UX: Research and the Creative Process, Part I

Du Hoang
1 min readNov 30, 2013


UX is a burgeoning field. If current design job listings are any indication, you are likely to find UX precedes and emphasized above the other design disciplines (UI, graphic, etc.) Yet the same listings a few years ago would not have contain any mention of UX, but simply “web design” as an all-encompassing description.

As web design matures as a craft, there’s a greater understanding and segregation of its various parts. And UX became more valued because of the focus on users, research and data. UX promises to bring a controlled and duplicable process to creativity and innovation. Whereas visual design still remain largely channeled through individuals, and out of the grasp of organizations. So the emphases on UX then is an attempt of organizations at controlling the creative process.

Anecdotal stories of Google A/B testings various color buttons have become legends in UX design, and a proclamation that the UX process is mathematically greater than individual designers. By gathering massive amounts of data and research, have organizations solved for creativity and innovation?

