Because he was Mossad too.

At his peak, Maxwell owned over 400 companies. Operating from the ninth floor of Maxwell House in London


His criminal career became global when the Soviet Union fell. He still had a close relationship with the KGB forty years after initiating them in 1948. Himself, the KGB, Eastern Bloc intelligence agencies and mafia divided up stolen Soviet assets after the Soviet Union fell. Maxwell laundered the money and helped himself to 15–20% of the profits. He had links to criminals who dealt in illegal arms, prostitution, money laundering, drugs, and contract killings.

Through these contacts Maxwell was involved in a scheme to steal western technology and sell it to the Eastern Bloc countries.

(Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul By Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon)

Where were MI5 and the CIA?

His friend, Mossad chief Rafael Eitan, stole software in the US during the eighties called “PROMIS” that would later have a “back door” introduced which would be used to spy on governments.

Eitan was one of the main conspirators in stealing uranium from the US for Israel’s nuclear weapons and was Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard’s handler.

(Chapter 22)

Eitan recruited Robert Maxwell to sell the manipulated software globally. The US nuclear industry — Los Alamos Laboratories and Sandia National Laboratories — would become their targets. They would also go on to sell the “back door” technology itself to China.

(Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul By Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon)

The FBI opened an “investigation” in to Robert Maxwell’s attempts to sell the Israeli-manipulated version of “PROMIS” to spy on Sandia National Laboratories.

When Promis was sold to Credit Suisse, Israel was able to follow the money flows from any government or business agency that used the bank.

(‘The Assassination of Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Super Spy’ — by Martin Dillon and Gordon Thomas; FOIA sourced documents attained by original owner of PROMIS, Bill Hamilton, who was the original owner of the stolen software; Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad by Gordon Thomas, p441)

As always, where zionist intrigue is involved, absolutely nothing was done.

“…sales of the software were to be facilitated by the late Saudi billionaire Khalid bin Mahfouz and the arms dealers Adnan Khashoggi (client of Jeffrey Epstein at that time, by the way) and (Israeli asset) Manucher Ghorbanifar. PROMIS should be delivered without “paperwork, customs, or delay”, it stated, and all of the transactions paid for through a Swiss bank account.

(Dirtier than Watergate, The Reagan-era espionage system that has managed to stay under the radar, The New Statesman, April 2011)

Nicholas Davies was closely associated with Robert Maxwell, and formerly foreign editor of Maxwell’s newspaper the Daily Mirror for fourteen years (1977–1991 — he was exposed as an Israeli arms dealer in 1991).

Davies was named by former Israeli agent Ari Ben-Menashe as his business partner in Profits of War, in relation to Iran–Contra (Manucher Ghorbanifar was an actor in this affair too) and the sale of PROMIS, the aforementioned computer spyware. Ben-Menashe later posted seven documents relating to sales of arms by Davies.

Davies and Ben-Menashe were specifically business partners in the international arms firm Ora Limited, which operated out of Davies’ home in London starting in 1983. Ora Limited was setup according to Ben-Menashe with approval of the Israeli government and was meant to facilitate the Israeli flow of arms to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War. His former wife Janet Fielding confirmed his partnership with Israeli intelligence.

(Ari Ben-Menashe. “Profits of War: Inside the secret US — Israeli arms network, January 2015; Hersh, Seymour M. (1991). The Samson Option : Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (1st ed.). New York. p. 309.)

Nov. 5, 1991, Maxwell met his end on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, presumably assassinated by Mossad.

Maxwell was buried on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives after Israel provided him a state funeral.

(Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul By Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon, 2002, 368 pp.)

Maxwell was central to the figures that surround the Epstein affair — his own daughter Ghislaine was Epstein’s pimp; the Mega Group — Jewish philanthropists who sponsored Epstein; the neoconservative movement — which has had the US on a war footing for decades while simultaneously building up Israel, and which has its fingerprints all over 9/11; Roy Cohn.

(Chapters 22 and 23; Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal, Whitney Webb)

And his “career” began with the KGB. Was MI6 aware of more than forty years of Maxwell’s sordid business? Of course they were!

Back to Palestine

The Soviets were disappointed, to say the least, that zionism threw its lot in with the west post 1948 and would eventually throw their weight behind Arab nationalism. But not before zionism sucked them dry.

Western services knew about Soviet assistance at the time during the honeymoon period.

A dispatch from April 1948 lists some of the reports the British had collated over the previous six months: Lehi was using Russian weapons in August 1947; Russian aid sent to the Irgun the same month; Polish support for the terrorists two months later; and contacts between Lehi and the USSR or Soviet agents in October 1947 and April 1948.

MI6 reports explain that Lehi was “regarded by the Jewish Agency as definitely under Soviet influence.

[Note: accepting intelligence tips from a body that was bombing and murdering British soldiers and diplomats the year previously shoulder to shoulder with Lehi!]

“….numerous groups of members of both organizations (Lehi and Irgun) would penetrate into Iraq and Syria where they would enjoy the support of pro-Soviet bodies, mainly among the Kurds. Soviet agents would supply money, arms and explosives.

(How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

This claim only tells half of the truth. The source quoted neglects to mention that it was long time future Mossad chief Reuven Shiloah who had initiated contact with the Kurds while working as a “reporter” for the Palestine Bulletin newspaper during the 1930s.

(Tom Segev, 1949, Hayisraelim Harishonim (Jerusalem: Domino, 1984), p. 34.)

The Stern Gang declared that the U.S.S.R. had undertaken to support terrorist action against the British in Palestine from any quarter. The I.Z.L. [Irgun] agreed to the principles outlined, but reserved a final answer until later.

In July 1948, MI6 reported that a Yugoslav militant was “employed as instructor in sabotage operations” for Jewish communists and in touch with Lehi. Two years earlier, intelligence reports described “a secret organization,” headquartered in Constanza on the Black Sea coast of Romania, “created for the purpose of selecting and training native and foreign Jews in terroristic activities and sending them to Palestine.”

The FBI would report that Haganah leader Moshe Sneh “was receiving payments from Russia channeled through the Irgun from October 1946.” This period of time coincides with major zionist figures (such as Kollek and Begin) colluding with the zionist mafia to smuggle arms and raise funds in New York.

The “Mitrokhin archive” investigation revealed that Soviet agents in Israel were sending reports to Moscow in the 1950s based on information they said they had be provided to them by Sneh.

(Chapters 7 and 8; How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel, The Daily Beast, May 07, 2017)

This consistent “turning a blind eye” to zionist intrigue by MI5/6 would be blatantly repeated across the Atlantic by the (future) CIA and FBI.

The US Layer

“The whole question of Palestine must be settled at the peace table. . . I do not think we should take the responsibility upon ourselves of managing this very difficult place while the Americans sit back and criticise.

“Have you ever addressed yourselves to the idea that we should ask them to take it over?. . . I am not aware of the slightest advantage which has ever accrued to Great Britain from this painful and thankless task. Somebody else should have their turn now”.

— Winston Churchill, 1945

(Churchill war memoirs July 6, 1945)

Britain had taken on the “thankless task” of birthing the zionist nightmare in Palestine. They were warned of what was to come. They lost countless potential Arab allies. And the implementation of this racist plan cost them in military expenditure. What was ever in it for them?

In their respective countries, MI5, CIA and FBI agents on the ground were living in a different world from those above them when it came to zionist intrigue. But they had one thing in common — they all kept their mouths shut.

