Chapter 7 — The zionist formula: Infiltration (1)

Brendan Devenney
31 min readOct 14, 2021


The zionist formula was to get close to influential figures, no matter how brutal or reactionary they are/were (in fact, the worse the better), tell them what they want to hear, insinuate their influence in the US, and then literally suck them dry whenever the opportunity arose. You’ll see this MO repeating in upcoming chapters

Hitler’s Germany had virtually financed the zionist project for nearly a decade, and provided them with Jewish immigrants for their failing colonialist program. Zionists were the only group on the planet, alongside nazis, who openly welcomed the ghoulish legislature of the Nuremberg Laws.

Mussolini had provided them for a time with their own navy because zionism openly (and genuinely) admired fascism and Mussolini.

Britain had burned bridges with potential allies (and smoother paths); devoted tens of thousands of troops; decades of expenses; and eventually sacrificed the lives of their own military and dignatories to the zionist project. In return for what? No apparent gain and a major headache for decades. Associates of supremacist, colonialist and imperialist Cecil Rhodes and heirs of his “secret society” were front and center here. Or they had taken advantage of his “society” after he had passed away (see Chapter 1).

Across the Atlantic, the zionist golden egg of the twentieth century was to be the US.

The US had already entered the First World War in Europe at their behest. The war was extended for over a year through zionist intrigue.

From just before the First World War, the zionist movement in the US had gained it’s most valuable prize by recruiting Louis Brandeis (Chapter 1). He was Woodrow Wilson’s chief economic adviser from 1912 until 1916, co-architect of the Federal Reserve Act, and the first Jewish US Supreme Court Justice (1916–1939). As mentioned in Chapter One, he was to recruit “zionist lieutenants” (his words) and those “lieutenants” would recruit others in influential positions. At the time, the zionist movement attracted lawyers, professors, and businessmen. The type of people who politicians tried to please. And then there was the Christian zionist movement.

These “zionist lieutenants” would have a knock on effect for decades. One of them was Felix Frankfurter. Just one “zionist lieutenant” in an influential position was a prized asset.

In 1933, Felix Frankfurter, co-enabler of the Balfour Declaration, the US’s entry in to World War 1 and saboteur of a peace deal with the Ottoman Empire, became an “adviser” to Franklin D Roosevelt. He would use his position to recruit more “zionist lieutenants” around him.

Following the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, Frankfurter quickly became a trusted and loyal adviser to the new president who appointed him to the Supreme Court in 1938.

Later, when Frankfurter himself became a Supreme Court Justice (1939), he used similar methods, “placing his own network of disciples in various agencies and working through this network for the realization of his own goals.” These included both Zionist objectives and “Frankfurter’s stewardship of FDR’s programs to bring the U.S. into battle against Hitler.”

(Bruce Allen Murphy, The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices (New York: Oxford UP, 1982), 10.)

The following shows how influential this tactic actually was.

In 1945, a large group of rich and influential zionist Jews met in New York with David Ben Gurion present to discuss illegally shipping arms to Palestine. The Sonneborn group.

According to Leonard Slater, who interviewed many of those involved, the conspiracy began with a meeting on 1 July 1945 in the New York penthouse apartment of Rudolf Sonneborn, scion of a wealthy American Jewish family that had made its fortune in the oil and chemical business. Besides Sonneborn, those present at the meeting were Henry Montor, director of the United Jewish Appeal, the fundraising arm of the Jewish Agency in the United States; David Ben-Gurion, chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency and essentially the head of the Yishuv; and seventeen prominent American Jews whom Slater did not name.

(The Pledge”, Leonard Slater)

“the Justice Department was apparently aware of the operation (Haganah arms smuggling rings as depicted in the book, “The Pledge”) at the suggested by the fact that it brought charges against a handful of lower-echelon persons, only one of whom was ever jailed. None of the important people in the operation were charged, including more than a dozen prominent lawyers.”

(Norman F. Dacey, October 29, 1970)

The responses from the FBI to the author quoted above, Norman F. Dacey, and his proof about this group and it’s illegal activities ranged from passing the buck to actually refusing to look at the information (the Justice Department had its “zionist lieutenants” in place).

(Norman F. Dacey demands Justice and State Department action on credible allegations of Israeli arms smuggling and espionage, The Israel Lobby Archive, The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy)

That “a dozen prominent lawyers” or “zionist lieutenants” were involved should come as no surprise.

But the zionist infiltration and bullying of the US establishment was happening at all levels.

The zionist mafia

While zionism was infiltrating the US government and Justice System, another equally influential section of the structure of US society was to be targeted. The underworld.

Jewish mafia leaders (and future Israeli assets) in the US and Canada would become a powerful force from top to bottom through prohibition in the US: Samuel Bronfman, Meyer Lansky, Lewis Rosenstiel, among many others who obeyed orders.

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that their [Jewish gangsters] influence on organised crime in the United States during the 1920’s and 1930’s rivalled, if not exceeded, that of their Italian counterparts”.

(1980 edition of The Jewish Almanac, p.58)

Bootlegging during prohibition in both Canada and the US during the 20s and 30s would bring together a group of influential thugs and gangsters who would prove crucial to zionism for decades, if not throughout the twentieth century. They provided them with arms, finances (through money laundering), and inroads in to intelligence agencies and the White House (through blackmail, electoral campaigns, etc).

