Chapter 4 — Forbidden knowledge

Brendan Devenney
37 min readOct 11, 2021


“The first proposal to establish Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, was made in September 1942 by Mordechai Shenhavi at a board meeting of the Jewish National Fund (JNF), when most of those who would die were still alive” — Tony Greenstein.

(Margalit, Avishai (2002). The Ethics of Memory. Harvard University Press. Retrieved 25 February 2014.)

While zionism turned on their British sponsors while they were at their weakest due to war time commitments, their tactics took a sociopathic turn. And it’s a part of zionist history where even researchers who are aware of this information shy away from, or brush under the carpet, while defenders of zionism pretend that it doesn’t exist.

Playing with lives

Up to and through 1941, the zionist leadership, the Jewish Agency and Joint Distribution Committee refrained from publicizing in the American press the massacre of Jews. Worse still, the same people were simultaneously blocking the flight of these people unless Palestine was their destination.

In 1938 in the US, Reform Rabbi and president of the American Jewish Congress, Stephen Wise, said:

“I would rather have my fellow Jews die in Germany…”

…when British prime minister Neville Chamberlain suggested Tanganyika in Africa as a site for German Jewish refugees.

(Urofsky, M. I. 1982. A voice that spoke for justice: The life and times of Stephen S. Wise. Albany: State University of New York Press. (p.304))

In 1939, Dr. Ehrenpreisz, the Chief Rabbi of Sweden (since 1914) forced Sweden’s government to back off a decision to permit entry to tens of thousands of Jews from Germany.

(The Holocaust Victims Accuse, Reb Moshe Shonfeld, p. 108)

“During 1940 and 1941 the Jewish Agency Executive rarely discussed the Jews of occupied Europe and, aside from their half-hearted efforts at illegal immigration, the Agency did nothing for them.”

(Yoav Gelber, Zionist Policy and the Fate of European Jewry 1939–1942, Yad Vashem Studies, vol.XIII, p192)

“Nor were their colleagues in neutral America much more helpful, despite the fact that…both Ben-Gurion and Weizmann went there for several extended visits in 1940 and 1941. Furthermore, the American Zionist leadership campaigned against those Jews who were trying to aid the stricken. Aryeh Tartakower, who was in charge of aid work for the World Jewish Congress in America in 1940, has told some of the story in an interview with the distinguished Israeli historian, Shabatei Beit-Zvi:

“We received a call from the American Government, from the State Department, and they brought to our attention that sending parcels to the Jews in Poland was not in the interests of the Allies … The first one to tell us to stop immediately was Dr Stephen Wise … He said: ‘We must stop for the good of England.’”

(Shabatei Beit-Zvi, Post-Ugandan Zionism During the Holocaust, p.251)

In 1942, the flight from persecution of 500,000 European Jews proposed by Britain was blocked by zionists:

“On December 17th, 1942, both houses of the British Parliament declared their readiness to find temporary refuge for endangered persons. The British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany. Within two weeks this motion received a total of 277 Parliamentary signatures. On January 27th, when the next steps were being pursued by over 100 M.P.s and Lords, a spokesman for the Zionists announced that the Jews would oppose the motion because Palestine was omitted.”

(The Wall Street Journal, December 02, 1976)

The “Becher Deposit”

An alleged 800,000 Hungarian Jews were left to the mercy of the nazis through the actions (or non action) of the Jewish Agency. More specifically by a zionist leader of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, Rudolf Kasztner.

Rudolf Kasztner was the leader of Hungarian Zionism and the Jewish Agency’s Rescue Committee (Va’ada) in Budapest during the Nazi occupation. In return for his silence and co-operation during the deportations, the Zionists were allowed to organise a train of the Prominents which left Hungary on the night of 30 June 1944 with 1,684 of the Zionist and Jewish elite including 388 from Kasztner’s home town of Kolosvar, who were taken to Budapest by the SS.

(Braham 1981 pp.972–3)

Kastner, one of the inner circle around Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion during the 1943–53 decade, was revealed to have been the main agent of the Nazis in Hungary. Kastner, an Israeli court was shown, systematically deluded the leadership of Hungary’s 800,000 Jews into believing that the Nazis were interested merely in mass relocation of the Jews, not mass murder.

The Zionist supreme court virtually excused Kasner’s activities. Kastner said that “the Hungarian Jew was a branch which long ago dried up on the tree.”

(Moshe Shweiger, a Kastner aide in Budapest, protocol 465)

That is, they were expendable?

During his libel trial in Israel after the war, he excused his own silence about the death camps by telling an Israeli Court that other Jewish Agency representatives suppressed the news. Basically, that he was a scapegoat for the inaction of all of the other agencies.

At the trial he was quoted as saying:

“I learned that the Jewish Agency and Joint Distribution Committee representatives in Switzerland, Moshe Shwalb and Saly Mayer, did not give out information to the press about the mass killings. They failed to give the press the news I sent from Budapest. I sent cables…They were also kept secret from the press. I informed them almost daily by cables about the pace of the extermination. My cables were never published anywhere.”

(Perfidy, Ben Hecht, p.91)

These alleged “daily” cables stopped altogether when he made his deal to sneak off with his zionist friends and family.

At the same trial, Professor Tamir Aktzin (dean of the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem) corroborated Kasztner when he testified that up to and through 1941:

“The Zionists, Jewish Agency and Joint Distribution Committee did refrain from publicizing in the American press the massacre of Jews.”

(Court records, Rudolf Kastner, head of a Hungarian branch of the so-called Jewish Agency Rescue Committee during World War II)

Eichmann himself cleared up any ambiguity conjured up by the Israeli courts:

“This Dr. Kastner was a young man about my age, an ice-cold lawyer and a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting deportation — and even keep order in the collection camps — if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price … was not too high for me…. “

(‘Eichmann Confessions’ published in Life magazine, 28 November and 5 December, 1960)

Note that Eichmann was kidnapped from Argentina by Mossad in 1962 as these details were leaking.