We’ve already dissected the inexplicable British layer, the fascist/nazi layer and the Soviet layer. We’ve debunked the false narrative of the “extremist zionists”. A narrative which was used to try and brush off the callous and contradictory actions that bury the official raison d’être of zionism as being the “protector of the Jews”.. And the bold faced lie that zionism was a friend of Britain. Now let’s look at the subtle as a sledgehammer coup de grace that forced the Palestinian nightmare through. The US layer.

British minister Nye Bevan’s denunciation of the US presidential elections of the late forties for the vice like grip zionism had on both candidates was no exaggeration.

When reading about US president Harry Truman (1945–1953) re Palestine, Truman always openly painted himself as a zionist. Even against the wishes of his administration, or to the detriment of his own country when his administration warned against isolating Arab allies by placating zionism. His private writings and the events that surrounded him show that he, even as president, was a zionist puppet with the same masochistic “grin and bear it, we have no choice” approach of the British.

Truman’s and his opponent Thomas E. Dewey’s fight over the “Jewish vote” was an engineered ploy. Zionists had been working on the anti-immigrant ticket of Republicans such as Senator Robert Taft who was “converted to zionism” around 1944 because of his aversion to Jewish immigrants coming to the US. Even alleged holocaust survivors — he voted against Republican Senator William Stratton’s bill allowing 400,000 displaced persons into the United States in 1947.

(Leonard Dinnerstein, America and the Survivors of the Holocaust, p131; Clarence E. Wunderlin, ed., Taft Papers, vol. 3, p283.; The Free Library. S.v. The surprising Zionist: Senator Robert A. Taft and the creation of Israel..”)

Taft had celebrated the 1924 Immigration Act, which among other things drastically limited the number of Eastern European Jews allowed into the United States.

(Clarence E. Wunderlin, ed., Taft papers, vol. 2, p52.; The Free Library. S.v. The surprising Zionist: Senator Robert A. Taft and the creation of Israel..”)

He also blocked a bill in 1939, much like the zionists in Britain, to admit 20,000 children, refugees from Nazi Europe, to the United States.

(Clarence E. Wunderlin, ed., Taft papers, vol. 2, p52.; The Free Library. S.v. The surprising Zionist: Senator Robert A. Taft and the creation of Israel..”)

Of course he was a perfect “convert”.

He said that “the Palestine solution can meet all immediate demands

(Clarence E.Wunderlin, ed., Taft Papers, Vol. 2, p533.; The Free Library. S.v. The surprising Zionist: Senator Robert A. Taft and the creation of Israel..”)

Republicans and Democrats fell for the bait. The tolerance for obnoxious behaviour of zionists tells a lot.

“… when the election was coming up in 1946 in New York [when the governor, Thomas Dewey, was up for reelection — A.W.], the group of New York Jews called upon Mr. Truman. Emmanuel Cellar was the head of this committee. Rabbi Steven Wise and several others were in it. They called upon Mr. Truman and said, “We have just been talking with Mr. Thomas Dewey. He is willing to come out and declare for a Jewish state, and we are going to turn our money and urge the Jews to vote for him unless you beat him to it.” Then Emmanuel Cellar pounded upon Mr. Truman’s desk and said, “And if you don’t come out for a Jewish state we’ll run you out of town.

(Roy Jenkins, Truman, p. 117. Edwin M. Wright, a State Department official in the 1940s, described the first meeting referred to in the quote, many years later during an interview for the Truman Library, transcript page 36)

The following year, on 24 February 1947, several members of the Sonneborn Group, a group of rich zionist Jews plotting to smuggle arms to Palestine, met Truman. Very possibly the same group who had threatened him.

Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was also present, had requested the appointment. He had been the US Secretary of the Treasury until 1945.

(Presidential Appointments Calendar, Monday, 24 February 1947. Truman Library, Independence, MO.)

A Soviet spy ring in the US at the time included the US State Department’s Harry Dexter White, who happened to be “a top advisor” to Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, the one who arranged for the Sonnenberg group to meet Truman.

(Chapter 8)

Truman was given a typical response by zionists and their sycophants within his own administration in 1948 when he had urged the former to show restraint and “consideration for the other people in Palestine.”

Truman had assured Chaim Weizmann that the US backed the idea of partitioning Palestine between the Arabs and the Jews.

But the following day Ambassador Warren Austin made a statement to the contrary at the United Nations which led him to write in his diaries that “the State Department pulled the rug from under me.

And this was a year after he had received bombs in the post.

(Letter‐Bombs Mailed to Truman in 1947, NYT, December 2, 1972)

Despite Truman’s bended knee approach to these people even after he lost the presidency, his real thoughts were preserved in diaries he kept.

“The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White house, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders — actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats — disturbed and annoyed me.”

(Volume 2 of Truman’s Memoirs, p. 225)

“The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish,” Truman wrote in July 1947, 10 months before David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s independence. “They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment.” He continued: “When they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Truman wrote. “The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgement on world affairs.”

(Truman diary reveals anti-Semitism and offer to step down, Independent, 12 July 2003)

One outspoken opponent to zionist intrigue surrounding Truman was James Forrestal who was US Secretary of Defense from September 17, 1947 — March 28, 1949. So he was at the center of the storm.

“… No group in this country should be permitted to influence our policy to the point it could endanger our national security.”

(The Forrestal Diaries, released 1951)

He openly condemned the pressure used by zionists in 1948, and the abuse of the issue re the “Jewish vote”.

“I was forced to repeat…what I had said to Senator McGrath in response to the latter’s observation that our failure to go along with the Zionists might lose the states of New York, Pennsylvania and California — that I thought it was about time that somebody should pay some consideration to whether we might not lose the United States.”

(The Forrestal Diaries, Feb. 3, 1948, pages 362 and 363)

There followed a non-stop hatchet job on his character in the media for months. After his resignation he was diagnosed with depression, signed in to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and eventually “killed himself” just hours before being released. His brother and new Defense Secretary Louis Johnson were stunned as they claimed that he had been in good shape. His brother also accused the hospital of treating him like a prisoner, censoring his visitors and lying about his conditions.

He left no suicide note and a bathrobe cord was knotted tightly around his neck.

(The Death of James Forrestal (1966), by Cornell Simpson)

How did it get to this?

Setting the Stage

The US establishment had been steadily groomed and infiltrated for fifty years before World War 2 had broken out. Britain had been given the task of setting the stage in Palestine, with the US acting as a stimulant and eventual midwife to a century long disaster.

(Chapters 1, 7 and 8)

Soviet spies tended to follow Teddy Kollek wherever he went. Whether it was Kim Philby in Britain or among his fellow compatriots in Palestine.

And as we’ll see, in the US.

The US was also a focus for Soviet espionage and infiltration. And mirroring Soviet activities in Britain, where zionists were involved, a blind eye was also turned.

During the war, and the terrorist campaign in Palestine, zionist intrigue in the US accelerated.

In 1942, the OSS had joined forces with the mafia (Operation Underworld), headed by zionist Meyer Lansky, to protect the docks. The Jewish Agency, with Ben-Gurion in charge, used this partnership to create “a vast clandestine arms-purchasing-and-smuggling network throughout the United States”.

While eventually distancing itself (publically) from the mafia, the OSS would keep the networks created.

Remember that the US had joined the war in Europe just months before this partnership in December 1941. So effectively, they were supporting the military campaign against an ally. Exactly what they had done to Russia during World War One when the same forces backed the Bolsheviks. Not that the British deserved sympathy. They were still supposedly swallowing (and selling) the masochistic lie that Ben Gurion was one of the good guys.

