Chapter 9 — Israeli Nuclear Weapons: The Characters Who Enabled It

Brendan Devenney
32 min readOct 16, 2021


Throughout the 1950s, shortly after the Nakba, and not too long after Nagasaki and Hiroshima, zionists were already looking to build an atomic bomb.

David Ben-Gurion gave this initiative to Shimon Peres, the Ministry of Defense at the time.

They would do this under the guise of a “nuclear energy” program through a plant set up in the Negev, Dimona.

Shimon Peres wrote in a memoir:

“The bottom line, for me was that I would have to raise money ‘on the side’ to help pay for the reactor. We set up a discreet fund-raising operation, which raised contributions totaling more than $40 million — half the cost of the reactor and a very considerable sum in those days. Most of this money came from direct personal appeals by Ben-Gurion and myself to friends of Israel around the world.”

Remember that this interest in acquiring nuclear weapons (let’s not beat about the bush here) coincided with the “ringworm scandal” (Chapter 5) where the US had allocated $800-million and possibly even higher (in 1952 dollars) for this radiation experiment on Moroccan Jews that left at least 6000 dead. One of the first acts of the newly founded (in blood) “refuge of the Jews” was to blast radiation in to the skulls of thousands of them. Non-white Jews of course. The theater of the macabre.

According to historian of the Israeli nuclear program, Avner Cohen, the money was to be raised clandestinely, particularly in the US under the slogan “Please give us money for a most secret project to ensure the future survival of the Jewish people.”

Which was a sick joke knowing what we now know. And I know I’m jumping the gun at this point, but even now, in 2021, Israel has no nuclear power plants!

Israel sets up in the US

David Lowenthal was a businessman from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He grew up in the United States and went to Europe after the war to join the Haganah. During the 1948 war, he served in the armed forces under the command of Meir Amit, the future Mossad chief, who was well aware of Israel’s secret nuclear program.

He later served with Israeli military intelligence and Mossad from 1963 to 1968.

(Obituary: David Lowenthal / Innovative industrialist who helped Jews settle in Israel, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, March 2006)

In 1955, along with two other investors, David Lowenthal bought the dormant Apollo Steel Co. plant in Apollo, Armstrong County, and restarted its steel production.

Two years later, he sold company stock to help finance the creation of Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC)

The two other investors were Ivan Novick and Morton Chatkin. The former would go on to serve as national president of the Zionist Organization of America, in which Chatkin would also hold a leadership role.

(Stealing the Atom Bomb: How Denial and Deception Armed Israel, Roger Mattson)

I mean, seriously?

Lowenthal and his investors planned to develop a new product: nuclear fuel for use in commercial reactors.

Lowenthal hired Zalman Shapiro, a metallurgist then working for the Atomic Energy Commission, to run NUMEC. Within months of NUMEC’s founding, Shapiro had applied for and received a nuclear materials license from the AEC.

At the CIA, John Hadden would note the coincidence: The AEC issued its first license to handle highly enriched uranium to a private company financed by a group of active Zionists at a time when Israel was accelerating its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

NUMEC started processing highly enriched uranium at Apollo in 1959.

At that time, the U.S. government owned all supplies of the nuclear fuel, which private companies like NUMEC were allowed to use but had to return. Within a few years, worrisome signs appeared that the Apollo plant’s security and accounting were deficient — even by the lenient standards of the day. Enriched uranium was disappearing from the NUMEC operation with unusual frequency. Unexplained handling losses occurred at other commercial plants, but Apollo’s were proportionately larger.

In October 1965, the AEC estimated that 178 kilograms of highly enriched uranium had gone missing from the Apollo plant. By March 1968, the figure was 267 kilograms.

And that, John Hadden would conclude many years later, was the answer to his question: Where did Israel get its nuclear material? The Israelis had stolen highly enriched uranium for the Dimona reactor from NUMEC. The unexplained losses at the Apollo plant were the result of a heist.”

(“The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton” by Jefferson Morley)

Glenn T. Seaborg

Glenn T. Seaborg’s biography is impressive. He advised ten US presidents — from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton — on nuclear policy and was Chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission from 1961 to 1971, where he pushed for commercial nuclear energy and the peaceful applications of nuclear science. Throughout his career, Seaborg worked for arms control. He was a signatory to the Franck Report and contributed to the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Signed in 1968 and in put in force in 1970.

All of these noble principles were turned on their head when it came to Israel.

Seaborg enjoyed a close relationship with (zionist puppet) President Lyndon Johnson and influenced the administration to pursue the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Seaborg was called to the White House in the first week of the Nixon Administration in January 1969 to advise President Richard Nixon on his first diplomatic crisis involving the Soviets and nuclear testing. He clashed with Nixon presidential adviser John Ehrlichman over the treatment of a Jewish scientist, Zalman Shapiro, whom the Nixon administration suspected of leaking nuclear secrets to Israel.

(Adventures in the atomic age : from Watts to Washington

by Seaborg, Glenn Theodore.)

Let’s back up here. “Suspected of leaking”?

Abraham Feinberg, Democratic Party fundraiser, Israeli spy and David Ben-Gurion’s designated North American nuclear fund-raising coordinator, began courting Glenn T. Seaborg on behalf of the Weizmann Institute in the early 1950’s.

