Chapter 8 — The zionist formula: Grooming the leadership of the CIA and FBI (2)

Brendan Devenney
29 min readOct 15, 2021


John Davitt, head of internal security at the Justice Department between 1950 and 1980, declared that throughout his tenure the Israeli intelligence service was the second most active in the US after the Soviet Union’s.

(US accuses Israel of ‘alarming, even terrifying’ levels of spying, The Independent, May 2014)

After 1980, Israeli spying accelerated. Blatantly. Arrogantly.

How did it get to this? I’ve picked just a few of the layers of the zionist onion in this chapter to show the origins of this arrogance.

Just one example of the interplay between zionists at different levels can be seen in the following example. Zionist mafia boss Meyer Lansky had been brought in to the CIA fold during World War Two. First as “guardian” of US shipping from sabotage. Then, as will be shown, as a contact man between the mafia in the US and the European mafia. But Lansky needed financial institutions to launder his money. Israel took full advantage of the situation. And Lansky took advantage of the protection afforded to zionism in the US. Win-win.

According to Meyer Lansky’s sympathetic Israeli biographers, Lansky used Tibor Rosenbaum’s Banque de Credit International. A bank that had board members associated also with future US President Lyndon Johnson (Chapter 7):

“After Israel became a state, almost 90 percent of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Tibor Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”

(Dennis Eisenberg, Uri Dan and Eli Landau. Meyer Lansky: Mogul of the Mob. (New York: Paddington Press, 1979), p. 276.)

Another zionist mover and shaker, Max Fisher, was an “adviser on Middle East and Jewish issues”, to every administration from President Eisenhower to President Bush.

(Max Fisher, 96, Philanthropist and Adviser to Presidents, Dies, New York Times, March 4–2005.)

In 1957, in partnership with Tibor Rosenbaum’s Swiss-Israel Trade Bank, (Max) Fisher bought a controlling interest in Israel’s Paz conglomerate — long owned by the Rothschild family of Europe — which maintained a monopoly over Israeli oil and petrochemical interests.

(J. J. Goldberg. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment. (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1996), pp. 169–170.)

There we have a small example of the zionist mafia and multimillionaire “philanthropists” under the one roof with the same aim, and vastly different approaches. And images portrayed.

These cliques of zionists would be dotted throughout the US in strategic positions throughout the twentieth century. And today.

As we saw in the last chapter, the zionist mafia had its claws in to the US political and federal establishment. Both the leadership of the FBI and future US presidents were corrupt and compromised. But zionism had another ace up their sleeves. The head of US counterintelligence from 1954 to 1974, James Jesus Angleton, who had been recruited by Israeli intelligence a decade earlier.


James Jesus Angleton enters the zionist fold. For thirty one years.

From a very early stage, zionist assets had already infiltrated, or were supposedly being used as assets, by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), forerunner to the CIA.

In 1939, Nahum A. Bernstein joined the OSS as a trainer for overseas espionage. He would go on to train Mossad agents and become lawyer for the Jewish Agency, be founding chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation, set up fronts for Israel, including companies that illegally smuggled arms for zionists and spy on the Arab delegates at the UN (the full package!).

He also incorporated “Americans for Haganah” led by zionist asset Abraham Feinberg and Soviet spy/zionist asset David Wahl (both to be discussed in this chapter).

The FBI would later link Bernstein to sophisticated technical surveillance operations targeting Arab officials participating in UN functions, Arab consular office break-ins and classified information leaks from the US State Department. But the Justice Department declined all FBI suggestions that Bernstein be prosecuted or registered as an Israeli foreign agent. Like Abraham Feinberg, despite numerous alleged violations of important US laws, Bernstein enjoyed complete prosecutorial immunity in the United States.

He had established a Panamanian front company for smuggling airplanes to Israel, and gave false testimony to FBI officials and Neutrality Act court proceedings.

That Bernstein chose Panama was no accident. The following shows the interconnecting channels zionism had set up at both the highest and lowest levels of power in the US (quoting from Chapter 7):

Haganah spy Reuvin Dafni was sent to Miami in 1946 and met with Jewish gangster Sam Kay. He recounted:

Sam was good friends with the president of Panama. They were very close. And Sam contacted him for us. From then on, all our ships carrying weapons to Israel were registered in Panama and flew under the Panamanian flag. This was a very, very, big help to us.”

In 1948, Dafni was appointed as the first Israeli consul to Los Angeles. From 1953 to 1956 he served as Israel’s consul general in New York.

(Gangsters for Zion, Yom Ha’atzmaut: How Jewish mobsters helped Israel gain its independence, Robert Rockaway, APRIL 19, 2018)

Instead of being punished, Bernstein was given a promotion..

On May 16, 1951, despite his treacherous actions, and the FBI’s objection to lack of Army consultation of Security Index or name check with them, Bernstein was appointed to the US Secretary of the Army’s Civilian Legal Personnel Committee!