During the war, Teddy Kollek also used the zionist mafia to buy arms.

During these years, future president LB Johnson had also raised $65,000 and shipped crates labeled ‘Texas Grapefruit’ — but containing arms to Haganah. Johnson’s aunt was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.

(Chapter 7)

Mentioned earlier, in July 1945, a large group of rich and influential zionist Jews met in New York with David Ben Gurion present, alongside “seventeen prominent American Jews”, a dozen of which were “prominent lawyers”, to discuss illegally shipping arms to Palestine: The Sonneborn group.

The Justice Department and FBI basically did nothing on discovering this and covered the affair up.

(Chapter 7)

Remember that at this stage within the US Justice Department and among prominent lawyers, there were a number of “zionist lieutenants” involved under the leadership of Justice Louis Brandeis since 1914 to forward the zionist position using their influence from within state institutions.

(Chapter 1)

Abraham Feinberg was one of them. He was a “philanthropist”, lawyer, and the founder and first president of Americans for Haganah, a group formed in the early 1940s to help provide arms and other critical materials to zionists in Palestine.

(Encyclopaedia Judaica, Ruth Beloff)

He helped to organize Jewish support for Democratic presidential candidates. Including Truman. He had a long relationship with Brandeis University, serving as a trustee in 1953; chairman of the board of trustees from 1954 to 1961; a Brandeis Fellow in 1953; and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1961.

(Jewish Virtual Library: Abraham Feinberg)

Feinberg is best known for funding President Harry S Truman’s “whistle stop” campaign, saving Truman’s 1948 election campaign from almost certain defeat.”

(Israel Lobbyist Abraham Feinberg’s FBI File Released, Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Mar 07, 2011)

In 1945, Feinberg had been in Italy organizing the emigration of Jews to Palestine on ships. When he returned to America he became a “contributor” to the Democrat Party solely for Israel’s benefit. He made his way directly to Truman through contacts when the latter became vice president in 1944.

(Abraham Feinberg and the Founding of the Ethics Center, International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life, Brandeis University)

A Select Committee on Estimates of the British House of Commons reported (November 1946) that:

very large numbers of Jews, almost amounting to a second Exodus, have been migrating from Eastern Europe to the American zones of Germany and Austria with the intention in the majority of cases of finally making their way to Palestine. It is clear that it is a highly organized movement with ample funds and great influence behind it..”

A War Investigating Committee sent to Europe by the United States Senate stated that:

“heavy migration of Jews from Eastern Europe into the American zone of Germany is part of a carefully organized plan financed by special groups in the United States”.

Alongside Abraham Feinberg in Italy were future OSS counterintelligence chief James Angleton and Teddy Kollek who was actually running the zionist underground.

(William R. Corson, Susan B. Trento, Joseph J. Trento, Widows (New York: Crown, 1979), 71.; Obituary for New York Times (January 3, 2007)

Feinberg was a single individual with influence in the right place(s) at the right time. Just like Robert Maxwell.

And he was apparently untouchable too.

Angleton was working with zionists in Europe as their campaign of terrorism increased. And it was MI6 chief Maurice Oldfield who had enabled Kollek’s travels to and from Palestine.

(Chapter 27)

Angleton was to be yet another zionist poodle for the next thirty years.

The Poodle

James Angleton spent a lifelong personal and professional career hand in hand with Mossad. From his time in Italy shortly after the war in 1945 alongside Teddy Kollek, until after his retirement and death. He was close to the Mossad chiefs Amit and Efraim Halevy, who claimed that they used to meet him “five times a week”.

Angleton even owed Mossad his gratitude for handing him his position as Counterintelligence chief in 1954 when “Mossad chief Amos Manor passed him a copy of Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech to the Soviet Communist Party in which he criticized the cult of personality around the deceased dictator, Joseph Stalin.”

He was accused by fellow CIA agents of the aiding of, and blocking investigations in to, Israel’s nuclear program. He was in charge when Israelophile Lyndon Johnson was placed in power after Angleton helped cover up the JFK investigation where zionists were positioned under every rock inadvertently lifted during investigations.

(Chapters 10–14)

When Angleton left government service 20 years later, Israel held twice as much territory as it had in 1948. The CIA and Mossad collaborated on a daily basis and the governments of the United States and Israel were “strategic allies” knit together by expansive intelligence sharing, multibillion-dollar arms contracts and coordinated diplomacy.”

Angleton’s formative and sometimes decisive influence on US policy towards Israel can be seen in many areas — from the impotence of US nuclear nonproliferation policy in the region, to Israel’s triumph in the 1967 Six-Day War, to the feeble US response to the attack on the Liberty, to the intelligence failure represented by the Yom Kippur War of 1973.”

In fact, just a few months after the USS Liberty attack, he celebrated his 50th birthday in Israel with his Mossad friends.

In Jerusalem there are two memorials to Angleton, dedicated by high officials. One stone is outside the King David Hotel.

“In memory of a dear friend,” it says.

“[H]e was a friend you could trust on a personal basis,” Yitzhak Rabin said of Angleton. He was “the biggest Zionist of the lot,” said Meir Amit, the late Mossad director.

When he was stood down in the light of revelations that he had been spying on US citizens on an industrial scale, the incoming CIA chief in 1973, William Colby, described “chaos” and “paranoia” within his section, with virtually no penetration of Soviet espionage.

Not forgetting that Kim Philby was a close friend of his!

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley; Interview with William Colby, The spookiest of the CIA’s spooks, LA Times, DEC. 24, 2006; Wiki; Wilderness of Mirrors, The Intercept, Jefferson Morley, January 2018; Did the CIA’s chief James Angleton fall for British traitor Kim Philby? By Jefferson Morley, The Sydney Morning Herald, December 7, 2017)

The actions and end results because of this person leave no doubt as to his recruitment by zionists.

Coming to a Head

Abraham Feinberg, an eventual Democrat Party Chairman, would be involved with Israeli intelligence, the zionist nuclear program and the zionist mafia. Both Kollek and Feinberg had groomed future US president, and at that time, gun smuggler to Haganah, Lyndon B Johnson.

(Chapters 7 and 8)

During the late forties, early fifties, Teddy Kollek was (openly) teamed up with Abraham Feinberg. Remember that Kollek also worked with zionist gangster Meyer Lansky..As did Angleton’s OSS.

(Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), pp. 41–42.)

Palestine and the British on the ground there were under the cosh of zionist terrorism throughout and after the war. The narrative about “extremist zionists” was (and still is) pushed, while the truth was that Ben Gurion and the heads of “moderate zionism” were plotting violence in Palestine from the US. And flying under the radar was the involvement of a future Democrat Party chairman (Feinberg), a future president (Johnson), and a future long reigning chief of CIA counterintelligence (Angleton).

Just three individuals within a very tight orbit with immense power who would be central to zionist intrigue for decades.

The mafia, the “Jewish vote”, the media, the united zionist terrorist front in Palestine and across Europe, the infiltrated US Justice Department, the backstabbing Jewish Agency, Soviet support, two intelligence agencies which bowed and turned a blind eye, one of which was MI6 who threw their own to the wolves, traitors in British parliament, invertebrate politicians and a Britain which was financially broke. The inevitable happened in 1948.

But the intrigue didn’t stop in 1948. If anything, it accelerated in the US.

The Anticommunism Ploy

All of these “rich zionist Jew” visits to Truman’s office came about while Abraham Feinberg was bankrolling Truman’s electoral campaign and hanging the “Jewish vote” over his head.