(Link to documentation: )

After becoming head of the Atomic Energy Commission during the Kennedy administration (appointed by JFK in 1961), Seaborg played a key role in derailing effective AEC and FBI criminal investigations into the Israeli theft of AEC bomb-grade U-235 from the NUMEC facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania (under the supervision of Zalman Shapiro). Upon leaving the AEC in 1971, Seaborg accepted Weizmann Institute chairman Abraham Feinberg’s invitation…to keynote the annual Waldorf Astoria event.

“During my tenure as Chairman of the AEC I was asked on numerous occasions whether I thought Israel was a nuclear power — or less euphemistically — did she have the bomb?…Now in retrospect, I often wished I had said, ‘Yes, she is a nuclear power, the kind that knows of, and makes use of, the atom’s power for peace.’”

— Glenn T. Seaborg

When the NUMEC uranium theft diversion investigation was rejuvenated by Attorney General Edward Levi in 1976, Seaborg refused to talk to FBI agents after DOE officials confirmed to him that traces of NUMEC U-235 had been recovered in Israel.

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JFK and Israeli nukes

It (allegedly) wouldn’t be until 1960 that US president Dwight Eisenhower got wind of the Diamond nuclear complex that was under way.

It occurred more than five years after Israel had made a secret national commitment to create a nuclear program aiming at providing an option to produce nuclear weapons; more than three years after Israel had signed its secret comprehensive nuclear bargain with France; and two years or more after Israel had begun the vast excavation and construction work at the Dimona site.

(Link to documents: )

Israel is engaged in construction of a nuclear reactor complex in the Negev near Beersheba…plutonium production for weapons is at least one major purpose of this effort…Israel will produce some weapons grade plutonium in 1963–64 and possibly as early as 1962.

Special National Intelligence Estimate — SNIE 100–8–60 from 8 December 1960

Secretary of State Christian Herter claimed that the Dimona reactor, being constructed with aid from France, could be capable of generating 90 kilogram of weapons-grade plutonium by 1963.

(Link to documentation: )

Kennedy pressured..David Ben-Gurion to prevent a military nuclear program, particularly after stage-managed tours of the Dimona facility for U.S. government scientists in 1961 and 1962.

By as early as 1961, David Ben Gurion was admitting what the nuclear program was intended for. And had no qualms about threatening to use them.

“for the time being, the only purposes [for Israel’s nuclear energy] are for peace. … but we will see what will happen in the Middle East. It does not depend on us”

(Ben-Gurion to JFK in 1961: Link: )

Remember that this was just a few years after the Suez Canal “crisis” (see Chapter 6) when the US faced zionist expansionist aims down. And the US had skirted around the idea of World War Three with Russia because of zionist recklessness. The sequence of events tells us that zionism was licking its lips at the thought of owning nuclear weapons and not having to rely on the US in any future military endeavour.

“Between 1961 and 1963, the Kennedy administration placed a great deal of pressure on Ben-Gurion in the effort to pressure for acceptance of international inspection of Dimona and Israeli abdication of their nuclear weapons. This pressure apparently did not alter Israeli policy, but it was a contributing factor to Ben-Gurion’s resignation in 1963.”

(Dr. Gerald M. Steinberg, political science professor at Bar-Ilan University’s BESA Center for Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv)

Eleven days after resigning Ben Gurion said:

“ I am confident … that science is able to provide us with the weapons that will serve the peace and deter our enemies.”

Was this the “atom’s power for peace” that Seaborg was talking about??

Putting nuclear weapons in the hands of paranoid sociopaths who had a short but very violent, war criminal history?

Beginning more than 50 years ago, and extending over the period from 1957 to 1978, according to official U.S. government records and studies, more than 300 kilograms of uranium 235 (U-235) in the form of highly enriched uranium (HEU) went missing from a nuclear fuel manufacturing plant in the small town of Apollo, Pennsylvania — Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) — The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) concluded in 1966 that there was about a 200-kilogram deficit between the U-235 in the form of HEU supplied to the plant and the amount returned in products to customers.

NU­MEC’s president, Zalman Shapiro..had many contacts with the Israeli government. Shapiro traveled fre­quently to Israel; NUMEC was a procure­ment and sales agent for the Israeli min­istry of defense; and the company was involved in a partnership, called ISORAD, with Israel’s nuclear organization to develop food irradiators, which involved sending large packages of radioactive sources to Israel.

Remember, this was going on as Ben-Gurion held his meeting with JFK.

According to an earlier interview report, NUMEC delivered a 600-pound package, listed as containing neutron sources, to El Al Airlines in December 1963 It turns out the AEC’s 1965 inven­tory showed that more REU went missing from the Apollo plant in 1963 than any other year.

This massive smuggling operation was carried out just three months after Kennedy’s assassination.

Shapiro revealed to investigative reporter Seymour Hersh that he knew Binyamin Blumberg, the head of LAKAM, Israel’s scientific intelligence operation.

Blumberg had around this same time recruited one Arnon Milchan who would in the late seventies supply nuclear triggers to Israel while becoming a famous Hollywood producer.