Kasztner intervened on behalf of SS officers Hermann Krumey (served as a member of the group organizing the mass deportation of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz, Eichmann’s right hand man) and Dieter Wisliceny (one of Eichmann’s ‘Jewish experts’ serving as his representative in the Reich Central Office of Jewish Emigration). Wisliceny was alleged to have accepted bribes at times. A section of his affidavit when accused of war crimes in 1946 read:

“After my meeting with Eichmann in July or August 1942, when I first learned of the Hitler order for final solution of the Jewish question by extermination, I became particularly interested in the number of persons effected and at every opportunity made notes on the basis of information from other countries. In 1943, my interest was further accentuated by requests for information from the Joint Distribution Committee and I thereafter took particular pains to collect all information available as to the number of Jews effected in other countries. In Budapest 1944 I conferred with Dr. Rudolf Kastner, representative of the Joint Distribution Committee, and compared with him information on numerous occasions particularly dealing with the total number of Jews effected. I was constantly in touch with Dr. Kastner after May 1944. I last saw him on 30 March 1945, in my apartment in Vienna.”

(Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume VIII. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.606–619.)

That is, a full year after Kastner had left Hungary with his select few, they were “constantly in touch”. Kastner had even called to this war criminal’s apartment. For reasons which will become clear.

In all, “there was a total of seven interventions by Kasztner on behalf of Nazi war criminals. Three testimonies were on behalf of Becher, two were on behalf of Krumey, one was on behalf of Hans Jüttner, and there was an appeal that had the potential to deliver Wisliceny from the threat of execution in Slovakia.”

Wisliceny was hanged in 1948; Jüttner’s 10-year prison sentence was changed to 4 years in 1949. He died in 1965; Krumey was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1969. He died in 1981; Becher died a wealthy man in 1995.

(Barri, Shoshana (1997). “The Question of Kastner’s Testimonies on behalf of Nazi War Criminals,” The Journal of Israeli History, vol 18, issue 2–3, pp.145)

The Jewish Agency’s primary concern after the war was the ‘Becher deposit’ which was alleged to consist of large amounts of the wealth of Hungarian Jewry.

(Barri 1997:156–158)

While holocaust victim families would be denied payment in the reparations agreement which Israel would hijack in 1952, zionists rewarded the man who oversaw the financial running of the concentration camps, Kurt Becher. Even though he was never punished, based on the word of Rudolf Kastner.

Despite the unanimous finding of the Supreme Court of Israel that Kurt Becher was a major war criminal, the Jewish Agency (World Zionist Organization) refused to withdraw the fraudulent certificate Kastner gave on their behalf, which saved Becher from hanging, and allowed him to remain a free man in West Germany.

He would go on to be the president of many corporations, including the Cologne-Handel Gesellschaft, which did extensive business with the Israeli government.

By 1960 he was one of the wealthiest men in West Germany, with estimated assets of US$30 million.

(Eichmann in Jerusalem, The Banality of Evil, Arendt, Hannah (1963), p141; Hecht, Ben. Perfidy, Milah Press, 1999, p84; Hecht, p. 259, footnote 48.)


From 1944 to 1945, Becher collected large sums of money, jewellery, and precious metals, worth an estimated 8,600,000 Swiss francs, from Hungarian Jews, a portion of which travelled with him in six large suitcases, in what became known as the “Becher Deposit”

(Zweig, Ronald W., The Gold Train, The Destruction of the Jews and the Looting of Hungary, Harper Collins, 2002, p. 223.)

…between me and Dr. Kasztner, it was agreed from the beginning on, that I would keep the contribution from the Jewish side, if possible until the end of the War, to hand it over with his agreement, as soon as possible to both organizations represented by Dr. Kasztner, the Jewish Agency and Joint DC, for humanitarian purposes. I acted on the basis of a special power of attorney, which granted me practically unlimited and exclusive rights of disposition.

I handed over, just before the end of the War, the jewels, gold etc. given to me for disposal by Kasztner, to the approximate value of 2 million Swiss francs, to the co-worker of Dr. Kasztner, Dr. M. Schweiger, who I had liberated from the concentration camp Mauthausen, to be used for humanitarian purposes, as previously agreed with Dr. Kasztner.

(Affidavit of Kurt Becher in front of the Nurenberg Tribunal)

On 24 May 1945, Subsection B of the 215th American Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) detachment found 18.7 pounds of gold, 4.4 pounds of platinum, and some jewelry hidden under beds in a house Becher had been living in, and on May 30, the suitcase Becher had given to Schweiger was handed over to the CIC. On 25 June some other Jewish refugees Becher had been using as couriers handed in gold and paper shares.

(Bauer, Yehuda. Jews for sale: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933–1945. Yale University Press, 1994, pp. 239–240)

At the end of the war, a Jew named Jacques Van Harten, one of the central agents of an SS British pound forgery project, contacted Jewish soldiers from Palestine in northern Italy and offered them large quantities of forged banknotes in return for protection.

In addition to large sums of money, Van Harten was also in possession of a large quantity of jewelry. Shmuel Ossia, an associate of Shalhevet Freier (branch director in the Foreign Ministry’s Political Department) testified that Freier interrogated Van Harten at length about his past. Van Harten related how he had helped Himmler’s special envoy, Kurt Becher, who was in charge of plundering the property of Hungarian Jewry, and revealed what he knew about the source of the forged British money, which later, thanks to Van Harten, would become a crucial source of funding for the illegal immigration and arms purchasing operations of the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces.

(In the Service of the Jewish State, Haaretz, Shraga Elam, Dennis Whitehead, Mar. 29, 2007)

Becher obviously didn’t do this out of the goodness of his heart. Nor did Kastner donate the stolen money for “humanitarian purposes”. Zionists sat on this information for years until they were forced to confront it at the trial. It wasn’t bad enough that their zionist representative left Hungarian Jewry for the wolves and saved their own, they were up to their elbows in blood money that was stolen from the dead.

Washing their hands

Not only were high level zionists conning Jews in to a false sense of security, zionist organizations were actually denying reports emanating from these countries, hindering aid, and keeping the media in the dark.

Zionist leader Stephen Wise, former Herzl, Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter (of “zionist lieutenant” fame) colleague and at that time president of the American Jewish Congress, was front and center.