James Jesus Angleton was recruited into the Office of Strategic Services, America’s first foreign intelligence service, stationed in Rome during and after World War II. Among other tasks, post war, he supposedly reported on the flow of Jews escaping from Germany and heading for Palestine.

He began to develop sources among the leaders of the Jewish and Zionist organizations — including Teddy Kollek (that name again), and a German operative named Arthur Pier who later became known as Asher Ben-Natan.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

One of Angleton’s “closest colleagues” from his days in the OSS in Italy was a former leader of the “Jewish underground”, Meir Deshalit, the older brother of Amos Deshalit, a physicist who was one of the leaders in Israel’s drive to build a nuclear bomb.

(Seymour Hersh. The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (New York: Random House, 1991), p. 144.)

Asher Ben-Natan was a longtime friend and associate of Angleton. Ben-Natan was supposedly in charge of collecting material about Nazi war criminals during this period in Europe. But he actually oversaw the recruitment of a nazi called Walter Rauff who was accused of gassing 100,000 Jews (see Chapter 4).

In 1993, Shlomo Nakdimon published an interview with Shalhevet Freier in Yedioth Ahronoth. In the late 1940s Freier was a branch director in the Foreign Ministry’s Political Department. In the interview he related how he had recruited Rauff in Italy, after friends in the Italian Foreign Ministry tipped him off about the new arrival.

Rauff was using an alias at the time. According to Freier, then, it was the Political Department that employed Rauff.

Freier told Nakdimon that Ben-Natan and the director of the Political Department, came to Italy especially “in order to watch the adviser to the president of Syria enter the house of their man in Rome.” Freier introduced himself to Rauff as a representative of Israeli intelligence. For an entire month the Nazi criminal sat and wrote a report on Syria’s military deployment.

“When he didn’t know the answer to a question, Rauff called friends in Syria for additional information,” Freier said. The Israeli government not only paid Rauff, but also arranged for a legitimate Italian visa. Rauff, his wife and their children sailed from Genoa to South America. He handed Freier the last part of the report in the port.

Ben-Natan, who later served as director general of the Defense Ministry and ambassador to France and to Germany, now confirms that Freier employed Rauff. In retrospect, Ben-Natan today believes it was a mistake to forge ties with the Nazi criminal, but emphasizes that he provided very important material (edit: worth the lives of 100,000 Jews?).

(In the Service of the Jewish State, Haaretz, Shraga Elam, Dennis Whitehead, Mar. 29, 2007)

Aforementioned zionist spy Teddy Kollek was a “close personal friend” of Angleton.

(Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991) p42)

In 1951, Reuven Shiloah, future head of Mossad, stayed in Washington to work out the arrangements Angleton, who at that time was the CIA’s chief of the foreign intelligence staff. Shiloah, according to his biographer, soon developed “a special relationship” and Angleton became the CIA’s exclusive liaison with the Mossad in 1951. Angleton returned the favor by traveling to Israel often. He was introduced to Amos Manor, chief of counterespionage for Israel’s domestic security service known as Shabak or Shin Bet.

Manor would be friends with Angleton for the rest of his life. As would Efrain Halevy, a retired director of the Mossad.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

During the late forties, early fifties, Teddy Kollek was teamed up with Israeli spy and Democrat Party chairman in New York, Abraham Feinberg, who’ll be discussed shortly in this chapter. Kollek worked with Meyer Lansky and ultimately had contact with Angleton.

(Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), pp. 41–42.)

Stemming from his wartime OSS liaison with Jewish resistance groups based in London, James Angleton had arranged an operational- intelligence exchange agreement with Israel’s Mossad, upon which the CIA relied for much of its intelligence about the Arab states.

(Wilbur Crane Eveland. Ropes of Sand: America’s Failure in the Middle East. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1980), p. 95.)

By 1951 Angleton was engaged in “the underground Jewish network that ran down from Eastern Europe through Italy to the ports where shiploads of immigrants were loaded for Palestine.

(Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn, DangerousLiaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991) pp42–43)

It was this refugee network that was “paving the way for an ultimate intelligence network for the future state of Israel.”

(Richard Deacon. The Israeli Secret Service. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1978), p35)

In 1954 Angleton became the chief of the CIA’s counterintelligence staff, the first one. In 1956 Amos Manor passed him a copy of Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech to the Soviet Communist Party in which he criticized the cult of personality around the deceased dictator, Joseph Stalin. This intelligence coup made Angleton a legend within the CIA and the power within the agency as well, and it was very much made possible by the Israelis.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

What these authors fail to mention is the cooperation between the CIA and Mossad in the search for gold, both Jewish and German (see Chapter 4, Kastner), the recruitment of nazis post World War 2 and the setting up of the Gladio networks (to be discussed).

Through an aide, Stephen Millet, who was the counterintelligence officer who handled the Israeli desk for Angleton, close links with the criminal underworld in Italy and France were maintained.