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AEC cover up

At a key February 1966 meeting in preparation for congressional testimony, AEC Assistant General Manager Howard Brown said the basic AEC position “should be” that it had “no evidence or suspi­cion that diversion had occurred.” Seaborg emphasized the desir­ability of stressing to the JCAE the “theory” presented by Brown that no diversion had taken place. This theory, in Brown’s opinion, made it unnecessary to formally involve the FBI — which had jurisdiction over all alleged or suspected criminal violations of the Atomic Energy Act

Clandestine U.S. environmental sampling around Israel’s nuclear weapons facility at Dimona had also de­tected minute traces of HEU that reportedly bore the signature of an enrichment plant in Portsmouth, Ohio.

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Seaborg was a zionist asset. The AEC was a compromised institution. Which institution wasn’t at this point in time?

In the spring of 1965, a technician working at the night shift at NUMEC went out on a loading dock for a breath of fresh air and saw an unusual sight. Zalman Shapiro was pacing on the dock while a foreman and truck driver loaded cylindrical storage containers, known as stovepipes, onto a flatbed truck.

The technician saw a clipboard indicating that the material was destined for Israel.

(The witness came forward in 1980 and gave this testimony to the FBI;

The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

Zalman Shapiro was (supposedly) under FBI investigation which revealed unusual meetings between Shapiro and known Israeli intelligence operatives.

Israeli scientific attaches, who were actually senior Israeli intelli­gence officers, frequently visited NUMEC. Shapiro later admitted that he met with the head of Israeli military intelligence in Israel.

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Earle Hightower, assistant director of safeguards at AEC, alleged that Seaborg’s close friendship with Shapiro meant NUMEC’s violations of AEC rules would largely be ignored.

We submitted report after report and it went nowhere. My immediate superior . . . would take it to the general manager and it generally died there because the general manager knew Seaborg would not do anything. It was frustrating.”

(Stealing the Atom Bomb: How Denial and Deception Armed Israel, Roger Mattson)

[An FBI interviewer noted Shapiro] “has expressed no allegiance to the United States but has stated he would fight for Israel and is believed to be seriously contemplating migrating to Israel within the next several years…”

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Not too long before JFK was assassinated, Levi Eshkol took over Ben Gurion’s role after he resigned due to JFK’s pressure. JFK sent him a letter (he wasn’t letting up):

“As I wrote Mr. Ben-Gurion, this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to the peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field.

Therefore, I asked our scientists to review the alternative schedules of visits we and you had proposed. If Israel’s purposes are to be clear beyond reasonable doubt, I believe that the schedule which would best serve our common purposes would be a visit early this summer, another visit in June 1964, and thereafter at intervals of six months. I am sure that such a schedule should not cause you any more difficulty than that which Mr. Ben-Gurion proposed in his May 27th letter. It would be essential, and I understand that Mr. Ben-Gurion’s letter was in accord with this, that our scientists have access to all areas of the Dimona site and to any related part of the complex, such as fuel fabrication facilities or plutonium separation plant, and that sufficient time be allotted for a thorough examination.”

(Link to documentation: )

While JFK was being given the runaround by Ben Gurion, Canadian Intelligence discovered that Israel had purchased yellowcake from Argentina during 1963–1964.

The Israeli government secretly acquired 80–100 tons of Argentine uranium oxide (“yellowcake”) for its nuclear weapons program, according to U.S. and British archival documents.

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JFK was assassinated soon after his correspondence with Eshkol. Zionist Lyndon Johnson stepped in and the issue was dropped. Make of that what you will. I have. And will discuss JFK’s assassination in the next chapter.

James Angleton (again)

Asher Ben-Natan, Angleton’s source dating back to the OSS days, was playing a key procurement role in the secret Israeli program to obtain nuclear weapons. Remember that Ben-Natan was one of those who recruited nazi war criminal Walter Rauff (Chapter 4).

Zionist asset James Angleton (Chapter 8) knew that the AEC and the FBI were investigating starting in 1965. As the Israel desk officer of the CIA, he talked about the NUMEC case with liaison agent Sam Papich who was monitoring the investigation for the FBI. He also spoke about it with his colleague John Hadden.

Hadden didn’t deny that Angleton had helped the Israeli nuclear program.

The fact they stole it from us didn’t worry him in the least, he went on. I suspect that in his inmost heart he would have given it to them if they had asked. Hadden knew better than to investigate any further. I never sent anything to Angleton on this — the nuclear program — because I knew he wasn’t interested, Hadden later told his son, and I knew he’d try to stop it if I did.”

(The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, Jefferson Morley)

Tad Szulc, the noted foreign correspondent, “quoted sources close to Angleton as saying that he had indeed secretly aided Israel with technical nuclear information during the late 1950's.”

Additionally, Seymour Hersh reported that Szulc’s report “fits in with something [Hersh] had been told by a high-level CIA official — that Angleton gave the Israelis similar technical information in the mid-1960s.”

(Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 89.)

The theft of HEU from the Apollo plant actually increased after the scam had been uncovered. And when I say “uncovered” I mean that it got to the point that it was so blatant.

“In 2001, the Energy Depart­ment reconstructed NUMEC’s “unaccounted for” losses of HEU throughout its operating history. Their analysis showed that the unexplained losses for the period between 1966 and 1968 were even larger than the ones discovered earlier, a matter that received little or no attention from the AEC, FBI, or any other agency. Ap­parently, everyone assumed that after the 1965 imbroglio and a 1967 change in plant ownership — it was bought by ARCO-secu­rity and material accounting at Apollo would have improved suf­ficiently so that any subsequent theft could be ruled out. However, Shapiro stayed on as president and kept his senior management team intact until he left the company in October 1970. Only when the Babcock and Wilcox Company (B&W) bought the plant in 1971 did accounting and protection practices come up to industry stan­dards.”