“In the spring of 1941 Rabbi Wise had decided to impose a complete embargo on all aid sent to Jews in occupied countries, in compliance with the U.S. government’s economic boycott of the Axis powers (whereby every food package was seen as direct or indirect assistance to the enemy)… Strict orders were given to World Jewish Congress representatives in Europe to halt forthwith any shipment of packages to the ghettos, despite the fact that these packages did usually reach their destination, the Jewish Self-Help Association in Warsaw. ‘All these operations with and through Poland must cease at once,’ Wise cabled to Congress delegates in London and Geneva, ‘and at once in English means AT ONCE, not in the future.’”

(The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939–1945, Saul Friedlander, p304)

On February 24th, 1943, Stephen Wise issued a public refusal to this offer and declared no collection of funds would seem justified.

In 1944, the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People called upon the American government to establish a War Refugee Board. Stephen Wise, testifying before a special committee of Congress, successfully objected to this proposal.

(Wall Street Journal, December 2nd, 1976)

“I have had cables and underground advices for some months, telling of these things. I succeed, together with the heads of other Jewish organisations, in keeping them out of the press.”

(Dr Stephen Wise message to Roosevelt, 1942, telling of how alleged pogroms of European Jews had been kept under wraps for three months)

Sali Mayer, head of the Zionist Histadrut, the Board of Communities, and of the Joint Distribution Committee in Switzerland also denied them:

“The letters you have gathered from the Polish refugees are exaggerated tales”

— Sali Mayer, leader of the Joint Distribution Committee in Switzerland.

(The Holocaust Victims Accuse, Reb Moshe Shonfeld, p73)

In 1943, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, Yitzchak Greenbaum, publically announced what was already zionist policy towards the rescue of Jews in Europe…that it was non-existent. This announcement came on the heels of his refusal to rescue 70,000 Jewish refugees of the Trans-Dniestria region.

On Feb. 16, 1943, Romania offered 70,000 Jewish refugees of the Trans-Dniestria region to leave at the cost of $50 each. This was publicized in the New York papers. Yitzchak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency addressed the Zionist Executive Council on February 18th, 1943 in Tel Aviv saying:

“When they asked me, ‘Couldn’t you give money out of the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe?,’ I said NO!, and I say again, NO! …One should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance.”

(January 18, 1943, Yitzhak Gruenbaum and Others at the Zionist Executive Committee; Gruenbaum, Days of Destruction, p.68)

“For the rescue of the Jews in the Diaspora, we should consolidate our excess strength and the surplus of powers that we have. When they come to us with two plans — the rescue of the masses of Jews in Europe or the redemption of the land — I vote, without a second thought, for the redemption of the land.

The more said about the slaughter of our people, the greater the minimization of our efforts to strengthen and promote the Hebraization of the land. If there would be a possibility today of buying packages of food with the money of the ‘Keren Hayesod’ [United Jewish Appeal] to send it through Lisbon, would we do such a thing? No! And once again No!’

— Yitzhak Greenbaum

(In a speech on the subject of The Diaspora and the Redemption in Tel Aviv on Feb. 16, 1943, Gruenbaum, Days of Destruction, p.68)

In his speech at Sokolov House on Jan. 1,1964, Yitzchak Greenbaum explained why the leaders of the yishuv hid the story of the holocaust from the public:

Whoever is building the homeland and is battling for the very existence of the homeland is excused from knowing; for he has another, greater obligation.


“It would have been worthwhile to sacrifice another million Jews for the glory of the Warsaw Ghetto revolt.”

(The Holocaust Victims Accuse, Reb Moshe Shonfeld, p.79)

He got his wish. ALL European Jews, unless they were zionists, were officially abandoned in January, 1943 when the leadership of the absorption and enlisting fund decided to bar all appeals on behalf of rescuing Jews.

“It is explicitly stated in the “Sefer Hamagbis” (Book of Appeals) that the reasons for this prohibition were because of other obligations in Eretz Yisroel.”

(‘The Holocaust Victims Accuse’ by Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld, Chapter 2)

Nathan Schwalb, representative of the Jewish Agency in Switzerland outlines one of the main reasons zionists left European Jews to the wolves. That “only through blood will the land be ours”. A bargaining chip for when the land was to be redistributed after the war:

as the war ends, we must do everything so that Eretz Yisroel should become a Jewish state…As to the cry that comes from your country, we must be aware that all the nations of the Allies are spilling much blood and if we do not bring sacrifices, with what will we achieve the right to sit at the table when they make the distribution of nations and territories after the war?.. ‘rak b’dam tihyu lanu haaretz’ [‘only through blood will the land be ours’]. As to yourselves — members of the group — you will get out, and for this purpose we are providing you with funds by this courier.”

— a letter from Nathan Schwalb, representative of the Jewish Agency in Switzerland, to Weissmandl’s ill-fated Rescue Committee for Czech Jewry

(Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse, p.18)

Read the above again. The blood of those who they had abandoned, denied and blocked from escaping was to be used as a bargaining chip when allies were to divide the land after the war. And they were sending money for their own to escape.

How zionism viewed the blood of European Jewry’s value as bargaining chips can be seen in the following matter-of-fact, cold hearted statement.

Dov Joseph, the acting director of the Jewish Agency’s Political Department, cautioned them against:

“publishing data exaggerating the number of Jewish victims, for if we announce that millions of Jews have been slaughtered by the Nazis, we will justifiably be asked where the millions of Jews are, for whom we claim that we shall need to provide a home in Eretz Israel after the war ends.”

(Gelber, Zionist Policy and the Fate of European Jewry, p.195.)

Rabbi Yitzhak Itshe Meir Levin, a leader of the Ultra-orthodox Agudat Yisrael stated:

“Take the Jewish National Fund money…won’t you halt the work in Palestine during such a period, when they are murdering, slaughtering Jews by the hundreds of thousands, even millions? Don’t establish new settlements, take the money for those needs.”

Greenbaum responded:

“. . . . Let them say that I am anti-Semitic….Let them say what they want. I will not demand that the Jewish Agency allocate of a sum of 300,000 or 100,000 pounds sterling to help European Jewry. And I think that whoever demands such things is performing an anti-Zionist act.”

(January 18, 1943, Yitzhak Gruenbaum and Others at the Zionist Executive Committee; Gruenbaum, Days of Destruction, p.68)

Whether bribing nazis would have worked or not — zionists were definitely wheeling and dealing with Becher and Kastner’s other nazi friends — what stood out for me were the responses made by zionist leaders.

