How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work in 2024?

Rishabh Duggal
4 min readDec 27, 2023

In the dynamic realm of professional networking, staying abreast of platform algorithms is crucial for optimising visibility and engagement. LinkedIn, being a cornerstone for career development, has evolved its algorithm over the years. As we step into 2024, understanding the nuances of the LinkedIn algorithm becomes paramount for users aiming to enhance their presence on the platform.

→ User Engagement: The Foundation of LinkedIn’s Algorithm

At its core, the LinkedIn algorithm revolves around user engagement. The platform assesses how users interact with content, prioritising posts that generate more likes, comments, and shares. This emphasis on engagement underscores LinkedIn’s commitment to showcasing valuable and relevant content to its diverse user base.

→ Content Relevance: Tailoring the Feed to Individual Preferences

LinkedIn in 2024 places a premium on content relevance. The algorithm analyses user behaviour, learning from what professionals engage with the most. By tailoring the feed to individual preferences, LinkedIn aims to keep users engaged by delivering content that aligns with their interests, industry, and connections.

→ The Rise of Video Content: A Dominant Force in the Algorithm

Video content continues to dominate LinkedIn’s algorithm. In 2024, the platform places heightened emphasis on video posts, as they tend to capture attention more effectively. Users are encouraged to create and share engaging video content, as the algorithm rewards such posts with increased visibility in the feed.

→ Personalisation at Scale: LinkedIn’s Pursuit of Individualised Experiences

Personalisation takes centre stage in the 2024 version of the LinkedIn algorithm. The platform endeavours to offer users a more personalised experience by factoring in various elements such as location, industry, and job function. This fine-tuned personalisation ensures that professionals encounter content that resonates with their specific needs and aspirations.

→ Hashtags and Keywords: Navigating the Algorithm with Precision

Strategic use of hashtags and keywords remains a key strategy for navigating the LinkedIn algorithm. In 2024, the platform places importance on these elements to categorise and surface content. Users are encouraged to incorporate relevant hashtags and keywords in their posts to enhance discoverability and reach a broader audience.

→ Long-Form Content: A Resurgence in the Algorithm

While brevity is often valued in the digital age, long-form content is making a resurgence in the LinkedIn algorithm. In 2024, the platform recognises the value of in-depth insights and thoughtful commentary. Users are encouraged to share well-crafted articles and posts that provide substantial value to their professional network.

→ Consistency Matters: The Algorithm Favours Regular Contributors

Consistency remains a golden rule for success on LinkedIn. The algorithm rewards users who consistently contribute valuable content to the platform. Regular posting and engagement signal to the algorithm that a user is an active and committed member of the LinkedIn community, resulting in increased visibility.

→ Building Meaningful Connections: A Pillar of Algorithm Success

LinkedIn’s algorithm places significance on genuine connections. In 2024, building meaningful relationships on the platform is not just a social strategy but a key factor in algorithmic visibility. Connecting with professionals in your industry and engaging with their content contributes to a more robust and impactful presence on the platform.

→ The Importance of Profile Completeness: An Algorithmic Boost

LinkedIn’s algorithm favours completeness. A fully optimised profile with a professional photo, detailed work experience, and skills is more likely to receive algorithmic favour. Users are encouraged to regularly update their profiles, adding new skills and experiences, to enhance their visibility in searches and the content feed.

→ Inclusive Networking: Algorithmic Recognition of Diverse Voices

LinkedIn, in its algorithmic evolution, recognises the importance of diversity and inclusion. In 2024, the platform actively promotes content from diverse voices and backgrounds. Users contributing to conversations around inclusivity and equity are likely to see increased visibility as LinkedIn strives to amplify a broad range of professional perspectives.

→ Algorithmic Transparency: LinkedIn’s Commitment to Clarity

LinkedIn acknowledges the importance of transparency in its algorithm. In 2024, the platform continues its commitment to providing users with insights into how the algorithm functions. This transparency empowers professionals to make informed decisions about their content strategy, fostering a more collaborative and informed LinkedIn community.

→ Navigating Changes: Adapting to Algorithmic Updates

As with any digital platform, algorithms are subject to updates. LinkedIn’s algorithm in 2024 is no exception. Users are encouraged to stay informed about any changes and adapt their strategies accordingly. Remaining agile and receptive to algorithmic updates ensures continued success in navigating the evolving landscape of professional networking.

Conclusion: Maximising Your Presence in the LinkedIn Algorithm

In conclusion, understanding how the LinkedIn algorithm works in 2024 is pivotal for professionals seeking to maximise their presence on the platform. User engagement, content relevance, and a personalised approach are key focal points. By strategically leveraging video content, hashtags, and keywords, while also embracing long-form contributions, users can navigate the algorithm with precision. Consistency, meaningful connections, and profile completeness further contribute to algorithmic success. As LinkedIn continues to evolve, staying attuned to algorithmic updates and maintaining a proactive approach will undoubtedly enhance one’s professional journey on this influential networking platform.



Rishabh Duggal

Passionate storyteller and content creator into engaging narratives. As an avid explorer of diverse topics, I bring a unique perspective to every piece I craft.