Chapter 5 — The zionist dream?

Brendan Devenney
21 min readOct 12, 2021


After zionist terrorists had spent the previous years massacring and raping their way through Palestine; had been crying crocodile tears for Holocaust victims who they had used, abused, ignored, treated like cattle and robbed; after they had infiltrated and abused their next sponsors (to be discussed), the US, they simultaneously turned the screw on their failed project in Palestine.

But it wasn’t just Palestinians who would suffer. It would come to light that as many, if not more Jewish lives were lost at the hands of zionism in the decade after 1948. Non white Jews would be treated with the same verbal disdain as Palestinians, but were tolerated as a necessary “wart” on the still failing supremacist zionist project.

Zionists had also used chemical weapons, a war crime, to keep Palestinians away.

To make sure the Arabs couldn’t return to make a fresh life for themselves in these villages, the Israelis put typhus and dysentery bacteria into the water wells.

*Uri Mileshtin, an official historian for the Israeli Defense Force, has written and spoken about the use of bacteriological agents. According to Mileshtin, Moshe Dayan, a division commander at the time, gave orders in 1948 to remove Arabs from their villages, bulldoze their homes, and render water wells unusable with typhus and dysentery bacteria.

Acre was so situated that it could practically defend itself with one big gun, so the Haganah put bacteria into the spring that fed the town. The spring was called Capri and it ran from the north near a kibbutz. The Haganah put typhus bacteria into the water going to Acre, the people got sick, and the Jewish forces occupied Acre. This worked so well that they sent a Haganah division dressed as Arabs into Gaza, where there were Egyptian forces, and the Egyptians caught them putting two cans of bacteria, typhus and dysentery, into the water supply in wanton disregard of the civilian population. “In war, there is no sentiment,” one of the captured Haganah men was quoted as saying.

(* Mileshtin was quoted by the Israeli daily, Hadashot, in an article published August 13, 1993. The writer, Sarah Laybobis-Dar, interviewed a number of Israelis who had knowledge of the use of bacteriological weapons in the 1948 war. Mileshtin said bacteria was used to poison the wells of every village emptied of its Arab inhabitants.)

Between 1949 and 1956, 2,700 to 5,000 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli Defense Forces, police, and civilians along Israel’s newly created borders — most of them unarmed refugees who tried either to return home or to harvest their crops.

(Israel’s Border Wars, Benny Morris, 1997)

After zionist manouevres in Europe when they played with the lives of hundreds of thousands of persecuted Jews (Chapter 4), were killing Palestinians, British soldiers and Jews alike, and had ethnically cleansed Palestine through massacres and mass destruction by 1948 (Chapter 3), the nightmare was far from over.

The untermenschen Jews

What was going on while the zionist military and leaders were behaving “like nazis” as some IDF members would describe themselves in later years?

Zionist colonialism was still a failed project by the 1950s.

Ben Gurion needed the “Oriental” Jews, as he described non Ashkenazi Jews, to farm the thousands of acres of land left by Palestinians who were driven out by zionist thugs and mass murderers in 1948.

How can elites function without their untermenschen?

The following are a selection of the many racist, antisemitic comments from the zionist leadership at this time:

“This is the immigration of a race we have not yet known in the country (edit: Mizrahi Jews). We are dealing with people whose primitivism is at a peak, whose level of knowledge is one of virtually absolute ignorance and, worse, who have little talent for understanding anything intellectual. Generally, they are only slightly better than the general level of the Arabs, Negroes, and Berbers in the same regions. In any case, they are at an even lower level than what we know with regard to the former Arabs of Israel. These Jews also lack roots in Judaism, as they are totally subordinated to savage and primitive instincts. As with Africans you will find among them gambling, drunkenness, and prostitution … chronic laziness and hatred for work; there is nothing safe about this asocial element. [Even] the kibbutzim will not hear of their absorption.”

(Aryeh Gelblum writing in Ha’aretz about the arriving Mizrahi immigrants in 1949, Ha’aretz (Tel Aviv), Apr. 22, 1949.)

David Ben-Gurion described the Mizrahi immigrants as lacking even “the most elementary knowledge” or “a trace of Jewish or human education.”