Greenbaum was nazi collaborator Rudolf Kasztner’s immediate superior in the Jewish Agency as head of the Rescue Committee for European Jewry (what a sick joke).

Greenbaum’s son was an exceptionally notorious Kapo at Auschwitz. Greenbaum would become a cabinet Minister in Israel’s first Government.

The Jewish Agency policy was summed up in the slogan ‘one goat in Eretz Israel is worth an entire community in the diaspora.’

(Perfidy, Ben Hecht; “Call Him Feifel”, K. Tzetnik)

Zionist Jews (including playwright Ben Hecht quoted above), anti-zionist Jews and witnesses to the persecution in Europe called out the actions of zionism:

“There have even appeared some Zionists in our midst who have become reconciled to the thought that it is impossible to stay the hand of the murderer and therefore, they say, it is necessary ‘to utilize this opportunity’ to emphasise to the world the tragedy of Jewish homelessness and to strengthen the demand for a Jewish National Home in Palestine. (A Home for whom? For the millions of dead in their temporary cemeteries in Europe?)”

— Labour Zionist, Chaim Greenberg, 1943

Why didn’t they (zionists) try, from their place of freedom, to break through to us and send us a secret messenger? This question becomes greater when we see that the governments of Czechoslovakia and Poland, which were in free lands, sent secret messengers daily to their loyal people in the occupied countries. And therefore our amazement grows. Why don’t the great organizers of Jewry use these messengers if they have no other way? And during all of the years since we developed this method, those in the free countries did not once attempt to send messengers to us — rather, WE had to send them and to pay for them. How many did we send them only for the to return empty-handed — because those over there did not have time to answer ?”

— Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel, organizer of rescue activities in Slovakia

(Quoted in ‘The Holocaust Victims Accuse’ by Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld)

“How are we to explain the fact, that the leaders of the Jewish Agency and the chiefs of the Zionist movement in Palestine kept silent? Why didn’t they raise their voices? Why didn’t they shout about it over the whole wide world? Why didn’t they appeal in broadcasts of their ‘secret’ Haganah radio station to Jews in ghettos, camps and villages to flee to the woods, to mutiny and fight, to try to save themselves? By silence they collaborated with the German to no less extent than the scoundrels who provided the Germans with the death lists. History will yet pronounce its verdict against them. Was not the very existence of the Jewish Agency a help for the Nazis? When history tries the so-called Judenrat and the Jewish police, she will also condemn the leaders of the Agency and the leaders of the Zionist movement”

(Herut, 25 May 1964, Cited in Bolshakov, op.cit., p.40)

Why didn’t you save and why did you conceal and why did you look the other way, knowingly, at what transpired during the period of the holocaust?”

— witness response to judge and prosecution at the Eichmann trial when asked “Why didn’t you resist, why didn’t you rebel?

(Perfidy, Ben Hecht)

Throughout World War Two zionists worked hand in hand with the nazis rounding up and controlling European Jews while their leaders outside of the nightmare denied and (initially) covered up what was happening.

The Judenrat and the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

Based on Tony Greenstein’s research:

“Nevertheless, the fact that some two thirds of the hated Jewish Councils (Judenrat) were Zionists, tells us something about Zionism, remembering that Zionists were only a small minority of European Jewry.”

(from ‘Judenrat’ by Isiah Trunk, a 660 page well footnoted scholarly apologia for the behavior of these collaborators)

The Judenräte were responsible for marking, concentrating, expropriating and providing the lists of Jews to be rounded up for deportation. In some ghettos the Judenrat and the Jewish Police conducted searches to find anyone hiding from deportation.

(Isaiah Trunk 1972: p484)

The Jüdische Ordnungsdienst, as the Jewish police in the ghettos were called, furnished thousands of men for seizure operations. In the Warsaw ghetto alone the Jewish police numbered approximately 2500; in Lodz they were about 1200 men strong; the Lvov ghetto had an Ordnungsdienst of 500 men; and so on.

(Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, Quadrangle Books, Chicago, 1961, p. 310)

During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of 1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them at a minimum daily rate of 10,000.

(Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, Jews in Poland: A Documentary History (New York: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115; Abraham Lewin, A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto (Oxford and New York: Basil Black in association with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.)

The Bund

The General Jewish Labour Bund (the Bund) in Poland was a Jewish socialist party in Poland which promoted the political, cultural and social autonomy of Jewish workers, sought to combat antisemitism and was generally opposed to Zionism. They grew from the institutionalized antisemitism that was rife there. The same antisemitic institutions that zionists wanted to embrace. The Bund had marginalized the zionists.

Polish activists argued that Jews should stay and fight for socialism rather than emigrate.

The Zionists who, in the 1920’s had had a mass base in Poland, withered away and split into Right and Left Poale Zion. Left Poale Zion formed the majority group and they were barely Zionists at all as they prioritised the fight against the fascists over and above the cause of Palestine.

The most well-known figure in LPZ was Emmanuel Ringleblum, the Chronicler of the Warsaw Ghetto:

‘It should be remembered that the great majority of East European Jews were, up to the outbreak of the second world war, opposed to Zionism… The most fanatical enemies of Zionism were precisely the workers, those who spoke Yiddish… they were the most determined opponents of the idea of an emigration from Eastern Europe to Palestine… in the idea of an exodus, from the countries in which they had their home and in which their ancestors had lived for centuries, the anti-Zionists saw an abdication of their rights, a surrender to anti-Semitism. To them anti-Semitism seemed to triumph in Zionism which recognised the legitimacy and the validity of the old cry ‘Jews get out’. The Zionists were agreeing to get out.’

(Isaac Deutscher in his Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays, pp. 66/7)

Jabotinsky’s antisemitic view on “Yids” in his Herzl eulogy quoted in another chapter can be seen in a certain perspective with this knowledge.

Just so we have some perspective of the situation in Warsaw…

In December 1938 and January 1939, at the last Polish municipal elections before the start of the Second World War, the Bund received the largest segment of the Jewish vote. In 89 towns, one-third elected Bund majorities. In Warsaw, of the 20 Jewish council seats, the Bund gained 17. The zionists gained just one seat.