It was under the CIA’s direction that (Jay) Lovestone and (Irving) Brown (CIA assets) — using Corsican and Italian mafiosos — set up right-wing death squads in Marseilles and other European cities after the Second World War to break the burgeoning left- wing labor movement. Thanks to Brown, by 1953 his key contact in the Marseilles underworld, Pierre Ferri-Pisain, had control of the city’s port, where he built an international heroin trafficking empire.

“This was not the first time that American intelligence purchased the services of the Mafia. Prior to the Allied invasion of Sicily in the Second World War, the OSS established contacts with the Sicilian Mafia through the same Lucky Luciano [edit: Meyer Lansky was the go-between who enabled Luciano’s deportation to Sicily from jail] who allowed [the Jewish underground] to smuggle weapons from Hoboken to the Irgun in Palestine. The Sicilian Mafia provided intelligence on the Germans, and after the war assassinated hundreds of Italian left-wing political activists.”

(Mangold, Cold Warrier — James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991 p. 314–315.;

Robert I. Friedman. The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane — From FBI Informant to Knesset Member. (New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1990), pp. 34–35; Final Judgement, Michael Collins Piper)

Angleton was directly involved in the setting up of the Gladio network (to be discussed).

A more on-going relationship to the mob was maintained by Angleton. He used a go-between–the New York lawyer Mario Brod–who, according to a CIA memo, was a CI Staff agent in New York City from 1952 to 1971. One of the sensitive CI Staff agents handled by Brod in New York was Jay Lovestone, the AFL-CIO International Affairs Chief who transmitted funds to strong-arm gangs in Marseille allied with Corsican drug traffickers who were part of the Lansky-Luciano global drug connection.

(Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter (New York: Touchstone/ Simon & Schuster, 1991), 314–15.)

Angleton himself had mafia contacts, and on at least one occasion intervened to prevent another part of the CIA from investigating the banking of illegal Lansky skim from Las Vegas. A senior official in Robert Kennedy’s Justice Department asked John Whitten, the CIA’s one time chief of the Mexico/Panama desk in Western Hemisphere Division, to investigate numbered bank accounts in Panama (edit: Panama featured heavily in zionist mafia intrigue) because Las Vegas gamblers were using them to smuggle cash, “which they skimmed off the top of their daily take.” Using his CIA pseudonym “John Scelso”, Whitten testified to the Church Committee about Angleton’s actions:

“At that time we were in an excellent position to do this…I thought it was a great idea. And promptly this came to Mr Angleton’s attention, and we had to brief him on it, and he said, well, we’re not going to have anything to do with this. This is the Bureau’s (FBI’s) business. And whammo, end of conversation. We were called off. I went to Colonel JC King who was at that time the chief of the WH division, and told him this, and JC King said…Well you know, Angleton has these ties to the mafia, and he is not going to do anything to jeopardize them. And then I said, I didn’t know that. And he said, yeah, it had to do with Cuba.”

(Church Committee, Testimony of John Scelso, 7 May 1976, 41–42, NARA #157–10014–10083, 45–46. Angleton’s response suggests that he may have believed what Hank Messick and others later charged: that Lansky had somehow obtained protection from the Bureau [Hank Messick, John Edgar Hoover (New York: David McKay Co., 1972], 229–31, etc))

Angleton’s asset, Jay Lovestone, provided Jewish Defense League founder Meir Kahane and his closest associate and fellow rabbi, Dr. Joseph Churba, with financing and support.

(The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane — From FBI Informant to Knesset Member Hardcover — March 1, 1990, Robert I Friedman)

CIA Director Allen Dulles and his deputy, Richard Helms, who later went on to become CIA director under Lyndon Johnson, were Angleton’s mentors. However, Helms was Angleton’s “chief patron.”

(Mangold. Cold Warrier — James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 307.)

Helms oversaw the Iran coup of 1953. He and the Shah had been best friends and schoolmates together as children at boarding school in Switzerland. It was Helms who was later the CIA coordinator of the very coup that installed the Shah on the throne in 1953. It was a lifelong relationship which culminated with Helms later becoming U.S. Ambassador to Iran.

(Robert Morrow. The Senator Must Die: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy, pp783–784)

Israel would benefit immensely from this coup and would dip its toes fully in the CIA cesspit of installing dictators when it helped train the Shah’s enforcers, SAVAK.

In the late fifties and mid sixties Angleton was accused of passing “technical nuclear information” on to Israel.

Tad Szulc, a “noted” foreign correspondent, quoted sources close to Angleton as saying that he had indeed secretly aided Israel with technical nuclear information during the late 1950's.

Additionally, Seymour Hersh reported that Szulc’s report “fits in with something [Hersh] had been told by a high-level CIA official — that Angleton gave the Israelis similar technical information in the mid-1960s.

(Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 89.)