(Shohat, “Mizrahim in Israel,” p. 3.)

“We do not want Israelis to become Arabs. We are bound by duty to fight against the spirit of the Levant that corrupts individuals and society.”

(Ben-Gurion, Sami Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978) p. 88.)

“We have to recognize the primitive mentality of many of the immigrants from backward countries.”

He further suggested that Mizrahi Jews have the mentality of primitive people who are somewhat “mentally disturbed”.

(Karl Frankenstein, the man considered the “father of the Israeli education system”, 1950s, quoted in Sami Shalom Chetrit, Hamaavak Hamizrahi Beyisrael, Bein Dikui Leshihrur, Bein Hizdahut Lealternativa, 1948–2003 (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2004), pp. 76–8.)

Israeli sociologist Yosef Gross argued in the early 1950s that Mizrahi immigrants suffered from “mental regression.

(Quoted in Ella Shohat, “Rupture and Return: A Mizrahi Perspective on the Zionist Discourse,” The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies, May 2001, pp. 58–71)

“one of the great apprehensions which afflict us is the danger of the predominance of immigrants of Oriental origin forcing Israel to equalize its cultural level with that of the neighboring world.”

(Abba Eban, whose career saw him as Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Education Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, ambassador to the United States and to the United Nations and Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly; Sami Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978) p. 88.)

“A Jew from Eastern Europe is worth twice as much as a Jew from Kurdistan…..We should return a hundred thousand of the Jews of the East to their countries of origin.”

(Nachum Goldman, chairman of the Jewish Agency and president of the World Zionist Organization in the late 1940s and 1950s; Chetrit, Hamaavak Hamizrahi Beyisrael, p. 65.)

“Shall we be able to elevate these immigrants to a suitable level of civilization?”

(Golda Meir, Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict, pp. 8–89.)

Despite the blatant racism towards what the “founders of Israel” saw as second class Jews, they needed to make up the numbers for what was again, after fifty years, a failing colonization project.

Desperation to increase the (white) Jewish population

During the 1950s and 1960s, many Mizrahi Jews were encouraged to fit IUDs when the device was still experimental because Israel’s leading gynecologists regarded Arab Jews as “primitive” and incapable of acting “responsibly”.

This racist discrimination continues to the present day.

In 2008 it was found that a contraceptive known as Depo Provera was administered by injection (every three months) to Israeli females. 57% of the contraceptive’s users were Ethiopian Jews. Even though they made up less than two percent of the population (120,000).

Allegations of official racism towards Ethiopians gained prominence in 2006 when it was admitted that for many years all their blood donations had been discarded for fear that they might be contaminated with diseases. There have also been regular reports of Ethiopian children being denied places in schools or being forced to attend separate classes. In November a survey of employers in the main professions showed that 53 per cent preferred not to hire an Ethiopian.

(Israel’s treatment of Ethiopians ‘racist’, The National News, Jonathan Cook, January 06, 2020)

Note: Apologists for Israel claim that this has been “debunked” based on unverified claims (unverified because they never interviewed the victims to ask if it were true!) that Ethiopian women usually hide the fact that they use contraceptives!

Yemeni Jews

Why destroy the diaspora in Yemen and bring these people who will harm us more than help?”

— Yitzhak Grinboim, Israel’s first interior minister.

(The roots of anti-Mizrahi racism in Israel, 972 Magazine, Edo Konrad, December 1, 2015)

Israel was racist against Yemeni Jews. But the theft of Jewish Yemeni infants was rife.

An unspecified number of Yemeni Jews would have their babies stolen on arriving in Palestine.

In 1995, a public investigative commission with power of subpoena was established. Some of the testimonies were given by people who worked in the health and welfare services. Half of those who were asked to testify did not show up, and the power of subpoena was not enforced. Some testimonies were given behind closed doors and have yet to be made public. The courts chose to seal these testimonies in its archives until 2066.

(Yemenite Israelis renew struggle to find children, Michal Zak, Middle East Eye, 13 February 2015; Yemenite Children Affair: Families of the kidnapped speak out, 972 Magazine, Haokets, January 17, 2015)

Mizrahi and Balkan babies were stolen as well.