Chapters 7, 8, 21 and 26 give a detailed breakdown of a group of people, some of which are mentioned above, who were at the heart of the US establishment, involved directly with Israeli intelligence, the zionist mafia, blackmail operations and corruption. Feinberg was one of them.

Other assets included the leadership of the FBI. Including members of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anticommunism and homophobic witch hunt (even though some of the characters involved were gay or paedophiles). Future presidents were also both hunter and prey.

(Chapters 21 and 26)

It was no coincidence that the American Jewish League Against Communism, in part sponsored by the “legal” zionist mafia (Lewis Rosenstiel, who worked for the Bronfmans) with Roy Cohn a member, actually chose and placed McCarthy at the helm of years of persecution and paranoia. Zionists controlled the narrative. Incredibly, they took the reins in the midst of zionist terrorists being in league with the Soviets. And as we’ll see, it wasn’t just confined to “extremist elements”.

The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations set up an investigation in February 1950 to conduct “a full and complete study and investigation as to whether persons who are disloyal to the United States are, or have been, employed by the Department of State”.

Remember that phrase “disloyal to the United States” when reading the following.

Communists and socialists were the target of McCarthy and Cohn, followed by homosexuals. What flew under the radar (because the radar was switched off) were the zionist spies. Some of which were outed as also being Soviet spies, or suspected of Soviet espionage.

The “Lavender Scare” was a homophobic witch hunt to out homosexuals within the State Department because they would be vulnerable targets for Soviet blackmail. Rosenstiel, Hoover and Cohn, front and center in this campaign, were homosexuals, two of which used “rent boys” to blackmail influential people for decades! Hoover was suspected of being a blackmail victim himself when there were rumours of a photograph of him in women’s clothes in the possession of Meyer Lansky. Whether true or not, Hoover was definitely in the pockets of the zionist mafia.

(Chapters 7 and 8)

The Rosenbergs

For context, the sociopathic and hypocritical nature of this group can be gauged through the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg on federal espionage charges (for the Soviets) which began on March 6, 1951. They were sentenced to death on April 5 under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, which provides that anyone convicted of transmitting or attempting to transmit to a foreign government “information relating to the national defense” may be imprisoned for life or put to death.

(Huberich, Charles Henry (1918). The law relating to trading with the enemy, p349)

Whatever happened to this law when Israel/Mossad was named as the third largest spying agency in the US for decades afterwards?

(Chapter 24)

The Rosenbergs were executed in 1953.

Roy Cohn, acting for the prosecution, made Ethel Rosenberg’s brother David lie on the stand to incriminate his sister by threatening both him and his wife with execution. The FBI are on record as saying that there was no evidence against Ethel until this “new” testimony.

(Search National Security Archives: Rosenberg; THE GOVERNMENT’S HOSTAGE: THE CONVICTION AND EXECUTION OF ETHEL ROSENBERG, Mark P. Denbeaux, Professor, Seton Hall University School of Law, and Director, Seton Hall Law Center for Policy and Research)

“Roy Cohn later claimed that his influence led to both Judge Irving Kaufman and Assistant U.S. Attorney Irving Saypol being appointed to the Rosenberg case, and that Kaufman imposed the death penalty based on Cohn’s personal recommendation. When Kaufman, torn over whether or not to sentence Ethel to death, called him for advice, he urged the judge to condemn her. “The way I see it,” he told Kaufman, “she is worse than Julius.”

(Ronald Radosh, Joyce Milton, The Rosenberg File, p278; Roy Cohn autobiography, June 1988)

The claim is that Cohn wanted Jews to be seen to be punishing other Jews for treason. Apparently zionist Jews were exempt, as you’ll see.

Whilst the Rosenbergs were alleged to have stolen nuclear secrets and were executed for their endeavors, a group of zionist Jews which included a US born Haganah member, a future national president of, and another board member of, the Zionist Organization of America, were given carte blanche to steal enriched uranium from US soil (literally) for decades. They actually set up a plant to extract their owned enriched uranium in Pennsylvania to make their own nuclear bombs in Palestine. This project began just two years after the Rosenberg executions.

(Chapter 9)

The same group of people, Cohn, the FBI, etc. also turned a blind eye to, if not protected and/or aided certain individuals suspected or confirmed to have been Soviet spies at the heart of the US establishment. Because they were furthering the cause of zionism.

The Orbit of Abraham Feinberg

A constant figure in the shadow of Abraham Feinberg during all of the zionist intrigue was David Wahl. A character you’ll surely not have heard of. His name appears in only two of hundreds, if not thousands, of books written on Soviet espionage. And hundreds of FBI memos on him remain redacted to this day.

David Wahl worked at the Library of Congress from 1937 (aged 28) to 1942 and was then on the staff of the Board of Economic Warfare.

In 1943, two investigations by two Representatives in to Wahl came to nothing even though he was chairman of the board of trustees of the Washington Book Shop which was dominated by members of the CPUSA.

Others were punished. He wasn’t.

It was found that he had recruited other Soviet spies to governmental positions under Roosevelt’s and Truman’s presidencies. Wahl had, in fact, been a Soviet intelligence agent from the mid-1930s until at least the early fifties.

Despite the accusations, Wahl found a position with the Office of Strategic Services just two years after those investigations (smacking of the apparently contradictive way MI6 operated during those years).

The OSS demobilized in late 1945, and he went to work for the American Jewish Conference as secretary of its Washington office in 1946, dealing with issues of displaced persons and immigration to Palestine. Wahl became the first executive director of (Feinberg’s) Americans for Haganah the following year.”

As executive secretary of Americans for Haganah, Wahl was in frequent contact with American diplomats and politicians. He also traveled to Israel in both 1948 and 1949 and met with such figures as Teddy Kollek and David Ben-Gurion.

A Moscow communication in 1948 suggested reestablishing connections with an agent code-named “Pink.” Wahl’s real name never appears, but the details fit Wahl and no one else. “Pink” was described as the “ex. secretary of the Jewish American organization ‘Americans for Haganah.’”

When the Soviets had asked Cambridge Five member Donald McClean to provide information on Vice President Harry Truman in 1945, they had actually asked the same of Wahl through his New York handlers to compare notes, but Wahl had just left his government position. Remember that Wahl was working for the OSS around this time!

In the course of its investigation of persons identified by Soviet agent turned informer Elizabeth Bentley as Soviet spies (the investigation was carried out mid to late forties), the FBI heard from one informant that David Wahl was “a master spy.” Those files were heavily redacted.

The Soviets apparently became more careful with US intel investigations increasing post 1945.

In 1946, FBI chief Hoover was well aware of Wahl:

“Hoover says Wahl “as early as 1941… was reliably reported to be a ‘master spy’ for the Soviet government while employed by the United States government in Washington, D.C.” After this jolting revelation, however, the next paragraph is blacked out entirely.”

Wahl was openly and frequently meeting Soviet diplomat Mikhail Vavilov in 1947 to discuss issues about Palestine. Grigory Dolbin, KGB Washington station chief “replied that Wahl was one of “the neighbors’ [GRU’s] agents.” Moreover, it warned: “”Pink” [Wahl] is actively being investigated by Amer. counterintelligence.”

When Vavilov explained the situation, Wahl ignored the warnings, insisting that he wasn’t under surveillance, but agreed to avoid direct contact and mail “official materials” from the American Jewish Conference.

Wahl must have known his association with Feinberg and zionism was his “get out of jail free card”. Why else the blasé attitude?

