Josiah Dueñes
1 min readOct 13, 2020

Busyness is like a sin, kill it or it will be killing you. I, like many others fall into a predictable pattern of getting overwhelmed by a few big projects and then adding on a few more little ones because I am apparently not busy enough. I start to feel crushed by the daily grind and swear something has to change. Once things calm down, the cycle starts again, and the oath is forgotten.

This starts to kill not only our joy, but everyone’s joy. Think about it. We get so busy we aren’t happy, our loved ones and family aren’t happy, and clients or others we made promises too aren’t happy.

“Our lives should be marked by joy (Phil. 4:4), taste like joy (Gal. 5:22), and be filled with the fullness of joy (John 15:11).”- Kevin DeYoung, Crazy Busy

Josiah Dueñes

I am a curious designer and artist. I am a brand strategist / UI/UX designer by day and a photographer/artist by night.