The Impact of Technology on Time Perception and Management

Dudley Gann
5 min readDec 15, 2023


There are few expressions that evoke more weariness in me today than the assertion that “technology has had a profound impact on daily life” — at this point, the phrase should be as obvious to anyone as the fact that the sky is blue. From the transformative power of smartphones to the sweeping changes in communication, work, and entertainment, it is safe to say the narrative has been thoroughly explored.

However, I must admit that the saturation of discussions on this topic does accurately reflect the ubiquity of technological advancements and their pervasive influence. Therefore, the challenge lies not in dismissing the idea, but in delving deeper into the nuanced consequences and complexities that arise from this omnipresence. Acknowledging the profound impact may have become a given, but a more nuanced exploration of the multifaceted ways in which technology shapes our behaviors, relationships, and societal structures could offer a richer understanding of its role in our daily lives.

Over the course of my career, I have come to recognize a pattern in how technology has shifted our perception of time. The constant connectivity afforded by smartphones, the instant access to information, and the ever-accelerating pace of digital interactions have blurred the lines between work and leisure, challenging our conventional understanding of the concept. Recognizing and acknowledging these shifts is a crucial aspect of navigating the modern world, both within your career and outside of it.

The acceleration of pace

Technology has been the driving force behind the acceleration of the pace of modern life. The speed and instant access provided by technologies like smartphones and high-speed internet have significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to complete important tasks. As a result, our day-to-day activities have become faster and more immediate, leading to an overall perception of rapidity or quickness in our daily lives.

Additionally, constant connectivity and instant communication have significantly altered our perception of time. People now have the ability to interact and exchange messages without being limited by distance — the usual constraints related to time zones or physical locations no longer apply. As a result, we as a society have developed a perception that time is always critical, emphasizing a continuous need to be available or responsive.

Despite the increased efficiency gained from technological tools, there has been a paradoxical consequence. These streamlined processes and quick capabilities have led to a heightened perception of time pressure — the more efficient the technology makes us, the more urgency or pressure we feel to accomplish tasks swiftly. The speed and immediacy facilitated by technology have created expectations for swift responses, fast decision-making, and a constant flow of information.

Distractions and “time sink”

This topic has already been endlessly explored and heavily researched by people far more knowledgeable than I, so I will be brief and to the point: social media and continuous notifications are notable sources of interruptions and diversions that can affect one’s focus and attention. It has been proven that social media platforms are designed to keep users continuously engaged, and they often become inadvertent inefficiencies as we navigate endless feeds, photos, and updates. Notifications, whether from messaging apps or email, create a continuous stream of interruptions, beckoning users to divert their attention from the task at hand.

The frequent disruptions that are naturally present in the digital era have had a substantial effect on both concentration and how time is distributed or used. The perpetual buzz of notifications fragments attention, making it difficult to sustain concentration on a single task. Not to mention the cognitive cost of switching between activities due to interruptions, which can lead to decreased productivity and a sense of time lost. Our society has long-exalted multitasking, but the reality is that frequent interruptions may hinder rather than enhance our ability to manage time effectively.

The concept of “time sink” activities encapsulates endeavors that consume a disproportionate amount of time relative to their perceived value. These activities often manifest through seemingly innocuous engagements, such as scrolling through social media or endlessly checking emails. Despite their apparent harmlessness, they can accumulate into substantial time drains, negatively impacting overall productivity. Understanding and mitigating the allure of time sink activities is crucial to reclaiming lost time and optimizing one’s productivity in the face of pervasive technological distractions.

Cognitive effects

As I mentioned previously, multitasking has historically been categorized as a desirable skill, but in recent years has begun to be viewed through a more critical lens. The constant influx of information and the temptation to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously can overload our cognitive resources. Research is showing that juggling between various activities can compromise the quality of our attention and the effectiveness of our decision-making processes. The allure of notifications, instant messages, and the perpetual connectivity offered by smartphones can impact the ability to allocate time judiciously, as constant interruptions may result in a scattered approach to tasks, ultimately affecting the overall quality of time management.

The pervasive use of technology introduces a psychological phenomenon known as decision fatigue. The continuous need to make choices, from responding to emails to selecting from an array of digital options, can deplete our cognitive resources. Decision fatigue — the decline in the quality of decisions after a series of choices — becomes pronounced in the digital context. As we navigate a barrage of options and information, the mental wear and tear associated with decision-making may adversely impact their ability to manage time effectively and make sound judgments.

Future trends

As we look toward the future, emerging technologies are poised to reshape the landscape of time management. Innovations such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) present exciting possibilities. AR and VR can revolutionize remote collaboration and learning, offering immersive experiences that transcend geographical barriers. The IoT, with its interconnected devices, has the potential to automate routine tasks and provide real-time insights into various aspects of our lives.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in particular stand as transformative forces with profound implications for future time perception. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to generate insights and predictions, aiding individuals in making informed decisions about how to allocate their time. Automation, particularly in the workplace, has the potential to streamline tasks, freeing up time for more complex and creative endeavors. However, the integration of AI and automation also raises similar questions to previous technological advancements about the potential blurring of work-life boundaries and the need for individuals to adapt to evolving expectations. Navigating the ethical, social, and personal dimensions of these technologies will be essential in shaping a future where time is managed with both efficiency and mindfulness.

Mindfulness as the antidote

Take a moment to assess how technology currently influences your time allocation and productivity. Are there areas where you can be more intentional in your digital engagements? Can you implement tools or strategies to enhance organization and task prioritization? Be mindful of how you engage with digital tools, setting clear boundaries and embracing productivity-enhancing technologies. Consider this a call to action — an invitation to proactively manage your relationship with technology in a way that aligns with your goals and values.



Dudley Gann

Dudley Gann is an entrepreneur and strategist in the field of green technology.