From Kitchen to Gym: How to Build a Balanced Meal Plan for Optimal Fitness

Dujam Jakasa
4 min readJust now


Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Why Your Kitchen is Key to Gym Success

Does it ever feel like you’re putting the hours in at the gym but aren’t seeing the results you want? Let’s face it, it’s the question on everybody’s lips. How many times have you plopped down on the couch after a workout, wondering what, in the name of better nutrition, you’re doing wrong? The truth is a healthy meal plan leads to better performance. Here some ways you can turn your kitchen habits on their head to make your next visit to the gym a success.

The Common Misconceptions About Fitness Nutrition

I can hear you saying ‘Oh, but we are already eating healthy, what do we need with a meal plan?’ And this is a very good question. People assume that just eating generally healthy foods will cover all bases. But if you don’t have a good plan in place, you might be contributing more to your deficiencies or consuming more empty calories than you think.

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The Moment It All Clicked for Me

My story likely sounds familiar. I work out hard — lifting weights, running, doing all the trends that come and go — yet, somehow, I’m not seeing the muscle gains or fat loss I should be. A friend suggests I need to pay more attention to what I’m eating. I cringe with some shoulder shrugs at this suggestion; after all, I’m eating just fine, why else would I be working out this hard? Nevertheless, when I try meal planning, I’m astounded the next time I lift; I feel better, recover quicker, and am more likely to get the results I’m trying to achieve.

How to Build a Balanced Meal Plan

The notion that healthy eating requires too much work is simply incorrect. Follow these steps to create a simple, healthy meal plan. 1: Pick a variety of vegetables and fruits such as carrots and bananas. 2: For protein, select foods such as steak or chicken. 3: Choose appropriate amounts of each food. For example, have three carrots and a banana.

Step 1: Assess Your Goals and Needs

First, determine your health and/or fitness goals: are you trying to maintain a certain weight, build more muscle, become leaner, or increase your endurance?

Step 2: Understand Macronutrients

Macronutrients (or macros) are the foundational nutrients of your eating plan: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Each plays a vital role in your fitness. Protein helps build and repair muscle, carbs provide fuel, and fats support cellular function and hormone output.

Step 3: Plan Your Meals

Divide your daily caloric intake amongst the three macronutrients. For example, a common ratio for bodybuilding and muscle gain would be 40 per cent carbs, 30 per cent protein and 30 per cent fats. Use this ratio in planning your meals for each day. Each mean should also consist of this ratio.

Step 4: Choose Whole Foods

Include lean proteins (such as meats or fish), mix in vegetables, fruits, and grains, while also including nuts or seeds. Include as many unprocessed foods as possible to ensure the nutrients that you need for performing and recovering are present.

Step 5: Stay Hydrated

We know that this is one of the most frequently overlooked aspects of fitness, yet it is essential. Eight glasses of water a day is the recommendation, even more for those who train intensely.

What If I Don’t Have Time to Meal Plan?

Other people are concerned that meal planning is simply too time-consuming. And it’s true, it doesn’t have to be. Keep it simple and at first, plan to cook modest single-meals that can easily be repeated. Think of grilled chicken and asparagus, or even a tray of quinoa salads that you make weekly and then reheat as necessary. Spend an hour or two on Sundays cooking meals for the week, and you’ll be able to keep up on busy days because the overwhelming burden of how to eat well is already set. Paraphrased: Simple and easy additions that can help make our diets healthier. Click HERE!! Click HERE to discover our picks for kitchen equipment that can make your cooking healthier.

The Next Step in Your Fitness Nutrition Journey

We’ve provided a simple outline, but so much more is possible — from your pre- and post-workout meals, to adapting your plan as your fitness levels change to the use of supplements. Stay tuned for more tricks of the trade.

Your Kitchen is Your Fitness Foundation

You need a balanced meal plan, one that sets your body up for success, both in the gym and in your overall life, because what you put in is what you get out. Start today — and see what cleans up your kitchen has to do with your fitness routine.



Dujam Jakasa

I’m an avid writer who understands that anything is possible when you eat, live and exercise right. I want to share knowledge that I have gathered in my life.