In the early years of the State of Israel, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, thousands of babies and toddlers were taken from their immigrant families. While the families came from different regions, their testimonies were the same: parents were asked to give their children to hospitals and daycare facilities under the pretext that they would receive “more appropriate care.”

(Yemenite, Mizrahi and Balkan families protest 1950s alleged kidnappings, Emma McAvoy, Jerusalem Post, July 30, 2019)

The theft of babies during this era also occurred in Ireland and Spain. It would also happen during the reign of the junta in Argentina. The babies were usually sold off to rich couples loyal to the state, or simply rich. Usually at a price. Many of these lighter skinned Mizrahi children were obviously given to the same caliber of white “Israeli citizen”. But “thousands” of them? It could very well have been an international business as well.


Key figures in the pre-state Zionist establishment proposed castrating the mentally ill, sterilizing or limiting the size of “families of Eastern origin” and the poor. And doing everything possible to ensure reproduction only among the ‘best of people.’

Supporters of the idea were key figures in the emerging medical establishment in Palestine; the people who managed and created the Israeli health system.

Castrating the mentally ill, encouraging reproduction among families “numbered among the intelligentsia” and limiting the size of “families of Eastern origin” and “preventing … lives that are lacking in purpose” ~ these proposals are not from some program of the Third Reich but rather were brought up by key figures in the Zionist establishment during the period of the British Mandate.

In the Yishuv (pre-state Jewish community) in the 1930s there were “consultation stations” — advice centers for couples that wished to marry and become parents.

They distributed birth-control devices for free to the penniless and at reduced prices to those of limited means. In Tel Aviv the advice stations were opened in centers of immigrant populations: Ajami in Jaffa, the Hatikvah Quarter and Neveh Sha’anan.

“In every place it (eugenics) took on a unique, local aspect. It is interesting to note that both in Germany and in Israel a link was made between eugenics, health and nationalism.”

Stoler-Liss found many publications that promoted eugenics. Supporters of the idea were key figures in the emerging medical establishment in Palestine; the people who managed and created the Israeli health system.

One of the most prominent eugenicists of the Mandatory period was Dr. Joseph Meir, a well-known doctor who…served for about 30 years as the head of the Kupat Holim Clalit health maintenance organization, and after whom the Meir Hospital in Kfar Sava is named.

For example, in 1934 Dr. Meir published the following text on the first page of “Mother and Child,” a guide for parents that he edited for publication by Kupat Holim:

“Who is entitled to give birth to children? The correct answer is sought by eugenics, the science of improving the race and preserving it from degeneration.”

In its full version, the article, which was published in the “Health Guard” section of the now defunct labor Zionist newspaper Davar, the doctor proposed castrating the mentally ill. Stoler-Liss found many more examples in the “Mother and Child” books that were published in 1934 and 1935 and in journals like Eitanim, which was edited by Dr. Meir.

At the beginning of the 1950s he published an article in which he harshly criticized the reproduction prize of 100 lirot that David Ben-Gurion promised to every mother who gave birth to 10 children:

“We have no interest in the 10th child or even in the seventh in poor families from the East … In today’s reality we should pray frequently for a second child in a family that is a part of the intelligentsia. The poor classes of the population must not be instructed to have many children, but rather restricted.

Dr. Meir was not the first Zionist leader who supported eugenics. According to studies by Dr. Raphael Falk, a geneticist and historian of science and medicine at Hebrew University, other major Zionist thinkers — among them Dr. Max Nordau, Theodor Herzl’s colleague, a doctor and a publicist, and Dr. Arthur Ruppin, the head of the World Zionist Organization office in the Land of Israel — presented the ideas of eugenics as one of the aims of the Jewish movement for national renewal and the settlement of the land.

They even set up a Nordau Club with the aim of researching the racial aspects of the Jewish people and ways of improving it.