Even the Soviets knew that he was “special”:

“Moscow Center put aside its earlier concerns, and in May 1948 Sergey Striganov, the first secretary of the Soviet Embassy and also a KGB co-optee, reestablished agent contact with him. In August the station reported to Moscow that they were meeting every three weeks. Wahl, the KGB Washington station explained, “currently occupies a key position in work pertaining to Palestine. He has a chance to receive info, on the State Dep. line.” The station also asked for information on whether he had ever been paid for his intelligence and whether he should be offered money “‘as a stimulus for him to step up his work with us.’” He had also been asked “to select someone from the State Dept. or FBI for recruitment. Pink promised to do so.””

Propaganda news sheet for Haganah and the Jewish Agency Israel Speaks, Incorporated, was founded as a membership organization chartered under the New York State Membership Laws in February, 1949.

The officers of this corporation were listed as follows: ABRAHAM FEINBERG, president; Max Swiren, Vice President; NAHUM BERNSTEIN, Secretary; DAVID R. WAHL, Executive Director; Leon Moehill, Treasurer. p.2

So, it wasn’t only “leftist zionist organizations” which were in league with the Soviets as MI5 claimed in 1947–1948. A conduit between the US government and zionist leadership in Palestine was working for the Soviets. And the OSS/CIA knew.

“The [alleged] last mention of Wahl appeared in 1950: “”Saushkin” [Striganov] has worked with P [“Pink’/Wahl] since ’48. Since he started working, Pink recruited 5 people and gave *a large amount of valuable doc. information. He never aroused suspicion. He went to Israel in ’48, where he met with its leaders.” The memo added: “Later transferred to the GRU.””

In 1956 Wahl became chief librarian at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, remaining in that position until 1963. One of its major financial benefactors was Abraham Feinberg. He came back to the United States in 1963 and died three years later.”

The Weizmann Institute was the center for zionist nuclear intrigue.

The vast majority of the 100 redacted pages on Wahl center around his association with another alleged Soviet and zionist asset, Herbert Fierst — Defense Department, in the Civil Affairs Division, 1945; Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary Hilldring with the State Department, 1946–49; and with the State Department in United Nations Affairs, 1945–55.

(Spies : the rise and fall of the KGB in America, February 23, 2010 by John Earl Haynes, Mr. Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev, pp. 207–212, p324; Blacklisted by history : the untold story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight against America’s enemies, M. Stanton Evans, 2007, p7, p336)

Controlling the Narrative

While Wahl flitted about under the noses of the same people who publicly lynched a Jewish couple to “make a point”, FBI field workers had also been watching the hangmen. Through Wahl.

Cohn and Hoover were lifelong “friends”. Hoover’s “number 3” at the FBI, Louis B. Nichols, who also worked closely with Cohn in developing cases against “suspected Communists”, was rewarded with the Vice Presidency of the Schenley empire, run by zionist mafia asset and blackmailer Rosenstiel, in 1957.

(Chapters 7 and 8)

The FBI’s “number 3” under Hoover, Louis B Nichols, was named in a Bureau Memo as being the “go to guy” for acquiring a passport for David Wahl. Roy Cohn, as Senator McCarthy’s chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists (edit: while Nichols was simultaneously providing passports for the likes of Wahl!)

Note: the memo doesn’t name Nichols in full but he fits the bill as he is associated with the characters mentioned. And seeing as how no further information was released on the character or what happened to him, I’m going to assert that he was another “untouchable”.

“Bartley Crum was in touch with David Wahl and from the gist of the conversation it appeared that they were discussing Wahl’s efforts to obtain a passport. Crum said that he had a meeting with “the guy” and he was prepared to help. Crum further stated that “the guy” indicated that he has about four favors a year which he asks. He stated that “the guy’s” course would take about two weeks and he used Abe’s name (possible FEINBERG, President of Israel Speaks). Crum said “the guy” thought the first thing to do was to get hold of a guy named Nichols in the FBI and that was the key to the whole thing.

(FOIA Document, Feinberg Correlation Summary, 01301956, 1951, Israel lobby online site P30


This “go to guy” suggestion was made by Bartley Crum who was a Christian zionist leckey of Feinberg’s and Kollek’s. Crum would defend Hollywood screenwriters and directors accused of being communists. Not that this was a crime in any way, shape or form. But it was the fact that Crum, or anybody helping the zionist cause, was given a free pass by the “anticommunism” witch-hunt at that time. Especially from Hoover and Cohn and their sidekicks.

They were all on the same page when it came to Israel. Even though Hoover and Roy Cohn were at the forefront of the “anticommunism” campaign at the time this memo was written.

(Wiki on Crum and Wahl)

Abraham Feinberg wasn’t low level or insignificant. The FBI were monitoring his contacts, not only with Wahl, but with (future Mossad leaders), the Israeli embassy, Teddy Kollek and Lyndon Johnson. As well as the White House.

(Chapter 8)

David Niles

Another Israeli asset high up in the US administration, and who was central to the US backing the rape of Palestine in 1948 also connects to a lot of the above. Including the illegal passports. David Niles.

David Niles was an American political advisor who worked in the White House from 1942 to 1951 for the administrations of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

Niles was a committed zionist and was important in providing access to the White House for American Zionists.

(“Oral History Interview with Edwin M. Wright”. Truman Presidential Museum and Library.)

Niles was accused of being a communist asset by two members of Congress. And another Soviet agent, Whittaker Chambers, told the FBI that he had heard from a fellow Soviet agent named John Hermann that Niles was the cause of panic among a Soviet spy ring operation during the mid 1930s, when he threatened to out one of them during a homosexual affair if this person didn’t leave his wife.

(David Niles Papers; Romerstein, Herbert; Breindel, Eric (1997). The Venona Secrets; Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors. p. 180)

Yes, you could say that the accusations were hearsay, but there’s much more to the accusations than this.

A Venona (secret program in February 1943 to intercept Soviet communications) decrypted message from New York to Moscow reported on a plan to send a husband and wife team of NKVD ‘illegals’ to Mexico. Again, the topic was about illegal passports, although a few years before the previous memo.

The message reads:

Through CAPITAN’S (Roosevelt’s) advisor David Niles –will take 3–4 days, will cost 500 dollars…. [A]round Niles there is a group of his friends who will arrange anything for a bribe. Through them TENOR (Michael W. Burd) obtains priorities and has already paid them as much as 6000 dollars. Whether NILES takes a bribe himself is not known for certain.

(“Venona June 1, 1944” — messages weren’t decrypted until 1946 onwards: National Security Agency.)

Burd was a Soviet agent and an officer of the Midland Export Corporation in New York City.

(Romerstein, Herbert; Breindel, Eric (1997). The Venona Secrets; Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors. p. 180.)

Wahl and Niles were no minor actors either.

In April 1951, a cable from an Israeli official in Tel Aviv to Teddy Kollek was intercepted which said: “Abe [Feinberg] requests Dave Niles stay in Washington Thursday and Friday.

The following month, Niles arranged a luncheon between Ben-Gurion and Truman.

Niles and Feinberg, in conjunction with “highly-placed persons in the government service” were instrumental in pushing through the (Republican zionist) Taft-Douglas Bill which proposed granting Israel S150,000,000.

In March, 1951, a reliable source advised the Israelis were most interested in certain pending legislation in Congress, believed to be the Taft-Douglas Bill which proposed granting Israel S150,000,000. Another reliable source advised Abraham Feinberg was prepared to seek assistance in promoting this bill from highly-placed persons in the government service, including William Pawley and David K. Niles.