Even under (alleged) increased scrutiny, Shapiro felt comfortable increasing the rate of theft. Again, with the backdrop of the attack on the USS Liberty. When you see the backdrop to the USS Liberty, to be discussed, you’ll see exactly why zionists felt comfortable doing so.

Mossad’s visit

The large unexplained losses in the period from 1966 to 1968 coincided with the September 1968 visit to NUMEC by four Is­raeli intelligence operatives. In its request to AEC security to ap­prove the visitors, NUMEC identified the four as Rafael Eitan (“chemist, Ministry of Defense, Israel”); Avraham Bendor (“De­partment of Electronics, Israel”); Ephraim Biegun (“Department of Electronics, Israel”); and Avraham Hermoni (“scientific counsel­or, Israeli Embassy, Washington”).

Her­moni was the only one with any semblance of scientific credentials — he was scientific counselor at Israel’s em­bassy in Washington. But he also had been technical director of Israel’s nuclear bomb project at RAFAEL, Israel’s armament development authority, and he played an im­portant role in the Dimona project.

Unbelievably (or unsurprisingly?) the AEC admitted that Shapiro was “less than completely candid” — he lied through his teeth — in discussing his re­lationship with Israeli officials (Mossad), but that the commission “does not contemplate further action in this matter at this time.”

(Link to documentation: )

These visits occurred under FBI surveillance.

The Plumbatt Affair

A mere two months after Eitan, Bendor, Biegun, and Hermoni met with Shapiro in 1968:

In 1968, a merchant ship vanished for several days on the high seas en route from West Germany to Italy. When it reappeared, it had acquired a new name and flag, a new captain and crew, and its cargo of 200 tons of uranium, in drums mislabeled “Plumbat,” had disappeared. For nine years, the case of the phantom uranium ship remained one of the world’s best‐kept secrets, confined to a select group of nuclear officials, diplomats and intelligence agents. Its code name was “The Plumbat Affair.”

(The Plumbat Affair, New York Times, Paul Levanthal, April 30, 1978)

This incident was kept under wraps for a decade. So now we have Europe and the US covering this up. The fact that “nuclear officials” were aware? Which other entity in the world would get away with this?

Kissinger’s blessing

Richard Nixon became president in January, 1969. Kissinger became National Security Advisor that year and U.S. Secretary of State in 1973.

National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger…believed that, at the minimum, it would be sufficient for U.S. interests if Israel kept their nuclear activities secret. As he put on his draft memo to President Nixon on or around July 19, “public knowledge is almost as dangerous as possession itself.” Indeed, Nixon opposed pressure and was willing to tolerate Israeli nuclear weapons as long as they stayed secret.”

(Link to documentation:

“…top officials at the Pentagon were especially supportive of applying pressure on Israel [about their nuclear weapons]. On 14 July 1969, Deputy Secretary of Defense (and Hewlett-Packard co-founder) David Packard signed a truly arresting memorandum to Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, arguing that failure to exert such pressure “would involve us in a conspiracy with Israel which would leave matters dangerous to our security in their hands.”

In the end, Laird and Packard and others favoring pressure lost the debate. While National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger supported some of their ideas, he also believed that, at the minimum, it would be sufficient for U.S. interests if Israel kept their nuclear activities secret. As he put on his draft memo to President Nixon on or around July 19, “public knowledge is almost as dangerous as possession itself.” Indeed, Nixon opposed pressure and was willing to tolerate Israeli nuclear weapons as long as they stayed secret.”

(Link to documentation: )

Lyndon Johnson would tell his new Secretary of Defence, Paul Warnke, to “back off” the Israeli nuclear issue but the SoD had already warned his successor.

There was a very good chance of forcing Israel to sign the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). If anybody in this position were willing:

“Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Warnke, a Johnson Administration holdover who stayed on until the new secretary of defense, Melvin Laird, had installed a successor (G. Warren Nutter), wrote this memo to the Secretary to alert him to the new reality that Israel may already possess nuclear weapons or was very close to that point. After having concluded, in November, a long series of negotiations with Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin on the terms of the sale of F-4 Phantom jets to Israel, and trying unsuccessfully to link the sale with Israel’s signature of the Nonproliferation Treaty (and also based on some subsequent US intelligence), Warnke became convinced that Israel — for all practical purposes — had just become a de facto nuclear weapons state.

Kissinger’s approach was that as long as they kept their weapons program secret, it would not disturb the regional and international environment. As he put it, “Saying that we want to keep Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons from becoming an established international fact may come very close to describing what we really want in this case.”

During the Nixon administration, Henry Kissinger played a key role in crafting the US policy of “nuclear ambiguity” designed to keep Israel’s nuclear arsenal from ever becoming an “established international fact.” In 1969 Kissinger penned a classified strategy document, even noting the NUMEC uranium diversion. “There is circumstantial evidence that some fissionable material available for Israel’s weapons development was illegally obtained from the United States by about 1965.”

But while Kissinger and Nixon had many good policy options that could have reversed the Israeli nuclear program — especially by withholding US military equipment — they chose none of them. Instead they mandated that the US government would never officially acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons, if Israel never tested them or made their existence public. Shortly after stepping down as US Secretary of State in 1977, Henry Kissinger received a Weizmann Institute of Science honorary degree as a “messenger of peace” and “principal architect of international conciliation.”