(Rabinowicz, Harry M (1965), The Legacy of Polish Jewry: a history of Polish Jews in the inter-war years, 1919–1939, New York: Thomas Yoseloff, pp. 118–125)

The situation was dire when war broke out. The initial response of the Jewish community leadership was one of inaction. Following the creation of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) — a collaborationist organization established with Nazi approval to allow easier implementation of anti-Jewish policies — some inhabitants fell into a false sense of security.

“The Satanic plan of the Nazis assured that the personal fate of each Jew — whether for life or death — be exclusively left up to the decisions of the “councils of elders” [Judenrat]. The Nazis, from time to time, decided upon a general quota for the work of the camps and for extermination, but the individual selection was left up to the “council of elders”, with the enforcement of kidnappings and arrests also placed in the hands of the Jewish police (kapos). By this shrewd method, the Nazis were highly successful in accomplishing mass murder and poisoning the atmosphere of the ghetto through moral degeneration and corruption.”

(Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse: Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, Neturei Karta of U.S.A., Brooklyn, 1977, pp. 119–120)

“As one who himself lived through the Holocaust, first in Warsaw then in Bergen-Belsen, I will give an immediate example of the total ignorance of daily life during the Holocaust. In the Warsaw ghetto, even during the period of the first massive extermination (June to October 1943), one saw almost no German soldiers. Nearly all the work of administration, and later the work of transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths, was carried out by Jewish collaborators. Before the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the planning of which only started after the extermination of the majority of Jews in Warsaw), the Jewish underground killed, with perfect justification, every Jewish collaborator they could find.”

(Letter to the editor by Prof. Israel Shahak published on 19 May 1989 in Kol Ha’ir, Jerusalem)

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was resistance against Germany’s policies during the forties. The rebellion was made up of the left-wing Jewish Combat Organization (ŻOB) and right-wing Jewish Military Union (ŻZW).

Led by the right-wing Zionist group Betar and funded by high society, the ZZW relied upon ex-army officers who could fight orthodox warfare with the Nazis using regular army discipline, unlike the ZOB, which considered itself the armed expression of the Jewish workers’ movement. Furthermore, the ZZW’s connections to Polish nationalists, the antisemitic Polish government-in-exile and the right-wing Revisionist-Zionist movement provoked suspicion among the ZOB leadership.

Both groups contained zionist members. But zionist members soon realized that their leadership had basically abandoned them, just as they had abandoned European Jews in general. Zionists made up the majority of “elders” in the collaborationist Judenrats. The first leader of the ZOB was Mordechai Anielewicz, who was also leader of the Zionist-socialist youth organisation Hashomer Hatzair (because he had military training). He was replaced by Bundist Marek Edelman who was in future years to compare the Palestinian struggle to the Jewish struggle in Warsaw.

How so?

“Within a few weeks of the Nazi consolidation of Poland, Governor Hans Frank ordered four hundred thousand Warsaw Jews to enter a ghetto. By November 1940, around five hundred thousand Jews from across Poland had been sealed behind its walls, severed from the outside world and plunged into social isolation. Surrounded by a ten-foot-high barrier, the creation of the ghetto meant the relocation of approximately 30 percent of Warsaw’s population into 2.6 percent of the city, the designated area being no more than two and a half miles long and having previously housed fewer than 160,000 people.”

(Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Marcus Barnett)

Sounds like Gaza…

For ZOB militants, collaborators represented an auxiliary wing of fascism that was instrumental in facilitating the deportation of Polish Jewry. To demonstrate that this stance would not be accepted in the ghetto, ZOB militants chose to execute Jewish policeman Jacob Lejkin. For his “dedication” in deporting Jews to Auschwitz, Lejkin was shot, and his example triggered widespread panic in the collaborating establishment. This was followed by the execution of Alfred Nossig in February 1943. Józef Szeryński, the former head of the ghetto police, committed suicide to avoid his own fate.

(Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Marcus Barnett)

Alfred Nossig, a veteran Zionist leader was an informer in the Warsaw ghetto, for which he was judged and sentenced to death by the underground. He had been involved in advocating the migration of Jews from Eastern Europe. After the Nazi occupation of Poland and the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto, he drew up plans for Jewish emigration (edit: obviously to Palestine) and submitted several memoranda to the German authorities. Upon order of the Nazi authorities, the chairman of the Warsaw Judenrat nominated him as a member of the Judenrat.

(J. Friedman, in: jsos, 21 (1965), 155–8; H. Seidman, Yoman Getto Varshah (1947), 204–10; A. Czerniakow, Yoman Getto Varshah (1969), index; A. Boehm, Die zionistische Bewegung, 1 (1935), index; M. Zylberberg, in: Wiener Library Bulletin, 23 (1969), 41–45.)

“Whereas Bundist youth stayed in close contact with a senior leadership that remained in occupied Poland, the Zionist youth movements gradually lost touch with party headquarters in Palestine. The ideological fervor of this Zionist youth did not falter — it was possibly even heightened by the surrounding circumstance; the response from Palestine, however, soon dwindled to increasingly unrealistic and perfunctory advice and instructions and often it lapsed into silence. Such indifference created a growing rift and soon turned into a desperate sense of independence among the local youth leaders, the oldest of whom were in their early twenties at most.”

(Nazi Germany and the Jews 1933–1945, Saul Friedlander — he is an American/Israeli Emeritus Professor History and a zionist)

Just as the Holocaust has been hijacked by zionism, so too was the narrative of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the situation on the ground in Poland. Bundist leader Marek Edelman had no qualms about criticizing zionism or Israel. But the zionist friends he had made during the uprising who actually moved to Palestine…didn’t they see the parallels between what the nazis did to them in Warsaw and what was to come in Palestine? What was the disconnect?

Lithuania also had its share of sociopathic zionists

Zionist Jacob Gens was appointed by the Germans in 1941 to head the Judenrat (Jewish Council) in the Vilna Ghetto. He held this post until Sept 14th, 1943 when he was summoned to the Gestapo headquarters and shot. The Vilna ghetto was completely liquidated 10 days later.

“Gens (a Revisionist zionist) established the Ghetto police force, and made it into an orderly and disciplined body, and the Germans used this force to assist in the Aktionen that took place in the Ghetto from September to December 1941, in which tens of thousands of Jews were murdered. Gens and his police force had participated in the deportation of Jews to Ponary.”