Wahl, an active and confirmed Soviet spy acted as a go-between for Feinberg and the Israelis.

For example, in 1951 when he was seeking finances for pro-zionist paper “Israel Speaks” with Morton Rosenbleuth, representative of the Israeli Minister of the Israeli Ministry of Finance for the western Hemisphere, and Teddy Kollek.

Dave Wahl, Abe Feinberg, Bartley Crum and Lou Weintraub (yet another lawyer) were active in setting .. up a corporation to sell certificates in the U.S. redeemable in Israel for merchandise; that Israel Government agreed to give the corporation exclusive rights and about 10% for promotion and profits.


Wahl also connected with arms smugglers and future donors to Israeli nuclear program, the Sonneborn Institute.

(The Pledge”, Leonard Slater; Norman F. Dacey, October 29, 1970)

It wouldn’t be until 1961 that Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy ordered a “name” (background) check on Abraham Feinberg despite 17 years of exposure!

All of these people were central to zionist intrigue at the highest level. All of them were either Soviet spies, or directly connected to them. And they were all protected. Even under the spotlight of a public lynching of a Jewish couple to scare the American public.

But the endgame wasn’t the furtherance of Soviet aims. It was purely in the interests of zionism.

Philby, Angleton and Kollek in the US

On Kim Philby:

By 1947, Kollek was head of the Jewish Agency Intelligence Organization for the west (basically U.K. and U.S.) at the time Jewish terrorist organizations would be in league both with the Soviets and US zionists and their puppets.

Soviet spy Kim Philby arrived in Washington in 1949 to become the British liaison to American intelligence.

In 1950, on a visit to James Angleton at CIA headquarters at Langley, Kollek apparently “noticed” Kim Philby there. The story is that Kollek suddenly became suspicious of Philby, not knowing until this time that he was MI6, and that he reported to Angleton the fact that he had attended Philby’s wedding to a communist.

“The two men had even exchanged a sentence or two back then. “I said to Angleton ‘What is he doing here? Once a communist, always a communist.’

Angleton replied that Philby was a senior British Intelligence officer.”


Chapters 26 and 27 made it clear that Kollek had sat on Philby’s Soviet activities since 1934.

Remember that Kollek had been working with Angleton in Rome after the war ended in 1945. And that Kollek must have known that Philby was a Soviet agent during the entire decade before.

MI5 itself were undeniably aware by 1945 that Philby had been married to a Soviet agent. And that it was Philby’s fake intel that lead to the leadership of MI6 not being present the day the King David Hotel was bombed in 1946.

There was also the story that Angleton was fooled for years afterwards in to trusting Philby, even though there is evidence that the FBI and CIA demanded his removal from the US after his two associates Burgess and Maclean had been outed in 1951. And the leak to the US and European press by the CIA that Philby was a Soviet agent.

(Agent Kollek in the shadows, ABRAHAM RABINOVICH, Jerusalem Post, JANUARY 2, 2007; Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman, Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel’s Intelligence Community (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990), 91–92.; Anthony Cave Brown, Treason in the Blood, p422; Leonard Mosley, Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen and John Foster Dulles and Their Family Network, James Wade, 1978, pp284–285.)

In May 1951, with Philby’s associates Burgess and Maclean having been exposed as Soviet agents, they fled to Moscow. Philby returned to London “under suspicion” — they had no choice now with the US media claims — in July 1951, he resigned from MI6. Philby struggled to find work as a journalist (a habitual MI6 cover). Despite all of the above, in August 1954, he accepted a position with a diplomatic newsletter called the Fleet Street Letter. And allegedly stopped working for the Soviets.

The strokes of luck: Angleton, Kollek and Victor Rothschild.

In 1961, Victor Rothschild passed on information to MI5’s Arthur Martin that Kim Philby had tried to recruit Flora Solomon as a spy in 1937. She reported him because of what she saw as “anti-Israel bias” in Philby’s journalism.

(Flora Solomon, Baku to Baker Street (1984) page 226)

Who did she report him to?

At a party in Chaim Weizmann’s home, Solomon had apparently “encountered” Victor Rothschild, another patron of the Weizmann Institute (where long term Soviet spy David Wahl was working!).

Rothschild and Solomon were “old friends”.

(How a Jewish socialite exposed the infamous double agent Kim Philby, The JC, December 2022)

They were also “old friends” of Philby.

The probable reason these two characters became known as the people who “exposed” Philby, even though it was public knowledge for over a decade, was that a Soviet defecter was to ruffle feathers after being recruited that year.

They were covering their tracks. Or tying up loose ends.

In 1961, Anatoliy Golitsyn, a major in the First Chief Directorate of the KGB, defected to the United States and fingered Philby as an agent.

He wouldn’t allegedly give his testimony until the year after Solomon and Rothschild had their tête-a-tête — and that Angleton had recruited him — but the timing screams foreknowledge.

According to a document prepared by MI6 for the Home Secretary, a summary was given about the information provided by Golitsyn:

“In 1962 a defector (Golitsyn) from the Russian Intelligence Service stated that in the 1930s there was a very important spy network in the United Kingdom called the Ring of Five because it originally had five members all of whom knew each other and had been at the university together. He knew that Burgess and Maclean were members of the ring. He thought that the network had expanded beyond the original five.”

(Christopher Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 (2009) page 435)

He also fingered Victor Rothschild as an agent.

(Peter Wright, Spycatcher (1987) page 316–17)

MI6 and Angleton hung on to this guy’s every word. Apart from when Victor Rothschild was fingered.

They jumped at his suggestion (with Angleton’s blessing) that incoming Labour leader Harold Wilson was a Soviet asset.

MI5 would open a file on Wilson under the name Norman John Worthington based on Golitsyn’s testimony. But again, his claims on Rothschild were discarded.

(Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, 6th October 2009)

(Chapter 22)


At first glance, this chapter may appear to be a dizzying and disjointed collection of (factual) instances. The underlying themes that tie them together are the characters that appear and reappear in all of them. And the unswerving determination of all western intelligence agencies, governments, media and historians to protect the zionist narrative no matter how detrimental to their own interests and credibility. And it continues to this day.

1945, 2023…nothing has changed.

Any researchers or historians who actually acknowledge, never mind discuss, any of the information contained in this chapter will always follow a certain narrative. A safety net or escape route for the reader, and for themselves, whenever most other possible conclusions can be clearly ruled out leaving uncomfortable truths.

The British have always painted a romantic relationship between themselves and zionism. Any blots on the landscape such as the latter’s partnership with Hitler and any other antisemitic regime that would listen to them when they offered their ideology as a solution to the “Jewish problem” are brushed away. It’s usually excused as being “before the war”, or blamed on “individuals” rather than the leadership. This is completely false.

The British were slaughtering Palestinians and creating a Jewish army cum terrorist organization in one apparent last ditch attempt to control “the natives” during the 1930s. It was wedged in between two attempts by the British to disown the nightmare in Palestine by marking zionist demands as “unworkable”, both in 1929 and 1939. A high ranking Haganah member was even negotiating an alliance with German intelligence in 1937 in a decade where zionism was being praised and promoted by the Third Reich.

Zionism had a long running financial relationship with the Third Reich throughout the thirties (Ha’avara Agreement) and even invited Gestapo officers to Palestine on several occasions.

What’s not (allegedly) known is exactly when the British heard about this Haganah-Third Reich intelligence offer. What is known is that they know about it now.