(Link to document:

He was a zionist whore.

Quoting from this document:

Memorandum from Henry Kissinger to President Nixon, “Israeli Nuclear Program,” n.d., with enclosures dated 19 July 1969, Top Secret, excised copy:

4. In signing the contract for sale of the Phantom F-4 aircraft last December (of 1968) Israel, in a letter, committed itself not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the area. If The US stated in reply that circumstances requiring cancellation of the agreement would exist in the event of. “action inconsistent with your policy and agreement as set forth…”

5. We and Israel differ on what “introducing nuclear weapons” means. Ambassador Rabin believes only testing and making public the fact of possession constitute introduction. We stated in the exchange of letters confirming the Phantom sale that we consider “physical possession and control of nuclear arms to constitute introduction.”

6. Before negotiation of the sale, President Johnson and Secretary Rusk told Foreign Minister Eban we felt strongly about Israel’s signature on the NPT and stated that political discussions on this issue would precede negotiation. Later, after strong pressure from the Israeli government and approaches from American Jewish leaders, the President instructed Secretary Clifford (note: the same Clifford who hoodwinked Truman over recognition of Israel at the UN) to sell the planes without conditions. Since the Israelis had already given us the commitment not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in connection with the 1966 sale of the Skyhawk A-4 aircraft, Secretary Clifford permitted its repetition in the 1968 sale.

What was new in the 1968 talks was the inconclusive attempt to define the word “introduction”.

(Edit: the US had already defined what they meant by “introduction”. They weren’t allowed to have them! Kissinger is simply whoring himself, pretending that there is ambiguity here.)

7. No one in Congress is yet officially aware of the exchange of letters on Israel’s promise not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons or our reply. Nevertheless, the Administration might have to defend someday the delivery of a nuclear weapons carrier despite our intelligence and the exchange of letters at the time of the sale.

8. Delivery of the Phantoms is scheduled to begin in September, 1969. The planes are almost ready, and the Israelis have asked to begin taking delivery in August.

(Edit: the following is mindblowing in its contradictions)

-The Israelis, who are one of the few peoples whose survival is genuinely threatened, are probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.

— Because of these dangers, both we and the Russians might find it harder to stay aloof from conflicts in the Middle East.

Israeli acquisition of nuclear weapons would: Impose a substantial cost on US relations with Arabs and Soviets. Setback NPT efforts. Substantially increase the probability that someone will use nuclear weapons in anger. Increase the risk of Soviet- US confrontation. Make a political settlement all but impossible.

End quote.

….by assuring the Israelis that the United States would always provide them with a military edge over the Arabs, Johnson guaranteed the escalation of an arms race . . . Third, by refusing to follow the advice of his aides that America make its delivery of nuclear-capable F-4 Phantoms conditional on Israel’s signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Johnson gave the Israelis the impression that America had no fundamental objection to Israel’s nuclear program.

(Passionate Attachment, former Undersecretary of State George Ball)

So, the usual “out of our hands” mantra at a time when military equipment and “aid” were pouring in to zionist pockets. Equipment and aid that, if it had been denied them, would have put them in an impossible position. They could have nipped their nuclear program in the bud, but they’d invested so much lies and covering up, why would they?

By 1974, as if we didn’t know already, the CIA “found” that Israel already had a nuclear stockpile.

(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book №240)

But it was the first unambiguous statement on the whole affair.

We believe that Israel already has produced nuclear weapons” — CIA

(Link to documentation: )

Israel and South Africa

Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. Two global pariahs scratching each other’s backs.

Secret apartheid-era papers give first official evidence of Israeli nuclear weapons.

Secret South African documents revealed that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state’s possession of nuclear weapons.

(The memos and minutes that confirm Israel’s nuclear stockpile, The Guardian, Chris McGreal, 23 May, 2010)

The “top secret” minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa’s defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel’s defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them “in three sizes”. The two men also signed a broad-ranging agreement governing military ties between the two countries that included a clause declaring that “the very existence of this agreement” was to remain secret.

The documents show both sides met on 31 March 1975. Polakow-Suransky writes in his book published in the US this week, The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s secret alliance with apartheid South Africa. At the talks Israeli officials “formally offered to sell South Africa some of the nuclear-capable Jericho missiles in its arsenal”.

Among those attending the meeting was the South African military chief of staff, Lieutenant General RF Armstrong. Armstrong writes:

In considering the merits of a weapon system such as the one being offered, certain assumptions have been made: That the missiles will be armed with nuclear warheads manufactured in RSA (Republic of South Africa) or acquired elsewhere.”

But South Africa was years from being able to build atomic weapons. A little more than two months later, on 4 June, Peres and Botha met in Zurich. By then the Jericho project had the codename Chalet.

The top secret minutes of the meeting record that:

Minister Botha expressed interest in a limited number of units of Chalet subject to the correct payload being available.” The document then records: “Minister Peres said the correct payload was available in three sizes. Minister Botha expressed his appreciation and said that he would ask for advice.” The “three sizes” are believed to refer to the conventional, chemical and nuclear weapons.