(Holocaust Research Project, Jacob Gens)

Abba Kovner, described as a “soviet partisan leader” was a zionist youth member based in the Vilna Ghetto, Lithuania. It was claimed that he warned of the massacre of Jews and supported armed resistance against the nazis. While revisionist zionist Jacob Gens was helping with the round up of Jews in 1941 Lithuania, it was claimed that Kovner helped many escape from the Vilna Ghetto. Chaim Lazar, a Lithuanian Jewish writer exposed the reality:

“The day before the final annihilation arrived, Kovner betrays the constitution of his underground organization. The 22nd paragraph of the constitution states, “We will go to the forest only as a result of battle, after we have accomplished our goal. We will take with us the largest number of Jews possible and we will clear a path to the forest, from whence we will continue our battle against the murderous conquerors.”

“In reality, Kovner promises exit to 50 of his friends from the organization (Hashomer Hatzair — zionist youth movement) exclusively. In spite of all the precautions, it became known in the ghetto that the fighters are gathering to leave. Tens of young, healthy, strong people gather in the courtyard and plead before Kovner that he permit them to join those leaving, but Kovner hardens his heart, threatens them with his revolver and chases them away. The opening of the sewer is guarded carefully by Kovner’s own man so that no ‘illegals’ should sneak through.”

(Chaim Lazar (Lithuanian Jewish writer), “Destruction and Rebellion”)

At the end of the war, Kovner was one of the founders of a secret organization Nakam (revenge), also known as Dam Yisrael Noter (“the blood of Israel avenges”, with the acronym DIN meaning “judgement”) whose purpose was to seek revenge for the Holocaust. Two plans were formulated. Plan A was to kill a large number of German citizens by poisoning the water supplies of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Nuremberg, Nakam intended to kill 6 million Germans. Plan B was to kill SS prisoners held in Allied POW camps. In pursuit of Plan A, members of the group were infiltrated into water and sewage plants in several cities, while Kovner went to Palestine in search of a suitable poison.

(Berel Lang (1996). “Holocaust Memory and Revenge: The Presence of the Past”. Jewish Social Studies. New Series. 2: 1–20.

Shai Lavi (2005). “”The Jews are Coming”: Vengeance and Revenge in post-Nazi Europe”. Law, Culture and the Humanities: 282–301.

Dina Porat, The Fall of a Sparrow: The Life and Times of Abba Kovner, pp210–236

Survivor reveals 1945 plan to kill 6 million Germans, Davis, Douglas, March 27, 1998)

Kovner’s hypocrisy and disconnect were staggering. Zionism had pandered to these fascist regimes in Europe for decades. Gaining financially and in personnel corralled in to their colonialist project. And condemning those who didn’t want to go to Palestine by blocking their escape to anywhere else.

No let up (for Jews)

In 1947, Haganah sank the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded.

(Jewish Virtual Library, Timeline of British Rule in Palestine 1918–1947)

Remember that a couple of years earlier, there were the two aforementioned shiploads of refugees, one of which was rejected because they were described as “undesirables” and one which was blown up by Haganah in a cynical publicity stunt which was used for years afterwards as a false flag event, resulting in the deaths of 250 Jews.

That same year, 400,000 Jews were blocked from fleeing post-war Europe to the US by zionists:

“In 1947, Congressman William Stration sponsored a bill to immediately grant entry to the United States of 400,000 displaced persons. After being publicly denounced by the Zionist leadership the bill was not passed.”

(Wall Street Journal, December 2nd, 1976)

Keep in mind, whenever zionists blocked the flight of Jews from Europe, that in the summer of 1941, Chaim Weizmann estimated that, when the war was over, it would take two decades to get 1.5 million Jews to Palestine from Europe; David Ben-Gurion believed 3 million could be brought in ten years.

(Segev, Tom (2000). One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under British Mandate. London)

Either way, their only concern was the Jewish headcount in Palestine. No matter what the predicament or how dangerous the situation was in Europe, or the tinderbox they had created in Palestine to greet an already traumatized people, they demanded that all Jews be directed to Palestine or stay where they were. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were sacrificed because of these zionist manouevres. Even though the zionist leadership were talking in terms of *decades* for this long awaited exodus they had been drooling over for decades before.

The zionist intrigue didn’t end there.

The Nazi Allies

The NMO or Lehi was a terrorist zionist organization which was formed in 1940 by Abraham Stern. It was a splinter group from Jabotinsky’s Irgun. This was a result of Irgun calling a ceasefire when the Second World War broke out in 1939.

They supposedly differentiated between “enemies of the Jewish people” (the British) and “Jew haters” (the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated and the latter manipulated.

(The Jews: A Contrary People Yehuda Bauer pages 77–78)

This “manipulation of Jew haters” was and is the philosophy of mainstream zionism. The fascist, supremacist nature of zionism wasn’t a ploy. They fitted right in. They always have, and still do today.

The “enemy” is anybody who exposes this.

Yitzhak Shamir, who was a leader of the NMO/Lehi, reiterates just one of multiple admissions of this zionist policy in Poland at the time. They worked with antisemites to corral Jews in to Palestine. No matter what the cost (to others).

During an interview with Nicholas Bethell for his book, when Yitzhak Shamir was asked about Jabotinsky’s revisionists collusion with the antisemitic Polish regime:

“It was a political agreement. They helped us for anti-Semitic reasons. We explained to them, ‘If you want to get rid of the Jews, you must help the Zionist movement.’

(Nicholas Bethell, The Palestine Triangle, p41)

Nahum Sokolow (Chairman of Zionist Executive, leader of WZO and intermediary for the Balfour Declaration) not only praised Mussolini but announced his firm belief that Fascism was immune from anti-Semitic preconceptions:

“we begin to understand its (fascism’s) true nature … true Jews have never fought against you”.

These words, a Zionist endorsement of the Fascist regime, were echoed in Jewish periodicals all over the world…expressions of loyalty and affection for Fascism poured out of the Jewish centers of Italy.”

(Michael Ledeen, Italian Jews and Fascism, Judaism (Summer 1969), p.286.)