The Bronfman family, hotel owners during the early 1900s began “bootlegging” during prohibition in Canada during the First World War. They eventually bought Canadian whiskey distillers Seagram’s Distillers in 1928 (prohibition in the US lasted 1920–1933).

They had fled Russian pogroms. Ironically, they had run away from the same Russian antisemites that Theodore Herzl had been backslapping in 1903.

In the process of building his empire, Samuel Bronfman had to deal with some of America’s most notorious mobsters, including the likes of Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Dutch Shulz and Moe Dalitz.

(“Mr Sam the Whiskey Man”, Entrepreneur, October 10, 2008; The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, Nicholas Faith, p64)

The Lansky family (also alleged refugees from Russian pogroms) immigrated to America and settled on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in 1911, where Meyer became childhood and lifelong friends with Benjamin (“Bugsy”) Siegel, with whom he later formed one of the most violent Prohibition gangs, and Charles (“Lucky”) Luciano.

Meyer Lansky was a legendary organized crime leader who co-founded and headed the notorious “enforcement” syndicate “Murder, Inc.,” which emerged in the early 1930s as successor to the warring Prohibition gangs and the old-line mafia.

Known as the “Mob’s Accountant,” he was universally recognized as one of the most powerful men in the United States, as he played a major role in the development of the National Crime Syndicate. He also managed (and laundered) mafia funds, financed major endeavors, bribed and extorted authority figures and key individuals, and developed an international gambling empire. A member of both the Jewish and Italian mafias, he played a large role in the consolidation of the criminal underworld.

(The Jewish Soul Of Meyer Lansky, Saul Jay Singer, August 21, 2019)

Bronfman was very close to Lansky, throwing him “lavish parties” and chartering ships to transport Bronfman’s alcohol to England.

(The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, Nicholas Faith, pp64–71)

In 1942, the OSS and the Jewish and Italian mafia under zionist asset Meyer Lansky, joined forces to protect US ships from sabotage during wartime. This would be the first (open) contact between the zionist mafia and the OSS, forerunner to the CIA: Operation Underworld.

“With his top aide Meyer Lansky acting as an intermediary, (Lucky) Luciano agreed to assist the government and ordered his capos to act as lookouts and report any suspicious activity.”

(What was Operation Underworld? Christopher Klein, History Channel, October 2015)

Remember that during this period, zionist terrorists were offering their support to the Third Reich in return for shipping Jews off to Palestine and Palestine itself (see Chapter 4)!

These circumstances, whether planned in advance or not, where a group of Jewish zionist gangsters had immense power in the US, was seized upon by zionist leaders.

During this time, the Jewish Agency, the pre-state “Israeli government” headed by David Ben-Gurion, created a vast clandestine arms-purchasing-and-smuggling network throughout the United States. The Jewish mafia was at the forefront.

(Gangsters for Zion, Yom Ha’atzmaut: How Jewish mobsters helped Israel gain its independence, Tablet Magazine, Robert Rockaway, APRIL 19, 2018)

This was also the period where zionist terrorists, including Ben Gurion’s people, had supposedly declared themselves on the side of the US’ ally, Britain, but were attacking them in Palestine under the Irgun/NMO banner (see Chapter 2).

My work touched on weapon production . . . speculations on ship purchases; dealings with factories and junkyards; liaison with spies, mobsters, movie moguls, statesmen, bankers, professors, industrialists, and newspaper men; and no lack of illegalities, from petty to international. . . . Deals were made with South American governments to buy tanks and innumerable other things and ship them on to Palestine.”

( “For Jerusalem”, Teddy Kollek — Israeli spy with connections to US government and CIA)

In 1946, Lansky ordered his men to help bring Holocaust survivors to Palestine (purely for numerical purposes seeing as how the “Yishuv” had betrayed them) and facilitate the establishment of the Jewish state. Toward that end, he raised millions of dollars to purchase the ships..and transferred vast sums to arm, train, and equip the military.

Lansky — with help from Albert Anastasia and Joe Adonis, who controlled the longshoremen’s union and the docks — helped Israeli agents conceal arms purchased for Israel and helped get illegal military hardware onto ships bound for Israel. At the same time, arms bound for the Arabs were “mysteriously” lost.

(The Jewish Soul Of Meyer Lansky, Saul Jay Singer, The Jewish Press, August 21, 2019)

Haganah spy Reuvin Dafni was sent to Miami in 1946 and met with Jewish gangster Sam Kay. He recounted:

“Sam was good friends with the president of Panama. They were very close. And Sam contacted him for us. From then on, all our ships carrying weapons to Israel were registered in Panama and flew under the Panamanian flag. This was a very, very, big help to us.”

He was also set up to meet Allen Smiley, Bugsy Siegel’s right hand man:

“every week I received a suitcase filled with $5 and $10 bills. The payments continued till I left Los Angeles.” Dafni estimates that Siegel gave him a total of $50,000.”

In 1948, Dafni was appointed as the first Israeli consul to Los Angeles. From 1953 to 1956 he served as Israel’s consul general in New York.

(Gangsters for Zion, Yom Ha’atzmaut: How Jewish mobsters helped Israel gain its independence, Robert Rockaway, APRIL 19, 2018)

Meyer Harris “Mickey” Cohen (1913–1976) was a gangster based in L.A. and part of the Jewish Mafia from the 1930s through 1960s.