(Doctoral thesis written by Sachlav Stoler- Liss about the history of the health services in the 1950s, under the supervision of Prof. Shifra Shvarts, head of the department of health system management at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; “Do Not Have Children if They Won’t Be Healthy!”, Haaretz, Tamara Traubmann, June 11, 2004)

This thesis sheds another light on the fact that German zionists openly welcomed the Nuremberg Laws introduced in 1930s Germany (Chapter 3). Then too, ultranationalist eugenics was the driving force behind the policy of euthanizing mentally and physically handicapped persons. Yes, German zionism was keenest on the branding of Judaism as a separate entity by these laws for their forced emigration plans, but eugenics, or a “master race” mentality complimented their philosophy.

“…medical discourse was an important mediator of Orientalist ideas to the Jews of Palestine. Public medicine was one of the main fields of regular interaction between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews during the Mandate period, and this was reflected in the presence of Mizrahi Jews in this discourse. It often depicted members of various Mizrahi communities as variations on a single type — they were described as primitive, superstitious, ignorant, neglectful of their children, passive,lacking drive and the will to change — in general, as an essentially different type, physically and mentally, from the immigrants from Europe.”

(Zionist eugenics, mixed marriage, and the creation of a ‘new Jewish type

Journal of The Royal Anthropological Institute, 2009, Dafna Hirsch)

Moroccan Jews

“Those [Jews] from Morocco had no education. Their customs are those of Arabs…The culture of Morocco I would not like to have here…We don’t want Israelis to become Arabs.”

— David Ben-Gurion

(Mizrahi Jews in Israel, My Jewish Learning, Rachael Gelfman Schultz)

“An Ashkenazi gangster, thief, pimp or murderer will not gain the sympathy of the Ashkenazi community (if there is such a thing), nor will he expect it. But in such a primate community as the Moroccans’ — such a thing is possible.” — David Ben-Gurion, 1959

(The roots of anti-Mizrahi racism in Israel, 972 Magazine, Edo Konrad, December 1, 2015)

Dr. Giora Yoseftal sat on the Jewish Agency’s board of the absorption section of the aliyah department between 1947 and 1952 and held various ministerial positions. (Wiki)

Yoseftal [was] exposed in the television documentary “The Ancestral Sin” [in Hebrew, “Salah, Po Zeh Eretz Yisrael”]. He said that the immigrants from North Africa were worthless and inferior, and that they would degrade society there.

(‘Doctors Will Never Admit They’re Racists’, Haaretz, Ayelett Shani, April 21, 2018)

In 1954, Mossad head Isser Harel and undercover agent named Shlomo Havilio decided to establish a clandestine base in Morocco. Less than a year later, Mossad sent its first agents and emissaries to Morocco to appraise the situation and to organize a nonstop aliya. About 90,000 Jews had emigrated between 1948 and 1955, and 60,000 more would leave in the months preceding the country’s independence.

(The Moroccan connection, Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2009)

Compare the romantic narratives about Israel saving Moroccan Jews in the piece above with what actually followed. The supremacist insults and disdain. But something even more ghoulish was to happen to these people.

The “ringworm” scandal

In the early fifties, Israel carried out radiation experiments on behalf of the US government, overdosing with radiation, non-Ashkenazi children — that is, non-white — supposedly for the treatment of ringworm.

While medical protocol of the day directed that no technician could administer a dose higher than .5 Roentgen, those “treated” received a higher dose. A lethal dose was considered 200 Roentgen (R). The children treated received individual doses of 350R. Sometimes they received two doses (for a total of 600R).

The cost of the “treatment” was greater than the entire national budget and was paid by the US. At least 6000 people died (Jewish and Palestinian Arabs) within a year of the experiments while others suffered long term health problems.

To this day, many of the remaining victims suffer cancers, epilepsy, infertility and other brain disorders. Even their children have been impacted through genetic abnormalities passed on from one generation to the next.

The X-ray treatments provided by Israel were extremely expensive. The final cost was in the range of 400-million Israeli pounds, which at the time were equivalent to British pounds. That would put the cost at least $800-million and possibly even higher (in 1952 dollars). That means the project cost far more than the entire national budget. Israel obviously couldn’t afford such a massive expenditure. The filmmakers offer one possible explanation: that the U.S. government, which had just bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, needed an outlet to do radiation testing. We couldn’t or wouldn’t do such experiments here because American medical standards would not permit it. So American officials “farmed” the operation out to Dr. Sheba and the Israelis, who had no such ethical problems with it.

