My Depression Story: How I Overcame It and How You Can Too

Understanding depression can be hard for those who haven’t felt it. But lost in the darkness of my depression, I found the courage to seek help from a supportive teacher. I started a journey to heal, facing the pain from my past. Exploring myself in Australia helped me find hope. Today, I share my story with the hope of inspiring others.

Duc Tran Le Viet
4 min readMar 6, 2024
Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash
  1. How It All Began
    In 2011, right before I graduated high school, things started getting tough. I felt like everything was spinning out of control. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by sadness, loneliness, and feeling empty inside. It was like there was a heavy weight on my mind, and all the happiness I used to feel at school was gone. I used to be a good student, but now I felt like I couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. Looking back, I think the stress was so much that it led to depression, bringing up things I hadn’t dealt with yet. During that time, I was always on sick leave, stuck in my dark room, not even feeling hungry. My parents and friends were really worried about me, but they didn’t know how to help.
  2. The Dark Chapter: A Battle Against Depression
    During that tough time, I found the courage to go back to school one day. And it was then that my teacher became a ray of hope for me, and I’m still thankful to him today. That moment was a big change and the first step towards feeling better. Recognizing my distress he asked me to stay after class. We went to a nearby café and then to see a psychologist together. That was the start of my therapy. After that, I had sessions every week with a psychologist, a therapist, and a doctor who gave me medicine for depression. In those sessions, I started to deal with things from my past.
  3. The Roots of Darkness: Unearthing the Causes of Depression
    When I was four years old, my parents and I flew to Vietnam. One morning, I woke up to realize they were gone. They had left me with my grandmother and flown back to Germany. That year, I didn’t speak a word to them. The disappointment and hurt I felt were overwhelming. I missed them but couldn’t forgive them. It wasn’t until therapy that I learned their decision was rooted in uncertainty about their legal status in Germany. As migrant workers, they weren’t sure if they could stay, so they sent me to Vietnam first to learn the language and integrate better. When everything was in order, they brought me back. This trauma shaped me unconsciously, and it wasn’t until therapy that I truly understood it.
  4. The Journey of Self-Discovery: A Path to Healing
    During my therapy, I realized that my learning wasn’t driven by my own desires, but rather by the desire to gain approval from my parents. The deep-seated fear of being abandoned again and the worry that my parents wouldn’t love me if I wasn’t a good student shaped my motivation. Yet, I was determined to overcome my depression. I worked hard alongside my psychologist and therapist. We delved deep into my feelings and motivations.
    The decision to travel to Australia wasn’t just a step towards self-healing, but also a response to my inability to cope with the suffering of my loved ones. As someone who doesn’t want others to suffer because of my own pain, I sought a way to overcome my depression in an environment that didn’t burden my loved ones unnecessarily. There, far from my familiar surroundings, I could focus entirely on myself. A year in Australia brought me freedom and the opportunity to discover my true self. New encounters, positive experiences, and the chance to fully concentrate on my own recovery helped me overcome my depression. This experience taught me that one’s own willpower and self-reflection are powerful tools not only for personal growth but also for strengthening relationships with others.
  5. Emerging from the Darkness: A Light at the End of the Tunnel
    Today, I stand here as a survivor of my own darkness. I have learned that it is possible to conquer depression, and that even in the darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope to be found. I have found the path to healing and want to encourage others to embark on this journey as well.
  6. Encouraging and Supporting Others: Walking the Path Together
    From personal experience, I know how deep the darkness of depression can be. But I’ve also learned that there’s a way out of this dark valley. Even in the most desperate moments, there’s a spark of hope waiting to be ignited. I share my story not to impress, but to encourage others and let them know that they’re not alone.
    If you find yourself in a deep pit of depression right now, I want you to know: You are not alone. Even when the darkness feels overwhelming, there are people out there who understand and want to help you. It’s okay to ask for help. It takes courage to take the first step, whether it’s talking to friends and family, seeking professional support, or joining a support group.
    You have the strength to overcome your depression, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You deserve love, understanding, and support on your journey to recovery. Hang in there, even when the path is rough, because it will get better. Remember that there’s always hope, even if you can’t see it right now. You are strong, you are valuable, and you are not alone.
    It’s important to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to healing from depression. Each of us is unique, so the path to recovery may look different for each person. Don’t be discouraged if your journey looks different from others. What matters is that you take care of yourself and embark on your own journey to healing.



Duc Tran Le Viet

Writing about my personal life stories. Realitionships, mental health, growth and more.