An internal CIA memorandum issued during the presidency of John F. Kennedy cast negative light on Israel’s nuclear development program. However, according to historian Stephen Green, “It is perhaps significant that the memorandum was not drafted as a formal national intelligence estimate, which would have involved distribution to several other agencies of the government. No formal NIE was issued by CIA on the Israeli nuclear weapons program until 1968.

(Stephen Green. Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With a Militant Israel. (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1984), p. 164.)

Angleton was pivotal in ensuring that Israel’s clandestine activities were successful. From zionist mafia money laundering, giving Mossad a base, connections and firm standing in both the US and Europe, and even aiding in their nuclear weapons program. No matter how detrimental to “US interests” both at home and abroad. He would invite them to take advantage of the newly formed Gladio network, and eventually in to their global pro-oligarch, anti-working class coup policies.

Angleton’s formative and sometimes decisive influence on US policy towards Israel can be seen in many areas — from the impotence of US nuclear nonproliferation policy in the region, to Israel’s triumph in the 1967 Six-Day War, to the feeble US response to the attack on the Liberty, to the intelligence failure represented by the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

When he started as chief of the counterintelligence staff in 1954, the state of Israel and its leaders were regarded warily in Washington — especially at the State Department. When Angleton left government service 20 years later, Israel held twice as much territory as it had in 1948. The CIA and Mossad collaborated on a daily basis and the governments of the United States and Israel were “strategic allies” knit together by expansive intelligence sharing, multibillion-dollar arms contracts and coordinated diplomacy.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

In Jerusalem there are two memorials to Angleton, dedicated by high officials. One stone is outside the King David Hotel.

“In memory of a dear friend,” it says.

“[H]e was a friend you could trust on a personal basis,” Yitzhak Rabin said of Angleton. He was “the biggest Zionist of the lot,” said Meir Amit, the late Mossad director.

Israelis threw a party for him on his 50th birthday in December 1967. Just months after the USS Liberty incident.

Angleton was close to the Mossad chiefs Amit and Efraim Halevy, who told author Jefferson Morley they met with Angleton as often as “five times a week”.

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton Hardcover — October 24, 2017, Jefferson Morley

Links : )

“I would like to place on the record… that Angleton’s closest professional friends overseas, then and subsequently, came from the Mossad and that he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him profound honors after his death….The legends alone surrounding his twenty years as head of the Israeli Desk would fill another book, as indeed would the truth.”

(Mangold, Cold Warrier — James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991 p362)

Zionist manouevres on the domestic front were just as brazen.

Louis B Nichols — FBI Number Three and zionist asset

Louis B Nichols was named in a Bureau Memo as being the “go to guy” for acquiring a passport for a well known zionist, the aforementioned David Wahl.

According to reliable sources, David Wahl is known to have been in contact in the past with Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Robert Talbot Miller III, Maurice Halperin, and Ludwig Ullman. These persons, according to Elizabeth Terrill Bentley, (confessed Soviet espionage courier), were employees of the United States Government in Washington, D.C., who were engaged in Soviet espionage activities during the early 1940's.” (p. 2)

(Link: )

Wahl was a Soviet spy from 1936 to at least 1945.

(Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, Alexander Vassiliev, p209)

This Soviet spy ring at the time included the US State Department’s Harry Dexter White, who happened to be “a top advisor to Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau. Morgenthau was the one who arranged for the Sonnenberg group to meet Truman (the group of top lawyers and zionist “elite” who threatened Truman and were engaged in illegal arms trafficking).

This “go to guy” suggestion was made by another (Christian) zionist, Bartley Crum. Ironically (or not), Wahl turned out to be part of a Soviet spy ring. And Crum would defend Hollywood screenwriters and directors accused of being communists. Yet they were all on the same page when it came to Israel. Even though Hoover and Roy Cohn were at the forefront of the “anticommunism” campaign at the time this memo was written.

(Wiki on Crum and Wahl)

Here’s the Bureau Memo in full (1951):

“Bartley Crum was in touch with David Wahl and from the gist of the conversation it appeared that they were discussing Wahl’s efforts to obtain a passport. Crum said that he had a meeting with “the guy” and he was prepared to help. Crum further stated that “the guy” indicated that he has about four favors a year which he asks. He stated that “the guy’s” course would take about two weeks and he used Abe’s name (possible FEINBERG, President of Israel Speaks). Crum said “the guy” thought the first thing to do was to get hold of a guy named Nichols in the FBI and that was the key to the whole thing.

(FOIA Document, Feinberg Correlation Summary, 01301956, Israel lobby online site P30


Remember that Nichols was Hoover’s “number 3 at the FBI”, and would later be rewarded with an executive position by Lewis Rosenstiel (Chapter 7) at Schenley Distilleries in 1959.

Louis B Nichols acknowledged that Joseph Linsey of Boston, Joseph Fusco of Chicago and Robert Gould of Miami were entertained frequently by Mr. Rosenstiel and were distributors of Schenley products.