The use of a euphemism, the “correct payload”, reflects Israeli sensitivity over the nuclear issue and would not have been used had it been referring to conventional weapons. It can also only have meant nuclear warheads as Armstrong’s memorandum makes clear South Africa was interested in the Jericho missiles solely as a means of delivering nuclear weapons.

In addition, the only payload the South Africans would have needed to obtain from Israel was nuclear. The South Africans were capable of putting together other warheads.

South Africa eventually built its own nuclear bombs, albeit possibly with Israeli assistance. But the collaboration on military technology only grew over the following years. South Africa also provided much of the yellowcake uranium that Israel required to develop its weapons.

Documents seized by Iranian students from the US embassy in Tehran after the 1979 revolution revealed the Shah expressed an interest to Israel in developing nuclear arms. But the South African documents offer confirmation Israel was in a position to arm Jericho missiles with nuclear warheads.

Israel pressured the present South African government not to declassify documents obtained by Polakow-Suransky. “The Israeli defence ministry tried to block my access to the Secment agreement on the grounds it was sensitive material, especially the signature and the date,” he said. “The South Africans didn’t seem to care; they blacked out a few lines and handed it over to me. The ANC government is not so worried about protecting the dirty laundry of the apartheid regime’s old allies.”

(Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons, The Guardian, Chris McGeal, May 24, 2010)

It was never “ambiguous”

In 1976, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission was informed by the CIA that Israel had nuclear weapons and told them about the “NUMEC Affair”.

NRC Chairman William Anders in Febru­ary 1976 invited CIA Deputy Director Carl Duckett to brief about a dozen senior NRC officials. Instead of dismissing the rumors, Duck­ett stunned his audience by telling them that the CIA believed Israel had illegally obtained HEU from a fuel-processing plant run by the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) in Apol­lo, Pennsylvania, and that Israel used this HEU for its first bombs.(Both coauthors worked at the NRC at the time and were involved in one or another aspect of the NUMEC affair-one as a commis­sioner who attended the CIA briefing and the other as the head of a task force charged with developing the NRC’s response to Conran.)

(Revisiting the NUMEC affair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, VICTOR GILINSKY & ROGER J. MATTSON, March 2010)

In September 1979, Israel and South Africa tested a nuclear weapon off the southern coast of Africa:

Hersh…quotes a number of prominent members of the Nuclear Intelligence Panel who had examined the VELA data and concluded it was a nuclear test, but were ordered not to discuss it publicly. In particular, the chairman of the panel, Donald Kerr, who had been acting director of defense programs at the Department of Energy, told Hersh, “We had no doubt it was a bomb”.

On April 20, 1997, an article in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz quoted South African Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad as confirming that the VELA event was a nuclear test.

The article said that Israel had helped South Africa develop its bomb designs in return for 500 tons of uranium and other assistance.

Although Pahad later claimed his statement had been taken out of context, the Ha’aretz article was referenced in a July 11, 1997 Los Alamos Laboratory newsletter under the headline: “Blast from the past: Lab scientists receive vindication”. This referred to earlier work by the laboratory concluding that a nuclear test had taken place on September 22, 1979. Dave Simons of the Nonproliferation and Arms Control Research and Development division said: “The whole federal laboratory community came to the conclusion that the data indicated a bomb”, and that “we were quite thoroughly convinced of our interpretation”

(Israel’s 1979 Nuclear Test and the U.S. Government’s Attempt to Cover It Up, Leonard Weiss, Visiting Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University, March 11, 2011)

Israeli theft of nuclear triggers from the US


FBI files detailing Israel’s stealth acquisition of U.S. nuclear triggers were declassified and released on Dec. 28, 2011. The FBI’s secret Portland and Los Angeles inter-office communications were originally scheduled for release in the year 2036.

Their availability today reveals how Israel’s elite spy networks acquire U.S. nuclear technologies while evading criminal and diplomatic consequences.

A krytron is a gas-filled tube used as a high-speed switch. U.S. State Department munitions licenses are needed to export krytrons because they can be used as triggers for nuclear weapons. California-based MILCO International Inc. shipped 15 orders totaling 800 krytrons through an intermediary to the Israeli Ministry of Defense between 1979 and 1983. MILCO obtained the krytrons from EG&G Inc. After the U.S. government rejected several requests for krytron export licenses to Israel, Arnon Milchan’s Heli Trading Company brokered the transactions with MILCO. Milchan is an Israeli movie producer who became successful in Hollywood for such movies as Brazil, JFK, and Pretty Woman.

Arnon Milchan is a close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres and Ariel Sharon.

“The FBI file reveals that after the illicit krytron exports were discovered, a U.S. attorney tried to flip MILCO President Richard Kelly Smyth to implicate Milchan during intense plea bargaining. The gambit failed, and in May 1984 Smyth was indicted on 30 counts of smuggling and making false statements. Smyth and his wife promptly fled to Israel and remained at large until captured in Malaga, Spain, in July 2001 after Richard Smyth applied for Social Security benefits. INTERPOL arrested Smyth and extradited him to the United States, where he pleaded guilty to violating the U.S. Arms Export Control Act. In November 2001, Smyth was sentenced to 40 years in prison and fined $20,000, though he was freed within four years because of his advancing age.

Rafael Eitan (former head of Mossad and war criminal) and Binyamin Blumberg (head of LAKAM) recruited MILCHAN in the 60s. Both were involved in the NUMEC Affair.