Cohen worked for Lou (Louis) Rothkopf in Cleveland. Rothkopf was an associate of Meyer Lansky and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel. Rothkopf arranged for Cohen to work with Siegel in California.

Mickey Cohen was then sent to Los Angeles by Meyer Lansky and Lou Rothkopf to watch Bugsy Siegel. During their association, he helped set up the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas and ran its sports book operation. In 1947, the crime families ordered the murder of Siegel due to his mismanagement of the Flamingo Hotel, most likely because Siegel was skimming money.

This was the same year that Siegel was offering to assassinate Britain’s foreign minister, Ernest Bevin, when he disembarked for the UN meeting that was going to consider the partition of Palestine.

The claim was made by the author of this book who says that he talked Siegel out of it.

(A Jew in America, by Arthur Hertzberg, HarperSanfrancisco)

Cohen was introduced to Menchamen Begin in 1947. He was then leader of the Irgun (who had bombed the King David Hotel in 1946), by screenwriter Ben Hecht. It was agreed between them and representatives of Haganah that Cohen would supply guns and ammo to them.

“We were able to get on ships that were being put into mothballs. I had access to all that stuff on the docks. Some of the stuff and equipment like machine guns that we got back to Israel had never got a chance to be used in the Second World War. They weren’t even put together. They were still in the cases, in the straw, in the oil and everything. We shipped them right over.”

(Mickey Cohen with John Peer Nugent. Mickey Cohen: In My Own Words. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1975), p. 82.)

Cohen also boasted that he had raised nearly $1 million for the Irgun. Part of that money was reportedly used to buy a Navy surplus amphibious assault ship — the Altalena — for transporting arms bought in Europe to Palestine.

(Central Intelligence Agency (Office of Strategic Services), The Objectives and Activities of the Irgun Zva’i Le’umi (23 October 1944). Declassified document, case nr.F-2005–01205, CIA-FOIA; Mickey Cohen, In My Own Words (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1975); Rockaway, But He Was Good to His Mother, p. 251.)

Gary Wean, a former Criminal Intelligence Investigator for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation, claims to have seen Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, with Cohen, in 1945. He himself was introduced to Ruby and talked to him while in Cohen’s company.

(Gary L. Wean.There’s a Fish in the Courthouse.(OakView, California: Casitas Books, 1987), p. 681)

In 1950, Mickey Cohen was investigated by the Kefauver Commission (during which Jack Ruby would be giving evidence as an informer). As a result of this investigation, Cohen was convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to prison for four years.

When he was released, he started again, and became an international celebrity. He sold more newspapers than anyone else in the country, according to author Brad Lewis.

Cohen knew everyone in Hollywood, from the entire Rat Pack to Marilyn Monroe. In politics, he befriended Richard Nixon. His pal Billy Graham once asked him to appear at an evangelistic rally in Madison Square Garden.

(Kelly, Robert J. Encyclopedia of Organized Crime in the United States. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2000;

Phillips, Charles and Alan Axelrod. Cops, Crooks, and Criminologists: An International Biographical Dictionary of Law Enforcement, Updated Edition. New York: Checkmark Books, 2000;

Sifakis, Carl. The Mafia Encyclopedia. New York: Da Capo Press, 2005; Sifakis, Carl. The Encyclopedia of American Crime. New York: Facts on File Inc., 2005.)

But the illegal trafficking and fundraising weren’t the only benefit. The US political system and their intelligence agencies were corrupt. And vulnerable.

An important “middle man” for Bronfman on the US side of the border was Lewis “Lew” Rosenstiel through his Schenley Distillers Corporation.

(The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, pp64–65)

Rosenstiel also threw regular dinner parties honoring Meyer Lansky. Susan Kaufman, Rosenstiel’s ex-wife, claimed to have taken numerous pictures of her ex-husband and Lansky socializing and partying together, photos that were also seen by Mary Nichols of The Philadelphia Inquirer.

(Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Summers)

New York state legislative investigations would allege that Rosenstiel “was part of a ‘consortium’ with underworld figures that bought liquor in Canada [from Samuel Bronfman]”, whose other members [included] Meyer Lansky… Rosenstiel’s relationship with these men, particularly Lansky, would continue long after Prohibition and Samuel Bronfman, for his part, would also maintain his mob ties.

(Ex‐Head of Schenley Industries Is Linked to Crime ‘Consortium’, New York Times, Nicholas Gage, Feb 1971)

Samuel Bronfman became President of the Canadian Jewish Congress from 1939 to 1962 (wiki)

Bronfman came to the aid of future “Israeli prime minister” Shimon Peres, in 1951. Peres approached Bronfman seeking arms.

He succeeded in getting Peres $2 million worth of guns at half price from the Canadian government. And then paid for them himself through a fundraising dinner.

(Shimon Peres remembered as a visionary who worked tirelessly for Israel, Derek Stoffel, Sept 2016)

Most of Canadian bootlegger Samuel Bronfman’s mob associates during Prohibition were members of what became known as the National Crime Syndicate, which a 1950s Senate investigative body known as the (aforementioned) Kefauver Committee described as a confederation dominated by Italian-American and Jewish-American mobs.

During that investigation, some of the biggest names in the American Mafia named Bronfman as a central figure in their bootlegging operations.

(“Mr. Sam,” The Whisky Man, Entrepreneur, Oct 10, 2008)

Again, Jack Rubenstein/Ruby (assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald) gave evidence to this Committee and had run in the same circles as these zionist gangsters for years. Ruby would turn out to be a career informant (to be discussed).