But there is much more that the British are on record as knowing before 1948.

British intelligence in Palestine described how zionist terrorism never once let up during the war. And it was carried out by all zionist military groups. Including the foot soldiers of the zionist elite in London. Some of the worst atrocities, including the King David Hotel bombing (1946), were carried out when all groups rallied under a single banner.

British requests to halt immigration in 1939 for fear of infiltration by spies — an understandable fear as German zionists were close to the Gestapo — fell on deaf ears with tens of thousands being smuggled in, along with weapons. All with the blessing and involvement of the Jewish Agency and MI6 poster boy Teddy Kollek. 300 Jews were killed when 2 separate boatloads of refugees were sunk in botched Haganah operations during the 1940s.

Zionists didn’t care which totalitarian regime they suckled from, or how much damage they were doing to European Jewry. Or their supposed British allies. Their narrative was (and is) always protected no matter what.

Zionism played the “Jewish problem” game in other antisemitic regimes like Poland which in turn created other terrorist organizations such as Irgun and Lehi. These same terrorist groups in Poland would work for the Soviets (and for themselves, of course) against the British within a couple of years, while simultaneously offering their services to the Third Reich!

The offers of an alliance with the Third Reich continued as late as 1942.

This is where the “Lehi extremist” narrative kicks in. In that these offers of an alliance had nothing to do with “moderate” zionism. The problem is that these “extremists” were only labeled as such for short periods of time. For the duration of the war (1939–1945), then they were accepted by “moderates” through a “Hebrew alliance” for close on a year just after the war. They were fully exonerated by 1948 and fully integrated in to the zionist killing machine during the Nakba and after.

And even during these short periods where they were deemed “extremist”, they were actually working hand in hand with the “moderates” according to MI5 in Palestine.

Among the “extremists” was Moshe Sneh, confirmed Soviet spy, a member of the (“moderate”) Haganah general staff who also sat on the board of the Jewish Agency, heading its immigration department and head of the Agency’s political department for Europe, and Knesset member until his death in 1972.

(Dr. Sneh to Be Buried in Accordance with Jewish Religious Tradition, JTA, March 1972)

These same “extremists” formed the Likud Party in 1973. Menchamen Begin and Yitzhak Shamir went on to become prime ministers for thirteen years between them between 1977 and 1992.

In 2001, Shamir was awarded the annual Israel Prize in recognition of his lifetime achievements and special contributions to the society and well-being of the State of Israel.

(Jewish Virtual Library)

Others became battalion commanders; joined Mossad; were buried with full military honours; had settlements named after them; the Ministry of Education supplied all Israeli schools with brochures explaining their acts and motives in 1975; another, Baruch Korff, who attempted to drop canister bombs on London, reached celebrity status in the US becoming “Richard Nixon’s rabbi”. And not forgetting the two prime ministers and political party which has ruled for 33 of the 45 years from 1977 to 2021!

(Moshe and Tova Svorai, Me’Etzel Le’Lechi, 1989, pp. 419–422 (Hebrew) and Israel Eldad, Maaser Rishon, pp. 133–145 (Hebrew); Lehi website; Wiki)

The British played along with this fake narrative.

33 massacres, the destruction of 531 Palestinian towns, war crimes and rape during the Nakba in Palestine in 1948 still changed nothing. Although the genocide of natives came way down the list on British priorities given the kinship in racism between zionism and empire.

It was totally normal for the British empire to see the new Jewish junta in Palestine as “moderate” during those years seeing as the majority of victims were Arab Muslims, Arab Christians and Arab Jews.

These were the “moderates” who allied themselves to Hitler’s Germany and sabotaged any attempts of Jews to escape fascist Europe if the destination wasn’t Palestine. Who ethnically cleansed, massacred and raped their way through Palestine. Who carried out false flag attacks in Egypt and Iraq. Who immediately sought nuclear weapons. Who protected and recruited nazis. Whose first international act was to form a decades long alliance with the newly formed apartheid South Africa. Who stole Yemeni babies and killed thousands of Moroccan Jews in radiation experiments. Who treated Mizrahi Jews like second class citizens. Who tried to sink a “US ally” navy ship.

(Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 15)

Those “moderates”?

But this imperialist scant regard for indigenous or non-white peoples doesn’t explain the throwing to the wolves of 784 British men and women, soldiers and civilians who were killed in Palestine between 1945 and 1948 in the aftermath of a war where “patriotic” tendencies were at their highest.

Consider this: no memorial was built for the British military killed in Palestine until 2001.

Where was the (MI5-run) media?

Still nothing changed the kids glove approach to zionism in Britain.

In 1940s London, MI6, MI5 and the British Ministry of Information were riddled with zionists, zionist apologists and Soviet spies. Two Labour MPs knew of at least one zionist plot that they knew could have lead to the deaths of British soldiers, and rubberstamped the operation. An MI6 operative and Soviet spy, Kim Philby, obviously had foreknowledge of the King David Hotel bombing and apparently saved the lives of military brass (for whatever reason) by sending them on another lead which was blatantly false.

The MI5 brass knew that it was Kim Philby who provided this false lead. And it happened just a year after Philby’s MI5 chief had discovered that Philby’s ex-wife was a Soviet agent (Chapter 27). MI5 also knew that Moshe Sneh, the Haganah leader involved in the bombing, was a Soviet agent.

In 1949, one of the Labour MPs — a blatant imperialist racist — who conspired with zionist terrorists during at least one of their operations in 1946, gloated over the downing of five British planes and deaths of two pilots while flying over Egyptian territory. He was actually at the house of Chaim Weizmann when the incident occurred.

Soviet-zionist arms smuggling came to fruition in 1947–1948 through Czechoslovakia and long term Mossad (and KGB and MI6!) agent, Robert Maxwell who was labeled by MI6 “Zionist — loyal only to Israel” and a person to be watched. Except that they turned a blind eye to this scumbag for decades. Why?

The “double agent” excuse for Maxwell doesn’t add up as he was very close to the KGB; was an associate of Mossad agent Rafael Eitan who ran Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard; and Maxwell also tried to spy on a US nuclear facility!

Again, nothing was done!

While Maxwell was an out and out Mossad/KGB asset filling his own pockets, and allowed to become a Member of Parliament and media mogul reaching millions, MI5 were on the verge of a staging a coup against British PM Harold Wilson based on the claims of a Soviet defector that Wilson was a Soviet asset. The same asset accused Victor Rothschild of the same thing and again, nothing was done.

The US equation

When the war was over, Europe, and particularly Britain, were virtually bankrupt. Even more reason to see the spike in zionist terrorism as being despicable. But the betrayal didn’t end there. Zionists were also busy working their American hosts across the board. The FBI chiefs were in their pockets. Politicians, including future presidential canditates were being threatened with the “Jewish vote” on the issue of Palestine. And the OSS (future CIA) were in league with the zionist mafia who were sending arms and money to both Irgun and Haganah.

They were in control.

In 1948, Menchamen Begin calmly strutted about the US with zionist mafia figures who had been protected by the OSS (future CIA) raising funds and procuring US surplus weapons. His associates were busy sending parcel bombs all over Europe and to 10 Downing Street. Plans were made to drop cannister bombs on London. And a parcel bomb would even be sent to the eventual US president Harry Truman.