Milchan’s company was used from early 70s for clandestine operations including hi-tech military/nuclear weapon parts sales.

In 1985, a federal grand jury was convened in Los Angeles to investigate potentially related Atomic Energy Act and Arms Export Control Act violations, but no charges were ever filed against Milchan or those who secretly helped Smyth flee and who covered his living expenses abroad.

A 2011 biography called Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon Arnon Milchan claims that Milchan was recruited into Israel’s LAKAM economic espionage unit in his 20s and became a key operative for Benjamin Blumberg (head of LAKAM) and Rafi Eitan (who ran Jonathan Pollard and infiltrated NUMEC). Milchan is also the close confidant of Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to the book, Blumberg himself taught Milchan how to establish front companies and secret bank accounts to launder millions in commissions obtained during LAKAM and Mossad arms transactions. In turn, it was Milchan who encouraged Smyth in 1972 to incorporate MILCO and share profits on export sales to his Tel Aviv–based Milchan Brothers company. Milchan Brothers received purchase orders from Blumberg and sent them on via secure telex to Smyth.

MILCO did 80% of its business with Milchan, including shipments of other dual-use technologies useful to Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program such as gyroscopes, neutron generators, high-speed oscilloscopes, and computerized flight control systems.

According to the book, after Smyth was ordered to appear before a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, LAKAM issued a burn notice. Milchan claimed, “I felt bad, but I was ordered to cut all contact with Smyth.” Milchan still officially denies any involvement in MILCO/Heli’s krytron smuggling.

The FBI records reveal ongoing interest in Milchan into the mid-1990s. In 1992, a confidential informant relayed details of Milchan’s ties to Smyth. The declassified but heavily redacted “secret” communications reveal the Bureau’s fascination with Milchan, from his 1996 entry in Who’s Who to A-list associates such as Robert De Niro and an unsavory Iran-Contra operative.

Like the NUMEC case, the krytron caper benefited from flawed elite news coverage that today seems superficial if not suspicious.

The declassified details of Smyth’s and Milchan’s flight, elite influence networks, and near complete lack of accountability over the krytron case fits neatly into a larger emerging set of attributes common to many major Israeli espionage efforts in the United States. As happened during NUMEC’s diversion of weapons-grade nuclear material to Israel, apparently more time was spent exploring Milchan’s elite connections than figuring out how to indict LAKAM’s nuclear technology operative. As in the case of the Lawrence Franklin AIPAC espionage affair, the mysterious figures who offered to spirit the main operative out of the United States to overseas safe houses were never apprehended or even publicly identified.

According to author Avner Cohen, Israeli President Shimon Peres was a key architect of Israel’s nuclear weapons program from its very beginning. In 2010, scholar Sasha Polakow-Suransky released secret documents revealing how Peres even offered to sell nuclear-tipped Jericho missiles to the foundering apartheid regime in South Africa. That is why this summer, when Obama personally awards Peres a Presidential Medal of Freedom, he’ll be conferring America’s highest civilian award to the Middle East’s most notorious nuclear proliferator.

(Israel’s Nuclear Triggers, Grant Smith, AntiWar.Com, March 2012)

Netanyahu was part of the Milchan smuggling ring

FBI agents interviewed Smyth on April 16–17, 2002, at the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles. The secret interview report details how during a trip to Israel Smyth was “spotted” by Milchan, who claimed he worked as an exclusive purchasing agent for the Ministry of Defense. Smyth was introduced around to high military officials including then-general Ariel Sharon.

Smyth was also put in contact with Benjamin Netanyahu, who worked at Heli Trading Company. According to the FBI report, “Smyth and [Netanyahu] would meet in restaurants in Tel Aviv and in [Netanyahu’s] home and/or business. It was not uncommon for [Netanyahu] to ask Smyth for unclassified material.”

A March 2012 statement by the co-authors of Confidential claims that “Hollywood mega-producer and former secret agent Arnon Milchan has been asked directly by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres to avoid any public discussion of the book Confidential, asserting that the matter is too sensitive at this time.”

(Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring, Grant Smith,, July 4, 2012)

Mordechai Vanunu

Mordechai Vanunu, aged 34, gave the Sunday Times details of his eight years employment at the top-secret Dimona nuclear research centre in the Negev desert. The paper concluded that Israel ranked as the world’s sixth nuclear power and possessed as many as 200 atomic warheads.

(Revealed: the secrets of Israel’s nuclear arsenal, Sunday Times, October 5, 1986)

Vanunu took images inside Dimona.

(Link to Vanunu’s blog: )

Present day

It keeps adding up (as if more proof were needed..)

Israel has at LEAST 6 submarines with nuclear warhead capabilities.

The Germans know that the submarines are to be equipped with nuclear warheads.