(The Ringworm Scandal: When Israeli Doctors Killed Tens of Thousands of Arab Children, Richard Silverstein, October 12, 2014; 2004 documentary, The Ringworm Children)

Apologists for this mass killing always ignore the main points that render their excuses as meaningless.

▪️The Israeli government refuses to release the files on this “treatment”.

▪️Radiation treatment was used in other countries but nobody died.

▪️Thirdly, and most damning for me is the fact that the cost of the “treatment” was more than the entire national budget for a year. Wasted on the untermenschen?

From 1945 to 1974, the US, through the Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Defense and National Institute of Health, was involved in radiation experiments on their own untermenschen. Mentally handicapped children, cancer patients, pregnant single mothers, black prisoners, people locked up in mental institutions.

“.. people living downwind of the Nevada Test Site were described as a “a low use segment of the population” as justification for executing radiation experiments in this particular, lower-class region.”

(1944–1974 — HUMAN RADIATION EXPERIMENTS, IMARC, Natalie Jarmusik, November 7, 2014)

Records at the Fernald State School list them as “morons,” but the researchers from MIT and Harvard University called the retarded teen-age boys who took part in their radiation experiments “the Fernald Science Club.”

In the name of science, members of the club would eat cereal mixed with radioactive milk for breakfast or digest a series of iron supplements that gave them the radiation-equivalent of at least 50 chest X-rays. From 1946 to 1956, scores of retarded teenagers consumed radioactive food to help the researchers better understand the human digestive process..”

(Boston Globe Newspaper Dec 26, 1993)

Some of the classified government experiments included:

* Exposing more than 100 Alaskan villagers to radioactive iodine during the 1960s.

* Feeding 49 retarded and institutionalised teenagers radioactive iron and calcium in their cereal during the years 1946–1954.

* Exposing about 800 pregnant women in the late 1940s to radioactive iron to determine the effect on the fetus.

* Injecting 7 newborns (six were Black) with radioactive iodine.

* Exposing the testicles of more than 100 prisoners to cancer-causing doses of radiation. This experimentation continued into the early 1970s.

* Exposing almost 200 cancer patients to high levels of radiation from cesium and cobalt. The AEC finally stopped this experiment in 1974.

* Administering radioactive material to psychiatric patients in San Francisco and to prisoners in San Quentin.

* Administering massive doses of full body radiation to cancer patients hospitalised at the General Hospital in Cincinnati, Baylor College in Houston, Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York City, and the US Naval Hospital in Bethesda, during the 1950s and 1960s. The experiment provided data to the military concerning how a nuclear attack might affect its troops.

* Exposing 29 patients, some with rheumatoid arthritis, to total body irradiation (100–300 rad dose) to obtain data for the military. This was conducted at the University of California Hospital in San Francisco.

(American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War, Carol Gallagher, March 10, 1993)

Radiation experimentation was rife during this period. Elitism ruled over who they chose as their guinea pigs. The “gangster, thief, pimp or murderer” label made them fair game. That an entire year’s budget was spent on these “treatments” tells me that these were US sponsored radiation experiments. A war crime.

Iraqi Jews

Writing at the end of 1934, Sir Francis Humphreys, Britain’s Ambassador in Baghdad, noted that, while before WW I Iraqi Jews had enjoyed a more favorable position than any other minority in the country, since then Zionism has sown dissension between Jews and Arabs, and a bitterness has grown up between the two peoples which did not previously exist.

(Marion Woolfson (Jewish Middle East Affairs reporter) “Prophets in Babylon: Jews in the Arab World,” p. 129)

In September 1949, Israel sent the spy Mordechai Iraq.

Six months after his arrival, starting in March, 1950 through to June 5, a series of bomb attacks occurred on Jewish institutions and places where Jews gathered socially. Leaflets were simultaneously distributed calling for Jews to leave Iraq. The number of Jews fleeing Iraq surged during this period.

Another attack in January 1951 lead to the deaths of three Jews, one of which was a child. It was carried out by zionists.

There were also bomb attacks on US buildings.