Linsey and Fusco were both convicted of bootlegging. Gould was, convicted of black‐market operations, but was pardoned by President Harry S. Truman after serving two years in prison. (Edit: why??)

Linsey and Fusco have been Identified by Federal agents as associates of Meyer Lansky, the alleged underworld leader, and Fusco has been linked to organized crime figures in Chicago.

Mr. Nichols testified that he worked on behalf of Schenley in persuading Congress in 1958 to pass the Forand bill. The bill extended the time during which distillers did not have to pay excise taxes on stockpiled whiskey from 8 to 20 years and saved Schenley millions of dollars.

Mr. Nichols said that he had made many contacts with legislators while in the F.B.I. and had ‘used these contacts to lobby for the Forand bill.’


And to hammer home the point about the David Wahl Soviet spy situation and zionism having carte blanche whatever the circumstances:

During the McCarthy inquisitions of the early 1950’s, Roy Cohn, as Senator McCarthy’s chief counsel, had worked closely with (Louis B.) Nichols and the FBI in developing cases against suspected Communists (edit: while Nichols was simultaneously providing passports for the likes of Wahl!)

Agents spent weeks screening FBI security files and extracting them in memos for Cohn during the prolonged hearings.

Through these years, Cohn’s friendship with Director Hoover also developed, and this was further cemented by their mutual regard for the multimillionaire boss of the huge Schenley distillery complex, Lewis Rosenstiel (1891–1976) (edit: the zionist mafia was at the center of these intrigues)

(Sept. 5, 1969, issue of LIFE Magazine, “The Hotshot One-Man Roy Cohn Lobby”)

The foot army…

The ADL “smear artists”

The following is sourced from FOIA documentation gathered at the following site :

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith was formed in 1913.

Arnold Foster, who would become “Chief Investigator” for the ADL in 1940 (and who was involved with the leadership of the ADL for decades) was rejected for an application to join the FBI in 1939.

His FBI rejection and immediate placement as ADL “Chief Investigator” showed his true intentions. Which he would virtually admit to in his autobiography:

“Among other Israeli intelligence operations, the Mossad — — constantly sought leads from reliable governments and from other contracts and sources. I was a source.”

(ADL chief for 40 years, Arnold Foster, Square One, p187)

Foster couldn’t join the FBI, so he or the ADL tried another tactic.

On August 8, 1940 the ADL offered a confidential list of hundreds of undercover ADL “investigators” compiled by Miles Goldberg to the FBI Director as a resource for FBI informants and “additional undercover agents.

They were in effect trying to create their own version of the FBI.

In 1941, an investigation was conducted of ADL undercover operatives infiltrating the America First Committee rally at Madison Square Garden using stolen media credentials. An offer is made to someone with influence with the New York Police to “make it worth their while” to drop investigation of the stolen media credentials.

“The whole incident is typical of some of the objectionable methods and also of the influence of the Anti Defamation League…”

On May 19, 1942, Assistant Director P.E. Foxworth warned the FBI director that informants for the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League and ADL were engaging in “shake-downs” of individuals who were possibly “loyal and innocent.”

Another agent, J.L. Pearcy advised that the Anti-Nazi League and ADL were “interested only in their own material benefit and their work is directed more in the line of persecution and of framing their enemies than the exposing of Nazism and Facism…

The Anti-Defamation League was circulating a report which showed that during the year that organization conducted 373 “investigations” for the FBI… the FBI had never asked the ADL to conduct an investigation… and the person responsible was Jacob Spolansky, of the American Jewish Committee.

Special Agent in Charge Sears opinion that some ADL reports of anti-Semitism and undercover investigations “not worth anything….(rumor) for political purposes.

On November 15, 1943 SAC Drayton complains to the FBI director about insistent requests his FBI field office participate in an ADL meeting. “I am writing to the Bureau because I cannot understand the reason for the insistence of the Anti Defamation League that a representative of this Bureau address this group. However, I feel that there is some ulterior motive which influences them to be so insistent. In any event, no representative of this office will address this meeting.”

In February 9, 1944 the FBI reported that Jack Holmes of Warner Brothers Studio claimed the ADL had received $3 million in 1943 “most of which was contributed by the major motion picture studios and by prominent Jewish motion picture actors, directors and others prominent in the industry. He stated that Warner Brothers Studio alone contributed $60,000 to the fund…”

The ADL tried to spotlight activities of Japanese Americans through a “secret fund.” This was at a time when they were being placed in concentration camps.

Nissan Gross, of the ADL requests on March 21, 1944 if he can periodically check with the FBI to see whether a “duplication of investigation” is occurring and if he could “under such circumstances, he could check with this office to ascertain the information that we had on file in regard to the individual or whether we were in fact conducting an investigation of the individual.”

Gross was rebuffed by SAC Drayton — report on March 24, 1944. “As the Bureau can see, under the procedure suggested by Gross, the Anti Defamation League would have an opportunity to learn of the informants being utilized by the Bureau and would also be in a position to learn of those under investigation.”

