How to handle stuff when it doesn’t go the way you want?

Dudu Vien
2 min readSep 20, 2018


Go with the flow

Things happened uncontrollably. People tend to think that they can drive anything to happen in the way they wanted.

When an event pops up in our life, we always try to image out the possibilities. We do not know that while mapping those possible cases, our fear and worry on uncertainty will interfere the options we gonna take.

The fear we have is to lose the level of comfortable we currently have. Our mind is a security mechanism where it will prevent us to “harm” ourselves. It’s normal for our brain to derive uncertainty to be appeared as a “weapon” which might bring a certain level of harm to us. So, when we are being offered to try something new or to change our usual routine or methods of doing stuff, we tend to have a barrier in accepting it. No matter how open-minded you are, in some way, your mind tend to map negative possible results.

When you start to fear in changes, that’s mean you are too comfort now.

That’s no way for us to completely change the way of our mind works but what we can do is try to go with the flows. When the mapping of possibilities in our mind is done, categories them into two group – What I Gained and What I Lost.

If the ratio is about to 5:5 or 6:4, it’s time for you to go with the flow.