These actions would result in the flight of 95% of Iraqi Jews.

Tests showed that the type of explosive used in one of the attacks matched traces of explosives found in the suitcase of an Iraqi Jew by the name of Yosef Basri. Basri, a lawyer, together with Shalom Salih, a shoemaker, would be put on trial for the attacks in December 1951 and executed the following month. Both men were members of Hashura, the military arm of the Zionist underground. Salih ultimately confessed that he, Basri and a third man, Yosef Habaza, carried out the attacks.

The pro-British, pro-Zionist puppet Nuri el-Said, Prime Minister of Iraq under the British Mandate, saw to it that all of the Iraqi Jew possessions were frozen, including their cash assets. (There were ways of getting Iraqi dinars out, but when the immigrants went to exchange them in Israel they found that the Israeli government kept 50 percent of the value).

Even those Iraqi Jews who had not registered to emigrate, but who happened to be abroad, faced loss of their nationality if they didn’t return within a specified time. An ancient, cultured, prosperous community had been uprooted and its people transplanted to a land dominated by East European Jews, whose culture was not only foreign but entirely hateful to them.

By the time of the executions in January 1952, all but 6,000 of an estimated 125,000 Iraqi Jews had fled to Israel.

In 1965, the Israeli magazine Haolam Hazeh, published by Uri

Avnery, then a Knesset member, accused Ben-Porat of the Baghdad bombings. Ben-Porat, who would become a Knesset member himself, denied the charge, but never sued the magazine for libel. And Iraqi Jews in Israel still call him Morad Abu al-Knabel, Mordechai of the Bombs.

(THE JEWS OF IRAQ, Naeim Giladi; Link: )

Ex CIA officer Wilbur Crane Eveland confirms that bombings of US targets and synagogues and leaflet campaign against Jews in Iraq was the work of zionists based on Iraqi police reports to the US embassy.

“In attempts to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews, the Zionists planted bombs in the U.S. Information Service library and in synagogues. Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel. . . . Although the Iraqi police later provided our embassy with evidence to show that the synagogue and library bombings, as well as the anti-Jewish and anti- American leaflet campaigns, had been the work of an underground Zionist organization, most of the world believed reports that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had “rescued” really just in order to increase Israel’s Jewish population.”

(Ropes of Sand, Wilbur Crane Eveland, former senior CIA officer)

Remember that just three years later, zionists would also bomb US and British targets in Egypt in order to blame Nasser.

Holocaust victim families

In 1952, Israel stole German reparations money from holocaust victim families. The families had no input whatsoever.

Though the reparations money was given by Germany to the State of Israel for the purpose of aiding Holocaust survivors, the State used it for public projects instead.

“The money was officially given to help resettle what were termed ‘Holocaust refugees,’ but instead Israel spent the money on general public use instead of giving it to Holocaust survivors,” notes Weissfeld. “A great many people benefitted from the money, but not the Holocaust survivors. They came here as ‘human dust,’ with absolutely nothing, and needed it for basic things like housing and education.”

(Holocaust survivors sue state over ‘unpaid reparations’, Jerusalem Post, Joanna Paraszczuk, July 5, 2011)

“In 1952 Israel signed a reparations agreement with West Germany. Not one of the negotiators was a Holocaust survivor. None had the authority to negotiate on survivors’ behalf. But protests came to nothing. The deal was simple: Money for the state and its economic partners in return for absolution at the expense of survivors and their heirs — who according to Israeli law were now forbidden from suing Germany.

(Israel Has No Right to Be Called ‘Heir’ to Holocaust Victims, Haaretz, Ilan Sadeh, April 19, 2010)

“The money was officially given to help resettle what were termed ‘Holocaust refugees,’ but instead Israel spent the money on general public use instead of giving it to Holocaust survivors,

(Holocaust survivors sue state over ‘unpaid reparations’, Jerusalem Post, Joanna Paraszczuk, July 5, 2011)

“Israel’s second largest bank will be forced to defend itself in court in the coming weeks over claims it is withholding tens of millions of dollars in “lost” accounts belonging to Jews who died in the Nazi death camps.

