11 min readApr 15, 2018


When Barack Obama won the presidency in November of 2008, I was quite disheartened. Here was a leftist radical that came out of nowhere to occupy the highest office in the land.

I believed he was indeed a radical leftist because he had purportedly consorted with domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground; perhaps his most influential child-hood mentor was FBI tracked communist activist, Frank Marshall Davis; The Black Liberation Theologian, Reverend Wright, had officiated the Obamas’ wedding. This was the man who screamed “No, no, no, not God bless America! God damn America — that’s in the Bible — for killing innocent people” and 9/11 was America’s “chickens coming home to roost!”

Obama had also written some troubling things in his books. In one passage, he racialized people with comments such as “That’s just how white folks will do you.” In another, he said “I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints.”



In 1998 at Loyola University, Obama had actually brazenly admitted to believing in redistribution; In 2008, Michelle Obama had said we actually have to change our traditions and history; and just before the election, Obama has said “We are five days away from FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” And here I was thinking America was fundamentally good — the best country in the World in fact.

So clearly Obama represented a new radicalism in America, and opposition was said to be based merely on race. Ironically, there was only one comfort I took in his victory: he was black. Indeed, I thought we might finally put our racist history behind us in America. I took comfort in knowing black children in America could now envision themselves as becoming President of the United States. However, Obama’s race was not to be used as a uniting force in America; it was instead used as a cudgel with which to whack every opponent and criticism of the left and its policies.

I assumed America had just rejected the Bush era hardships, liked the idea of our first black President and was conned into believing in Obama’s lofty rhetoric. I assumed Americans would realize Obama represented radical beliefs and policies and that this would be merely a four year bump in the road.

However, when Obama won re-election in November of 2012, I became demoralized and disillusioned with our country. I realized that indeed, America had begun to fundamentally change — for the worst. Radical leftism had been normalized; the media had become a leftist propaganda arm; and America had allowed the left to artificially divide it by race, gender and class.

The left was characterizing everyone on the right as one kind of hater or another, and the right began to resent not only the accusations themselves, but the fact that their every policy criticism was now tantamount to an act of racism, sexism, financial greed or some phobia. Indeed, the right began to seriously resent the left as a result, and the left used that resentment as further evidence of the right again being guilty of racism, sexism, financial greed and a myriad of phobias.

I am over forty years old and have lived in every region of the country. In all that time, I have known or suspected probably three people of harboring racial animus towards black people. Yet according to the average leftist, my opposition to radical left-wing policies equals one kind of bigotry or another, even if I am not conscious of it.

These days, mere opposition to left-wing policies implies racism. Well done Obama. And having accomplished this is one reason I find Obama so reprehensible. It’s an accomplishment worthy of a Third World dictator. But what kind of dictator? Communist? Fascist?

The 2012 election results led me into a period of time in which I made a concerted study of collectivist ideologies, radical tactics and dystopian-themed literature. I studied fascism, communism and the tactics used to implement these systems.

Communism is a totalitarian statist system of total material collectivism. Fascism is also a statist system, nominally merely authoritarian rather than totalitarian and is also collectivist. However, a defining element of fascism is that it places a greater emphasis on nationalism and racial superiority.

All fascists are collectivists, but not all collectivists are fascists. Both are statists.

In spring of 2003, Dr. Lawrence Britt, after reviewing the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto and Pinochet — all considered to be fascists — found fourteen characteristics in common. Of the fourteen, I find Obama genuinely guilty of five of these elements and partially guilty of several others. And strangely, the ones he is not guilty of, strictly speaking, he is guilty of doing some pervasion of it.

1) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause. Obama has demonized people for various reasons, real, fabricated or imagined. His opponents are either racists, bigots, homophobes, the 1%, sexists, old, white, bitter-clingers, stupid, hillbillies, uneducated, unenlightened or suffering from one phobia or another. He even stated “we’re going to punish our enemies and reward our friends.”

2) Controlled Mass Media. Yes, Obama has done a masterful job at controlling the media with a carrot and stick. With a stick he has significantly punished whistle-blowers and leakers. According to a Guardian Article in 2015, Obama prosecuted whistle-blowers under the 1917 Espionage Act at a rate more than double all previous presidents combined. He also spied on Journalists like Sharyl Attkisson, who threatened to expose Obama Administration scandals.