Lansky was known to address Rosenstiel as “Supreme Commander,” a title that would later be used to refer to Rosenstiel by another individual deeply connected to the mob, zionism, US government and alleged blackmail operations, Roy Cohn. Rosenstiel referred to Cohn as “Field Commander.”

(Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Summers; The Mafia at Apalachin, 1957, Michael Newton, p117; LIFE Magazine, 5 Sep. 1969, p29)

Roy Cohn (1927–1986) was the Commissar of Sleaze in New York City. While representing the Mob, he exerted corrupt influence over both the Democrat and Republican parties, and he seemed to have powerful protection.

In the Sept. 5, 1969, issue of LIFE Magazine, an article called “The Hotshot One-Man Roy Cohn Lobby” stated that J. Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating with the U.S. District Attorney in New York, Robert Morgenthau, in his prosecution against Roy Cohn on a number of felony charges.

During the McCarthy inquisitions of the early 1950’s, Cohn, as Senator McCarthy’s chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists.

Agents spent weeks screening FBI security files and extracting them in memos for Cohn during the prolonged hearings.

Through these years, Cohn’s friendship with Director Hoover also developed, and this was further cemented by their mutual regard for the multimillionaire boss of the huge Schenley distillery complex, Lewis Rosenstiel (1891–1976).

(LIFE Magazine, 5 Sep. 1969, p29)

Louis B Nichols, J. Edgar Hoover’s Number 3 at the FBI, was a zionist asset (to be discussed).

Rosenstiel indeed cultivated close ties with the FBI, developing a close relationship with longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and staffers who worked for Senator Joseph McCarthy, including Roy Cohn.

(How Bourbon Became “America’s Native Spirit”, Reid Mitenbuler, Slate, MAY 12, 2015)

Rosenstiel also made Hoover’s right-hand man and longtime assistant at the FBI, Louis Nichols, the Vice President of his Schenley empire in 1957.

(ROSENSTIEL LINK TO CRIME DENIED, New York Times, Nicholas Gage, March 1971)

Rosenstiel was known for his relatively closeted bisexual antics, a part of his life that was well known to many of his close associates and employees.

(The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram, p66)

Rosensteil’s ex wife, Susan Kaufman, alleged that he hosted extravagant parties that included “boy prostitutes” that her husband had hired “for the enjoyment” of certain guests, which included important government officials and prominent figures in America’s criminal underworld. Kaufman would later make the same claims under oath during the hearing of the New York’s State Joint Legislative Committee on Crime in the early 1970s.

Not only did Rosenstiel organize these parties, but he also made sure that their venues were bugged with microphones that recorded the antics of his high-profile guests. Those audio recordings, Kaufman alleged, were then kept for the purpose of blackmail. Though Kaufman’s claims are shocking, her testimony was deemed credible and held in high regard by the former chief counsel of the Crime Committee, New York Judge Edward McLaughlin, and committee investigator William Gallinaro and aspects of her testimony were later corroborated by two separate witnesses who were unknown to Kaufman.

Lansky, per Kaufman’s recollection, was one of the individuals that Rosenstiel sought to protect from legal scrutiny as part of his child prostitution and blackmail ring targeting high-ranking officials, and he was overheard saying that if the government “ever brings pressure against Lansky or any of us, we’ll use this [a specific recording taken at one of the ‘parties’] as blackmail.”

(Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Summers; The Secret File On J. Edgar Hoover, Frontline, February 9, 1993)

So there you have the heads of the zionist mafia, and the heads of those supposedly fighting them, the FBI, in their pockets (Hoover denied that the mafia even existed!).

But zionist arrogance branched out to all areas without fear of any consequences.

Zionists in the White House

The threats and dirty tricks used against Truman

“… when the election was coming up in 1946 in New York [when the governor, Thomas Dewey, was up for reelection — A.W.], the group of New York Jews called upon Mr. Truman. Emmanuel Cellar was the head of this committee. Rabbi Steven Wise and several others were in it. They called upon Mr. Truman and said, “We have just been talking with Mr. Thomas Dewey. He is willing to come out and declare for a Jewish state, and we are going to turn our money and urge the Jews to vote for him unless you beat him to it.” Then Emmanuel Cellar pounded upon Mr. Truman’s desk and said, “And if you don’t come out for a Jewish state we’ll run you out of town.

(Roy Jenkins, Truman, p. 117. Edwin M. Wright, a State Department official in the 1940s, described the first meeting referred to in the quote, many years later during an interview for the Truman Library, transcript page 36)

Several members of the Sonneborn Group, a group of rich zionist Jews plotting to smuggle arms to Palestine, mentioned earlier, met Harry Truman. Very possibly the same group/meeting mentioned above (from a different source) who had threatened him.

On the morning of 24 February 1947, a group of eighteen dignitaries representing the United Jewish Appeal, including Sonneborn and Montor, met for fifteen minutes with President Harry Truman.

Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was also present, had requested the appointment. He had been the US Secretary of the Treasury until 1945.

…the roster of those invited to the White House clearly illustrates the inter-connectedness of the American Zionist movement’s legal and illegal activities even at the very highest levels of its leadership.

(Presidential Appointments Calendar, Monday, 24 February 1947. Truman Library, Independence, MO.)