Bank Leumi has denied it holds any such funds despite a parliamentary committee revealing in 2004 that the bank owes at least $75 million to the families of several thousand Holocaust victims.

Analysts said the bank’s role is only the tip of an iceberg in which Israeli companies and state bodies could be found to have withheld billions of dollars invested by Holocaust victims in the country — dwarfing the high-profile reparations payouts from such European countries as Switzerland.”

(“Israeli firms accused of profiting off Holocaust”, Counterpunch, June 25, 2009; Based on the research of Israeli historian Yossi Katz and Shraga Elam, an Israeli investigative financial journalist)

Some context is necessary here. The shabby treatment of Holocaust victim families ran concurrently with the revelations that a close colleague of Ben Gurion, Rudolf Kastner, who sat at the heart of the zionist junta that took over Palestine, was a nazi asset. I’m going to quote the passage from Chapter Three on this which is worth repeating:

The Jewish Agency’s primary concern after the war was the ‘Becher deposit’ which was alleged to consist of large amounts of the wealth of Hungarian Jewry.

(Barri 1997:156–158)

While holocaust victim families would be denied payment in the reparations agreement which Israel would hijack in 1952, zionists rewarded the man who oversaw the financial running of the concentration camps, Kurt Becher. Even though he was never punished, based on the word of Rudolf Kasztner. Zionists would share the “spoils” of dead Hungarian Jews as well. They would recruit at least one nazi accused of direct involvement in killing tens of thousands of Jews. Both Haganah and Irgun attempted to make deals with Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany sponsored the zionist colonial project while herding persecuted European Jews towards Palestine….and on and on and on….(see Chapter 4).

Fifty years after the zionist colonial project had begun, a minority population made up of mostly recently arrived refugees ethnically cleansed and terrorized the majority population from their homes. The “dream” was still an abject failure. They simply couldn’t attract the prized European Jews. Even when zionism hustled, bustled, sympathized with, promoted and drew support from European fascists to their cause. Hundreds of thousands of this prize stock were prevented from fleeing unless the destination was Palestine. Hundreds of thousands were sacrificed on the altar of zionism.

The very last resort for zionism and it’s dream of a newly conquered land filled with European, supremacist Jews, was to turn to the “coloured” Jews. They went to countries where these “coloured” Jews were mostly well treated and integrated, to terrorize them in to moving to Palestine. And lie to them that Palestine would be the “promised land”. And when they eventually did move there, they were treated like cattle. They were there to simply make the numbers up. Fill in the agricultural and military positions. They were marginalized and kept away from Ashkenazi areas. They stole their babies, used experimental medical procedures that killed thousands and to top it off, tried to stop them breeding more “uncivilized Orientals”.

All of the above still goes on though less blatant. And the full story of what zionists did to these people is still under wraps whether the information is tightly locked away in vaults or destroyed.

It wasn’t “peripheral” characters making these racist statements and carrying out heinous programs against these people. It was the zionist leadership in government. The “fathers” of the health and education system.

Even those who survived the holocaust were taken advantage of. Zionists went over their heads to negotiate “reparations” from Germany and kept all of the money for themselves, while simultaneously recruiting and protecting some of the authors of what went on in concentration camps.

The above is just one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to tell the zionist story. Because when you try to outline what went on across the board, you’re describing a dystopian nightmare for everybody else who comes in to contact with zionism. And all of it occurred over a very short period of time. Whether it’s the massacre of thousands of mostly innocent Palestinians and Egyptians, the proxy radiation experiments that (painfully) killed thousands of the Jewish untermenschen of Morocco, the thousands of stolen Jewish untermenschen babies, the corralling of Arab Jews to Palestine, then treating them like dirt and trying to stem their birth rates when they arrived. While this nightmare was in full swing, zionism was attempting to expand it’s borders, risking nuclear war, taking nazis under it’s wing and infiltrating the US political system and criminal underworld. The next layer on top of all of this is that these sociopaths were attempting to acquire nuclear weapons!

Before their nuclear weapons are touched upon, we have to see just how out of control these people were at this time. The “Suez Crisis” of 1956 in Egypt was far more outrageous than we are lead to believe. That’s the topic in the next chapter.