“Articles in contemporary Lehi publications talked about the Jewish nation as a heroic people, even a ‘master race’ (in contrast to the Arabs, who were considered a nation of slaves)

(Jabotinsky and the Revisionist Movement 1925–1948 Yaacov Shavit Routledge; 1 edition 1988) page 231)

“Mainstream” zionist leaders at the time and their military wing, Haganah worked hand in hand with these “extremist” elements:

“…the Irgun Tzeva’i Leumi and the Stern Group have worked…in co-operation with the Haganah High Command on certain of these operations;…

…the broadcasting station ‘Kol Israel’ which claims to be “the Voice of the Resistance Movement” and which has been working under the general direction of the Jewish Agency has been supporting these organizations.”

(British Government, Palestine: Statement Relating to Acts of Violence, Cmd. 6873 (1946), p. 3.)

In mid 1940, Abraham Stern’s Lehi movement formulated what he called the “Jerusalem Agreement”:

Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter” in return for Mussolini’s recognition and aid in obtaining Jewish sovereignty over Palestine.”

(Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940–1949 pp. 86, 78–79)

That same year, Irgun/Lehi offered an alliance with the nazis.

The organization offered cooperation in the following terms: Lehi would rebel against the British, while Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.

In the second half of 1940, a few members of the Irgun (National Military Organization) made contact with representatives of Fascist Italy, offering to cooperate against the British.

(Tom Segev, Haim Watzman. The Seventh Million. p. 33)

Soon after this, late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut (which was still under the fascist French Vichy control) to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig. The Lehi documents outlined that its rule would be authoritarian and indicated similiarites between the organization and Nazis.

(The Jews: A Contrary People Yehuda Bauer pages 77–78)

Abraham Stern proposed recruiting some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British. On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the “Ankara document”) conveying an offer by Lehi to “actively take part in the war on Germany’s side” in return for German support for “the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich.

(Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940–1949, p86; David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics, 1889–1945, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1974. Verified web copies: GermanEnglish. Also see Otto von Hentig, Mein Leben (Goettingen, 1962) pp. 338–339)

A slightly more detailed excerpt from the “Ankara Document” goes as follows:

[The NMO, believed that] “a community of interests may be established between the attempt to enact a new order in Europe according to the German concept, and the real national aspirations of the Jewish people, which are represented by the NMO”

[Hence] “a cooperation between New Germany and a renewed, popular-national Hebrewness would be possible”

[Therefore,] “the Israelite liberty movement offered active participation in the war on the German side” [with the aim of] “establishing the historical State of the Jews on national and totalitarian principles”

“The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by a treaty with the German Reich, would be in the interest of a maintained and strengthened future German position of power in the Near East.

Proceeding from these considerations, the NMO [Irgun] in Palestine, under the condition the above-mentioned national aspirations of the Israeli freedom movement are recognized on the side of the German Reich, offers to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.”

— The “Proposal of the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the side of Germany” was found post-war in Germany’s Turkish embassy.

(David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics. 1889–1945; Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University, 1974, pp.315–317, Brenner. Zionism, p.267)

Remember that just three years earlier in 1937, Feivel Polkes, commander of the “mainstream” Haganah, offered to work with German intel in Palestine and praised German policies which would increase Jewish immigration there.

It’s worth repeating.

“…behind it there clearly stands the immigration policy of the Haganah.”

(Heinz Höhne, Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf, — Order under the Skull -,Gütersloh, 1967, p. 309; p330)

“(Polkes) would, among other things, vigorously support the foreign interests of Germany in the Middle East…”

(Memorandum by SS-Oberscharführer Herbert Hagen, director of the Judenreferat, RFSS film roll 111 . p. 4. German war records captured by American troops and kept at the National Archives in Washington)

“Pressure is being exerted on the Reich Deputation of the Jews in Germany in order to compel Jews emigrating from Germany to head only to Palestine and not to any other country…such a measure lies entirely in the German interest and it is already being put into effect by the Gestapo.”

(Memorandum by Eichmann’s superior, Franz-Albert Six in RFSS film roll 411, German war records captured by American troops and kept at the National Archives in Washington)

Polkes was simply being cold and pragmatic for the zionist demography game which never halted even when concentration camps were on the verge of being built for their target audience.

“in Jewish nationalist circles people were very pleased with the radical German policy, since the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the foreseeable future the Jews could reckon upon numerical superiority over the Arabs in Palestine.”

— Feivel Polkes in conversation with Adolf Eichmann, 1937

(David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics 1889–1945 (Hebrew), Bar-Ilan university, Appendix (German): Geheime Kommandosache Bericht, pp.301–2; Ibid., p.304.)

In view of Lehi’s participitation in the slaughter and ethnic cleansing in Palestine in 1948, and just before the first Israeli elections in January 1949, a general amnesty to Lehi members was granted by the “government”.

(Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger Jewish Terrorism in Israel, Columbia University Press, 2011 p.28)

And in 1980, the supposed stigma of Lehi, even in the knowledge that they had attempted a deal with the nazis, was eradicated altogether when the Israeli Ministry of Defense began to award ribbons to members of Lehi between 1940 and 1948 (when they were formed and when they were disbanded).

(Israeli Ministry of Defense, “service towards the establishment of the State of Israel” 17 April 2006 . 17 September 2018)

When it’s ever pointed out that the most influential zionist leaders walked hand in hand with fascism, and the authors of the nightmare in Europe, the usual apologist response is that “mainstream zionism” rejected fascism. This isn’t true. They embraced it.

Another claim made is that revisionists were a minority. Or “extremists”. Even though Irgun was (officially) legitimized in 1948 to help ethnically cleanse and slaughter their way through Palestine. And let’s not forget that two of their leaders would become future Prime Ministers.

One was Yitzhak Shamir, one time leader of Lehi or “Stern Gang”. The other was Menchamin Begin. You can’t get more “mainstream” than that.

Just with what has been covered so far in these chapters, zionism should never have been allowed to present itself as the saviour or protector of the Jews. They should never have been allowed to attend Holocaust commemorations, never mind present themselves as both victim and torch bearer for the real victims. Even as the war ended, they would step in again, trudging over the piles of skeletal corpses to take advantage of the situation. By taking under their wing an individual accused of actually killing 100,000 Jews. Walter Rauff.