On 14 December 1947, just weeks after the UN passed the partition resolution that in effect touched off the military confrontation in Palestine, President Truman invoked the Neutrality Act, imposing a unilateral embargo on weapons to both.

(Truman’s Message Asking Neutrality Act Change to Control Exports of Arms, New York Times, April 1947)

In 1947, Haganah gun runner and sponsor, Abraham Feinberg, became president of publication “Americans for Haganah”.

He will go on to be “special adviser” to three US presidents including Truman, Kennedy and Johnson. And will be a fundraiser for the Democrat Party.

(Abraham Feinberg, 90, Philanthropist for Israel, NYT, December 1998)

Another Truman adviser was Benjamin Victor Cohen (1894–1983).

He had also been an adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. In fact, he was also an adviser to John F. Kennedy, as “special assistant on disarmament”. Which we will see was a planned move to cover up for Israel’s nuclear weapon program.

Cohen had served as counsel for the American Zionist Movement from 1919–1921, during which he acted as Zionist counsel to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. He was one of Louis Brandeis’ “zionist lieutenants”.

(Chapter 1)

He had been brought in to the Roosevelt’s administration by Felix Frankfurter. Another “zionist lieutenant”.

Cohen would act as go-between for Israel and the US during their first official exchange.

MARGARET TRUMAN Daniel (1924–2008), wrote her father’s (former US president Harry Truman) biography published shortly before his death.

Margaret had access to many of Truman’s personal notes that revealed the inside story of the establishment of Israel in Palestinian lands. The New York Times on Dec. 2, 1972, reported:

“‘The so‐called Stern gang’ of Zionist terrorists tried to assassinate President Truman by letter‐bomb in 1947…. a number of cream‐colored envelopes, about eight by six inches, arrived in the White House, addressed to the President and various members of the staff.” They were found to contain “powdered gelignite, a pencil battery and a detonator rigged to explode the gelignite when the envelope was opened.”

But the White House mail room, alert to the danger of postal bombs, discovered the letters and had them defused by Secret Service bomb experts.

(Letter‐Bombs Mailed to Truman in 1947, NYT, December 1972)

“The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White house, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders — actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats — disturbed and annoyed me. — Harry Truman

(Volume 2 of Truman’s Memoirs, p. 225)

Truman eventually agreed to the partition of Palestine. However, this resulted in a rebellion within the State Department. In a note written on March, 1948, Truman complained that:

The State Dept. pulled the rug from under mein a statement contrary to his own policy on the Palestine question.

Truman assured Chaim Weizmann that the U.S. backed the idea of partitioning Palestine between the Arabs and the Jews.

But the following day, Ambassador Warren Austin made a statement to the contrary at the United Nations — which occasioned Truman’s bitter remark about the State Department.

(Letter‐Bombs Mailed to Truman in 1947, NYT, December 1972)

A forest was to be named in Warren Austin’s honor by zionists in Palestine in 1957:

David Ben Gurion pledged that “we in Israel will always remember the decisive part played by the United States’ distinguished representative at the United Nations on the day the State of Israel was proclaimed and of the recognition of the state by the United States within a short interval of our Declaration of Independence.”

(JTA, September 1957)

Christian zionist Defense Secretary Clark Clifford described the hardball lobbying (that Truman mentioned) for the original partition.

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm twisting by the U.S. government and by 26 pro-Zionist U.S. senators; who, in telegrams to a number of U.N. member states, warned that U.S. goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The aforementioned Clark Clifford went against the wishes of the entire state department in calling for Truman to recognize “Israel”.

The state department were thinking in purely militaristic terms and in not wanting to isolate their Arab “allies” (the source of oil). Among them were characters like General of the Armies George C. Marshall, the World War II chief of staff and Secretary of State. Instead of the majority UN and US state department rational wishes for UN trusteeship of the land and people and avoiding nearly a century of death and chaos (which was predicted), Clifford’s word was given more sway.

“Even without a clear signal from Lovett and Marshall, I felt, we had to set in motion the machinery for recognition, in the event that a favorable decision was made. At 10 am, I made a different call — one that I looked on later with great pleasure.

… Mr. Epstein, ‘I told the Jewish Agency representative, ‘we would like you to send an official letter to President Truman before 12 o’clock today formally requesting the United States to recognize the new Jewish state. I would also request that you send a copy of the letter directly to Secretary Marshall.’

(Clark Clifford, March 25, 1991, New Yorker)

Further (vital) reading:

The Real Story of How Israel was Created, Alison Weir, Counterpunch, October, 2011

You need to ask yourself how these individuals got away with this. The president of the US was sent bombs, threatened that he wouldn’t be elected and then his whole department was treated as if they had no say in the matter. That is power.

Lyndon B Johnson and the “Jewish underground freedom fighters in Palestine”

In 1972 it was discovered that more than a thousand pages of his (zionist lieutenant Felix Frankfurter’s) archives, including his correspondence with Lyndon B. Johnson and others, had been stolen from the Library of Congress; the crime remains unsolved and the perpetrator and motive are unknown.

(“The Great Paper Caper, Someone swiped Justice Frankfurter’s papers. What else has gone missing?”, Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, November 24, 2014)

The only thing Frankfurter and Johnson really have in common that could be controversial is the following:

During the 1940s, LB Johnson, influenced by a family member who was a member of the Zionist Organization of America, joined forces with an executive of the Zionist Organization of Texas to raise funds for arms for “Jewish underground fighters in Palestine”.

