Digital Entrepreneur of the Year

2 min readJun 18, 2018


Duesday CEO & co-founder Marcus Kern wins an award at the Cornwall EDGE Awards 1 Dec 2017

Duedsay co-founder and CEO Marcus Kern won the Cornwall Digital Entrepreneur of the Year award at the inaugural 2017 Cornwall Live EDGE Awards to highlight and promote Cornwall’s best and brightest digital stars.

At the heart of the event, in association with Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Hub and Skills Hub, was a desire to show that behind the pasties and Poldark image of Cornwall, there are some world-leading businesses being developed here.

The awards celebrated some of the entrepreneurs who’ve chosen to live and work here in Cornwall are attracting and retaining world-class talent, as well as showcasing the work being done in schools and colleges and by volunteers to train and retain the stars of the future.

Twelve categories celebrated a broad range of digital expertise, from the best in game development, video and animation production, to community use of digital media, plus digital media companies, inspirational teachers and entrepreneurs.

Marcus Kern, CEO & Co-Founderfounder of Duesday, said the company now employs 14 staff but is looking to double that number in 2018 to cope with demand for the software and app they created which is set to revolutionise the way people pay their bills.

Duesday CEO & co-founder Marcus Kern

He said: “Duesday will change the way we pay our bills. It’s been created in South East Cornwall which is something we’re proud of yet it is available anywhere in the UK.”

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Changing the way we pay our recurring bills forever, giving you back control to pay your direct debits, all living snug in our free App. 👉