In 1945 an American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League joint fundraising letter to raise $4 million stated:

“Out of Every 100 Americans, 25 are infected with Anti-Semitism! 25 are Opposed to Anti-Semitism! 50 Have no fixed opinions and can be swung to either the group opposed to anti-Semitism or the group definitely anti-Semitic…This war on the home front requires men highly trained and skilled in the techniques of combating religious and racial bigotry…In the field of radio we have averaged more than 65,000 individual station broadcasts this year…Every publication day throughout the year the general press…receives and uses some material from this division…333,000 copies of important books carrying our message…9,000,000 pamphlets…40,000,000 comic books!”

In 1943, the ADL claimed to have “averaged more than 65,000 individual station broadcasts”.

U.S. Senator Rufus Holman asked for an FBI and DOJ investigation claiming the ADL was orchestrating a boycott of his business and reelection campaign.

Holman was eventually defeated. And questions he asked of the Attorney General about the ADL’s finances and methods were ignored.

He was actually defeated by zionist Wayne Morse who had called for the British to “leave Palestine so that a Jewish state to be called Israel could be created.”

(The Foreign Policy of Senator Wayne L. Morse, Larry Ceplair, p10)

During the Congressional Hearings of the Subcommittee of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments of the House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, October 3, 6 and 7 of 1947, the hearing explored damage to reputations caused by secret files “made up in cooperation with the American-Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League.”

The chairman would conclude: “It is all hearsay…I will tell you they are smear artists.”

In 1960, the ADL/B’nai B’rith would be exposed for what it really was. An arm of Israeli intelligence.

Philip Klutznick, then president of B’nai B’rith, wittingly established a B’nai B’rith cover for an Israe­li intelligence operation at its offices in New York.

The Mossad case officer for the operation was Uri Ra’anan, then the director of the Israeli Consulate’s Informa­tion Department in New York. Uri Ra’anan would later “teach” the biggest spy in US history, Jonathan Pollard as a “student”.

Mrs. Avis Shulman (Mossad agent) was controlled and financed by Uri Ra’anan, then the director of the Israeli Consulate’s Information Department.

(Joftes v. Rabbi Jay Kaufman(CA3271–67Districtof Columbia; Libel Suit in U.S. to Test Charges on B’nai B’rith, NYT, June 1970)

Between 1962–1963 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee subpoenaed internal reports of the American Zionist Council during its investigation into the activities of registered agents of foreign principals. They discovered that more than $5 million in tax exempt (and possibly overseas donations) had been laundered through the Jewish Agency’s American Section into the American Zionist Council. The Jewish Agency functioned as a quasi-branch of the Israeli government, received Israeli government funding, and was able to review legislation before it went to the Knesset under its Covenant Agreement.

Nearly 300 printed pages of testimony, originally classified, brought to light “one of the most effective networks of foreign influence,” in the words of Newsweek of Aug. 12, 1963. It used tax-free United Jewish Appeal dollars, distributed through “conduits” (a term employed by Senator Fulbright) of the Jewish Agency’s American section, a registered foreign agent, to mold American public opinion and exert pressure in the U.S…. more than 80 percent of the budget of the American Zionist Council (AZC), the coordinating body for nine major U.S. Zionist groups, was received for eight years from the Jewish Agency for Israel (unregistered)…. pressuring American newspapers to support Israel and to attack anti-Zionist groups… placement of articles on Israel in some of America’s leading magazines,” arranging for radio and TV programs “sympathetic” to Israel, and subsidizing trips to Israel by such “public opinion molders” as Christian clergymen, academics and mass media representatives.

(J. William Fulbright: A Giant Passes, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, April/May 1995, Pages 50, 92–93)

Intense propaganda, smear campaigns, use of the “antisemite card”, spying and infiltration and manipulation of the media actually increased after this was discovered.


Over an eight-year period, this council received more than $5,000,000 from the Jewish Agency to create a favorable public opinion in this country for Israeli government policies. The Senate investigation closed down the conduit, but the extensive propaganda activities still go on.

(Lawrence Mosher, National Observer (Dow Jones), May 19, 1970.)

Despite all of this information, over thirty years of intrigue, lies, attempted bribes, exposure as a foreign agent, most of it exposed by the FBI itself, this message was sent during the period in which Johnson stepped down, and Nixon took over. And just months after Israel had attacked the USS Liberty:

1/17/1968 FBI Director Airtel to all FBI field offices ordering them to establish liaisons with ADL regional offices. “The ADL…maintains regional offices throughout the United States. As you know, this organization, like the Bureau, is opposed to groups and individuals espousing bigotry, prejudice and extremism. It seeks to bring the true facts concerning such groups and individuals to light…”

“In furtherance of these worthy objectives, the ADL receives consideration information of interest to this Bureau and has been very cooperative in the past in referring such data to us. You are to immediately make certain that you have established liaison with the head of the ADL regional office in your territory and explain the jurisdiction and interests of this Bureau. For your information, there is attached a list of ADL regional offices..