His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.”

During World War II Johnson joined Jim Novy (who held several executive positions in the Zionist Organization of Texas) at a small Austin gathering to sell $65,000 in war bonds. Novy and Johnson then raised a very “substantial sum for arms for Jewish underground fighters in Palestine.”

Novy and Johnson had been secretly shipping heavy crates labeled ‘Texas Grapefruit’ — but containing arms — to Jewish underground ‘freedom fighters in Palestine.”

(A key resource for uncovering LBJ’s pro-zionist activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, “Prologue: LBJ’s Foreign Affairs Background, 1908–1948.” Johnson’s activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.)

One alleged major Johnson backer was Meyer Lansky’s Louisiana henchman, Carlos Marcello. Meyer Lansky’s man Marcello allegedly funneled at least $50,000 a year in payoffs to then-Texas Senator Lyndon Johnson who, in turn, helped kill in committee all rackets-related legislation that might have been harmful to Lansky’s rackets.

(John Davis. Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. (New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989), p. 159.)

That Marcello worked for Lansky was confirmed by Lansky’s autobiographer:

“Meyer Lansky left New Orleans to Marcello and others to run. Marcello’s famous Beverly Club was not, in reality, Marcello’s personal fiefdom…Marcello had a small piece, but Lansky was the real boss.”

(Hank Messick, Lansky. (New York: Berkley Medallion Books, 1971), p 129)

Remember that at this time J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI, also had close links to people like Meyer Lansky.

(Milton Viorst, Hustlers and Heroes (1971))

During the 1950s Bobby Baker was Johnson’s key political adviser and eventually his secretary when Johnson became Senate Majority Leader in 1955.

In the early 1950s Baker had been involved in helping Intercontinental Hotels Corporation to establish casinos in the Dominican Republic when sociopathic dictator Raphael Trujillo was in power. Baker arranged for Ed Levinson, an associate of Meyer Lansky and Sam Giancana, to become involved in this deal. When the first of these casinos were opened in 1955, Baker and Johnson were invited as official guests.

Ed Levinson was a director of the Mossad-linked Banque de Credit International, founded by former Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum.

Levinson was also a stockholder in The Bank of Perrine which was the preferred depository of Lansky funds reaching America from the Bank of World Commerce in the Bahamas, established by Lansky’s point man John Pullman in 1961.

He was also on the board of directors of the BCI bank. Lansky’s primary overseas money laundering bank — sharing those money laundering services that the bank provided to Israel’s Mossad.

(Tom J. Farer, Transnational Crime in the Americas: An Inter-American Dialogue Book (New York: Routledge, 1999), 65.; Ed Reid and Ovid Demaris, The Green Felt Jungle (New York: Pocket Books, 1964), 217–20.; Robert D. Morrow. The Senator Must Die: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy. (Santa Monica: CA: Roundtable Publishing, Inc., 1988), p30); Life, September 16, 1967.)

That is, Levinson was a conduit between the zionist mafia and Israel for at least twenty years. And Johnson’s “fixer” and adviser was working with him for over a decade. Even while Johnson had been selected as JFK’s running Vice President. JFK had planned to drop Johnson when Baker’s associations and corruption had leaked to the press. Johnson was facing jail as well. Until JFK was assassinated. Make of that what you will.

Johnson and Baker shared the same lawyer. Abe Fortas. He was an Israeli asset who would be pivotal in covering up the USS Liberty incident that will be discussed in another chapter.

Another chapter in the Johnson/zionist terrorism saga was his “friendship” with Mathilde Krim.

Irgun arms and explosives smuggler Mathilde Krim (née Galland), who would become a close “friend” of future zionist US president LB Johnson, appears on the radar. How long she’d been smuggling is anybody’s guess but she was smuggling explosives at a time when the president of the US and British government were being targeted by letter bombs.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in 1948, Krim married an Irgun comrade, David Danon and was known to smuggle weapons and explosives for them across European borders. She would move to Israel in 1953.

(Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days that Changed the Middle East (1984), Donald Neff)

Danon spent his time “recruiting and carrying out secret Irgun operations throughout Western Europe.” with his wife.

(Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days that Changed the Middle East (1984), Donald Neff)

Johnson Vice President elect

In 1964 seeking his first full term in the White House Johnson selected Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphreyas his vice-presidential running mate.

As the Washington Observer newsletter noted: “Humphrey was first catapulted into public office as Mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 via the machinations and campaign slush funds raised by the notorious Kid Cann, king of the Minneapolis underworld.

“Cann, whose real name was Isadore Blumenfeld, along with his brothers (who were known by their aliases, Harry and Yiddy Bloom) were partners with Meyer Lansky in the ownership of many of the plush resorts in Miami, along with Humphrey’s chief advisor, Max Kampelman, a top figure in the Israeli lobby in Washington.”

“Blumenfeld and Lansky were partners in the syndicate that owned the Sands and Fremont Hotels gambling operations in Las Vegas — until they sold their interest in the Sands to Howard Hughes. When Humphrey and his top aides are in Miami,” the Observer reported, “they enjoyed free accommodations at the syndicate’s plush hotels.”

(Washington Observer, September 15, 1968.)

Humphrey’s chief adviser, Max Kampelman went into private law practice, and Golda Meir, the Israeli prime minister, was among his clients.