On the other hand, while the Media are already liberal hacks who go gaga over Obama, there was also an incestuous relationship between the media and the administration. There’s a revolving door between the two and in many cases close if not familial relationships over-lap the two not so distinct entities.

And when all else fails, the Obama Administration simply manipulates the media, which isn’t hard to do, to those blinded by love. For instance, witness how the Obama Administration sold the Iran Deal using the echo-chamber effect. As reported in the Federalist, Ben Rhodes said it was first necessary to lie to a corrupted and inexperienced American media about all sorts of things, beginning with the nature and intentions of the enemy Iranian regime. Subsequent lies were caked on, as the White House took advantage of a dangerous mix of journalists’ ignorance, their ideological and partisan commitment to the administration, and, finally, their career aspirations.

Similarly, Obamacare architect, Jonathan Gruber, admitted to deceiving Americans and the media into buying into Obamacare.

Clearly, Obama has effective control over the Media.

3) Corporate Power is Protected. Indeed, despite all the altruistic lip service used by the left, their policies are actually commonly advantageous to Corporate America, at least in the short-run. For example, the administration and Corporate America colluded to take over the Health Insurance Market.

The Administration got Corporate America’s buy-in in exchange for a captive consumer base and the promise of a tax-payer funded bail-out provision until 2017, after which it could fail. That of course was the plan all along. Harry Reid admitted as much. And that’s only one example. Obama has enticed Corporate America to support his agenda by appealing to their own greed.

Which brings me to the fifth fascistic tendency of Obama…

4) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Yes, through the expansion of government, a massive increase in regulation, the power disparity of Corporations vs. Average Citizen becomes disproportionately large.

Powerful corporate lobbies wield power and influence the average citizen could never hope to have. They essentially buy candidates and favorable laws and regulation. It’s a mutual benefit society where money and power flow between the two camps, whereas the average American is little more than a tiny voter and consumer to be manipulated.

This system is more of a crony-capitalist system rather than a socialist one. It’s in large part how fascist regimes control “private” industry. Crony-capitalism has grown under the Obama administration. TRANSLATION: This is fascistic. America has become more corrupt and less free. The middle class is destroyed and the individual matters less as a result.

5) Fraudulent Elections. Oh yes, from the push to abolish Voter ID laws and allow Illegal Aliens in and to vote to voter intimidation to IRS targeting of Conservative Groups in 2012 to this whole attempted sabotage of Donald Trump’s election in 2016 called Obama-gate, which is currently unfolding and promises to be the biggest abuse of Federal power since the suspected government involvement in the Kennedy Assassination.

This is just the tip of the ice-berg concerning troubling, totalitarian, authoritarian and yes, fascist tendencies by Obama and his Administration. Yet, while conservatives and constitutional liberals were calling these things out, they were being met with accusations of racism, sexism, greed, homophobia, etc.

Our claims were dismissed or minimized. The expansive use of executive powers, deteriorating the co-equal branches of government, the massive use of propaganda to deceive the public, The malignment of large swaths of America while romanticizing foreigners, the politization of government departments and agencies, the debasement of our borders, citizenship, independent press, economy and legal system — the left didn’t care!! Or rather, each issue raised was interpreted as more bigotry.

So imagine our surprise when 70 year old Billionaire, Donald Trump, long-time donor to many Democrats, father and father-in-law to Jews, husband of an Immigrant from Slovenia, tabloid and celebrity personality, all of the sudden ushered in a new climate of white supremacy fascism, according to what I can only deem to be the nut job left.

Books warning of this new danger were popping up everywhere. All of the sudden, the country went from making all this historical progress to enduring a mad decent into tyranny. “Why this far into the twentieth century, are we talking about fascism,” Madeleine Albright asks in her ridiculous book, ‘Fascism: A Warning.’ “One reason frankly,” she continues, “is Donald Trump.”

I will try and be somewhat gracious to the ridiculous liberals and try to understand their collective psychosis. If I were to put my most positive spin on their insanity, I would begin by saying they conflate Trump’s “America First” Goal with Adolf Hitler’s love of all things Germany. Sorry, but that’s pretty weak thinking coming from the supposedly intellectual elites of our nation. Trump wasn’t the first person to say “Make America Great Again,” you know. Ronald Reagan said it. So did serial sexual predator, Bill Clinton. Speaking of sexists…

Next, let’s assume that, when Trump says Americans — Americans of all races and creeds — should take priority over foreigners, the dumb liberals equate this with…NAZIs targeting of Jews? A sort of Nuremburg Laws type of thing? Even though many liberals are actually Anti-Semites and leading critics of Israel, the formal state established after the Holocaust.