(Chapters 7 and 8)

One of the very few outspoken critics of zionist infiltration in to the White House within Truman’s administration, James Forrestal, was “suicided” in 1949 when he was obviously thrown from a hospital window having first been strangled with a bathrobe cord. This happened just hours before his release. He had been hounded for months by the media beforehand which lead to him succumbing to depression and signing himself in to hospital. While there, he was treated like a prisoner with visitors being strictly vetted.

The FBI had compiled multiple reports on zionist intrigue, which included Soviet espionage, but as with MI6, these reports went nowhere after they reached the top. Absolutely nothing was done. Because zionists were involved.

The McCarthy campaign against alleged communists and homosexuals in the US during the fifties was actually spearheaded by three homosexuals, two of which were also pedophiles. And zionist assets. The “crowning glory” of this campaign was the very public execution of a Jewish couple, the Rosenbergs, accused of supplying nuclear secrets to the Soviets. Meanwhile, zionists had set up their own uranium enrichment plant on US soil, and a high level zionist who would be the conduit between the US government and Ben Gurion in 1948 was a blatant Soviet spy known to the FBI for a decade before the Rosenberg lynching.

The zionist coup de grace was the grooming and recruitment of CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton and the FBI hierarchy. Both of which held their positions for decades. Under Angleton’s and Hoover’s watch, JFK was assassinated with Lyndon Johnson replacing him. The zionist nuclear weapon intrigue went unchecked. Permanent grants and weapons provisions for Israel were attained. Zionists stole more land and the USS Liberty attack was treated like a dirty little secret. Angleton even celebrated his 50th birthday with his Mossad friends in Tel Aviv a couple of months after the event. What’s more it was discovered upon Angleton’s removal that his anti-Soviet investigations were a joke.

(See Chapters 9 to 15)

The characters mentioned weren’t rogue elements within a clandestine operation. The likes of Angleton and Hoover were at the helm of important positions for decades during the most formative years of the US becoming a totalitarian cesspit of corruption. But they were there because they were put there. They themselves were under orders from above. Zionism was seen as an opportunity. Mossad; their international connections; their virtual stranglehold over US elections; mafia connections; global smuggling routes; blackmail operations; a body that black operations could work through; and now the shield of the Holocaust platform that they hijacked to slap down anybody who questions them….they ticked all of the boxes.

The same characters mentioned in this chapter were still operating almost forty years after 1948 setting up the same sleazy operations. Example: Robert Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine was a pimp for Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein’s seeds were sown on the scene by Alan Greenberg when he gave this unqualified creep a job. Greenberg was a friend of Roy Cohn and guess who? Teddy Kollek. Back in to this long running tight orbit of untouchables we go.

(Chapter 22)

But they also operated in the highest offices. The Balfour Declaration and the eventual land theft and ethnic cleansing in Palestine in 1948 were enabled by strategically placed zionists in positions of influence and power during and after two global wars. They also found a system whereby the Brandeis zionist “lieutenants” (Chapter 1 ) would continue grooming US presidents for decades to come under the guise of “presidential advisers”.

Israeli spy Abraham Feinberg was simply the latest in a long line of people who schmoozed his way towards presidential candidates’ ears.

A microcosm of just how much zionism had infiltrated the White House can be summed up briefly (but fully documented in previous chapters).

Eisenhower was the last US president to threaten Israel with sanctions — and mean it — in the face of the Suez Crisis (Chapter 6).

A tight orbit of characters swirled around all of the presidential candidates either side of Eisenhower, dating back to Truman, from the grooming of Lyndon Johnson and eventual zionist coup after Kennedy’s assassination, to the more subtle neoconservative manouevring and Israeli spying through “think tanks” and “jobs for the boys” approach to attaining vital positions surrounding the White House under Nixon and Ford. All binded together with blackmail. Besides Nixon bringing Israelophile war criminal Kissinger and his Israeli spy protégée Helmut Sonnenfeld in to play, “Nixon’s rabbi” Baruch Korff was a former Lehi member who had tried to drop barrel bombs on London!

(Chapters 15 and 21)

Ford was under the influence of Max Fisher, an “advisor on Middle East and Jewish issues”, to every administration from Eisenhower to Bush, who co-founded the “Mega Group” which was connected to the funding of Jeffrey Epstein. Ford was also under the “influence” of Roy Cohn because he had received oral sex from a prostitute…

(Chapter 8)

Remember that Truman was literally bitchslapped by the likes of Israeli spy Abraham Feinberg in his position as a “fundraiser” for the Democrat Party. Johnson, the Haganah gun smuggler, was directly connected to a conduit between the zionist mafia and Mossad for at least twenty years through his right hand man Bobby Baker.

Bobby Baker and Cohn ran a blackmail operation using prostitutes at an “exclusive club”, The Quorum, which saw two future presidents ensnared: Kennedy and Ford. Women involved in the Profumo Affair in Britain were used.

(Chapter 26)

In the background, even Ronald Reagan was being prepared.

The position of “Democrat fundraiser” was a preferred method of entry for zionists in to the heart of the establishment. LB Johnson used it. And he brought in the likes of Israeli asset Arthur Krim whose future wife Mathilde Krim, “ex” explosive smuggler for Irgun in Europe, “befriended” him the year before JFK’s assassination. She was staying in the White House during the USS Liberty attack and helped him write the response for the public while they were busy covering it up. The year after, the famous JFK trial prosecuted by Jim Garrison upturned the “Permindex” connection which exposed Israeli intelligence involvement.

(Chapters 11–15)

It was through Arthur Krim that MCA (Music Corporation of America) President Lew Wasserman, a fanatical zionist who ran in the same circles as the zionist mafia for decades, became involved in “fundraising”. He had been grooming Ronald Reagan since 1947, making him millions through crooked real estate deals. He was by Reagan’s side right up to his presidency. Reagan even used his position to shield Wasserman’s mob activities.

(Chapter 15)

Breathless. And I’m just skimming the surface.

The “real” enemies of Britain and the US were given a free run, while the CIA and MI5 looked inward towards their own citizens, creating industrial scale sexual blackmail schemes which included children, and Orwellian surveillance. But the lights were turned off whenever zionist assets appeared.

How zionist assets became untouchable in the US during the forties and fifties can be explained. Why the Soviets partnered them — to disrupt British influence in the Middle East, for example — can be deduced. But just what was going on with the British is harder to pin down. Yes, the US, and thus zionism, had the British cornered when they were virtually bankrupt due to two world wars. But throwing their own to the wolves, the traitors in the British government, the sycophantic politicians, Prime Ministers, MI5 and media for decades to come — that is a tough nut to crack. Unless you stop thinking in terms of nations, flags and borders, and instead remember that powerful, corrupt, egocentric forces behind the scenes see nations and “isms” as bases of operations to enrich themselves and pull strings on the puppets they place in power.

Without the files that MI5 have either destroyed or will keep under lock and key forever, we’ll never see the full picture. But that is irrelevant. I don’t care about the ins and outs. What I know is that Israel does (and has done) whatever it wants with no repercussions. No matter how detrimental to any “ally” in the form of country or “ism” that stands by, or in the way of, its ambitions. And that has to be because zionism has metastasized into the flesh of the real rulers. The people who hold the files we aren’t allowed to see. The people who cover up their actions. They and zionism are on the “same page”. They all have no qualms about using whatever the current “ism” is to get what they want. Whether it’s genocide, false flags, or abusing and murdering children. They are kindred spirits.

One final question: why would a corrupt, mafia-like run entity like the US allow another self serving entity like zionism, albeit being “on the same page”, to become so untouchable and irreversibly indestructible on their own patch? Answer that and you’ll be on the right path to the truth.