(Jewish groups mourn passing of Max Kampelman, Times of Israel, Jan 2013)

He would go on to be the very public face of aggressive Israeli lobbyists like JINSA which was aimed at “military” cooperation between Israel and the US. This was another nest of spies. And was to ally himself with the neoconservatives of the 70s and 80s.


In 1966, Johnson’s wishes for military aid to Israel would be exceeded.

“The $92 million in military assistance provided in FY 1966 was greater than the total of all official military aid provided to Israel cumulatively, in all the years going back to the foundation of that nation in 1948.”

“Seventy percent of all U.S. official assistance to Israel has been military. America has given Israel over $17 billion in military aid since 1946, virtually all of which — over 99 percent — has been provided since 1965.”

— Stephen Green — Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Militant Israel pp186–7 and 251

Ronald Reagan and the Jewish mafia

When Ronald Reagan’s movie career was fading and Lew Wasserman had difficulty getting him starring roles, a decision was made that would launch his political career. In 1947, with the aggressive support and backing of the Godfather at MCA, Reagan was elected president of the powerful Screen Actors Guild, known as SAG, a position in which he would serve for some seven terms.

Reagan’s whole career in politics was subsidized by MCA, and helped him financially because for a long time he was living above his means.

Ronald Reagan is a complete slave of MCA who would do their bidding on anything,’ one secret Justice Department document revealed.

(“Revealed, how the MAFIA helped Ronald Reagan get to the White House. Shocking documentary reveals Mob connections that catapulted him to the presidency — and how a probe was thwarted at ‘the highest levels’”, Daily Mail, May 2014)

MCA would make Reagan a millionaire through crooked real estate deals. Wasserman would accompany Reagan up to and through his presidency. Reagan would also protect MCA when the heat was on when “mafia link” investigations began in the early 80s.

(MCA Music & the Mafia, “Did the Justice Department cut Reagan’s Hollywood pals a break?”, 1988 by Dan E. Moldea, author of Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob (Viking, 1986))

Lew Wasserman was a regular donor to zionist causes. Including throwing his weight around Hollywood demanding donations for Israel from others in the film industry.

(The Epic Battle In Hollywood Over The Holy Land, Moment Magazine, Brian Schaefer, March 2018)

Among his (Wasserman’s) friends were Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa, mob lawyer Sidney Korshak, and gangster Moe Dalitz — along with Presidents Johnson, Clinton, and especially Reagan, who enjoyed a particularly close and mutually beneficial relationship with Wasserman.

(When Hollywood Had a King: The Reign of Lew Wasserman, Connie Bruck)

A recap is necessary at this point. Zionist intrigue in the US during this period was relentless and wide ranging. From the upper echelons of the US government — Felix Frankfurter, his closeness to the US President, and his “zionist lieutenants” through to the Zionists among the professional class, and the Jewish Agency, which was organizing illegal arms smuggling for zionist terrorism.

At the other end, and no less important, if not more, were the zionist mafia and their potential for providing clandestine financing (money laundering), arms trafficking, and to be the middle man for the OSS and future cooperation with zionism.

By the 1940s, two future US presidents were already in zionist pockets. Reagan and LB Johnson. Both would be crucial to the survival of the zionist project in future years. Not that this was a long term plan, but both were definitely groomed for future use.

Richard Nixon and the zionist mafia

Richard Nixon relied on mobster Mickey Cohen to help him get elected to the House and the Senate. Nixon took money from Cohen and his mob friends, including bookies around the United States.

(“Hollywood’s Celebrity Gangster, The Incredible Life and Times of Mickey Cohen”, Brad Lewis)

Late in 1945, Republican leaders chose Nixon to run for representative from the Twelfth District.

Cohen controlled the Los Angeles election district and Nixon asked for a meeting. This was arranged by mob lawyer Murray Chotiner in 1945.

In 1950, Cohen held a fundraiser for Nixon in the Banquet room of the Hollywood Knickerbocker Hotel, attended by hundreds of U.S. bookies, including every big Vegas gambler.

In 1968, Drew Pearson’s “Washington Merry-Go-Round” column published Cohen’s entire statement about his dealings with Nixon.

Some of the alleged facts featured in “Hollywood’s Celebrity Gangster” include:

How Mickey Cohen made extortion sex tapes of Marilyn Monroe.

Cohen’s introduction of Monroe to JFK through Sinatra and Peter Lawford.

The Jewish mob’s concerns about JFK’s Israeli politics.

Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassin Jack Ruby (Rubinstein) idolized Cohen and dated his girlfriend Candy Barr.

Cohen’s links to Carlos Marcello, David Ferrie and Jim Braden. All connected at varying levels to the JFK assassination.

Lyndon Johnson’s broken promise to parole Cohen (which simply shows his channel to the White House.

(“Hollywood’s Celebrity Gangster, The Incredible Life and Times of Mickey Cohen”, Brad Lewis)

Jack Ruby (Rubenstein as he was known in 1947) would apparently offer his services as an infiltrator to Nixon.

A memorandum written by a HUAC (House of Un-American Activities) staff assistant on November 24, 1947 reads, “It is my sworn statement that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago noted as a potential witness for hearings of the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities is performing information functions for the staff of Cong. Richard M. Nixon, Rep. Of California. It is requested Rubenstein not be called for open testimony in those aforementioned hearings.”