And then the following year, the “Israeli foreign agent” label was pulled out again!

“1969 ADL infiltration reports against 18th annual National Convention of Arab Students.

ADL operatives operating under code name pose as reporters and strategize how to gain control of the National headquarters while neutralizing OAS chapters.

After receiving the report, the FBI proposes investigating the ADL as an Israeli foreign agent.”

(Link: )

Abraham Feinberg

A law graduate from New York, Feinberg had a long relationship with Brandeis University, serving as a trustee in 1953; chairman of the board of trustees from 1954 to 1961; a Brandeis Fellow in 1953; and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1961.

I think it’s safe to say that he was another “zionist lieutenant”.

Abraham Feinberg’s name appeared on the list of “investigators” offered to the FBI by the ADL. He was later criminally investigated by the FBI as an agent of a foreign government and for quashing arms-smuggling investigations.

(Link: )

In 1946, Haganah gun runner and sponsor Feinberg became president of the publication “Americans for Haganah” alongside soviet spy and zionist asset David Wahl. And OSS member and traitor, Nahum Bernstein.

From FBI files:

He was in personal contact with Chaim Weizmann when he visited the United States in April 1949 and on other occasions. Feinberg has been in personal contact with Ben-Gurion when he visited the United States. These contacts with Israeli officials are directed primarily toward furthering the best interests of Israel.

Feinberg is known to have had personal interviews with President Truman on various occasions from January 26, 1949 to date concerning Israeli matters.

Drew Pearson alleged in his column on April 5, 1949 that Feinberg had pledged $100,000 to reelect President Truman. Feinberg was chairman of the Democratic Party committee in New York City.

It is pointed out that much of the information concerning Feinberg pertains to his dealings with individuals in the democratic administration from the President down to lesser officials. This is not being repeated in the blind memorandum because it is believed that the repetition of such information by the Bureau may lead to embarrassment”

((Link: )

Abraham Feinberg was an “adviser” to Truman (and future “adviser” to JFK and Johnson) and a chief fundraiser for the Democrat Party.

(Abraham Feinberg 90, philanthropist for Israel, NYT, July 1998)

He was also an Israeli spy.

In 1948, Feinberg was in frequent contact with officials of the Israeli Government in the United States, from the Ambassador on down to minor officials.

In November, 1948, an indictment was returned in Miami, Florida charging nine individuals with conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Act, based on evidence that attempts were made to transport airplanes illegally from the United States to Israel when the latter country was at war with the Arab nations. Among those indicted were Adolf Schwimmer and Irving Schindler.

Schwimmer would not go to jail. On top of that he was allowed to set up his own aircraft repair company in the US shortly after being fined. He was the founder and first CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries a year later in 1949.

An anonymous source of known reliability advised that the Israeli Government was fearful that prosecution of Schwimmer and Schindler would result in publicity unfavorable to Israel and that the Israeli government instructed Eliahu Elath, Israel Ambassador to the United States, on April 1, 1949 to “squash it forever.”

One of the several courses of action recommended by the Israeli Government was to have Abe (believed to be ABRAHAM FEINBERG) take it up with his friends.

Informants advised that FEINBERG was probably in touch with Bob Hannegan (chairman of the Democratic National Committee) and other high Government officials trying to get them to exert political pressure on Tom Clark, Attorney General, in connection with these cases.

Feinberg has been in contact with Colonel Ephraim Ben-Arazi, former Israeli Military Attaché to the United States; Theodore H.Kollek (this guy turns up everywhere), Israeli Minister in Washington; Reuben Shiloah [future founder of Mossad], personal advisor to the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs; Nahum Bernstein Secretary of Israel Speaks. All of these individuals are known to have been active in the Israeli Intelligence Service.

His next task was to enable the Israeli nuclear weapons program with the aid of former Haganah and future Mossad operative, David Lowenthal whose plant supplied the uranium needed for it. On US soil.

Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion noted in his diary a conversation “he had with Abraham Feinberg, a wealthy Jewish businessman and major Democratic fund-raiser” to raise funds for Israel’s nuclear weapons program among “benedictors” in the United States (to be discussed)

(Link: )

In 1951, Israeli spies Abraham Feinberg and Theodor Kollek were in contact with one another and…Kollek had advised Feinberg that he had a satisfactory talk with Senator McFarland and Senator Lyndon Johnson, and that in the younger one (Johnson), they (the Israelis) had gained a very outspoken friend.

The following information shows how Israel actually had a direct say in US governmental affairs.

On 8/19/49, Abraham Feinberg was in contact with both Uriel Heyd and Eliahu Elath (Israeli Ambassador). Feinberg advised them that he had received a call from the White House asking whom he wanted as chairman of an Economic­ commission, which apparently retailed to exports and imports to Israel..Feinberg indicated that the chairman should be non-Jewish and did not want to recommend a man until he was sure that Elath approved.