So these geniuses think non-citizens are Trump’s Fascist scapegoats and objects of racism? Even though large immigration puts the nation further into debt, they compete for jobs with Americans of all races, the nation becomes further balkanize — as those with common language and culture will tend to segregate themselves — , our collective history is erased and additionally, the rule of law is debased. It’s pretty sad that wanting lawful and orderly immigration now makes you a racist.

Also, according to these liberals, wanting to vet Muslims coming from war-torn failed states also makes him a racist and fascist. It’s just a fact that a lot of people coming from these places pose a national security threat. Remove your heads from your asses. However, since a lot of these people tend to have darker skins, again, it must be racially motivated.

Then there is the sexism that characterizes fascist regimes. Trump is supposedly the poster-boy of sexism. The truth is, Trump might actually be slightly sexist, in the sense that he sees women largely as sex objects and believes in a more definite binary system of gender roles. Maybe he has committed infidelities as well. But this is hardly emblematic of a systemic fascist program of sexism. Again, that’s really weak. I can’t believe I even have to write this crap.

And then there’s the emphasis on a strong Military. I guess this is like Hitler’s preparations for World War II. Give me a break. This is merely peace through strength, ala Ronald Reagan. There’s absolutely no indication of territorial designs or claims by Donald Trump. He wants a strong military to deter potential aggressors and to encourage World stability.

Then there’s the allegation of fraudulent elections. Now, that’s true, but Hillary and Obama are guilty of that, not Trump. Obama’s lap dog media has been churning this false narrative on over-drive for over a year now and aren’t even the least bit curious about the evidence against Hillary and Obama that’s right in front of their faces.

So narrative fail, fail, fail!!!!

Trump has a big ego. He’s comfortable with power and maybe can be tactless and a bit of a bully at times. But he loves the America he grew up in. He’s not a psychotic, racist and failed art student like Hitler was.

The left is suffering from a mass delusion of their own making. The political and media propagandists steady diet of racism charges and so forth have actually convinced many of them it’s true. On liberals’ most trusted news sources, the charges against the right have been made for almost 10 years. A whole generation has grown up on this steady diet. Now when Trump makes a careless statement, the left reflexively conflates it with the worst possible interpretation.

The useful idiots on the left have been given a convenient excuse for every disappointment in their lives. Have a problem? Blame it on the rich guy! The white racist! The homophobe, etc..

On the liberals’ most trusted “news” sources, the charges against the right have been made for almost 10 years. A whole generation has grown up on this steady diet. They have confused the right’s anger over these false accusations, along with all the left’s lies and abuses of power, as anger over the progress they want to make.

This is another reason I find Barack Obama to be so reprehensible. As Hillary Clinton might say, laughingly, Obama came, he sowed poison into our system, America died!!!

And yet, these leftists, supposedly so scared of fascism, have ironically done the most to enable and encourage its growth. Through their divisive policies and rhetoric, through their avocation of Obama’s unlawful executive orders, their permitting of the debt and using the law to go after political enemies, through their silencing of legitimate debate and calling every criticism an example of bigotry and more, the system has becoming very corrupt and unstable. Largely thanks to the left’s behavior, they not only have outraged their own side, but they’ve the other side as well.

The politicians and media have done unforgivable damage to this country. If the somewhat rational left could finally recognize the poison they’re being fed, there would be hope…

The left created the need for Donald Trump. He is indeed a symptom of a serious sickness in America. However, it was an illness brought on by leftism. Now the left has left this broken system behind in its wake. If they do not stop playing games and return to common sense and reason soon, we could have real fascism in America. And misattributing it to false causes in a thousand books won’t help things one bit.

The right considers Trump a savior all right, but not for the reasons the left imagines. Remember all those things I talked about? A middle class? Rule of law? A common culture? The Constitution? Limited government?

Trump is not perfect, but the right sees him as our last best hope to save these things. It has nothing to do with fascism!!!

The left leaves us with two scenarios out of their mess, assuming war or economics don’t force our hands. One, they finally take responsibility for what they done and sue for peace. Leftists would have to stop allowing themselves to be manipulated. Or two, we just defeat them outright. As the left is too wrapped up in fantasy, mania and hate, I don’t see the former scanario as a possible scenario.

So we have to Vote in 2018!! Defeat the lunatics in 2018!