NOTE: the preceding document concerning Jack Rubenstein, of Chicago, working as an informant for the HUAC is based upon a memorandum signed by “L.S.” on 11/24/47. In 1982 Nixon allegedly told his former aide and confidante (Roger Stone), “The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray (Chotiner) brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of ‘Johnson’s boys’ and that LBJ wanted us to hire him as an informant to the Committee. We did.”

Whether Roger Stone’s side of the story can be trusted or not, the HUAC document exists.

(JFK Facts, Fact check: Did Richard Nixon know Jack Ruby?, Jeff Morley, online site)

The connections between zionist gangsters, Haganah/Irgun, the political establishment and the so-called American “security services” was staggering.

(Eugene Hale) Brading (alias Jim Braden) was a charter member of the La Costa Club, located twenty miles south of San Clemente. Financed by the Teamsters and owned by Meyer Lansky’s front man, Moe Dalitz . La Costa was frequented by many organized crime figures as well as Nixon’s close friend Murray Chotiner (who allegedly introduced Ruby to Nixon). La Costa Club was also where Nixon’s aides John Dean, John Ehrlichman and H.R Haldeman met to get their stories about the Watergate cover-up synchronized”..

(Weberman & Canfield: “Coup D’Etat in America”.pp:61–2)

While Mickey Cohen was rubbing shoulders with, and fundraising for the man who blew up the King David Hotel, Menchamen Begin, another Irgun/Lehi member who would be closely involved with Nixon was planning to bomb London.

From Chapter 5:

MI5 documents released in 2003 confirmed that in 1947 there was:

“A project for an air raid on London, in the course of which leaflets were to be dropped in the name of the Stern Gang, together with high-explosive bombs”.

Rabbi Baruch Korff, the leader of the plot, and ten others were arrested in France in a sting operation. And the explosive devices to be used in the raid, contained in six fire extinguishers, were discovered.

Korff was part of Begin’s movement, Irgun/Lehi (as he was acting on behalf of Stern).

Korff’s supporters in America lobbied the US State Department to intervene on his behalf. French prosecutors dropped all charges against Korff and the ten others.

Korff received a hero’s welcome from his supporters when he arrived back in Boston a few weeks later.

He would become a trusted confidant of President Richard Nixon.

(Coat Bomb and Explosive Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern Gang Terrorized London, Business Live, July 2014, quoting “Against Our Better Judgement”, Alison Weir; The bizarre truth about Nixon’s rabbi, The JC, Robert Philpott, July 2015)

In a nutshell, what each US president has been faced with, or used as a selfish excuse, whatever their stance, was summed up by Truman:

“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents.”

— Truman

(Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 U.S. Decision to Recognize Israel

By Richard H. Curtiss, WRMEA, June 1991)

When Truman made that statement he also privately wrote:

“when they (zionists) have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler or Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment for the underdog.

(Truman diary reveals anti-Semitism and offer to step down, Independent, October 2013)

But this bitterness against the zionist strong arm tactics wasn’t confined to the US.

“In 1947 and 1948 it was the political pressure on the Labour Cabinet from American Zionists, exerted through the United States government, which angered Bevin the most …. At that time, Britain was dependent on American goodwill for her economic survival [and Truman equally dependent on Zionist goodwill for his campaign funds]. As a consequence, the British government was subject to ruthless pressure from Washington to get the Arabs to accept the Zionists’ demands. It was a disgraceful abuse of power.”

[Note: not forgetting that other zionists were sending parcel bombs!]

By chance, Mayhew had to meet the US Ambassador, Lou Douglas, by himself. Douglas wanted British assent to admitting a hundred thousand Jewish refugees into Palestine immediately. Mayhew reiterated the government’s position — it was a prescription for war. Douglas then claimed that the President wanted it known that agreement on the intake would help him get the Marshall Aid appropriation through Congress.

“In other words, we must do as the Zionists wished — or starve. Bevin surrendered — he had to — but he was understandably bitter and angry. He felt it outrageous that the United States, which had no responsibility for law and order in Palestine (and no intention of permitting massive Jewish immigration into the United States), should, from very questionable motives, impose an impossibly burdensome and dangerous task on Britain.”

(Publish It Not: The Middle East Cover-Up by Michael Adams and Christopher Mayhew (Undersecretary for Labour Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin), published in 1975)

Keep in mind, for context, what was going on around this time. Zionist terrorists were bombing and slaughtering their way through Palestine. The targets were both the natives and the US ally during the Second World War that had just finished, Britain. We now know that as the US had entered this war, that zionist extremists, whose leaders included two future prime ministers of Israel, had offered to side with Germany. One of these leaders was “on tour” in the US raising funds for weapons aided by mafia figures who already had three future US presidents in their pockets and up to their eyeballs in corruption. Reagan, Nixon and Johnson. The latter was even shipping arms to Haganah! These three wouldn’t be the last.

And now we have Truman being threatened with the “Jewish vote” by zionist Jews who were involved in illegal arms smuggling despite Truman passing the Neutrality Act himself. Then having parcel bombs sent to his offices. In the same year that a Stern Gang rabbi who would become known as “Nixon’s rabbi”, Baruch Korff, was attempting to drop bombs on London. But this blatant arrogance wasn’t enough for them.

Now they were moving in to milk the cow dry.

****Special thanks to Michael Collins Piper and his book “Final Judgement” and Whitney Webb on MintPressNews