Feinberg advised his zionist masters that he would choose a chairman who wasn’t too blatantly zionist. And even ruled out a gentile zionist because his loyalties were known (Bartley Crum).

Feinberg suggested Bartley Crum was too closely identified with “us”.

The Israeli ambassador, Elath recommended Frank Buxton, Editor of “The Globe” at Boston, Mass. and Feinberg said he would call the White House and suggest Buxton.

(Link: )

The last Memo is very telling:

Elath, the Israeli ambassador, chose who would be chair of a US commission which concerned financial matters re Israel.

Crum, a Roman Catholic, had worked for zionist law firms and individuals for years. So, they chose another gentile who had previously been on another commission in 1945 that enabled an increase in the influx of 100,000 Jews to Palestine.

(Link: )

(Frank Buxton Pulitzer winner for Coolidge is dead, NYT, September 1974)

Do you see how they work?

It’s important to know how these people get in to these positions. The Brandeis formula of “zionist lieutenants” in action.

How they become “us”. Take this person Bartley Crum, for example:

Bartley Crum attained his position among the Republican presidents FDR and Truman through one David Niles.

(New York Times. 11 December 1959)

David Niles became one of “us” through Felix Frankfurter.

(Truman Library, Personal papers, Niles, David K. Papers

Dates: 1909–1983; Bulk Date Span: 1933–1952)

A couple of years earlier on January 1, 1946, Crum had accepted an invitation to join the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry on Palestine (AACIP) that advised President Harry Truman to support the opening of the British Mandate of Palestine to unrestricted Jewish immigration and to ease restrictions on Jewish land purchases.

(New York Times. 11 December 1959)

“And when Clifford Clarke (the man who went against State Department wishes in fully recognizing Israel) succeeded the issue of Israeli independence from David Niles, he received “advice and assistance” from Bartley Crum.”

(Goldstein, Israel (1984). My World as a Jew: The Memoirs of Israel Goldstein, Volume 1. Herzl Press. p. 225. Retrieved 4 April 2020.)

And so on…you’ll see this circular method of infiltration repeated over and over. These people don’t stay in any single position for too long because it will become too obvious. They place each other in positions of influence, get what they want, and either slip in to another position not connected with zionist aspirations, or move in to another area which may become useful in the future.

So, by the end of 1950, zionism had recruited the chief of CIA counterintelligence — and a multitude of inroads in to clandestine and illegal paths; the chief of the FBI and his number three — giving basically a free run for their “foot army”, the ADL and the zionist mafia; three future Presidents of the US — all three would prove vital to zionism; and had started a propaganda drive used to smear anybody who questioned them. From ordinary citizens to politicians. Corruption, greed and ambition opened a lot of doors for zionist mafia intrigue from Washington to Hollywood and New York. Laws were constantly broken. And nobody was ever punished. Whatever material was brought up on obvious espionage, it went no further than streams of memos. Because those at the top stifled all investigation.

John Davitt, head of internal security at the Justice Department described Israel as being the second most active in espionage for 30 years from 1950. Yes, there were secret memos and informers initially scraping the surface and naming names, but nothing ever came of it. No arrests nor investigations. The way it has always been. This was at a time when there was rampant paranoia about Soviet spying in the US. Headed by so-called “anticommunists” who were also in zionist pockets (Hoover, Cohn).

By the time James Jesus Angleton, chief of the newly formed CIA’s foreign intelligence, was installed in the mid fifties, he had already been an Israelophile and recruited as a Mossad asset. Detractors to this fact claim that Angleton’s main focus was communism and that it was he who was using Israel. This is a lie. When Angleton’s was removed in 1974 having been caught spying on US citizens on an industrial scale (the way they do today), those who took over his operations saw the chaos and ineffective methods Angleton’s used. While Israel flourished under his watch.

The FBI’s ”number 3”, Louis B Nichols was also an Israeli asset with links to important Jewish mafia figures who in turn had connections with FBI head J Edgar Hoover — who himself was open to blackmail because of his alleged cross dressing. Whatever the truth of this matter, Hoover denied that the mafia even existed. And was shown to have been “looked after” and associating with this non-existent mafia (see Chapter 7).

These main figures in the US security set up, coupled with Israeli spies at the highest levels in the Democrat Party and the influence of Israelophile/Mossad “advisers” to the White House for decades before and after, set the stage for the Israeli nuclear program being operated on US soil.

The founders and international supporters of the “Jewish state” had seen the money and power that this ultranationalist cult could have now that they had a base of operations. What better threatening statement to the world, especially after Eisenhower had broken their strut after the Suez Crisis, than to have a nuclear arsenal?

***Based on the research of Whitney Webb, Michael Collins Piper and the “Israel lobby” online site.