(Israel’s newest submarine leaves Germany, bound for Haifa, Times of Israel, December 17, 2015; Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines, Spiegel, 03 June 2012)

President Jimmy Carter is on record as saying:

“The US has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union (sic) has about the same; Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more,” — Jimmy Carter, 2006

(‘Israel ‘has 150 nuclear weapons’, BBC online, 26 May, 2008)

Former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert made this comment the same year:

Prime minister Ehud Olmert was sharply criticised in israel when he accidentally acknowledged possession of nuclear weapons in an interview on german tV (12 december 2006), by talking about iran “aspiring to have nuclear weapons, like America, France, Israel and Russia

(Calls for Olmert to resign after nuclear gaffe, The Guardian, 13 December, 2006)

The Coup de Grace — straight from the horse’s mouth

“This particular 12-minute interview segment concerns one such episode. It involves the story of the small ministerial consultation that took place in Prime Minister Golda Meir’s office on the early afternoon of the second day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. 7 October was arguably the most difficult day of the war, when Defense Minister Moshe Dayan proposed to the prime minister and her close advisors that Israel begin preparing its nuclear weapons for a demonstration blast.” [25][26]

[Note: the author goes on a rant through zio-tinted glasses about “Israeli restraint” but MY bottom line in presenting this video is that the interview shows that they had nuclear weapons]

(Links to journalist and interview: )


John F Kennedy was surrounded by zionist vultures. Abe Feinberg, Arthur Krim (Democrat fundraiser and husband of “former” Irgun member Mathilde Krim, to be discussed), LB Johnson, James Jesus Angleton, to name but a few. In 1961 he appointed Glenn T. Seaborg as chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission. Seaborg had been groomed from at least the 1950s by Abe Feinberg to buy the zionist sob story (or blackmailed, or paid..) and serve Israeli interests by the time he achieved a position to do so.

During the same time period, a former Haganah operative (later a Mossad agent) and two officials of the Zionist Organization of America (as was Johnson’s aunt, remember) operated a uranium extraction plant which was founded by Israeli loyalist Zalman Shapiro.

Feinberg, Krim, Seaborg, Shapiro and Kissinger would all be connected at some point with the Weizmann Institute.

Alarm bells surely? No. Not when the head of counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, was a zionist too.

And if true, Eisenhower had been kept in the dark at all levels throughout the fifties, about Israel’s nuclear program. Only finding out (allegedly) when his term in office was coming to an end. JFK must have been like a stone in the zionist shoe when he started pushing the issue.

By 1963, JFK had turned the screw so tightly on the Israeli nuclear program that Ben Gurion felt it. Even making threats about using nuclear weapons (which they supposedly didn’t have), and resigning his position. When Levi Eshkol replaced him, JFK still pushed for inspections. Then JFK was assassinated. And the floodgates opened. Make of that what you will.

The USS Liberty incident (to be discussed) exposed the Zionist infiltration at the heart of the US government. Even when the sailors of the USS Liberty weren’t cold in their graves, the theft of uranium at the NUMEC plant accelerated. Investigations were thwarted by Seaborg who would during the same era, be hypocritically pushing for the NPT agreement which Israel is apparently exempt from.

Johnson would also demand the nuclear issue be dropped even as he was moving out of office — after having set the wheels in motion for massive increases in military aid. To add to the blatant zionist arrogance, Angleton was thrown a birthday party in Israel just months after the Liberty incident.

Israel would resort to piracy and steal even more uranium while their main Mossad agents swanned about the NUMEC plant. Both incidents happened under Seaborg’s watch. The former incident being kept secret for ten years. Both incidents happened while Seaborg was seeking the NPT Treaty!

When Nixon and Kissinger, another important zionist infiltrator, stepped in to place (along with Kissinger’s protege and Israeli spy, Helmut Sonnenfeld — to be discussed), it was more of the same. While the NPT Treaty was being negotiated, Kissinger, in the face of the Israeli nuclear weapons program being so blatantly obvious, decided to play the “ambiguity” card.

Johnson had promised Israel F4 Warrior jets alongside the rest of the military hardware on its way there. Instead of tying these (nuclear warhead capable) jets to more transparency over their nuclear capabilities, the Israelis came back at them with cryptic messages over the grammar used in discussions. How many times have zionists said one thing and then twisted and strangled the language to suit themselves?

Kissinger outlined all of the negative effects of allowing the Israeli nuclear program to go unchecked, and I quote (again, because it’s worth repeating):

“-The Israelis, who are one of the few peoples whose survival is genuinely threatened, are probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.

— Because of these dangers, both we and the Russians might find it harder to stay aloof from conflicts in the Middle East.

Israeli acquisition of nuclear weapons would: Impose a substantial cost on US relations with Arabs and Soviets. Setback NPT efforts. Substantially increase the probability that someone will use nuclear weapons in anger. Increase the risk of Soviet- US confrontation. Make a political settlement all but impossible.“

They still delivered the jets, giving up any leverage they had, and continued with the “ambiguity” nonsense. This was always the plan.

Israel has broken every rule in the book. Even when investigators unanimously identified the joint nuclear weapon test carried out by South Africa, the event was still denied. And when Arnon Milchan was 100% fingered as being the lynchpin behind the smuggling of nuclear triggers, it didn’t matter. He still swans about Hollywood, even going on to write a book admitting his involvement. Nothing.

Seaborg’s ridiculous dismissal of Israel’s intentions as being “peaceful”with their nuclear weapon program is all too clear to see as the sham that it is when Israel, to this very day, has no nuclear power stations! The man charged with controlling the nuclear arms race went out of his way to make sure that this sociopathic entity was armed to the teeth!

The catalyst for the rollercoaster of zionist abuse of international law began when John F Kennedy was removed. We have to look closely at his assassination. Don’t be distracted or fooled by the “conspiracy theorist” or “antisemitic” label. You read the next chapters, and tell me if I’m off target.