“You killed 100,000 Jews? Don’t worry about it.”

Confessed nazi, Walter Rauff, who was accused of gassing 100,000 Jews was recruited by Israeli intelligence (pre Mossad). Even though his name appears 31 times in the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials, this event would never be brought up by pro-Israeli holocaust researchers nor “nazi hunters”. The name is ignored too (or the situation minimized) by many researchers whose work I’ve quoted in my own research.

Asher Ben-Natan, longtime friend and associate of chief of US counterintelligence James Angleton, who was supposedly in charge of collecting material about Nazi war criminals during this period in Europe actually oversaw his recruitment through another asset, David Magen.

In 1993, Shlomo Nakdimon published an interview with Shalhevet Freier in Yedioth Ahronoth. In the late 1940s Freier was a branch director in the Foreign Ministry’s Political Department. In the interview he related how he had recruited Rauff in Italy, after friends in the Italian Foreign Ministry tipped him off about the new arrival.

Rauff was using an alias at the time. According to Freier, then, it was the Political Department that employed Rauff.

Freier told Nakdimon that Ben-Natan and the director of the Political Department, came to Italy especially “in order to watch the adviser to the president of Syria enter the house of their man in Rome.” Freier introduced himself to Rauff as a representative of Israeli intelligence. For an entire month the Nazi criminal sat and wrote a report on Syria’s military deployment.

“When he didn’t know the answer to a question, Rauff called friends in Syria for additional information,” Freier said. The Israeli government not only paid Rauff, but also arranged for a legitimate Italian visa. Rauff, his wife and their children sailed from Genoa to South America. He handed Freier the last part of the report in the port.

Freier said in the interview that Rauff continued to write to him. He told Nakdimon that he maintained contact with the Nazi “because I thought that one day I might need him. The Arabs trusted him.”

Ben-Natan, who later served as director general of the Defense Ministry and ambassador to France and to Germany, now confirms that Freier employed Rauff. In retrospect, Ben-Natan today believes it was a mistake to forge ties with the Nazi criminal, but emphasizes that he provided very important material (edit: worth the lives of 100,000 Jews?).

In memoirs he published, Ben-Natan has a different account. He writes that Freier “succeeded in sending to Syria a former Nazi officer, who upon his return brought information about the deployment of the Syrian army.” Ben-Natan confirms that the officer was Rauff, but is not absolutely certain which version is correct. In writing the book, he says, he relied solely on his memory.

(In the Service of the Jewish State, Haaretz, Shraga Elam, Dennis Whitehead, Mar. 29, 2007)

That Rauff was “sent” to Syria by Israeli intelligence means that he was recruited earlier than claimed.


Throughout World War 2, the Joint Distribution Committee (founded in 1914, initially to provide assistance to zionist Jews living in Palestine) refused to help Jews stranded in fascist Europe, unless they were headed for Palestine. Zionists made up the bulk of Judenrat used to control Jews on behalf of the Gestapo. Zionists had mollycoddled the fascists of Europe for decades, giving their antisemitism an air of respectability and inevitability (the Bund had destroyed that lie). Zionists had conned an entire Jewish population in Hungary that they weren’t in danger while they were saving their own and making millions off the dead. Even if it meant saving a few authors of the Holocaust. They had even attempted deals with the nazis themselves offering their support and services as late as 1941. Now, after recruiting at least one war criminal (and protecting him for future use in South American fascist massacres), up steps Israel again, fresh from ethnically cleansing the Palestinians, to be the “face” of the Holocaust victims.

Zionist financiers withheld funds, while the JDC “refused to help save Europe’s wretched Jewry, instead prioritizing the needs of the Yishuv…They will not forget how Ben Gurion described them as ‘lambs to the slaughter’ and ‘human dust’.”

(Israel Has No Right to Be Called ‘Heir’ to Holocaust Victims, Haaretz, Ilan Sadeh, Apr. 19, 2010)

Holocaust Jewish victim families had their money stolen from them by Israel. It’s that simple.

In 1952 Israel signed a reparations agreement with West Germany. Not one of the negotiators was a Holocaust survivor. None had the authority to negotiate on survivors’ behalf. But protests came to nothing. The deal was simple: Money for the state and its economic partners in return for absolution at the expense of survivors and their heirs — who according to Israeli law were now forbidden from suing Germany.”

(Israel Has No Right to Be Called ‘Heir’ to Holocaust Victims, Haaretz, Ilan Sadeh, Apr. 19, 2010)

Even today, the imposters are still in denial:

Israel’s second largest bank will be forced to defend itself in court in the coming weeks over claims it is withholding tens of millions of dollars in “lost” accounts belonging to Jews who died in the Nazi death camps.

Bank Leumi has denied it holds any such funds despite a parliamentary committee revealing in 2004 that the bank owes at least $75 million to the families of several thousand Holocaust victims.

Analysts said the bank’s role is only the tip of an iceberg in which Israeli companies and state bodies could be found to have withheld billions of dollars invested by Holocaust victims in the country — dwarfing the high-profile reparations payouts from such European countries as Switzerland.”

(Yossi Katz, Israeli historian quoted by Jonathan Cook, Counterpunch, June 25, 2009)


Zionism nested in with fascists and antisemitic regimes because zionism is an enabler of oligarchs in order to achieve its goals (and make money). They played with the lives of Jews in Europe for their (still) failing colonialist project, and those Jews paid a steep price, while zionists made deals with the devil at multiple levels. Did zionist Jews actually pay a price in the concentration camps? That’s a genuine question. While they tried to protect war criminals responsible for mass killings in Europe, they were planning on, and did, portray themselves as the victim while stealing all reparation money from the real victims. They pocketed the bloodied spoils robbed in Hungary. And they even recruited a war criminal accused of gassing 100,000 Jews. That alone should be enough to condemn zionism, but apparently for some reason unknown to me, it isn’t.

On top of this, they were to shortly unleash even more hell on Palestinians using the (real) wrath and propaganda they invented using the holocaust as a platform.

“Only through (everybody else’s) blood will the land be ours”.

Now they had what they wanted, was “Israel” to become a safe haven for Jews? The next chapter answers this question.

